This is a seminar course in computer security. The course will cover the latest advancements, techniques, theories, systems, and ideas in computer security. Open to PhD students, or with instructor permission. The content varies each semester.
This course has one goal: to significant improve students ability to compete in Capture the Flag (CTF) computer security competitions. Computer security is both a research topic and a skill. We have structured this course to provide a forum for deliberate practice of computer security concepts and skills. Like any type of practice, what you get out is heavily influenced by how much you put in.
Why do we focus on CTFs? Because they are a microcosm that demonstrate larger computer security concepts, problems, and skills. CTF problems tend to be smaller than real life problems, but by being small they allow us to focus on specific ideas.
Warning: If you have not done previously done either (a) CTF competitions, or (b) received an A in 15-213/18-213, you will have a bad time.
- Instructor: David Brumley
- Teaching Assistant: Rijnard van Tonder
- Course time: Mondays and Wednesdays 02:30pm - 03:20pm
- Course location: SH 208, Pittsburgh, PA
- Course units: 12
- Pre-requistes: 18730 or 18487 or instructor permission. Permission is generally granted to students who either get an A in 18-213/15-213 or are able to rapidly get to the final level of
Computer security in practice, and thus in CTFs, is usually broken down into the following areas:
- Binary code analysis, vulnerability discovery, and exploitation
- Reverse engineering
- Cryptography
- Web security, including scripting languages, database backends, session management, etc.
- Forensics
- Miscellaneous security topics as they appear in CTF challenges
The goal is for you to learn and improve. We assume that since you have taken 15-213 or an introduction to security course that you already have a rough idea of the basics like memory safety attacks, basic crypto principles, and so on.
I believe that to get to the next level, you need to start practicing. You need to get stuck. You need to read wikipedia, textbooks, and new articles to find gaps in your knowledge. You need to figure out what you don't know yet, and what you probably should learn. You need others to give you hints on what they did.
None of these things are best facilitated by a lecture by me. Therefore, we have a somewhat different structure to this class:
- Practice. Students will be required to participate in wargames and competitions. We will start with picoCTF, which has a fairly well considered skill level progression. As the course progresses, we will target harder wargames and CTFs.
- Teach. The best way to show what you really know is to try and teach it to someone else. However, my experience is course presentations of assigned topics tend to not work well. In this class we will try a more experimental approach where students describe what they are stuck on, and other students try and help them through.
- Develop new challenges. Students will develop CTF problems. This may seem simple, e.g., buffer overflows are created by mistake each day, how hard could it be to create an intentional one? However, it's more tricky. Designing a problem requires careful consideration so that players have the aha moment when solving it. (Note even PPP, a very experienced team that creates over 100 challenges a year, throw out tons more because they aren't good enough.)
We will practice by solving wargame challenges (security challenges that are not part of a competition) as well as participate in real CTFs. By the end of this semester you will have completed picoCTF, microcorruption, and IO. You will also have completed two CTFs.
- picoCTF. Grading: 3500 and up: A, 3000 - 3500: B, 2500-3000: C, 2000-2500: D, Fail below, and I will ask you to drop the class.
- Microcorruption. 16 and up: A, 14-16: B, 12-14: C, 11: D, below that: F.
- IO: Level 8 and up: A, Level 7: B, Level 6: C, Level 5: D, Level 4: F. If you have already done some of the levels in the x86 version, please try doing levels in the ARM version.
All wargames must be done individually. Wargames often require an account. In such cases the student should register an account, and update the github document that maps their username to their andrew ID. You should solve each challenge on your own. It's ok to ask others for tips, but you need to be able to work through the problem on your own, and explain what you did. I suggest you use time right before and after class to ask questions of some of the more experienced players.
We check progress in class. We will maintain a document mapping your CTF ID to your andrew ID. Since we will be working on CTFs in class, we will walk around and check to see what level you are on.
- Boston Key Party: Feb 27 - March 1, 2015. Note this is not a regular class time! Participation means working at least 10 hours total. Required.
