diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/Makefile
index 1316911d2..af27ff076 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/Makefile
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/Makefile
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ vet:
go vet
- go test -coverprofile=c.out && go tool cover -html=c.out && rm c.out
\ No newline at end of file
+ go test -coverprofile=c.out && go tool cover -html=c.out && rm c.out
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README.md b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README.md
index f4ff27cd3..ae4dfc3a5 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-INI [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini) [![Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/go-ini/ini/-/badge.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/go-ini/ini?badge)
+INI [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini) [![Sourcegraph](https://img.shields.io/badge/view%20on-Sourcegraph-brightgreen.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/go-ini/ini)
Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.
+## Features
-## Feature
-- Load multiple data sources(`[]byte`, file and `io.ReadCloser`) with overwrites.
+- Load from multiple data sources(`[]byte`, file and `io.ReadCloser`) with overwrites.
- Read with recursion values.
- Read with parent-child sections.
- Read with auto-increment key names.
@@ -22,741 +20,26 @@ Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.
## Installation
-To use a tagged revision:
- go get gopkg.in/ini.v1
-To use with latest changes:
- go get github.com/go-ini/ini
-Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
-### Testing
-If you want to test on your machine, please apply `-t` flag:
- go get -t gopkg.in/ini.v1
-Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
-## Getting Started
-### Loading from data sources
-A **Data Source** is either raw data in type `[]byte`, a file name with type `string` or `io.ReadCloser`. You can load **as many data sources as you want**. Passing other types will simply return an error.
-cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename", ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("some other data"))))
-Or start with an empty object:
-cfg := ini.Empty()
-When you cannot decide how many data sources to load at the beginning, you will still be able to **Append()** them later.
-err := cfg.Append("other file", []byte("other raw data"))
-If you have a list of files with possibilities that some of them may not available at the time, and you don't know exactly which ones, you can use `LooseLoad` to ignore nonexistent files without returning error.
-cfg, err := ini.LooseLoad("filename", "filename_404")
-The cool thing is, whenever the file is available to load while you're calling `Reload` method, it will be counted as usual.
-#### Ignore cases of key name
-When you do not care about cases of section and key names, you can use `InsensitiveLoad` to force all names to be lowercased while parsing.
-cfg, err := ini.InsensitiveLoad("filename")
-// sec1 and sec2 are the exactly same section object
-sec1, err := cfg.GetSection("Section")
-sec2, err := cfg.GetSection("SecTIOn")
-// key1 and key2 are the exactly same key object
-key1, err := sec1.GetKey("Key")
-key2, err := sec2.GetKey("KeY")
-#### MySQL-like boolean key
-MySQL's configuration allows a key without value as follows:
-By default, this is considered as missing value. But if you know you're going to deal with those cases, you can assign advanced load options:
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{AllowBooleanKeys: true}, "my.cnf"))
-The value of those keys are always `true`, and when you save to a file, it will keep in the same foramt as you read.
-To generate such keys in your program, you could use `NewBooleanKey`:
-key, err := sec.NewBooleanKey("skip-host-cache")
-#### Comment
-Take care that following format will be treated as comment:
-1. Line begins with `#` or `;`
-2. Words after `#` or `;`
-3. Words after section name (i.e words after `[some section name]`)
-If you want to save a value with `#` or `;`, please quote them with ``` ` ``` or ``` """ ```.
-Alternatively, you can use following `LoadOptions` to completely ignore inline comments:
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{IgnoreInlineComment: true}, "app.ini"))
-### Working with sections
-To get a section, you would need to:
-section, err := cfg.GetSection("section name")
-For a shortcut for default section, just give an empty string as name:
-section, err := cfg.GetSection("")
-When you're pretty sure the section exists, following code could make your life easier:
-section := cfg.Section("section name")
-What happens when the section somehow does not exist? Don't panic, it automatically creates and returns a new section to you.
-To create a new section:
-err := cfg.NewSection("new section")
-To get a list of sections or section names:
-sections := cfg.Sections()
-names := cfg.SectionStrings()
-### Working with keys
-To get a key under a section:
-key, err := cfg.Section("").GetKey("key name")
-Same rule applies to key operations:
-key := cfg.Section("").Key("key name")
-To check if a key exists:
-yes := cfg.Section("").HasKey("key name")
-To create a new key:
-err := cfg.Section("").NewKey("name", "value")
-To get a list of keys or key names:
-keys := cfg.Section("").Keys()
-names := cfg.Section("").KeyStrings()
-To get a clone hash of keys and corresponding values:
-hash := cfg.Section("").KeysHash()
-### Working with values
-To get a string value:
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").String()
-To validate key value on the fly:
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Validate(func(in string) string {
- if len(in) == 0 {
- return "default"
- }
- return in
-If you do not want any auto-transformation (such as recursive read) for the values, you can get raw value directly (this way you get much better performance):
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Value()
-To check if raw value exists:
-yes := cfg.Section("").HasValue("test value")
-To get value with types:
-// For boolean values:
-// true when value is: 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On
-// false when value is: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").Bool()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").Float64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").Int()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").Int64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").Uint()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").Uint64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").TimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").Time() // RFC3339
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime() // RFC3339
-// Methods start with Must also accept one argument for default value
-// when key not found or fail to parse value to given type.
-// Except method MustString, which you have to pass a default value.
