V1 is here!!! Thanks Joel for the feedback!
sim_eval is a Python library for analyzing, quantifying, and comparing molecular simulation calculation errors. It is designed to benchmark machine learning potentials against reference calculations, such as those from VASP DFT.
- Load and Process Frames: Supports molecular dynamics frames in any ASE-supported format.
- Compare Predictions: Evaluate energy, forces, and stress predictions against reference methods.
- Error Metrics: Calculate MAE, RMSE, and correlation metrics.
- Publication-Quality Plots: Generate plots for easy comparison and analysis.
- NequIP / Allegro: Machine learning potentials.
- VASP: Single and multiple OUTCAR files, XML outputs.
- CHGnet: Property calculator.
- MACE: (Currently untested).
- ASE Calculators: Compatible with any ASE-supported calculator.
'energy' # Per atom energy or per structure energy (eV/atom or eV/structure)
'forces' # Per atom forces or per structure forces (eV/Å/atom or eV/Å/structure)
'stress' # Per atom structure stress (eV/Å^3)
Only 'forces' has true per atom support, the other properties are per structure and are divided by the number of atoms in the structure.
To install sim_eval directly from GitHub, run:
pip install git+https://github.com/ChrisDavi3s/sim_eval.git
To install in editable mode, clone the repository and run:
git clone https://github.com/ChrisDavi3s/sim_eval.git
cd sim_eval
pip install -e .
Here's a simple example to get you started:
from sim_eval import Frames, VASPXMLPropertyCalculator, NequIPPropertyCalculator
from sim_eval import Plotter
# Load Frames
frames = Frames('example_frames.extxyz')
# Set up calculators
vasp_calc = VASPXMLPropertyCalculator('DFT (PBE)', '31_vaspout_xml_frames', 'vasprun_frame')
nequip_calc = NequIPPropertyCalculator('Allegro', 'nequip_model.pth')
# Add data from calculators
# Print Metrics
Plotter.print_metrics(frames, ['energy', 'forces'], vasp_calc, nequip_calc)
# Generate Plots
Plotter.plot_scatter(frames, 'forces', vasp_calc, nequip_calc, per_atom = True)
Please look at the example notebook for a more detailed example.
The new Plotter class provides a unified interface for creating various plots. All plots return a matplotlib figure object, which can be further customized or saved:
- Print Metrics: Print MAE, RMSE, and correlation metrics.
- Scatter Plots: Compare reference and target data.
- Box Plots: Visualize error distributions.
- Property Distribution: Analyze property values across calculators without comparison.
Print out metrics when comparing calculators against some reference.
Plotter.print_metrics(frames = frames,
property_name= ['energy','forces'],
reference_calculator = vasp_calc,
target_calculators = [chgnet_calc,nequip_calc],
Energy Metrics (vs DFT (PBE)):
MAE: 269.3705 eV/structure
RMSE: 269.3722 eV/structure
Correlation: 0.8821
MAE: 0.3789 eV/structure
RMSE: 0.3840 eV/structure
Correlation: 0.9995
Forces Metrics (vs DFT (PBE)):
MAE: 93.4327 eV/Å/structure
RMSE: 93.5809 eV/Å/structure
Correlation: 0.8346
MAE: 1.7029 eV/Å/structure
RMSE: 2.0822 eV/Å/structure
Correlation: 0.9920
for a more advanced example, you can also print the metrics per atom species for the forces property:
Plotter.print_metrics(frames = frames,
property_name = ['energy','forces'],
reference_calculator = vasp_calc,
target_calculators = [chgnet_calc,nequip_calc],
Energy Metrics (vs DFT (PBE)):
MAE: 269.3705 eV/structure
RMSE: 269.3722 eV/structure
Correlation: 0.8821
MAE: 0.3789 eV/structure
RMSE: 0.3840 eV/structure
Correlation: 0.9995
Forces Metrics (vs DFT (PBE)):
MAE: 0.4548 eV/Å/atom
RMSE: 0.5253 eV/Å/atom
Correlation: 0.8243
Per Atom Type:
MAE: 0.3089 eV/Å/atom
RMSE: 0.3544 eV/Å/atom
Correlation: 0.9085
MAE: 1.0422 eV/Å/atom
RMSE: 1.1252 eV/Å/atom
Correlation: 0.8445
MAE: 0.5326 eV/Å/atom
RMSE: 0.6355 eV/Å/atom
Correlation: 0.6975
Compare the values of two calculators for a given property.
Plotter.plot_scatter(frames, 'forces', vasp_calc, nequip_calc , per_atom=True)
And plotting several properties at once:
Plotter.plot_scatter(frames = frames,
property_name = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress'],
reference_calculator = vasp_calc,
target_calculator = nequip_calc,
per_atom= [True, True, True])
property_name: str, reference_calculator: PropertyCalculator, target_calculators: PropertyCalculator | List[PropertyCalculator], per_atom: bool = False, frame_number: int | slice = slice(None), group_spacing: float = 1, box_spacing
Compare the distribution of two calculators for a given property.
Plotter.plot_box(frames = frames,
property_name = 'stress',
reference_calculator = vasp_calc,
target_calculators = [chgnet_calc, nequip_calc],
legend_location='upper right')
If looking at forces, you can also group per atom forces by species:
property_name= 'forces',
target_calculator=[chgnet_calc, nequip_calc, second_nequip_calc],
legend_location='upper right',
allowed_species=['Li', 'P', 'Cl'])
Plot the raw disribution of a calculator.
Plotter.plot_property_distribution(frames = frames,
property_name = 'forces',
calculators = [vasp_calc, nequip_calc, chgnet_calc], per_atom=True,
legend_location='upper right')
Every plot returns a matplotlib figure object, which can be further customized or saved. For example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
# Create the scatter plot
fig,ax = Plotter.plot_scatter(frames, 'forces', vasp_calc, nequip_calc , per_atom=True)
# Get the scatter plot from the axis
scatter = ax.collections[0]
# Extract the data from the scatter plot
offsets = scatter.get_offsets()
x, y = offsets[:, 0], offsets[:, 1]
# Calculate the point density
xy = np.vstack([x, y])
z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)
# Normalize the density values for coloring
norm = Normalize(vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max())
# Update the scatter plot with the new colors
scatter.set_cmap('viridis') # Choose a colormap
# Add a colorbar to the plot
plt.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax, label='Density')
# Display the modified plot
# make the fig high res
The project includes a CI pipeline that runs tests on every push. Tests are written using the unittest module. To run the tests, navigate to the root directory and execute:
python -m unittest discover
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue to discuss any major changes. Ensure that tests are updated as appropriate.