This is the React front-end for PantryNode.
Install all dependencies.
npm install
That's all!
npm start
Run the tests.
npm test
Run the linter.
npm run lint
npm build
This will build the react application for production then host the build folder on ec2, GCP, Heroku etc.
Public Pages
path: /login page: login page
path: /signup page: signup (register) page
path: /verify page: verify email page
path: /newpassword page: create new password page
path: /forgetpassword page: forgot password page
Producted Pages
path: /stock page: current stock
path: /summary path: summary page
path: /donors path: donors page
path: /sale path: sale (checkout) page
path: /expiry path: items expiry page
path: /scanner path: scanner page
The frontend is styled using Material UI Visit MaterialUI
The frontend is leveraging Redux for global state management Visit Redux
The frontend is using Axios as a promise-based HTTP library to handle interaction with the backend API. Visit Axios
The frontend is using Json Web Token for Authentication. Visit JWT
We are using Quagga for barcode scanning. Visit Quagga Site
We are using Recharts to vizualize charts. Visit Recharts Github
We are using Formik to build our web based forms. Visit Formik Offical SIte
The frontend is using eslint for linting and CI and CD. Visit Eslint