- Ghost in the shell: Jan 16-18, 2015. Optional. Extra Credit.
- Codegate March 14-15, 2015. Optional.
Students should register using a name that is prefixed with CMU (assuming you are not competing as PPP). We will use github to map which students (by andrew ID) are on each team. Students must submit a screen shot at the end of the contest with their score.
In each class I will iterate until class is over the following procedure:
- Pick a student, have them come up to the display and talk about a problem they are working on.
- Have other students who have solved the challenge give hints. They may be asked to log on themselves and walk through.
- Work as a class to summarize overall techniques.
As I mentioned above, this is an experiment. We will adapt if it does not appear to be working. I hope it does. I hope everyone comes into class with questions that we can try to work through together.
Even student will develop 3 new substantive CTF challenges. The minimum requirements are:
- The problem should have a clear concept being taught.
- There should be a detailed walkthrough of problem and solution.
- There should be an annotated bibliography of other sites and resources for learning about the material.
- Keys should be auto-generated.
- It should tie into the picoctf platform.
- Code should be signed off by at least 2 others in class. We follow standard peer review guidelines
- Code will be hosted on github. (We will allow for private repos, and have applied for the educational discount.)
As mentioned above, creating good challenges is hard, but learnable. You should make sure you devote sufficient time to create a problem (probably somewhere in the area of 2-8 hrs).
Our process will be:
- Students will propose a project. This will include:
- The problem area (crypto, binary exploit, etc.)
- the skill level
- what you expect a person to know to solve it
- problem setup
- a walkthrough.
- We will discuss all problems in class. I expect a number of problems will be deemed bad, and will have to be reproposed.
- Problem implementation. We will implement in the picoctf framework.
- Test play in class. We will get feedback. The best 5 problems will
Students will propose a research project towards the end of the semester. The research will be how to automate CTF problem solving. By default, you will focus on binary analysis. I will accept other compelling ideas on an individual basis.
There will be a project proposal, a mid-term meeting, and final presentations. In the final presentation I expect you to show several problems solved in class that your project helps solve.
As an example of a steller, independently-motivated project, look no further than Qira.
Students will prepare a 7 minute presentation covering their project. The presentation should include the following parts:
- An overview of the problem domain.
- Several example CTF problems that are in scope for the research.
- Existing research, and how it applies to the CTF problems.
- The delta. This is what you did.
- A demo. Show off your code working on one of the problems.
The project will be graded as follows:
- 5% of the project grade will be whether you conveyed all the material within 7 minutes in your presentation. 1% will be deducted per extra minute. (Experience shows we need incentive to make sure this part runs efficiently.)
- 30% on the report.
- 30% on examples showing your research tool works. This is intended to demonstrate the technical merit of the work: if you can show a reduced time to exploit several CTF problems, or show enough promise that this would be the case, then you will receive full points.
- 20% on compilable code checked into your class git repo.
- 15% on code quality (e.g., does pylint complain a lot? Do you have a function that takes 13 parameters? How well does your code document your assumptions and enforce the constraints of your system? Stuff like that.)
Great hackers, as well as great researchers, are curious. They learn things on their own. They try to understand things that catch their eye deeply. I would expect a hacker mentality. This is also an elective, high-level class. You don't have to take it, and you shouldn't unless you are deeply interested in the subject. Therefore, I ask that you not play the game of the least amount of work to technically satisfy a requirement. Do a good job.
We will guarantee an A for 90-100%, B 80-90%, C for 70-80%, D for 60-70%, and R for all other grades. Fractional percentages will be rounded half up.
Percentages will be weighted as follows:
- Course participation. You get 2 free classes you can miss. After that, you will loose 5% your total grade per class missed. No exceptions without a doctors written note for a medically serious life event.
- Wargames. Grades for each point bracket will be posted in this document.
- CTFs: You must spend 10 hours per CTF on each of the two CTFs. This will be somewhat of an honor system.
- CTF problems created. Grading TBD.
