Only the first "Unreleased" section of this file corresponding of next release can be updated along the development of each new, changed and fixed features. When publication of a new release, the section "Unreleased" is blocked to the next chosen version and name of the milestone at a given date. A new section Unreleased is opened then for next dev phase.
- Interpolator type can be selected in rectification grid interpolation [#327]
- Fix remove interpolator to be cubic_legacy with scipy>=1.13 [#332]
- Fix grid geomodel crash with Proj4 crs [#330]
- Rectification grids can be returned as localisation grids instead of displacement grids [#313]
- Allow nan values in geoid interpolation [#321]
- Fix sphinx warnings during docs generation [#323]
- Fix M_PI identifier not found (Windows compatibility) [#322]
- Grid extrapolation [#311]
- N views triangulation [#308]
- fix Numpy 2.0 pickle compatibility [#319]
- fix DTMIntersection failure with GRID models [#310]
- fix pylint failed [#315]
- fix DTMIntersection C++ binding interface [#316]
- Compute rectification grid by strips in C++ [#239, #247, #248, #249, #251, #270, #280, #297, #302]
- Force Y axis sign [#306]
- Use RPC inverse coefficients by default in direct location [#287]
- Refactoring get_alt_offset() function [#296]
- fix altitude NaN filtering [#210]
- fix image ROI outside the extent [#305]
0.2.0a2 Geoid interpolation correction, udpate on RPC C++ class (WIP), DTMintersection C++ (February 2024)
- RPCoptim C++ direct_loc_dtm() method [#290]
- Epipolar angle rectification function [#294]
- DTMintersection C++ [#288, #295]
- RPCoptim C++ geomodel class optimisation [#286]
- fix geoid interpolation [#298]
0.2.0a1 GeoModel factory, RPC C++ class (WIP), by strip rectification, code optimisations (January 2024)
- Line of sight ending point [#240]
- Compute rectification grid by strips [#236, #237, #238]
- GeoModel factory to instantiate geomodels [#221]
- Drive numba parallel by env SHARELOC_NUMBA_PARALLEL [#267]
- RPCoptim C++ geomodel class with direct loc h and inverse loc [#263, #225, #253, #276, #244, #254, #274, #273]
- Use rasterio rpc class to read image RPC [#23]
- Code vectorization in DTMIntersection [#211]
- Use inverse geotransform as class argument to improve performances [#198]
- Remove useless new_axis [#226]
- Removed useless transforms in DTMIntersection [#215]
- RPC direct_loc_dtm refactoring [#275]
- fix build read the docs CI [#252]
- fix rpc geomodel_type typo in doc [#262]
- fix xarray pyarrow dependency [#291]
- Add first dimap v3 experimental support [#155]
- Clean logs for cars default output [#204]
- fix pandas.core.indexes.numeric evolution [#190]
- fix alt_min_max not referenced in [#194]
- fix ValueError bug setting an array element with a sequence in py39 and py310 [#218]
- Use scipy as ground truth for direct_loc_h [#120]
- Documentation in pre-commit [#169]
- Test with several python version through tox [#170]
- Finalize grid files standard [#125]
- Add epipolar footprint in prepare_rectification [#162]
- Remove netcdf4 package dependencies [#171, #180]
- Comment altitude extrapolation in RPC tests [#67]
- Analyze and comment margin in rectification and JP2 impact on Montpellier data [#86]
- Modified scipy version [#173]
- Clean code with black and pylint new version [#183]
- Authors file
- docstring sphinx autoapi generation in documentation
- setup to python >=3.8
- Clean Makefile
- Clean python packaging
- fix math formula in sphinx generation
- fix recursion limit in astroid for sphinx autoapi and pylint
- fix lint errors (pylint, flake8, black, isort)
- Documentation typos
- Documentation and quick start fixed (wrong URL and detailed install)
- Shareloc library first release
- geometric functions: localization, rectification, triangulation, earth elevation management
- geometric models: RPC and multi altitudes layers location grids
- Simple install with pip, clean dependencies (rasterio mainly) and Makefile for developper
- Documentation basics (README) and sphinx documentation to readthedocs
- Detailed pytest tests (tests directory)
- code quality (isort, black, flake8, pylint, sonarqube)
- Apache 2 license