Let's add some more features to our banking app, using the following User Stories
- The Debits index endpoint is located at
- The Credits index endpoint is located at
Updating the Account Balance
Making the Account Balance dynamic:
GIVEN: I am on any page displaying the Account Balance
WHEN: I view the Account Balance display area
THEN: I should see an Account Balance that accurately represents my Debits subtracted from my Credits
AND: I should be able to see a negative account balance if I have more Debits than Credits
Adding Debits
Viewing the Debits page:
GIVEN: I am on the Home page
WHEN: I click on 'Debits'
THEN: I should be redirected to the Debits page
AND: I should see a title of 'Debits' on the page
Viewing the Account Balance on the Debits page:
GIVEN: I am on the Debits page
WHEN: I view the Account Balance display area
THEN: I should see my Account Balance displayed
Displaying debits:
GIVEN: I am on the Debits page
WHEN: I view the Debits display area
THEN: I should see all of my debits displayed
AND: each Debit should display a Debit description
AND: each Debit should display a Debit amount
AND: each Debit should display a Debit date
Adding debits:
GIVEN: I am on the Debits page
WHEN: I enter a new Debit description
AND WHEN: I enter a new Debit amount
AND WHEN: I click 'Add Debit'
THEN: I should see my new debit added to the Debits display area with the current date
AND: I should see my Account Balance updated to reflect the new Debit
Adding Credits
Viewing the Credits page:
GIVEN: I am on the Home page
WHEN: I click on 'Credits'
THEN: I should be redirected to the Credits page
AND: I should see a title of 'Credits' on the page
Viewing the Account Balance on the Credits page:
GIVEN: I am on the Credits page
WHEN: I view the Account Balance display area
THEN: I should see my Account Balance displayed
Displaying credits:
GIVEN: I am on the Credits page
WHEN: I view the Credits display area
THEN: I should see all of my Credits displayed
AND: each Credit should display a Credit description
AND: each Credit should display a Credit amount
AND: each Credit should display a Credit date
Adding Credits:
GIVEN: I am on the Credits page
WHEN: I enter a new Debit description
AND WHEN: I enter a new Debit amount
AND WHEN: I click 'Add Debit'
THEN: I should see my new debit added to the Credits display area with the current date
AND: I should see my Account Balance updated to reflect the new Debit