diff --git a/src/StackelbergControlHypothesesFiltering.jl b/src/StackelbergControlHypothesesFiltering.jl
index 30e2246f..6cfc3791 100644
--- a/src/StackelbergControlHypothesesFiltering.jl
+++ b/src/StackelbergControlHypothesesFiltering.jl
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ include("solvers/LQNashFeedbackSolver.jl")
 end # module
diff --git a/src/control_strategies/FeedbackGainControlStrategy.jl b/src/control_strategies/FeedbackGainControlStrategy.jl
index 65b1e8b0..9a46c69f 100644
--- a/src/control_strategies/FeedbackGainControlStrategy.jl
+++ b/src/control_strategies/FeedbackGainControlStrategy.jl
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ function apply_control_strategy(tt::Int, strategy::FeedbackGainControlStrategy,
+# Define some getters.
 function get_linear_feedback_gains(strategy::FeedbackGainControlStrategy)
     return strategy.Ps
diff --git a/src/dynamics/LinearDynamics.jl b/src/dynamics/LinearDynamics.jl
index 7b09682a..fdd1c773 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/LinearDynamics.jl
+++ b/src/dynamics/LinearDynamics.jl
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function propagate_dynamics(dyn::LinearDynamics,
     # Incorporate the dynamics based on the state and the controls.
     dt = time_range[2] - time_range[1]
-    x_next = dyn.A * x + dyn.a * dt + sum(dyn.Bs[ii] * us[ii] for ii in 1:N)
+    x_next = dyn.A * x + dyn.a + sum(dyn.Bs[ii] * us[ii] for ii in 1:N)
     if dyn.D != nothing && v != nothing
         x_next += dyn.D * v
diff --git a/src/solvers/LQRFeedbackSolver.jl b/src/solvers/LQRFeedbackSolver.jl
index 1c565bb0..465a5e6e 100644
--- a/src/solvers/LQRFeedbackSolver.jl
+++ b/src/solvers/LQRFeedbackSolver.jl
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ function solve_lqr_feedback(dyns::AbstractVector{LinearDynamics}, costs::Abstrac
     Zs[:, :, horizon] = Zₜ₊₁
     # base case
-    if horizon == 1
-        return Ps
-    end
+    # if horizon == 1
+    #     return Ps
+    # end
     # At each horizon running backwards, solve the LQR problem inductively.
     for tt in horizon:-1:1
@@ -50,13 +50,23 @@ function solve_lqr_feedback(dyns::AbstractVector{LinearDynamics}, costs::Abstrac
         # Solve the LQR using induction and optimizing the quadratic cost for P and Z.
         r_terms = R + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * B
+        # println(tt, " - old r_terms", r_terms)
         # This is equivalent to inv(r_terms) * B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A
         Ps[:, :, tt] = r_terms \ B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A
+        # println(tt, " - old divider, ", B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A)
+        println(tt, " - old P: ",  Ps[1, 1:2, tt])
+        println(tt, " - old p: ",  Ps[1, 3, tt])
         # Update Zₜ₊₁ at t+1 to be the one at t as we go to t-1.
-        Zₜ₊₁ = Q + A' * Zₜ₊₁ * A - A' * Zₜ₊₁ * B * Ps[:, :, tt]
-        Zs[:, :, tt] = Zₜ₊₁
+        Zₜ₊₁ = Q +  A' * Zₜ₊₁ * (A - B * Ps[:, :, tt])
+        # println(tt, " - old Zₜ: ", Zₜ₊₁,  Zₜ₊₁')
+        # Zₜ₊₁ = (Zₜ₊₁ + Zₜ₊₁')/2.
+        # @assert Zₜ₊₁ == Zₜ₊₁'
+        println(tt, " - old Z: ", Zₜ₊₁[1:2, 1:2])
+        println(tt, " - old z: ", Zₜ₊₁[1:2, 3], " ", Zₜ₊₁[3, 1:2]', " ", Zₜ₊₁[1:2, 3] == Zₜ₊₁[3, 1:2]')
+        println(tt, " - old cz: ", Zₜ₊₁[3, 3])
+        Zs[:, :, tt] = Zₜ₊₁ # 0.5 * (Zₜ₊₁ + Zₜ₊₁')
     # Cut off the extra dimension of the homgenized coordinates system.
diff --git a/src/solvers/NewLQRFeedbackSolver.jl b/src/solvers/NewLQRFeedbackSolver.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5a9d362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/solvers/NewLQRFeedbackSolver.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+using LinearAlgebra
+# Solve a finite horizon, discrete time LQR problem.