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("String").MustString("default")
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool(true)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64(1.25)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt(10)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64(99)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint(3)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64(6)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now())
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime(time.Now()) // RFC3339
-What if my value is three-line long?
-ADDRESS = """404 road,
-NotFound, State, 5000
-Not a problem!
-/* --- start ---
-404 road,
-NotFound, State, 5000
------- end --- */
-That's cool, how about continuation lines?
-two_lines = how about \
- continuation lines?
-lots_of_lines = 1 \
- 2 \
- 3 \
- 4
-Piece of cake!
-cfg.Section("advance").Key("two_lines").String() // how about continuation lines?
-cfg.Section("advance").Key("lots_of_lines").String() // 1 2 3 4
-Well, I hate continuation lines, how do I disable that?
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
- IgnoreContinuation: true,
-}, "filename")
-Holy crap!
-Note that single quotes around values will be stripped:
-foo = "some value" // foo: some value
-bar = 'some value' // bar: some value
-Sometimes you downloaded file from [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/) has values like the following (value is surrounded by double quotes and quotes in the value are escaped):
-create_repo="created repository %s"
-How do you transform this to regular format automatically?
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes: true}, "en-US.ini"))
-// You got: created repository %s
-That's all? Hmm, no.
-#### Helper methods of working with values
-To get value with given candidates:
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("STRING").In("default", []string{"str", "arr", "types"})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").InFloat64(1.1, []float64{1.25, 2.5, 3.75})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").InInt(5, []int{10, 20, 30})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").InInt64(10, []int64{10, 20, 30})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").InUint(4, []int{3, 6, 9})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").InUint64(8, []int64{3, 6, 9})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTime(time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3}) // RFC3339
-Default value will be presented if value of key is not in candidates you given, and default value does not need be one of candidates.
-To validate value in a given range:
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").RangeFloat64(0.0, 1.1, 2.2)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").RangeInt(0, 10, 20)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").RangeInt64(0, 10, 20)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").RangeUint(0, 3, 9)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").RangeUint64(0, 3, 9)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), minTime, maxTime)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTime(time.Now(), minTime, maxTime) // RFC3339
-##### Auto-split values into a slice
-To use zero value of type for invalid inputs:
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0]
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("STRINGS").Strings(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").Ints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").Int64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").Uints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").Uint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").Times(",")
-To exclude invalid values out of result slice:
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [2.2]
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").ValidInts(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").ValidInt64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").ValidUint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",")
-Or to return nothing but error when have invalid inputs:
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> error
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").StrictInts(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").StrictInt64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").StrictUint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",")
-### Save your configuration
-Finally, it's time to save your configuration to somewhere.
-A typical way to save configuration is writing it to a file:
-// ...
-err = cfg.SaveTo("my.ini")
-err = cfg.SaveToIndent("my.ini", "\t")
-Another way to save is writing to a `io.Writer` interface:
-// ...
-cfg.WriteToIndent(writer, "\t")
-By default, spaces are used to align "=" sign between key and values, to disable that:
-ini.PrettyFormat = false
-## Advanced Usage
-### Recursive Values
-For all value of keys, there is a special syntax `%()s`, where `` is the key name in same section or default section, and `%()s` will be replaced by corresponding value(empty string if key not found). You can use this syntax at most 99 level of recursions.
-NAME = ini
-NAME = Unknwon
-GITHUB = https://github.com/%(NAME)s
-FULL_NAME = github.com/go-ini/%(NAME)s
-cfg.Section("author").Key("GITHUB").String() // https://github.com/Unknwon
-cfg.Section("package").Key("FULL_NAME").String() // github.com/go-ini/ini
-### Parent-child Sections
-You can use `.` in section name to indicate parent-child relationship between two or more sections. If the key not found in the child section, library will try again on its parent section until there is no parent section.
-NAME = ini
-IMPORT_PATH = gopkg.in/%(NAME)s.%(VERSION)s
-CLONE_URL = https://%(IMPORT_PATH)s
-cfg.Section("package.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String() // https://gopkg.in/ini.v1
-#### Retrieve parent keys available to a child section
-cfg.Section("package.sub").ParentKeys() // ["CLONE_URL"]
-### Unparseable Sections
-Sometimes, you have sections that do not contain key-value pairs but raw content, to handle such case, you can use `LoadOptions.UnparsableSections`:
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{UnparseableSections: []string{"COMMENTS"}}, `[COMMENTS]
-<1> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units `))
-body := cfg.Section("COMMENTS").Body()
-/* --- start ---
-<1> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units
------- end --- */
-### Auto-increment Key Names
-If key name is `-` in data source, then it would be seen as special syntax for auto-increment key name start from 1, and every section is independent on counter.
--: Support read/write comments of keys and sections
--: Support auto-increment of key names
--: Support load multiple files to overwrite key values
-cfg.Section("features").KeyStrings() // []{"#1", "#2", "#3"}
+The minimum requirement of Go is **1.6**.
-### Map To Struct
-Want more objective way to play with INI? Cool.
-Name = Unknwon
-age = 21
-Male = true
-Born = 1993-01-01T20:17:05Z
-Content = Hi is a good man!
-Cities = HangZhou, Boston
-type Note struct {
- Content string
- Cities []string
-type Person struct {
- Name string
- Age int `ini:"age"`
- Male bool
- Born time.Time
- Note
- Created time.Time `ini:"-"`
-func main() {
- cfg, err := ini.Load("path/to/ini")
- // ...
