All notable changes to the "outrun" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Styling for Peek View editor
- Styling for indent guides and rulers
- General color improvements
- Styling for Editor Widgets in both Night and Electric
keyword styling for TypeScript
- Function names are no longer orange since we cannot scope to only declarations (See microsoft/vscode-textmate#52) :/
- Outrun Night theme. This is a less-intense version of the original Outrun theme
- Outrun Electric theme. This is the original, high-contrast Outrun theme
- Theme colors have been completely re-worked from the ground up. Editor features have been refined. Some features may be missing and will be implemented as noticed. Thank you for your patience :)
- Outrun theme. The original Outrun theme has been split into Outrun Night and Outrun Electric. Choose one depending on your preferences.
- Changed Marketplace banner theme to
even though docs reference this as the "font color". :/
- Add icon and other marketplace niceties
- Add orange foreground on library functions
- Add cyan foreground and italic font on PHP
- Remove foreground color from function calls
- JavaScript scopes
are now styled in italic with a cyan foreground.
- Initial release