+# Returns feedback matrices P[:, :, time].
+# Shorthand function for LQ time-invariant dynamics and costs.
+function solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyn::LinearDynamics, cost::QuadraticCost, horizon::Int)
+    dyns = [dyn for _ in 1:horizon]
+    costs = [cost for _ in 1:horizon]
+    return solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyns, costs, horizon)
+function solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyn::LinearDynamics, costs::AbstractVector{QuadraticCost}, horizon::Int)
+    dyns = [dyn for _ in 1:horizon]
+    return solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyns, costs, horizon)
+function solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyns::AbstractVector{LinearDynamics}, cost::QuadraticCost, horizon::Int)
+    costs = [cost for _ in 1:horizon]
+    return solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyns, costs, horizon)
+function solve_new_lqr_feedback(dyns::AbstractVector{LinearDynamics}, costs::AbstractVector{QuadraticCost}, horizon::Int)
+    # Ensure the number of dynamics and costs are the same as the horizon.
+    @assert !isempty(dyns) && size(dyns, 1) == horizon
+    @assert !isempty(costs) && size(costs, 1) == horizon
+    # Note: There should only be one "player" for an LQR problem.
+    num_states = xdim(dyns[1])
+    num_ctrls = udim(dyns[1], 1)
+    Ps = zeros((num_ctrls, num_states, horizon))
+    ps = zeros((num_ctrls, horizon))
+    Zs = zeros((num_states, num_states, horizon))
+    zs = zeros((num_states, horizon))
+    czs = zeros(horizon)
+    Zₜ₊₁ = get_quadratic_state_cost_term(costs[horizon])
+    zₜ₊₁ = get_linear_state_cost_term(costs[horizon])
+    czₜ₊₁ = get_constant_state_cost_term(costs[horizon])
+    Zs[:, :, horizon] = Zₜ₊₁
+    # base case
+    # if horizon == 1
+    #     return Ps, costs[horizon]
+    # end
+    # At each horizon running backwards, solve the LQR problem inductively.
+    for tt in horizon:-1:1
+        A = get_linear_state_dynamics(dyns[tt])
+        a = get_constant_state_dynamics(dyns[tt])
+        B = get_control_dynamics(dyns[tt], 1)
+        Q = get_quadratic_state_cost_term(costs[tt])
+        q = get_linear_state_cost_term(costs[tt])
+        cq = get_constant_state_cost_term(costs[tt])
+        R = get_quadratic_control_cost_term(costs[tt], 1)
+        r = get_linear_control_cost_term(costs[tt], 1)
+        cr = get_constant_control_cost_term(costs[tt], 1)
+        # Solve the LQR using induction and optimizing the quadratic cost for P and Z.
+        r_terms = R + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * B
+        # This solves a constrained system to identify the feedback gain and constant gain.
+        lhs = vcat(hcat(r_terms, r), hcat(r', cr))
+        rhs = vcat(hcat(B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A,  B' * (Zₜ₊₁ * a + zₜ₊₁)), zeros(1, num_states+1))
+        Pp = lhs \ rhs
+        # println(Pp)
+        # Ps[:, :, tt] = r_terms \ (B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A)
+        Ps[:, :, tt] = Pp[1:num_ctrls, 1:num_states][:,:]
+        ps[:, tt] = Pp[1:num_ctrls, num_states+1]
+        # = r' \ (B' * zₜ₊₁ + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * a)
+        # r_terms \ (r + B' * zₜ₊₁ + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * a)
+        # r_terms \ (B' * zₜ₊₁ + r + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * a)
+        # println(tt, " - new r_terms", r_terms)
+        # println(tt, " - new divider 1: ", B' * Zₜ₊₁ * A)
+        # println(tt, " - new divider 2: ", r + B' * zₜ₊₁ + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * a)
+        # Update feedback and cost terms.
+        Pₜ = Ps[:, :, tt]
+        pₜ = ps[:, tt]
+        println(tt, " - new P: ", Pₜ)
+        println(tt, " - new p: ", pₜ)
+        Zₜ = Q + Pₜ' * R * Pₜ + (A - B * Pₜ)' * Zₜ₊₁ * (A - B * Pₜ)
+        # println(tt, " - new Zₜ: ", Zₜ, Zₜ')
+        # Zₜ = (Zₜ + Zₜ')/2.