- p := new(Person)
- err = cfg.MapTo(p)
- // ...
- // Things can be simpler.
- err = ini.MapTo(p, "path/to/ini")
- // ...
- // Just map a section? Fine.
- n := new(Note)
- err = cfg.Section("Note").MapTo(n)
- // ...
-Can I have default value for field? Absolutely.
-Assign it before you map to struct. It will keep the value as it is if the key is not presented or got wrong type.
-// ...
-p := &Person{
- Name: "Joe",
-// ...
-It's really cool, but what's the point if you can't give me my file back from struct?
-### Reflect From Struct
-Why not?
-type Embeded struct {
- Dates []time.Time `delim:"|" comment:"Time data"`
- Places []string `ini:"places,omitempty"`
- None []int `ini:",omitempty"`
-type Author struct {
- Name string `ini:"NAME"`
- Male bool
- Age int `comment:"Author's age"`
- GPA float64
- NeverMind string `ini:"-"`
- *Embeded `comment:"Embeded section"`
-func main() {
- a := &Author{"Unknwon", true, 21, 2.8, "",
- &Embeded{
- []time.Time{time.Now(), time.Now()},
- []string{"HangZhou", "Boston"},
- []int{},
- }}
- cfg := ini.Empty()
- err = ini.ReflectFrom(cfg, a)
- // ...
-So, what do I get?
-NAME = Unknwon
-Male = true
-; Author's age
-Age = 21
-GPA = 2.8
-; Embeded section
-; Time data
-Dates = 2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00|2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00
-places = HangZhou,Boston
-#### Name Mapper
-To save your time and make your code cleaner, this library supports [`NameMapper`](https://gowalker.org/gopkg.in/ini.v1#NameMapper) between struct field and actual section and key name.
-There are 2 built-in name mappers:
-- `AllCapsUnderscore`: it converts to format `ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE` then match section or key.
-- `TitleUnderscore`: it converts to format `title_underscore` then match section or key.
-To use them:
-type Info struct {
- PackageName string
-func main() {
- err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("package_name=ini"))
- // ...
- cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("PACKAGE_NAME=ini"))
- // ...
- info := new(Info)
- cfg.NameMapper = ini.AllCapsUnderscore
- err = cfg.MapTo(info)
- // ...
-Same rules of name mapper apply to `ini.ReflectFromWithMapper` function.
-#### Value Mapper
-To expand values (e.g. from environment variables), you can use the `ValueMapper` to transform values:
-type Env struct {
- Foo string `ini:"foo"`
-func main() {
- cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("[env]\nfoo = ${MY_VAR}\n")
- cfg.ValueMapper = os.ExpandEnv
- // ...
- env := &Env{}
- err = cfg.Section("env").MapTo(env)
-This would set the value of `env.Foo` to the value of the environment variable `MY_VAR`.
-#### Other Notes On Map/Reflect
-Any embedded struct is treated as a section by default, and there is no automatic parent-child relations in map/reflect feature:
-type Child struct {
- Age string
-type Parent struct {
- Name string
- Child
-type Config struct {
- City string
- Parent
-Example configuration:
-City = Boston
-Name = Unknwon
+To use a tagged revision:
-Age = 21
+$ go get gopkg.in/ini.v1
-What if, yes, I'm paranoid, I want embedded struct to be in the same section. Well, all roads lead to Rome.
-type Child struct {
- Age string
-type Parent struct {
- Name string
- Child `ini:"Parent"`
+To use with latest changes:
-type Config struct {
- City string
- Parent
+$ go get github.com/go-ini/ini
-Example configuration:
-City = Boston
-Name = Unknwon
-Age = 21
+Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
## Getting Help
+- [Getting Started](https://ini.unknwon.io/docs/intro/getting_started)
- [API Documentation](https://gowalker.org/gopkg.in/ini.v1)
-- [File An Issue](https://github.com/go-ini/ini/issues/new)
-## FAQs
-### What does `BlockMode` field do?
-By default, library lets you read and write values so we need a locker to make sure your data is safe. But in cases that you are very sure about only reading data through the library, you can set `cfg.BlockMode = false` to speed up read operations about **50-70%** faster.
-### Why another INI library?
-Many people are using my another INI library [goconfig](https://github.com/Unknwon/goconfig), so the reason for this one is I would like to make more Go style code. Also when you set `cfg.BlockMode = false`, this one is about **10-30%** faster.
