Releases: CS-SI/Orekit
Version 11.3.2 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fixed GLONASS parser to set ToC and Date directly to ingested date instead of rounded GPS date.
- Fixed numerical issue in CartesianOrbit#shiftedBy().
- Fixed convergence of unscented kalman filter by using measurement covariance.
- Added missing Onsala Space Observatory BLQ file formats.
- Fixed ambiguous propagation type for numerical orbit propagators.
- Removed reference to old Orekit mailing list in LocalOrbitalFrame.
- Fixed theoretical evaluation of AngularRaDec when the reference frame is not Earth-centered.
- Fixed wrong wrapper in deprecated KeplerianOrbit's and FieldKeplerianOrbit's methods for anomaly conversions.
- Improved documentation of glonass propagators.
- Fixed HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel error with a degree 0 gravity field.
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.3
Version 11.3.1 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fixed JavaDoc in IsotropicRadiationClassicalConvention class.
- Fixed week number parsing in Rinex Navigation files.
- Fixed discontinuity issues in Brouwer-Lyddane orbit propagator.
- Improved documentation of StateCovariance class.
Version 11.3 is a minor release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Added shiftedBy method for covariance matrix.
- Added new class to handle covariance matrix.
- Use Véronique Dehant table for station displacements due to tides.
- Avoid losing last measurements in Kalman filter.
- Accept new fields in CCSDS CDM files.
- Added covariance transformation between local orbital frames.
- Moved Keplerian anomaly conversion methods to KeplerianAnomalyUtility and FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility, deprecating the methods in KeplerianOrbit and FieldKeplerianOrbit. Incorporated Gooding and Odell algorithm for solving the hyperbolic Kepler equation.
- Added Unscented Semi-analytical Kalman Estimator.
- Added Unscented Kalman Estimator.
- Fixed documentation in BulletinAFilesLoader.
- Fixed rejection of irregular TDM PATH field.
- Added ephemeris based estimation.
- Added method to get measurement types.
- Improved AbsoluteDate.equals method with management of past and future infinity.
- Added additional state provider for covariance matrix propagation.
- Migrated all tests from JUnit4 to JUnit5.
- Added method to convert to/from an Orekit frame and a CCSDS Frame.
- Added ExtremumApproachEventDetector.
- Added constructor to AggregateBoundedPropagator for more control over which propagator is used.
- Added waypoint interpolation of PVCoordinatesProvider.
- Added method to round DateTimeComponents for custom formatting.
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.3.
Version 11.2.1 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fixed documentation issue, RTNCovariance constructor initializes the covariance matrix with NaN.
- Fixed wrong parsing of Area_DRG and Area_SRP from CDM.
- Fixed N/A value not recognized for field MANEUVERABLE when parsing CDMs.
- Fixed negative offset when shifting an AbsoluteDate.
- Fixed internal error on DateEvent capture events in v11.1.2.
Version 11.2 is a minor release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Added possibility to custom analytical mean parameters conversion.
- Added Hatch filters for smoothing of GNSS measurements.
- Allowed parsing of SP3 files without EOF key.
- Added writing of velocity record in CPF file writers.
- Added support for loading EOP from Sinex files.
- Raised a too stringent convergence threshold in Eackstein-Hechler model.
- Added a way to compute mean parameters in Brouwer-Lyddane model.
- Added bistatic range measurement.
- Added a way to compute mean parameters in Eckstein-Hechler model.
- Updated CCSDS ODM to latest draft version (pink book).
- Prevents zero max check intervals in maneuvers triggers detectors.
- Added detection of non-positive max check interval and threshold.
- Allow additional derivatives providers to update main state derivatives.
- Fixed indexing error when estimating a subset of orbital parameters.
- Don't loose additional derivatives when generating ephemeris.
- Fixed unexpected behavior of two tests in OrekitMessagesTest.
- Added support for parsing and writing CDM files in both KVN and XML formats.
- Added support for ITRF-2020.
- Added TDOA and bistatic range rate measurements.
- Added init method in {Field}AdditionalStateProvider.
- Added J2-contribution for relativistic clock correction.
- Allow creating Geoid without default data context.
- Added data loaders for Space Environment's JB2008 data.
- Added static method to create a BodyFacade from a CenterName.
- Added Frame.getStaticTransformTo(...) and supporting methods to improve performance.
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.1
Version 11.1.2 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fixed missing tags in XML generation by EphemerisWriter.
- Fixed rollover in CRD parser.
- Fixed NaNs when constructing Keplerian orbit from PV computed from KeplerianOrbit.
- Fixed ephemeris generation using PropagatorParallelizer.
- Fixed event bracketing problem induced by numerical noise at end of search interval.
- Fixed ephemeris generation with several derivatives providers.
- Fixed wrong implementation of NTW LOF frame.
- Fixed eD and eY equation in ECOM2 model.
- Fixed unmanaged comment in OMM.
- Fixed unmanaged units in OMM.
- Fix StreamingOemWriter in ITRF and without optional fields.
- Fix StreamingOemWriter without acceleration.
- Fixed non-bracketing issue when RESET_STATE slightly moves an event at the start of a step and another regular event happens in the first half of the same step
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.1
Version 11.1.1 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fix of the documentation
- Fix of parsing in Rinex 3.04 files
- Fix of parsing of SP3 files
- Take additional derivatives into account in {Field}SpacecraftState.shiftedBy
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.0
Version 11.1 is a minor release, including both new features and bug fixes. The main changes are:
- Determination of maneuver start/stop time.
- Brouwer-Lyddane model with Warren Phipps' correction for the critical inclination of 63.4° and the perturbative acceleration due to atmospheric drag.
- The Extended Semi-analytical Kalman Filter.
- A new API for State Transition Matrix and Jacobian matrices computation allowing to link the computations directly to the orbit propagator.
- Orbit determination using Eckstein-Hechler, Brouwer-Lyddane and Keplerian orbit propagators.
- Parsing of ICGEM V2.0 format.
- A lot of fixed bug in CCSDS files, TimeSpanMap, and display of dates.
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.0
Version 11.0.2 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are:
- Fix of the computation of the state transition matrix for multi satellite orbit determination based on Kalman Filter
- Fix in the parsing of CRD files
- Fix of the deserialization of TLE
- Improvements of the release guide
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.0
Version 10.3.2 is a patch release.
It introduces a workaround (not a fix!) for issue #857
This version depends on Hipparchus 1.8