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Chanan Merari edited this page Mar 24, 2018 · 11 revisions


We use a hybrid of waterfall and Scrum processes.

Initial Feature List:

need to change

Main page with push updates from the Student Association, Page with questions and answers, Page with photos, General information for students.

Initial Planning

need to change

Application design Connect the application to the database and to facebook, Create an interface for the admin to update data.

Risk Management

Risk Severity Response
Disagreement among team members Medium Set a meeting and give suggestions for and against any idea while accepting the idea of the other
Design issues High Bring a designer not from the team
Lack of time in submitting the project High Be realistic in the requirements and planning the time in advance in the team
Call for Miluim Medium Division of tasks among the rest of the team members
Lack of knowledge of how to adapt Angular to Android and IOS High Doctor Google




Google Fiarebase

Version Control

GitHub system.

Coding Convention

need to change

Initial Architecture


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