-To make those changes I have to confirm API broken, so it's safer to keep it in another place and start using `gopkg.in` to version my package at this time.(PS: shorter import path)
## License
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README_ZH.md b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README_ZH.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 69aefef12..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/README_ZH.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-本包提供了 Go 语言中读写 INI 文件的功能。
-## 功能特性
-- 支持覆盖加载多个数据源(`[]byte`、文件和 `io.ReadCloser`)
-- 支持递归读取键值
-- 支持读取父子分区
-- 支持读取自增键名
-- 支持读取多行的键值
-- 支持大量辅助方法
-- 支持在读取时直接转换为 Go 语言类型
-- 支持读取和 **写入** 分区和键的注释
-- 轻松操作分区、键值和注释
-- 在保存文件时分区和键值会保持原有的顺序
-## 下载安装
- go get gopkg.in/ini.v1
- go get github.com/go-ini/ini
-如需更新请添加 `-u` 选项。
-### 测试安装
-如果您想要在自己的机器上运行测试,请使用 `-t` 标记:
- go get -t gopkg.in/ini.v1
-如需更新请添加 `-u` 选项。
-## 开始使用
-### 从数据源加载
-一个 **数据源** 可以是 `[]byte` 类型的原始数据,`string` 类型的文件路径或 `io.ReadCloser`。您可以加载 **任意多个** 数据源。如果您传递其它类型的数据源,则会直接返回错误。
-cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename", ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("some other data"))))
-cfg := ini.Empty()
-当您在一开始无法决定需要加载哪些数据源时,仍可以使用 **Append()** 在需要的时候加载它们。
-err := cfg.Append("other file", []byte("other raw data"))
-当您想要加载一系列文件,但是不能够确定其中哪些文件是不存在的,可以通过调用函数 `LooseLoad` 来忽略它们(`Load` 会因为文件不存在而返回错误):
-cfg, err := ini.LooseLoad("filename", "filename_404")
-更牛逼的是,当那些之前不存在的文件在重新调用 `Reload` 方法的时候突然出现了,那么它们会被正常加载。
-#### 忽略键名的大小写
-有时候分区和键的名称大小写混合非常烦人,这个时候就可以通过 `InsensitiveLoad` 将所有分区和键名在读取里强制转换为小写:
-cfg, err := ini.InsensitiveLoad("filename")
-// sec1 和 sec2 指向同一个分区对象
-sec1, err := cfg.GetSection("Section")
-sec2, err := cfg.GetSection("SecTIOn")
-// key1 和 key2 指向同一个键对象
-key1, err := sec1.GetKey("Key")
-key2, err := sec2.GetKey("KeY")
-#### 类似 MySQL 配置中的布尔值键
-MySQL 的配置文件中会出现没有具体值的布尔类型的键:
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{AllowBooleanKeys: true}, "my.cnf"))
-这些键的值永远为 `true`,且在保存到文件时也只会输出键名。
-如果您想要通过程序来生成此类键,则可以使用 `NewBooleanKey`:
-key, err := sec.NewBooleanKey("skip-host-cache")
-#### 关于注释
-1. 所有以 `#` 或 `;` 开头的行
-2. 所有在 `#` 或 `;` 之后的内容
-3. 分区标签后的文字 (即 `[分区名]` 之后的内容)
-如果你希望使用包含 `#` 或 `;` 的值,请使用 ``` ` ``` 或 ``` """ ``` 进行包覆。
-除此之外,您还可以通过 `LoadOptions` 完全忽略行内注释:
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{IgnoreInlineComment: true}, "app.ini"))
-### 操作分区(Section)
-section, err := cfg.GetSection("section name")
-section, err := cfg.GetSection("")
-section := cfg.Section("section name")
-err := cfg.NewSection("new section")
-sections := cfg.Sections()
-names := cfg.SectionStrings()
-### 操作键(Key)
-key, err := cfg.Section("").GetKey("key name")
-key := cfg.Section("").Key("key name")
-yes := cfg.Section("").HasKey("key name")
-err := cfg.Section("").NewKey("name", "value")
-keys := cfg.Section("").Keys()
-names := cfg.Section("").KeyStrings()
-hash := cfg.Section("").KeysHash()
-### 操作键值(Value)
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").String()
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Validate(func(in string) string {
- if len(in) == 0 {
- return "default"
- }
- return in
-val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Value()
-yes := cfg.Section("").HasValue("test value")
-// 布尔值的规则:
-// true 当值为:1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On
-// false 当值为:0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").Bool()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").Float64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").Int()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").Int64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").Uint()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").Uint64()
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").TimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
-v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").Time() // RFC3339
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64()
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime() // RFC3339
-// 由 Must 开头的方法名允许接收一个相同类型的参数来作为默认值,
-// 当键不存在或者转换失败时,则会直接返回该默认值。
-// 但是,MustString 方法必须传递一个默认值。
-v = cfg.Seciont("").Key("String").MustString("default")
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool(true)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64(1.25)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt(10)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64(99)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint(3)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64(6)
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now())
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime(time.Now()) // RFC3339
-ADDRESS = """404 road,
-NotFound, State, 5000
-嗯哼?小 case!
-/* --- start ---
-404 road,
-NotFound, State, 5000
------- end --- */
-two_lines = how about \
- continuation lines?
-lots_of_lines = 1 \
- 2 \
- 3 \
- 4
-cfg.Section("advance").Key("two_lines").String() // how about continuation lines?
