- Default entry position is at the start of the trebel cleft.
- Select a different area for data entry
- The reset button allows a new section of the score to be selected
- The skip button moves the entry cursor.
- The Exit button closes the plug-in
- The Chord Type combo box allows selection of Rest, Note or Various chod type such as major, minor, etc.
- The Pitch combo box selects the pitch of the note via Letter A..G
- The Octave cokmbo box selects the octave
- Note time selects various note durations
- Chord inversions -7 to +7 rearranges the notes in a chord
- The Enter button puts the selected note, chord or rest into the score
The plug-in doesn't have to be closed to do the usual MuseScore tasks. Use the reset button and create a new selection of the score to resume editing with the plug-in