Python library for using the juju charmstore API.
The easiest way to install theblues is via pip:
$ pip install theblues
Parts of theblues require the use of macaroons (e.g. parsing the return of Charmstore.fetch_macaroon or interacting with IdentityManager.discharge).
To use authenticated aspects of theblues, e.g. JIMM, you'll need to be able to manage macaroons. theblues was developed around libmacaroons. On ubuntu, you can get libmacaroons from a ppa:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yellow/ppa -y $ apt-get install libmacaroons0 python-macaroons libsodium13
Without these, theblues cannot make any authenticated requests to the charm store or other services, but is usable to communicate with the charm store for things like looking up charm information.
Interacting with the charmstore is pretty simple. To look up an entity on the charmstore (e.g. a charm or bundle):
>>> from theblues.charmstore import CharmStore >>> cs = CharmStore('') >>> entity = cs.entity('wordpress') >>> entity['Id'] u'cs:trusty/wordpress-2'
Data for an entity is contained in the Meta item of the response, matching the json returned from the charmstores:
>>> entity['Meta']['charm-metadata']['Name'] u'wordpress'
You can also get files for the entity:
>>> cs.files('wordpress')['hooks/install'] u' >>> hook = cs.files('wordpress', filename='hooks/install', read_file=True) >>> print hook #!/bin/bash set -xe ... <snipped for length> ... juju-log "So, environment is setup. We'll wait for some hooks to fire off before we get all crazy"
To see all methods available, refer to the full docs.