-cfg.Section("advance").Key("lots_of_lines").String() // 1 2 3 4
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
- IgnoreContinuation: true,
-}, "filename")
-foo = "some value" // foo: some value
-bar = 'some value' // bar: some value
-有时您会获得像从 [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/) 网站下载的文件那样具有特殊格式的值(值使用双引号括起来,内部的双引号被转义):
-create_repo="创建了仓库 %s"
-cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes: true}, "en-US.ini"))
-// You got: 创建了仓库 %s
-#### 操作键值的辅助方法
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("STRING").In("default", []string{"str", "arr", "types"})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").InFloat64(1.1, []float64{1.25, 2.5, 3.75})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").InInt(5, []int{10, 20, 30})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").InInt64(10, []int64{10, 20, 30})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").InUint(4, []int{3, 6, 9})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").InUint64(8, []int64{3, 6, 9})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3})
-v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTime(time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3}) // RFC3339
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").RangeFloat64(0.0, 1.1, 2.2)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").RangeInt(0, 10, 20)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").RangeInt64(0, 10, 20)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").RangeUint(0, 3, 9)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").RangeUint64(0, 3, 9)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), minTime, maxTime)
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTime(time.Now(), minTime, maxTime) // RFC3339
-##### 自动分割键值到切片(slice)
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0]
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("STRINGS").Strings(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").Ints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").Int64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").Uints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").Uint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").Times(",")
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [2.2]
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").ValidInts(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").ValidInt64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").ValidUint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",")
-// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
-// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> error
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").StrictInts(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").StrictInt64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").StrictUint64s(",")
-vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",")
-### 保存配置
-// ...
-err = cfg.SaveTo("my.ini")
-err = cfg.SaveToIndent("my.ini", "\t")
-另一个比较高级的做法是写入到任何实现 `io.Writer` 接口的对象中:
-// ...
-cfg.WriteToIndent(writer, "\t")
-ini.PrettyFormat = false
-## 高级用法
-### 递归读取键值
-在获取所有键值的过程中,特殊语法 `%()s` 会被应用,其中 `` 可以是相同分区或者默认分区下的键名。字符串 `%()s` 会被相应的键值所替代,如果指定的键不存在,则会用空字符串替代。您可以最多使用 99 层的递归嵌套。
-NAME = ini
-NAME = Unknwon
-GITHUB = https://github.com/%(NAME)s
-FULL_NAME = github.com/go-ini/%(NAME)s
-cfg.Section("author").Key("GITHUB").String() // https://github.com/Unknwon
-cfg.Section("package").Key("FULL_NAME").String() // github.com/go-ini/ini
-### 读取父子分区
-您可以在分区名称中使用 `.` 来表示两个或多个分区之间的父子关系。如果某个键在子分区中不存在,则会去它的父分区中再次寻找,直到没有父分区为止。
-NAME = ini
-IMPORT_PATH = gopkg.in/%(NAME)s.%(VERSION)s
-CLONE_URL = https://%(IMPORT_PATH)s
-cfg.Section("package.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String() // https://gopkg.in/ini.v1
-#### 获取上级父分区下的所有键名
-cfg.Section("package.sub").ParentKeys() // ["CLONE_URL"]
-### 无法解析的分区
-如果遇到一些比较特殊的分区,它们不包含常见的键值对,而是没有固定格式的纯文本,则可以使用 `LoadOptions.UnparsableSections` 进行处理:
-cfg, err := LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{UnparseableSections: []string{"COMMENTS"}}, `[COMMENTS]
-<1> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units `))
-body := cfg.Section("COMMENTS").Body()
-/* --- start ---
-<1> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units
------- end --- */
-### 读取自增键名
-如果数据源中的键名为 `-`,则认为该键使用了自增键名的特殊语法。计数器从 1 开始,并且分区之间是相互独立的。
--: Support read/write comments of keys and sections
--: Support auto-increment of key names
--: Support load multiple files to overwrite key values
-cfg.Section("features").KeyStrings() // []{"#1", "#2", "#3"}
-### 映射到结构
-想要使用更加面向对象的方式玩转 INI 吗?好主意。
-Name = Unknwon
-age = 21
-Male = true
-Born = 1993-01-01T20:17:05Z
-Content = Hi is a good man!
-Cities = HangZhou, Boston
-type Note struct {
- Content string
- Cities []string
-type Person struct {
- Name string
- Age int `ini:"age"`
- Male bool
- Born time.Time
- Note
- Created time.Time `ini:"-"`
-func main() {
- cfg, err := ini.Load("path/to/ini")
- // ...
- p := new(Person)
- err = cfg.MapTo(p)
- // ...
- // 一切竟可以如此的简单。
- err = ini.MapTo(p, "path/to/ini")
- // ...
- // 嗯哼?只需要映射一个分区吗?
- n := new(Note)
- err = cfg.Section("Note").MapTo(n)
- // ...
-// ...
-p := &Person{
- Name: "Joe",
-// ...
-这样玩 INI 真的好酷啊!然而,如果不能还给我原来的配置文件,有什么卵用?
-### 从结构反射
-type Embeded struct {
- Dates []time.Time `delim:"|" comment:"Time data"`
- Places []string `ini:"places,omitempty"`
- None []int `ini:",omitempty"`
-type Author struct {
- Name string `ini:"NAME"`
- Male bool
- Age int `comment:"Author's age"`
- GPA float64
- NeverMind string `ini:"-"`
- *Embeded `comment:"Embeded section"`
-func main() {
- a := &Author{"Unknwon", true, 21, 2.8, "",
- &Embeded{
- []time.Time{time.Now(), time.Now()},
- []string{"HangZhou", "Boston"},
- []int{},
- }}
- cfg := ini.Empty()
- err = ini.ReflectFrom(cfg, a)
- // ...
