- 0x34->0x37: The main checksum for file 1.
- 0x81: Triforce flag in file select (0 = off, 1 = on)
- 0x84: Brightness value (0 to 2).
- 0x85: Message Speed value (0 to 2).
- 0x86: value = 1: Link resume from the map he left from. value != 1: Link resumes from the house on the bed.
- 0x108->0x10C: Spawn point. more info
- 0x10C: Spawn point animation.
- 0x10E->0x10F: room ID and area ID respectively.
- 0x12D: Health remaining. more info
- 0x146->0x147: Rupee amount. more info
- 0x2D9: hatless Link (0x08) or hat Link (0x38).
- More documentation here
- More offset info here
- 0x108 = big y position.
- 0x109 = small y position.
- 0x10A = big x position.
- 0x10B = small x position.
- Formula: (user's input value) * 8.
- Values 1, 2, and 3 are all 1/4 hearts visually in-game, however, a value of 3 allows you to touch octorock 2 times before dying while values of 1 and 2 only allow octorock touch once.
- Starting from value 4 (2/4 health), every 2 values increase the health amount by 1/4.
- Starting from value 3 (1 octorock touch), every 2 values increase octorock touch amount by 1.
- Some documentation. (F to I)
- 0x147 is the main offset for rupees value.
- After reaching 256 rupees, offset 0x146 will exceed the value of 0 to 1, and the value of offset 0x147 will reset to 0.
- Every time after reaching a rupee value that is a multiple of 256, offset 0x146 will add a value of 1 on top of its current value, and offset 0x147 will reset to 0.
- If your rupee value is higher than 999, any amount of rupees you spend in-game will lower your rupee value to 999 at least.