+        # @assert Zₜ == Zₜ'
+        zₜ = q 
+        zₜ += Pₜ' * (R * pₜ - r)
+        zₜ += (A - B * Pₜ)' * Zₜ₊₁ * (a - B * pₜ)
+        zₜ += (A - B * Pₜ)' * zₜ₊₁
+        czₜ = czₜ₊₁ + cq
+        println(tt, " - new cz 1: ", czₜ₊₁ + cq)
+        czₜ += pₜ' * (R * pₜ - 2 * r)
+        println(tt, " - new cz 2: ", pₜ' * (R * pₜ - 2 * r))
+        czₜ += ((a - B * pₜ)' * Zₜ₊₁ + 2 * zₜ₊₁') * (a - B * pₜ)
+        println(tt, " - new cz 3: ", ((a - B * pₜ)' * Zₜ₊₁ + 2 * zₜ₊₁') * (a - B * pₜ))
+        println(tt, " - new Z: ", Zₜ)
+        println(tt, " - new z: ", zₜ)
+        println(tt, " - new cz: ", czₜ)
+        # zₜ = Pₜ' * R * pₜ + (A - B * Pₜ)' * (zₜ₊₁ + Zₜ₊₁ * (a - B * pₜ) )
+        # czₜ = pₜ' * (R + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * B) * pₜ - 2 * zₜ₊₁' * B * pₜ
+        # czₜ += 2 * (zₜ₊₁' - pₜ' * B' * Zₜ₊₁) * a + a' * Zₜ₊₁ * a
+        # czₜ = pₜ' * (R + B' * Zₜ₊₁ * B) * pₜ 
+        # czₜ -= 2 * zₜ₊₁' * B * pₜ 
+        # czₜ += (2 * zₜ₊₁ + Zₜ₊₁ * (a - B * pₜ))' * a
+        Zs[:, :, tt] = Zₜ # 0.5 * (Zₜ' + Zₜ)
+        zs[:, tt] = zₜ
+        czs[tt] = czₜ₊₁
+        Zₜ₊₁ = Zₜ
+        zₜ₊₁ = zₜ
+        czₜ₊₁ = czₜ
+    end
+    Ps_feedback_strategies = FeedbackGainControlStrategy([Ps], [ps])
+    Zs_future_costs = [QuadraticCost(Zs[:, :, tt], zs[:, tt], czs[tt]) for tt in 1:horizon]
+    return Ps_feedback_strategies, Zs_future_costs
+export solve_new_lqr_feedback
diff --git a/test/TestLQSolvers.jl b/test/TestLQSolvers.jl
index afae3483..5176e8cf 100644
--- a/test/TestLQSolvers.jl
+++ b/test/TestLQSolvers.jl
@@ -36,197 +36,266 @@ seed!(0)
     add_control_cost!(c₂, 1, zeros(1, 1))
     x₁ = [1., 0, 1, 0]
-    horizon = 10
+    horizon = 3
     times = cumsum(ones(horizon)) .- 1.
     costs = [c₁, c₂]
-    # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Nash conditions of optimality
-    # for each player, holding others' strategies fixed.
-    # Note: This test, as formulated, allows some false positive cases. See Basar and Olsder (Eq. 3.22) for the exact
-    #       conditions.
-    @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesNash" begin
-        ctrl_strat_Ps, _ = solve_lq_nash_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon)
-        xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ps, x₁)
-        nash_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
+     @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesLQROptimum" begin
+        # This is similar to the LQR problem that MATLAB has as an example - dt = 0.02s and it's a double integrator
+        # with state [x ẋ] and input control α acceleration. We've added a constrant drift of +1 m and +1 m/s in
+        # dynamics.
+        dt = 0.02
+        times_lqr = dt * (cumsum(ones(horizon)) .- 1.)
+        lin_dyn = LinearDynamics([1. dt; 0 1.], [[0.; dt][:,:]]; a=dt*ones(2))
+        q_cost = QuadraticCost([1. 0.; 0. 0.], ones(2), 1.)
+        add_control_cost!(q_cost, 1, ones(1, 1); r=zeros(1), cr=2.)
