- PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge
- Proposal: The Turbo-PLONK program syntax for specifying SNARK programs
- plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables
- REDSHIFT: Transparent SNARKs from List Polynomial Commitment IOPs
- Understanding PLONK by Vitalik Buterin
- Plonk tutorial by barryWhiteHat
- metastate's plonk-by-hand series
- Multiset checks in PLONK and Plookup by Ariel Gabizon
- Plonk and PLookup by Dmitry Khovratovich
- PLONK custom gates design considerations by Kobi Gurkan
- Thoughts on Plookup implementation of Sha256 and Keccak by Konstantce
- Plonk and Poseidon (Plonk adaptation tailored to Poseidon) by Dmitry Khovratovich
- TurboPLONK benchmarks
- AZTEC Ignition (setup codes here, verification codes here)
- Zero Knowledge Episode 112: Dive into Plonk!
- ZK Study Club - Plonk with Zac Williamson
- Zac Williamson on PLONK and TurboPLONK at ZKSummit
- zkSummit5: PLONK without FFTs - Justin Drake (EF)
- zkSummit: plookup: Speeding up the PLONK prover - Zac Williamson & Ariel Gabizon (with Turbo PLONK & Ultra PLONK benchmarks)