- Course project. Your course project must demonstrably make CTF
problem solving easier. Note we do not start course projects until
near the end of the semester in order to make sure you have
sufficient experience. The requirements are:
- Initial proposal. The proposal should include example problems you have solved this code will help with.
- Meeting with David for feedback.
- Demo of final tool. The demo will show how 3 problems are solved more easily with your tool.
- Final writeup and code release.
Grades will be weighted 30% practice, 30% CTF problems, 20% research project, 20% class attendance. Note the heavy weight on attendance. This is because for the course to work, students have to be in class to talk about where they are stuck, as well as give hints and advice to others. If you're not in class, you aren't doing these things.
Every student should maintain notes and code at It's important to be able to reflect back on how you solved previous problems, and be able to reproduce them. We may even ask you to reproduce them.
We heavily encourage markdown for notes.
Please structure your git account as follows:
- ctf/ctfname/problem/. For each ctf named ctfname and each problem.
- wargames/wargamename/problem/. Similar to above.
- myctf/{prob1, prob2, prob3}/
- src: problem source.
- doc: problem walkthrough
- tests: unit tests. Have them.
The first month or so of the course focuses in playing CTFs. You can't create good problems or write interesting tools without some experience. The next month continues with playing problems, and asks you to start designing problems. The final month focuses on developing automated tools for CTF.
Anytime there is a deadline, it is due at 2:30pm eastern time. We will check git's timestap. Please do not ask for late days unless there was a true medical emergency. I die a little when I get asked for late days.
- 1/12. First day of class. Everyone signs up for picoctf.
- 1/14. jburket presents picoCTF level 4: two problems.
- 1/19. No class. Martin Luther King Day
- 1/21. Wargame walkthroughs.
- 1/26. David gone. Wargame walkthroughs hosted by TBD.
- 1/28. David gone. Wargame walktrhoughs hosted by TBD.
- 2/2. Wargame walkthroughs. PicoCTF score due in class. Start microcorruption.
- 2/4. Wargame walkthroughs
- 2/9. David gone. Wargame walkthroughs hosted by TBD.
- 2/11. Wargame walkthroughs.
You will have had about a month of practice at this point.
- 2/15 noon: CTF problem 1 proposal due. Note this is not a class day.
- 2/16. CTF problem 1 proposal discussion in class.
- 2/18. Microcorruption due.
- 2/23. Wargame walkthroughs.
- 2/25. Walkthroughs
- 2/27 - 3/1: Boston Key Party Party. We will reserve a room, and get food. 10 hours total of time. There will be a log. Scouts honor.
- 3/2. Boston Key Party Review.
- 3/3. CTF Problem 1 due by 12:00pm.
- 3/4. Class CTF Play Test.
**At this point, you will have completed a large portion of picoctf, microcorruption, and also done one real ctf. You will have created 1 problem. I would guess you have moved at least beyond beginner to the intermediate phase. Congratulations! **
- 3/9. No class. Spring Break.
- 3/11. No class. Spring Break.
- 3/16. Research proposal due (see below). Start on IO.
- 3/18. CTF Problem proposal 2 due. Wargame walkthrough (kvikramj, wsnavely).
- 3/23. class canceled.
- 3/25. CTF Problem Proposal 2 5 minute lightening talks
- 3/30. Wargame walkthrough. (sejoonc, cganas)
- 4/1. Research update #1. Wargame walkthrough (tjbecker)
- 4/6. Wargame walkthrough (edwillia, Sailesh)
- 4/8. IO due. Wargame walkthrough (cdw1, rajivk)
- 4/13. CTF Problem 2 due. Wargame walkthrough (jlareau, ecwong)
- 4/15. Research Update #3. In class meetings
- Note Carnival runs 4/17 - 4/20, with PlaidCTF.
- 4/20. CTF Problem 2 gameplay.
- 4/22.
Final project presentationsWork day. - 4/27. Final project presentations.
- 4/29. Final project presentations.