+        new_x₁ = ones(2)
+        strategy, _ = solve_lqr_feedback(lin_dyn, q_cost, horizon)
+        xs, us = unroll_feedback(lin_dyn, times_lqr, strategy, new_x₁)
+        eval_cost = evaluate(q_cost, xs, us)
         # Perturb each strategy a little bit and confirm that cost only
         # increases for that player.
         ϵ = 1e-1
-        for ii in 1:2
-            for tt in 1:horizon
-                ctrl_strat_P̃s = deepcopy(ctrl_strat_Ps)
-                ctrl_strat_P̃s.Ps[ii][:, :, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, ii), xdim(dyn))
-                ctrl_strat_P̃s.ps[ii][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, ii))
-                x̃s, ũs = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_P̃s, x₁)
-                new_nash_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
-                @test new_nash_costs[ii] ≥ nash_costs[ii]
-            end
+        for tt in 1:horizon
+            P̃s = deepcopy(get_linear_feedback_gain(strategy, 1))
+            p̃s = deepcopy(get_constant_feedback_gain(strategy, 1))
+            P̃s[:, :, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(lin_dyn, 1), xdim(lin_dyn))
+            p̃s[:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(lin_dyn, 1))
+            x̃s, ũs = unroll_feedback(lin_dyn, times, FeedbackGainControlStrategy([P̃s], [p̃s]), new_x₁)
+            new_eval_cost = evaluate(q_cost, x̃s, ũs)
+            println(new_eval_cost, " ≥ ", eval_cost)
+            @test new_eval_cost ≥ eval_cost
     # Ensure that the costs match up at each time step with manually calculate cost matrices.
-    @testset "CheckNashCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium" begin
-        ctrl_strat_Ps, future_costs = solve_lq_nash_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon)
-        xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ps, x₁)
+    @testset "CheckLQRCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium" begin
+        # This is the same LQR problem that MATLAB has as an example - dt = 0.02s and it's a double integrator with
+        # state [x ẋ] and input control α acceleration.
+        dt = 0.02
+        times_lqr = dt * (cumsum(ones(horizon)) .- 1.)
+        lin_dyn = LinearDynamics([1. dt; 0 1.], [[0.; dt][:,:]]; a=dt*ones(2))
+        q_cost = QuadraticCost([1. 0.; 0. 0.], zeros(2), 1.)
+        add_control_cost!(q_cost, 1, ones(1, 1); r=zeros(1), cr=2.)
+        new_x₁ = ones(2)
+        strategy, future_costs = solve_lqr_feedback(lin_dyn, q_cost, horizon)
+        xs, us = unroll_feedback(lin_dyn, times_lqr, strategy, new_x₁)
+        eval_cost = evaluate(q_cost, xs, us)
         # Compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix at time t.
-        num_players = num_agents(dyn)
-        for ii in 1:2
-            for tt in 1:horizon-1
-                time_range = (tt, tt+1)
-                u_tt = [us[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
-                u_ttp1 = [us[ii][:, tt+1] for ii in 1:num_players]
+        num_players = num_agents(lin_dyn)
-                # TODO(hamzah) Fix discrepancy in extra cost in quad cost.
-                # Manual cost is formed by the sum of the current state/ctrls costs and the future costs.
-                manual_cost = compute_cost(costs[ii], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
-                manual_cost += compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt+1], time_range, xs[:, tt+1], u_ttp1)
-                computed_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
-                @test manual_cost ≈ computed_cost
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Stackelberg conditions of optimality
-    # for player 1, holding others' strategies fixed.
-    # Note: This test, as formulated, allows some false positive cases. See Khan and Fridovich-Keil 2023 for the exact
-    #       conditions.
-    @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesStackelbergEquilibriumForLeader" begin
-        ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
-        xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
-        optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
-        # Define some useful constants.
-        ϵ = 1e-1
-        leader_idx = stackelberg_leader_idx
-        follower_idx = 3 - stackelberg_leader_idx
-        num_players = num_agents(dyn)
+        # Homgenize states and controls.
+        # xhs = homogenize_vector(xs)
-        for tt in horizon-1:-1:1
+        for tt in 1:horizon-1
             time_range = (tt, tt+1)
-            # Copy the things we will alter.
-            ũs = deepcopy(us)
-            # In this test, we need to solve the "optimal control" problem for the second player given player 1's
-            # control.
