I made some minor modifications to the Lositan installation scripts that update urls to required java libraries. Hopefully this will help people install and run the program locally on their machines.
I successfully performed the installation on a computer running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Python 2.7.6, and Java 1.8.0_91. No other systems have been tested.
To install, clone this repository and cd into the lositan directory. Execute the installation scripts in the following order:
Execute the runLocal.sh script to run Lositan. You will likely see a bunch of warnings printed to your terminal window, but the program ran fine for me.
Selection detection workbenches
Web page Lositan: http://popgen.net/soft/lositan
Web page Mcheza: http://popgen.net/soft/mcheza
Paper Lositan: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/323/
Paper Mcheza: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/12/1717.abstract