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Student project group's network service editor backend.

The backend serves as the data storage for the editor and interacts with all other services that are needed to create, update and release SONATA Service and VNF descriptors. It is designed to be used with the Son Editor Frontend but because all interaction and communication is taking place through a RESTful API, it should also be possible to be used with other user interfaces.

The API can be viewed from the root directory of the backend


The easiest way to install and run the Editor Backend is by using docker and docker-compose:

  1. Download the repository
  • git clone
  1. Configuration
    To use the Github OAuth login feature, an application token must be created and configured in the editor.
    To do this go to your Github Settings > OAuth applications and 'Register a new application'
    Application Name: SONATA Editor
    Homepage URL:
    Application description: This is the SONATA Editor
    Authorization callback URL:

After creating the application copy and paste the ClientID and the Client Secret into their respective fields in the configuration file located at src\son_editor\config.yaml
session > secretKey: A random string used to encrypt the session
frontend-redirect: "/loginRedirect.html" the path to the loginRedirect.html page of the frontend editor that will be opened after the Github authentication.
frontend-host: The domain and possibly port of the frontend server
allowed-hosts: If the front and backend are deployed on different domains, the frontend domain must be listed here

The standard port for the editor backend when starting it via docker-compose is 5000. If the port is changed, also the port of the Authoritzaion callback URL must be changed. 3. Deploy
To deploy the editor start the docker container by running `docker-compose up -d' in the root of the project.
4. Enjoy
The backend server is now running at your configured domain and will provide a documented api description at the root path. E.g.

For instructions on how to setup the web frontend of the editor please visit for more information.

Development configuration

Python environment

We recommend using venv. If you have setup your python 3 environment, open a shell in your virtual environment and install son-cli:v2.

Test configuration

Edit config.yaml and fill in the requested values under the test section. If you are using travis ci or another build server, note that the github credentials to test github configuration can be set as environment variables "github_bot_user" and "github_access_token". If you leave out test configuration, some tests will eventually fail.

Manual Updates

To update the editor backend just run
docker-compose down
git pull
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d

Automated update setup

For continous deployment and development we have setup a script that can automatically update the editor backend in case of updates to the repository.

To use this feature you will need to create a fork of the repository under your control because the update process relies on the Github webhook system.

  1. Create Github Auto-Deployment
  • In the settings of your fork, go to Integration & Services and select GitHub Auto-Deployment from the Add service dropdown menu.
  • Follow the install instructions to create a personal access token with repo_deployment scope.
  • Save the token into the deployment.yml file under github-token.
  • Also set it as the token used by the Github Auto deployment.
  1. Create Webhook
  • Go to your repository settings, go to Webhooks and 'Add webhook'
  • set the payload url to
  • Set Content type to application/json
  • Set the Secret to any random string
  • Also configure the same random string in your deployment.yml
  • Under Events just select the Deployment event and activate the webhook.
  1. Push to update
  • every time a change is now pushed to the master branch of your repository the Github Autodeployment service will trigger the deployment event, which in turn is picked up by the webhook and send to the updater script running at port 5050. It will pull the changes from Github and reload the uwsgi server to apply the changes.

Known Issues:

If the database design changes it may happen that the automated deployment fails due to the old database not conforming to the new schema. If this is the case, the docker container should be torn down and rebuild as described in the Manual Update section. The data is preserved by writing the descriptors onto disk and the database will automatically be rebuilt by scanning the workspaces on startup.


The server code is documented using sphinx: documentation