-NAME = Unknwon
-Male = true
-; Author's age
-Age = 21
-GPA = 2.8
-; Embeded section
-; Time data
-Dates = 2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00|2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00
-places = HangZhou,Boston
-#### 名称映射器(Name Mapper)
-为了节省您的时间并简化代码,本库支持类型为 [`NameMapper`](https://gowalker.org/gopkg.in/ini.v1#NameMapper) 的名称映射器,该映射器负责结构字段名与分区名和键名之间的映射。
-目前有 2 款内置的映射器:
-- `AllCapsUnderscore`:该映射器将字段名转换至格式 `ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE` 后再去匹配分区名和键名。
-- `TitleUnderscore`:该映射器将字段名转换至格式 `title_underscore` 后再去匹配分区名和键名。
-type Info struct{
- PackageName string
-func main() {
- err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("package_name=ini"))
- // ...
- cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("PACKAGE_NAME=ini"))
- // ...
- info := new(Info)
- cfg.NameMapper = ini.AllCapsUnderscore
- err = cfg.MapTo(info)
- // ...
-使用函数 `ini.ReflectFromWithMapper` 时也可应用相同的规则。
-#### 值映射器(Value Mapper)
-type Env struct {
- Foo string `ini:"foo"`
-func main() {
- cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("[env]\nfoo = ${MY_VAR}\n")
- cfg.ValueMapper = os.ExpandEnv
- // ...
- env := &Env{}
- err = cfg.Section("env").MapTo(env)
-本例中,`env.Foo` 将会是运行时所获取到环境变量 `MY_VAR` 的值。
-#### 映射/反射的其它说明
-type Child struct {
- Age string
-type Parent struct {
- Name string
- Child
-type Config struct {
- City string
- Parent
-City = Boston
-Name = Unknwon
-Age = 21
-type Child struct {
- Age string
-type Parent struct {
- Name string
- Child `ini:"Parent"`
-type Config struct {
- City string
- Parent
-City = Boston
-Name = Unknwon
-Age = 21
-## 获取帮助
-- [API 文档](https://gowalker.org/gopkg.in/ini.v1)
-- [创建工单](https://github.com/go-ini/ini/issues/new)
-## 常见问题
-### 字段 `BlockMode` 是什么?
-默认情况下,本库会在您进行读写操作时采用锁机制来确保数据时间。但在某些情况下,您非常确定只进行读操作。此时,您可以通过设置 `cfg.BlockMode = false` 来将读操作提升大约 **50-70%** 的性能。
-### 为什么要写另一个 INI 解析库?
-许多人都在使用我的 [goconfig](https://github.com/Unknwon/goconfig) 来完成对 INI 文件的操作,但我希望使用更加 Go 风格的代码。并且当您设置 `cfg.BlockMode = false` 时,会有大约 **10-30%** 的性能提升。
-为了做出这些改变,我必须对 API 进行破坏,所以新开一个仓库是最安全的做法。除此之外,本库直接使用 `gopkg.in` 来进行版本化发布。(其实真相是导入路径更短了)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/file.go b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/file.go
index ce26c3b31..1a3186b9f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/file.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/file.go
@@ -140,9 +140,14 @@ func (f *File) Section(name string) *Section {
// Section returns list of Section.
func (f *File) Sections() []*Section {
+ if f.BlockMode {
+ f.lock.RLock()
+ defer f.lock.RUnlock()
+ }
sections := make([]*Section, len(f.sectionList))
- for i := range f.sectionList {
- sections[i] = f.Section(f.sectionList[i])
+ for i, name := range f.sectionList {
+ sections[i] = f.sections[name]
return sections
@@ -223,7 +228,7 @@ func (f *File) Append(source interface{}, others ...interface{}) error {
func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
equalSign := "="
- if PrettyFormat {
+ if PrettyFormat || PrettyEqual {
equalSign = " = "
@@ -232,13 +237,18 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
for i, sname := range f.sectionList {
sec := f.Section(sname)
if len(sec.Comment) > 0 {
- if sec.Comment[0] != '#' && sec.Comment[0] != ';' {
- sec.Comment = "; " + sec.Comment
- } else {
- sec.Comment = sec.Comment[:1] + " " + strings.TrimSpace(sec.Comment[1:])
- }
- if _, err := buf.WriteString(sec.Comment + LineBreak); err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ // Support multiline comments
+ lines := strings.Split(sec.Comment, LineBreak)
+ for i := range lines {
+ if lines[i][0] != '#' && lines[i][0] != ';' {
+ lines[i] = "; " + lines[i]
+ } else {
+ lines[i] = lines[i][:1] + " " + strings.TrimSpace(lines[i][1:])
+ }
+ if _, err := buf.WriteString(lines[i] + LineBreak); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
@@ -295,13 +305,19 @@ func (f *File) writeToBuffer(indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
if len(indent) > 0 && sname != DEFAULT_SECTION {
- if key.Comment[0] != '#' && key.Comment[0] != ';' {
- key.Comment = "; " + key.Comment
- } else {
- key.Comment = key.Comment[:1] + " " + strings.TrimSpace(key.Comment[1:])
- }
- if _, err := buf.WriteString(key.Comment + LineBreak); err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ // Support multiline comments
+ lines := strings.Split(key.Comment, LineBreak)
+ for i := range lines {
+ if lines[i][0] != '#' && lines[i][0] != ';' {
+ lines[i] = "; " + lines[i]
+ } else {
+ lines[i] = lines[i][:1] + " " + strings.TrimSpace(lines[i][1:])
+ }
+ if _, err := buf.WriteString(lines[i] + LineBreak); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/ini.go b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/ini.go
index 535d3588a..cb55997a3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/ini.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/ini.go
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+// +build go1.6
// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ const (
// Maximum allowed depth when recursively substituing variable names.
