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Testing Your Local Environment Setup

Logan Mitchell edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 9 revisions

Once you've got dependencies installed and the BFD repository downloaded as noted in Local Environment Setup for BFD Development, you may want to run a test to ensure everything is set up correctly. This guide will run you through loading data using the pipeline into your local BFD database, setting up a local BFD server, and then hitting the server to return data.

Loading Beneficiary

  1. To load one test beneficiary, with your database running, change directories into apps/bfd-pipeline/bfd-pipeline-ccw-rif and run:
    mvn -Dits.db.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/fhirdb" -Dits.db.username=bfd -Dits.db.password=InsecureLocalDev -Dit.test=RifLoaderIT#loadSampleA clean verify
    This will kick off the integration test loadSampleA. After the job completes, you can verify that it ran properly with:
    docker exec bfd-db psql 'postgresql://bfd:InsecureLocalDev@localhost:5432/fhirdb' -c 'SELECT "bene_id" FROM "beneficiaries" LIMIT 1;'
  2. Run export BFD_PORT=6500. The actual port is not important, but without it the start-server script will pick a different one each time, which gets annoying later. This can be set in your shell profile but note that when running the integration tests through maven, the BFD_PORT needs to be unset from the environment.
  3. Now it's time to start the server up. Change to apps/bfd-server and run:
    mvn -Dits.db.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/fhirdb?user=bfd&password=InsecureLocalDev" --projects bfd-server-war package dependency:copy antrun:run org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:exec@server-start
    After it starts up, you can tail the logs with tail -f bfd-server-war/target/server-work/server-console.log
  4. We're finally going to make a request. BFD requires that clients authenticate themselves with a certificate. Those certs live in the apps/bfd-server/dev/ssl-stores directory. We can curl the server using a cert with this command:
    curl --silent --insecure --cert $BFD_PATH/apps/bfd-server/dev/ssl-stores/client-unsecured.pem "https://localhost:$BFD_PORT/v2/fhir/ExplanationOfBenefit/?patient=567834&_format=json"
    where $BFD_PATH is that path to the beneficiary-fhir-data repo on your system. It may be helpful to have that set in your profile, too. To configure Postman, go to Settings -> Certificates -> Add certificate and load in apps/bfd-server/dev/ssl-stores/client-trusted-keystore.pfx under the PFX File option. The passphrase is changeit. Under Settings -> General you'll also want to turn off "SSL Certificate Verification."
  5. Total success (probably)!. You have a working call. To stop the server run this from the apps/bfd-server directory:
    mvn -Dits.db.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/fhirdb?user=bfd&password=InsecureLocalDev" --projects bfd-server-war package dependency:copy antrun:run org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:exec@server-stop
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