- PicoCTF: A Game-Based Comptuer Security Competition for High School Students
- CTF Field Guide
- LiveCTF
- Practice CTF List and Archive
13 total projects. 7 minutes a piece presentation. The grading and format for the final report has been updated in the Research section above.
- Eric Azebu and Kumar Vikramjeet. A CTF library for RSA attacks.
- Tim Becker, Chris Ganas, Edward Williamson. A Semantic Assisted Symbolic Solver.
- Se-Joon Chung. Visualization for Bug Minimization
- Jonathan Burket. Propagating Library Type Information in BAP.
- Marlies Ruck. Stack Diagram Automation.
- Sailesh Mukil. Qira Function Arguments Detection.
- Rijnard Van Tonder. Identifying Vulnerabilities in Binary Code.
- Dillon Lareau. Automating Format String Attacks.
- Prateek Jain. Automatic Exploit of Format String Vulnerabilities.
- Christopher Williamson. Automated Vulnerability Detection.
- Rajiv Kulkarni. Inferring Attacker-Controller Computations.
- Will Snavely. Instruction Counting.
- Eliot Wong. Symbolic execution with KLEE.
I've updated the course schedule. prateekj and jburket get a buy on CTF presentations.
Up until now, walkthroughs have mostly focused on how to solve particular problems. Going forward, please emphasize tricks for solving a type of problem.
The schedule is updated! Fewer things all around.
Research Proposal. The research proposal should be approximately 5 pages long, single spaced, 11pt font, with 1 inch margins. We strongly encourage and prefer LaTeX. Word documents look ugly.
The proposal should have the following structure:
- Introduction. What are you doing? Why does it deserve automation? Give several specific examples where your research would help solve CTF problems.
- Approach. Describe the technical approach you will take. Use a running example to highlight the specific problem and analysis reasoning steps.
- Implementation and Evaluation. Describe how you will implement your approach. In the proposal, describe which programs you plan to evaluate on. Be particular, and check those programs into git.
- Related work. Provide an annotated bibliography of work in the field. Please do not just provide a laundry list of abstract summaries: show some understanding.
- Updates. This section will be initially blank. You will fill it in with the updates as you progress.
If the above structure does not fit your project, feel free to discuss. Deviations are fine; just let me know ahead of time what you are doing.
I am interested in adding a cyber-physical component to CTFs, and encourage problems in this space as part of our class requirement. As such, I am happy to fund the following hardware for any good CTF ideas. Good will be determined by me; just run the idea me informally before or after class.
The challenge here is to make the problem integral to the problem. For example, a buffer overflow where on success you get access to the robot is kind of boring, as the robot itself is just acting as a scoreboard. Think in terms of the robot capability. For example, if you get access to the camera, make doing something with the camera (that is related to computer security) part of the problem. Perhaps the problem itself is only revealed when you get to a location, and the ability to navigate the robot helps determine the fidelity and thus difficulty of the problem. Be creative!
I also challenge you to think out of the existing CTF box. For example, I've not seen any CTFs that are 1-on-1 or team-to-team (there may be such things, but they seem less popular if so). Having just two teams compete for a goal seems interesting, and potentially easier to deal with than a larger contest. (Note you can always scale by running multiple sessions in parallel and having brackets.)
In particular, I have the following equipment that you can use:
A Sumo Jumping Robot. These robots have a camera, can drive around, and best of all, can jump! They run their own ad-hoc wifi network. They also run busybox linux. Once connected to the network, you can simply do:
$ nc <ip address> 23
and get a shell.
A Tenvis IP camera. I've not played with these yet.
Foscam IP Cameras Use
to grab images live. Note that out-of-the-box these cameras seem to die when younmap
them; you would need to figure out a way to make the challenge robust. -
Z-wave IoT equipment, including a multi-sensor, a USB dongle (for say a host computer), and a smart energy switch (for safe remote control of a power outlet).
I am happy to consider other equipment (say an RFID reader, or a DIY electronic door lock), but the above should provide some nice possibilities.