Profile schema - All profiles are created based on the default schema (new.ejs) - Creation of unique profile ID - Necesarry to track profile ID
- Profile Upload: - Users upload images on Imgur --> copy past url string as source for image inprofile - User Authentication through Google/OAuth
Likes Schema
- contains values:
- user ID of profiles liked
- one for the user liking a profile
- another for another user liking the profile
- two matching documents to show there is a correlation
- Boolean:
- default to false
- becomes true if both users have liked each other
- contains values:
Chat Schema
- One of the data types is an array of strings (messages)
upon sending a message that message is pushed into the chat array then rendered on screen in order of submission
Chats are only available to two matching users
- creates instance using the user ID's of both matching users
Boolean: read receipt (stretch goal)
- if messages in string and page has been loaded --> true
- if no messages in string when page is loaded --> false
- One of the data types is an array of strings (messages)
Landing Page:
Generic landing screen very sparse --> only app title with areas to sign up / login (login.ejs)
Views of all users to look at (index.ejs)
Users have the ability to view other profiles by clicking button associated with profile name (show.ejs)
Nav bar --> side bar on left:
Your Profile:
- page to view/edit personal details
- current stats are filled in from profile creation
- edit button -> take you to edit page (new.ejs)
- option to delete profile
Matches: (matches.ejs)
- takes you to a separate screen --> similar to index.ejs
- only populated with matches
- delete a match
- includes chat schema
- Design Goals:
FOR ASHLEY: Colorful chat similar to VS code
- programming languages have different colors --> JS is yellow, PHP blue etc...
- different keywords get different colors (like in vs code)
- about me section: visually structured as a JS function
- Like buttons --> like === true or like === false
- Let aboutMe = "Something Something"
- Chat: visually is dark mode --> like VS code UI
- Simplisitc Modern color palette
- very few / no bright colors --> easy on the eyes
- Sans-serif: Goal 1 or 2 font families, no more than 3 1 font: for UI 1 font: for chats 1 for Title of app/website
- Tag line
- Stretch Goal:
- Update application to be responsive on mobile
- Google maps api -> location based user (mapbox)