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Jeffrey Gill edited this page Apr 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

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Notes on Compiling on Windows

April 16, 2022

I initially followed these instructions, dated 2022-02-28:

which recommends installing these components:

  • Qt Creator 4.14.0
  • Qt 64-bit 5.12.8
  • MSVC 2017 64-bit (Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 16.5.30011.22 (x86_amd64))

Steps taken:

  1. Get Qt Online Installer:

  2. Selected "Custom installation", checked "Archive" and re-ran filter, then installed the following components:

    • Qt 5.12.8
      • MSVC 2017 64-bit
    • Developer and Designer Tools
      • Qt Creator 7.0.0 (items below were all selected automatically)
        • Qt Creator 7.0.0 CDB Debugger Support
        • Debugging Tools for Windows
        • Qt Design Studio 3.2.0
        • CMake 3.21.1 64-bit
        • Ninja 1.10.2
  3. Launched Qt Creator.

  4. File > Open File or Project, selected from the Intan-RHX repo.

  5. "Configure Project", selected only option: "Desktop Qt 5.12.8 MSVC2017 64bit"

  6. Changed Debug to Release in the bottom-left corner, above the "Run" button (green arrow).

  7. Clicked the "Build Project" button in bottom-left corner (hammer).

  8. Clicked the "Run" button in bottom-left corner (green arrow).

    Worked, but got non-fatal errors at runtime: "Cannot load kernel file to read. Is present?". The instructions suggested this might happen. Clicking past these message allowed the program to run anyway.

  9. Added this to the end of my Path environment variable:

  10. Opened the command prompt, and then created a deployable directory with the application:

    cd C:\Users\jeffr\Documents\Research\Intan-RHX\build-IntanRHX-Desktop_Qt_5_12_8_MSVC2017_64bit-Release
    windeployqt --dir release-deploy release\IntanRHX.exe
    cp release\IntanRHX.exe ..\Intan-RHX\ ..\Intan-RHX\libraries\Windows\okFrontPanel.dll release-deploy
  11. Tested that double-clicking the application from the release-deploy directory worked.

  12. Renamed the release-deploy directory to include the version name and zipped it for distribution.

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