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Jeffrey Gill edited this page Apr 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

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Notes on Compiling on Windows

April 16, 2022

I initially followed these instructions, dated 2022-02-28:

which recommends installing these components:

  • Qt Creator 4.14.0
  • Qt 64-bit 5.12.8
  • MSVC 2017 64-bit (Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 16.5.30011.22 (x86_amd64))

Steps taken:

  1. Get Qt Online Installer:

  2. Custom install, checked "Archive" and re-ran filter, then installed the following components:

    • Qt 5.12.8
      • MSVC 2017 64-bit
    • Developer and Designer Tools
      • Qt Creator 7.0.0 (items below were all selected automatically)
        • Qt Creator 7.0.0 CDB Debugger Support
        • Debugging Tools for Windows
        • Qt Design Studio 3.2.0
        • CMake 3.21.1 64-bit
        • Ninja 1.10.2
  3. Launched Qt Creator.

  4. File > Open File or Project, selected from the Intan-RHX repo.

  5. "Configure Project", selected only option: "Desktop Qt 5.12.8 MSVC2017 64bit"

  6. Changed Debug to Release in the bottom-left corner, above the "Run" button (green arrow).

  7. Clicked the "Build Project" button in bottom-left corner (hammer).

  8. Clicked the "Run" button in bottom-left corner (green arrow).

    Worked, but got non-fatal errors at runtime: "Cannot load kernel file to read. Is present?". The instructions suggested this might happen. Clicking past these message allowed the program to run anyway.

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