- _VERSION = "1.32.0"
+ _VERSION = "1.38.2"
// Version returns current package version literal.
@@ -53,6 +55,9 @@ var (
// or reduce all possible spaces for compact format.
PrettyFormat = true
+ // Place spaces around "=" sign even when PrettyFormat is false
+ PrettyEqual = false
// Explicitly write DEFAULT section header
DefaultHeader = false
@@ -129,6 +134,8 @@ type LoadOptions struct {
IgnoreContinuation bool
// IgnoreInlineComment indicates whether to ignore comments at the end of value and treat it as part of value.
IgnoreInlineComment bool
+ // SkipUnrecognizableLines indicates whether to skip unrecognizable lines that do not conform to key/value pairs.
+ SkipUnrecognizableLines bool
// AllowBooleanKeys indicates whether to allow boolean type keys or treat as value is missing.
// This type of keys are mostly used in my.cnf.
AllowBooleanKeys bool
@@ -137,6 +144,16 @@ type LoadOptions struct {
// AllowNestedValues indicates whether to allow AWS-like nested values.
// Docs: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/config-vars.html#nested-values
AllowNestedValues bool
+ // AllowPythonMultilineValues indicates whether to allow Python-like multi-line values.
+ // Docs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html#supported-ini-file-structure
+ // Relevant quote: Values can also span multiple lines, as long as they are indented deeper
+ // than the first line of the value.
+ AllowPythonMultilineValues bool
+ // SpaceBeforeInlineComment indicates whether to allow comment symbols (\# and \;) inside value.
+ // Docs: https://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html
+ // Quote: Comments may appear on their own in an otherwise empty line, or may be entered in lines holding values or section names.
+ // In the latter case, they need to be preceded by a whitespace character to be recognized as a comment.
+ SpaceBeforeInlineComment bool
// UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes indicates whether to unescape double quotes inside value to regular format
// when value is surrounded by double quotes, e.g. key="a \"value\"" => key=a "value"
UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes bool
@@ -144,7 +161,7 @@ type LoadOptions struct {
// when value is NOT surrounded by any quotes.
// Note: UNSTABLE, behavior might change to only unescape inside double quotes but may noy necessary at all.
UnescapeValueCommentSymbols bool
- // Some INI formats allow group blocks that store a block of raw content that doesn't otherwise
+ // UnparseableSections stores a list of blocks that are allowed with raw content which do not otherwise
// conform to key/value pairs. Specify the names of those blocks here.
UnparseableSections []string
@@ -187,7 +204,7 @@ func InsensitiveLoad(source interface{}, others ...interface{}) (*File, error) {
return LoadSources(LoadOptions{Insensitive: true}, source, others...)
-// InsensitiveLoad has exactly same functionality as Load function
+// ShadowLoad has exactly same functionality as Load function
// except it allows have shadow keys.
func ShadowLoad(source interface{}, others ...interface{}) (*File, error) {
return LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowShadows: true}, source, others...)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/parser.go
index db3af8f00..3daf54c38 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/parser.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/parser.go
@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ import (
+ "regexp"
+var pythonMultiline = regexp.MustCompile("^(\\s+)([^\n]+)")
type tokenType int
const (
@@ -194,7 +197,8 @@ func hasSurroundedQuote(in string, quote byte) bool {
func (p *parser) readValue(in []byte,
- ignoreContinuation, ignoreInlineComment, unescapeValueDoubleQuotes, unescapeValueCommentSymbols bool) (string, error) {
+ parserBufferSize int,
+ ignoreContinuation, ignoreInlineComment, unescapeValueDoubleQuotes, unescapeValueCommentSymbols, allowPythonMultilines, spaceBeforeInlineComment bool) (string, error) {
line := strings.TrimLeftFunc(string(in), unicode.IsSpace)
if len(line) == 0 {
@@ -224,21 +228,34 @@ func (p *parser) readValue(in []byte,
return line[startIdx : pos+startIdx], nil
+ lastChar := line[len(line)-1]
// Won't be able to reach here if value only contains whitespace
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
+ trimmedLastChar := line[len(line)-1]
// Check continuation lines when desired
- if !ignoreContinuation && line[len(line)-1] == '\\' {
+ if !ignoreContinuation && trimmedLastChar == '\\' {
return p.readContinuationLines(line[:len(line)-1])
// Check if ignore inline comment
if !ignoreInlineComment {
- i := strings.IndexAny(line, "#;")
+ var i int
+ if spaceBeforeInlineComment {
+ i = strings.Index(line, " #")
+ if i == -1 {
+ i = strings.Index(line, " ;")
+ }
+ } else {
+ i = strings.IndexAny(line, "#;")
+ }
if i > -1 {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line[:i])
// Trim single and double quotes
@@ -252,7 +269,50 @@ func (p *parser) readValue(in []byte,
if strings.Contains(line, `\#`) {
line = strings.Replace(line, `\#`, "#", -1)
+ } else if allowPythonMultilines && lastChar == '\n' {
+ parserBufferPeekResult, _ := p.buf.Peek(parserBufferSize)
+ peekBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(parserBufferPeekResult)
+ identSize := -1
+ val := line
+ for {
+ peekData, peekErr := peekBuffer.ReadBytes('\n')
+ if peekErr != nil {
+ if peekErr == io.EOF {
+ return val, nil
+ }
+ return "", peekErr
+ }
+ peekMatches := pythonMultiline.FindStringSubmatch(string(peekData))
+ if len(peekMatches) != 3 {
+ return val, nil
+ }
+ currentIdentSize := len(peekMatches[1])
+ // NOTE: Return if not a python-ini multi-line value.
