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Auth0 SSO Login

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The Auth0 SSO Login provides an easy to use library for single-sign on web pages that are leveraging Auth0.

Using this library

Setup the Auth0 Client configuration.

Select the following options:

  • Main settings:
    • Client Type: Single Page Application
    • Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:PORT,https://*.root.domain
    • Allowed Web Origins: http://localhost:PORT,https://example.root.domain,https://tst-example.root.domain
    • Allowed Logout URLS: http://localhost:PORT/#/logout,https://*.root.domain/#/logout
    • Allowed Origins (CORS): http://localhost:PORT,https://*.root.domain
  • Advanced Settings:
    • OAuth: RS256 and OIDC: on
    • Grant Types: Implicit, Authorization Code, Password / Password Realm

Install the library.

npm install auth0-sso-login

Use the library.

// import library
import Auth from 'auth0-sso-login';

// create an instance of Auth
let config = { /* ... */ };
let auth = new Auth(config);
let defaultConfiguration = {
  enabledHostedLogin: true,  // if Auth0's SSO fails, use the hosted login screen
  forceTokenRefresh: false // force refresh even if there is a valid token available
  redirectUri: window.location.href, // specify an override
  explicitConnection: null // specify an explicit connection to use for this instance of calling ensureLoggedIn, will override the global configuration value
// Logs the user in and returns a promise, when succeeded, the user is logged in
// and a valid JWT was provided (via tokenRefreshed hook).
// Schedules automatic background renewal of JWT based on its expiry time.
// (it will be refresh in the 2/3 of the current token lifetime)
try {
  let result = await auth.ensureLoggedIn(defaultConfiguration)
  console.log('user is logged in, if a previous redirect was saved direct the user to the redirect location');
  // The redirect saved in the configuration passed in will not be correct, as it was generated in "this" session instead of the session which created the correct redirect.
  if (result.redirectUri) {
} catch (error) {
    console.error('an unexpected error occurred while logging in');
    // perform application specific steps to handle this situation
    // this should happen only rarely, since the user will either
    // be logged in automatically through Auth0's SSO feature, or
    // the Universal Hosted Login page, and only succeed after the
    // user successfully logged in.  In the case of the redirect,
    // the redirectUri will be loaded

After the login process, the token is retrieved via tokenRefreshed hook, described in the configuration options bellow. The library also exposes its latest idToken result, which may or may not be set (depends on the success/failure of login process). This method can be used as a token provider for HTTP clients.

let idToken = auth.getIdToken();

The profile is exposed as well, as a promise.

let profilePromise = auth.getProfile();

Several configuration options and hooks are provided to interact with the library.

let config = {
  // the auth0 client ID to be used - see
  clientId: 'specify the auth0 client ID',

  // the auth0 domain to login - see
  domain: 'specify the auth0 domain, usually something like <youraccount>',

  // the auth0 audience - see
  audience: 'specify the auth0 audience, as agreed for the set of applications with the same audience',

  // the logout URL, which should be accessible by a non-authenticated user, default is `window.location.href`
  logoutRedirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/#/logout`,

  // the application root, by default the redirect from universal lock will redirect here before replacing history with the specified redirect.
  applicationRoot: '/',

  // specify an explicit connection to use, which allows bypassing the lock widget
  explicitConnection: null,

  // hooks to get callback calls into the login/logout workflow
  hooks: {
    // before the redirect to the redirectUri happens (with fallback to logoutRedirectUri and then to window.location.href)
    // if the user information is stored in a backend store, it's best to clean that before the redirect happens
    logout(redirectUri) {
      // implement what should happen at logout
      // a typical use case is to remove the auth token from your storage (memory, cookie, local store), or perform other cleanup tasks
    // the profile was retrieved, this is an option to store the profile, or update the user interface
    profileRefreshed(profile) {
      // once the profile is refreshed, which includes the auth0 sub and other meta data
      // a typical use case is to show the username on screen
      // or use getProfile()
    // the auth token was retrieved, this is an option to store the token for later use
    tokenRefreshed() {
      // once a new token was retrieved from auth0, this happens right before expiry.  When using getIdToken(), it may be an unnecessary hook.
    // called before logout or when there's a problem with the current user, for example an invalid token
    // this gives implementors the option to remove the current user's details from the store if saved
    removeLogin() {
      // typical use case it to provide the same method as for logout
    // allows to override log messages; defaults to log to the console
    log(messageObject) {
      // some debug message objects from the library; can be overridden to not log to the console

Auth0 Login Flow

Sequence Diagram


We value your input as part of direct feedback to us, by filing issues, or preferably by directly contributing improvements:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a branch
  3. Contribute
  4. Pull request


Auth0 single-sign integration for browsers







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