Want to setup your own local directory? We'd love to help you do it. Contact [George Ziady] (https://github.com/georgezee) for assistance with any of the steps below.
- Google Sheets: Contains both the data source, as well as the task management.
- Github: Source code for the project.
- Firebase: Hosts the app, receives data from Google Sheets.
- Travis CI: To automatically deploy to Firebase when any commits are merged to master.
- React: Front end JS library to divide and render the interface as a set of re-usable components.
- Material UI: Based on Google's Material design, gives clean, modern look that works responsively.
- MUI-Datatables: Tables component that provides filtering/sorting/search features out of the box.
At a high level, the following steps are needed:
- Copy Schools Google Sheet.
- Replace data with information collected for your directory.
- Create Firebase account.
- Connect Google Sheet to Firebase.
- Register a domain, link to Firebase (optional).
- Fork this Github repo, link to Firebase.
- Add firebase keys to .env file.
- Setup analytics, add to .env file.
- Update design/logo for site.
- Add/remove columns in code and spreadsheet.
- Setup form for programs to update their own data (optional).