Report Format Please Note: If, for any reason, you elect not to use the following format for your issue, it will be closed without notice. Feature Request Format What feature are you suggesting be added? Expected use-case for said feature? Why should this feature be added to TNE? Bug Report Format What is the issue/bug you're experiencing? How can the issue be reproduced?(i.e. the steps to make the issue occur again) TNE version?(exact version number), and whether or not you've made modification to it. TNE build?(/tne build), and whether or not you've made modification to it. Modules Loaded?(exact version number), and whether or not you've made modification to it. Spigot/Bukkit version? Is your server run in online mode? The exact command you ran w/ arguments? config.yml?(use, and remove your SQL details) Your latest server log file?(use If this is to do with messages/world/player configurations, please include the YAML file for such.(use