+ if currentIdentSize < 0 {
+ return val, nil
+ }
+ identSize = currentIdentSize
+ // NOTE: Just advance the parser reader (buffer) in-sync with the peek buffer.
+ _, err := p.readUntil('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ val += fmt.Sprintf("\n%s", peekMatches[2])
+ }
+ // NOTE: If it was a Python multi-line value,
+ // return the appended value.
+ if identSize > 0 {
+ return val, nil
+ }
return line, nil
@@ -276,6 +336,28 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
var line []byte
var inUnparseableSection bool
+ // NOTE: Iterate and increase `currentPeekSize` until
+ // the size of the parser buffer is found.
+ // TODO(unknwon): When Golang 1.10 is the lowest version supported, replace with `parserBufferSize := p.buf.Size()`.
+ parserBufferSize := 0
+ // NOTE: Peek 1kb at a time.
+ currentPeekSize := 1024
+ if f.options.AllowPythonMultilineValues {
+ for {
+ peekBytes, _ := p.buf.Peek(currentPeekSize)
+ peekBytesLength := len(peekBytes)
+ if parserBufferSize >= peekBytesLength {
+ break
+ }
+ currentPeekSize *= 2
+ parserBufferSize = peekBytesLength
+ }
+ }
for !p.isEOF {
line, err = p.readUntil('\n')
if err != nil {
@@ -307,8 +389,7 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
// Section
if line[0] == '[' {
// Read to the next ']' (TODO: support quoted strings)
- // TODO(unknwon): use LastIndexByte when stop supporting Go1.4
- closeIdx := bytes.LastIndex(line, []byte("]"))
+ closeIdx := bytes.LastIndexByte(line, ']')
if closeIdx == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("unclosed section: %s", line)
@@ -350,22 +431,31 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
kname, offset, err := readKeyName(line)
if err != nil {
// Treat as boolean key when desired, and whole line is key name.
- if IsErrDelimiterNotFound(err) && f.options.AllowBooleanKeys {
- kname, err := p.readValue(line,
- f.options.IgnoreContinuation,
- f.options.IgnoreInlineComment,
- f.options.UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes,
- f.options.UnescapeValueCommentSymbols)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- key, err := section.NewBooleanKey(kname)
- if err != nil {
- return err
+ if IsErrDelimiterNotFound(err) {
+ switch {
+ case f.options.AllowBooleanKeys:
+ kname, err := p.readValue(line,
+ parserBufferSize,
+ f.options.IgnoreContinuation,
+ f.options.IgnoreInlineComment,
+ f.options.UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes,
+ f.options.UnescapeValueCommentSymbols,
+ f.options.AllowPythonMultilineValues,
+ f.options.SpaceBeforeInlineComment)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ key, err := section.NewBooleanKey(kname)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ key.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(p.comment.String())
+ p.comment.Reset()
+ continue
+ case f.options.SkipUnrecognizableLines:
+ continue
- key.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(p.comment.String())
- p.comment.Reset()
- continue
return err
@@ -379,10 +469,13 @@ func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
value, err := p.readValue(line[offset:],
+ parserBufferSize,
- f.options.UnescapeValueCommentSymbols)
+ f.options.UnescapeValueCommentSymbols,
+ f.options.AllowPythonMultilineValues,
+ f.options.SpaceBeforeInlineComment)
if err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/section.go b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/section.go
index d8a402619..340a1efad 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/section.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-ini/ini/section.go
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ func (s *Section) NewKey(name, val string) (*Key, error) {
} else {
s.keys[name].value = val
+ s.keysHash[name] = val
return s.keys[name], nil
diff --git a/vendor/vendor.json b/vendor/vendor.json
index 9951b6e18..0d667c996 100644
--- a/vendor/vendor.json
+++ b/vendor/vendor.json
@@ -231,12 +231,12 @@
"revisionTime": "2018-05-07T07:32:26Z"
- "checksumSHA1": "jK0knSGdB7hA/Pvc0mQBYkYxN/8=",
+ "checksumSHA1": "199mbv5rSBhFjcRyujh8jQqGbgI=",
"path": "github.com/go-ini/ini",
- "revision": "32e4c1e6bc4e7d0d8451aa6b75200d19e37a536a",
- "revisionTime": "2017-11-19T05:34:21Z",
- "version": "v1.32.0",
- "versionExact": "v1.32.0"
+ "revision": "fa25069db393aecc09b71267d0489b357781c860",
+ "revisionTime": "2018-09-10T19:25:51Z",
+ "version": "v1.38.2",
+ "versionExact": "v1.38.2"
"checksumSHA1": "ZHsrE1U3D/t9tck1ub2oHWpE4Is=",