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File metadata and controls

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This repository is a collection of miscellaneous scripts that perform various small tasks.

Contains the following scripts:

Script Quick Description
bed_file_summary.R Provides mean, five number summary and total length of capture region size of a BED file. Generates Min, Q1, Median, Mean, Q3, and Max coverage summaries using bedtools given a list of BAM files and a BED file.
get_reverse_complement Directory that contains scripts and documentation to get the reverse complement of sequences. Takes a HarvEST SNP_BAC.txt file that has PhysPos and Chr_2016 (see SNP_PhysPosition_Matching.R script for merging by PhysPos) columns and subsets the data by chromosome. The script returns a new file for every subset group.
HarvEST_to_BED.R Takes a HarvEST file that has PhysPos and Chr_2016 (see SNP_PhysPosition_Matching.R script for merging by PhysPos) info based on the new barley reference genome and creates a BED file with 4th column containing SNP ID. The output file was intented to be passed to bedops. Prior to running LDheatmap.R, run this script to: 1) Generate sample list containing snps of interest. 2) Make sure genotyping data and sample lists are sorted correctly and duplicates are filtered out.
LDheatmap.R This script generates LD heatmaps using genotyping data and physical position information. Please run prior to running this script.
makeGenotypes.R This script converts columns in genotype data frame to a format accepted by R package, LDheatmap.
random_sampler.R Randomly samples names/values from a given list
renaming_files This directory contains file renaming scripts. See readme in the directory for more details.
SNP_PhysPosition_Matching.R Takes VCF file (containing physical position, SNP ID, and Chr info) and HarvEST file and adds Physical Position and Chr_2016 columns based on matching SNP names. Note: this script discards any SNPs that do not have matching SNP names.
snpBAC_NA_filtering.R Removes all rows with empty cells in Query_SNP column and missing info for PhysPos column.
transpose_data.R Transposes data frames