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Chris Marsh edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 12 revisions


The Canadian Hydrological Model (CHM) uses a novel, modular, mesh-based approach for developing and testing process representations in hydrological modelling. It can move between spatial scales, temporal scales, and spatial extents. Its key features include the abilities to i) capture spatial heterogeneity in surface discretizations in an efficient manner, ii) include multiple process representations; iii) change, remove, and decouple hydrological process algorithms, iv) work both with spatially localized (point) and non-localized (distributed) models, v) span multiple spatial extents and scales, and vi) utilize a variety of forcing fields for boundary and initial conditions. You can visit the project Github page. Contact its core developer Chris Marsh for further details/inquiries.


Thanks to:

Nic Wayand for helping with many feature requests, testing, and implementation of CHM for

Wenxian Guo for compiling the main tutorial page, clarifications and additions to documentation, scaling tests, and test the build system.


For the general installation procedure, refer to the build page.

How it works

  • Configuration parser 
  • Terrain representation (raster data) 
  • Parameterization (triangulation of raster data)
  • Input filter 
  • Modular process 
  • Output/Data visualization

Configuration parser

Every aspect of the model structure including initial conditions, modules (and their parameters), forcing data, and output data can be modified through either the command line or through a JSON configuration file. Specifying parameters through the command line allows quick on-the-fly testing without compromising some base configuration files.

A sample JSON configuration file is listed in Appendix.

Command line

Specifying options through the command line can be done with either long- or short-form flags, i.e., --help, --version(-v), --config-file(-f), --config(-c), --remove(-r), --remove-module(-d), --add-module(-m).

“--config(-c)” overrides configurations in configuration files; however, this parameter does not support list values, for example:

-c config.Harder_precip_phase.const.b:1.5 -c config.debug.debug_level:"error"

“--remove(-r)” removes configurations, and it overrides configurations specified by “--config”:

-c nproc:2 -r nproc

“--remove-module(-d)” removes a module, and it overrides configurations specified by “--config”:

-d Marsh_shading_iswr

“--add-module(-m)” adds a module to the list:

-m snobal -m Marsh_shading_iswr

Configuration files

Configuration for CHM is via a structured JSON file. The config file is structured into “key:value” pairs separated by commas. Key names are enclosed in quotes (“ ”), for example:


Important notes:

  1. Some configuration options are not compatible with others;

  2. Do not prefix a number with zero (0). This is the octal prefix and it will cause the JSON parser to choke on lines that otherwise look fine;

  3. Currently, mesher produces meshes that projected in Albers Conic equal area. Support for geographic exists in CHM, but there is an issue with computing surface normals;

  4. Regardless of input coordinate system all input points are specified in latitude and longitude in WSG84.

Configurations include:

  1. option specifies additional options in the simulation;

  2. modules specifies module components to load. Modules order as defined in this list has no bearing on the order they are run. Note modules are in a list ([]). Modules may be commented out to remove them from execution. Module names are case sensitive. The point_mode module is required to enable point mode, in addition to being enabled in option.point_mode;

  3. remove_depency is to resolve circular dependencies among modules;

  4. config specifies module configurations;

  5. parameter_mapping specifies meta-data for on-mesh parameters;

  6. output specifies various output formats;

  7. global specifies a set of globally applicable parameters.

Mesh and mesher

General information on mesh representation refers to Mesh, Mesh generation, and an external tool for generating the meshes: Mesher.

The mesh structure (.mesh file) is formed as follows:

  1. The triangle vertices are stored under the “vertex” key, e.g.,

         "vertex": [
  2. Then a triangle is defined by indexing into that list of vertexes:

                "elem": [

    So, the three edges of a triangle is from vertex 8033 $\rightarrow$ vertex 8160; vertex 8160 $\rightarrow$ vertex 8043; vertex 8043 $\rightarrow$ vertex 8033.

  3. Then “neigh” holds the neighbour topology:

                "neigh": [

    So triangle 0 has triangles 17687, 16277, and 15812 as neighbours.
    If a triangle is an edge triangle, it’ll be missing a neighbour, denoted by -1:



Filters are a mechanism whereby the input forcing data can be modified in some way prior to the model run. For example, this could be use to apply a gauge undercatch to precipitation. Filters modify the data of a station in situ.

Note! Filters run in the order defined in the configuration file.

Input Timeseries

Time series data are input in a tab delimited format. Refer to Timeseries for accepted format.

Modules and parallelization

Modules are the short-hand for a process representation. A principal design goal of a module is that it may depend upon either some set of variables produced by other modules or on input forcing data. Modules define a set of variables which it provides globally to other modules. A module may not overwrite a variable that another module declares. It should also not overwrite the variables of another module. Implementation details on modules can be found here.

  1. All modules have pre-/post-conditions;

    Pre condition

    • input forcing data or post-conditions from other modules;

    Post condition

    • see pre condition;


    • provide global variables to other modules, but these variables do not change in other modules.
  2. There are two types of modules:

    Forcing data interpolant

    • depends upon point-scale input forcing data variables and interpolate these data onto every domain element;

    Standard process module

    • depends only upon the output of interpolation modules or other modules’ output.
  3. Parallelizations are offered in two ways, each module belongs to one of them:

    Data parallel

    • point-scale models that are applied to every triangle;

    Domain parallel

    • requires knowledge of surrounding mesh points.

    Parallelization process group modules with same parallel type (data/domain) together and execute them simultaneously.

The class hierarchy of module looks like Figure [module_hier]:

Output Handling and Data visualization

Visualization is via Paraview if mesh output is enabled in the configuration file. If PV_FILTER is enabled in CMakeLists.txt, a Paraview plugin to show the date and time is built.

To convert the Paraview output (vtu files) to arbitrary GIS format, refer to this page.

Known Issues

  1. CHM uses tcmalloc for memory allocation. There is a known deadlock issue for tcmalloc used with gperftools (or any similar profiler, like Intel VTune). To resolve this, build CHM without tcmalloc: -DUSE_TCMALLOC=OFF



Converting this document to PDF

To convert this document to PDF, follow the instructions below:

  1. Install texlive, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-fonts-extra

  2. Install pandoc (version > 2)

  3. Copy eisvogel.latex to ~/.pandoc/templates

  4. Execute pandoc -o CHM-tutorial.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings -V options. Options can be found here and here. For example:

    pandoc -o CHM-tutorial.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings -V toc -V titlepage=true -V toc-own-page -V book -V title="CHM Tutorial"

A “Hello World” example

Source code (JSON file) of the example is listed as follows:

      // For point model to work, there must be an input and output station of the appropriate names. All other points will be ignored.
      // "point_mode":
      // {
      //   "output":"UpperClearing",
      //   "forcing":"UpperClearing"
      // },
      //      "notification_script":"./",
      "enddate": "20081001T150000"
      //      "enddate":"20081001T000000"
      "modules": //imporant these are [ ]
      // "point_mode",
      "Marsh_shading_iswr" // this is a domain parallel module
      //"fast_shadow" // this is a data parallel module
      // "scale_wind_vert",
      // "Harder_precip_phase",
      // "Sicart_ilwr",
      // "Walcek_cloud",
      //    "snobal",
      //    "snowpack",
      // "Richard_albedo"
      // In case of a cycle depencency, remove dependencies between two modules.
      // If module A depends on B (A->B), then to remove the depency specify it as
      // "A":"B"
      // will remove the dependency on B from A.
      "longitude": -115.175362,
      "latitude":  50.956547,
      "elevation": 1844.6
      // "filter": {
      //    "scale_wind_speed": {
      //      "Z_F": 2,
      //      "variable": "u"
      //    }
      //  }

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