-            # Perturb the leader input u1 at the current time.
-            ũs[leader_idx][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, leader_idx))
-            ũhs = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, ũs)
-            # Re-solve for the optimal follower input given the perturbed leader trajectory.
-            A = get_homogenized_state_dynamics_matrix(dyn)
-            B₂ = get_homogenized_control_dynamics_matrix(dyn, follower_idx)
-            L₂_ttp1 = get_homogenized_state_cost_matrix(future_costs[follower_idx][tt+1])
-            G = get_homogenized_control_cost_matrix(costs[follower_idx], follower_idx) + B₂' * L₂_ttp1 * B₂
-            # Homogenize states and controls.
-            xhs = homogenize_vector(xs)
-            B₁ = get_homogenized_control_dynamics_matrix(dyn, leader_idx)
-            ũh1ₜ = ũhs[leader_idx][:, tt]
-            ũh2ₜ = - G \ (B₂' * L₂_ttp1 * (A * xhs[:,tt] + B₁ * ũh1ₜ))
-            ũ_tt = [ũh1ₜ[1:udim(dyn, 1)], ũh2ₜ[1:udim(dyn, 2)]]
+            u_tt = us[1][:, tt]
+            u_ttp1 = us[1][:, tt+1]
-            ũhs[follower_idx][:, tt] = ũh2ₜ
+            # TODO(hamzah) Fix discrepancy in extra cost in quad cost.
-            # The cost of the solution trajectory, computed as x_t^T * L^1_tt x_t for at time tt.
-            # We test the accuracy of this cost in `CheckStackelbergCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium`.
-            opt_P1_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[leader_idx][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
+            # Manual cost is formed by the sum of the current state/ctrls costs and the future costs.
+            manual_cost = compute_cost(q_cost, time_range, xs[:, tt], [u_tt])
+            manual_cost += compute_cost(future_costs[tt+1], time_range, xs[:, tt+1], [u_ttp1])
+            computed_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], [u_tt])
-            # Compute the homogenized controls for time tt+1.
-            u_ttp1 = [ũhs[ii][:, tt+1][1:udim(dyn, ii)] for ii in 1:num_players]
-            # The cost computed manually for perturbed inputs using
-            # x_t^T Q_t x_t^T + ... + <control costs> + ... + x_{t+1}^T * L^1_{t+1} x_{t+1}.
-            state_and_controls_cost = compute_cost(costs[leader_idx], time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
-            ũ_tt = [ũs[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
-            xₜ₊₁ = propagate_dynamics(dyn, time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
-            future_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[leader_idx][tt+1], time_range, xₜ₊₁, u_ttp1)
-            new_P1_cost = state_and_controls_cost + future_cost
-            # The costs from time t+1 of the perturbed and optimal trajectories should also satisfy this condition.
-            @test new_P1_cost ≥ opt_P1_cost
-            x̃s = unroll_raw_controls(dyn, times, ũs, x₁)
-            new_stack_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
-            optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
-            # This test evaluates the cost for the entire perturbed trajectory against the optimal cost.
-            @test new_stack_costs[leader_idx] ≥ optimal_stackelberg_costs[leader_idx]
+            @test manual_cost ≈ computed_cost
-    # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Stackelberg conditions of optimality
-    # for player 2, holding others' strategies fixed.
-    @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesStackelbergEquilibriumForFollower" begin
-        ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
-        xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
-        optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
-        # Define some useful constants.
-        ϵ = 1e-1
-        leader_idx = stackelberg_leader_idx
-        follower_idx = 3 - stackelberg_leader_idx
-        num_players = follower_idx
-        # Perturb each optimized P2 strategy a little bit and confirm that cost only increases for player 2.
-        leader_idx = 1
-        follower_idx = 2
-        for tt in 1:horizon-1
-            ctrl_strat_S̃s = deepcopy(ctrl_strat_Ss)
-            ctrl_strat_S̃s.Ps[follower_idx][:, :, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, follower_idx), xdim(dyn))
-            ctrl_strat_S̃s.ps[follower_idx][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, follower_idx))
-            x̃s, ũs = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_S̃s, x₁)
-            new_stack_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
-            @test new_stack_costs[follower_idx] ≥ optimal_stackelberg_costs[follower_idx]
-        end
-    end
-    # Ensure that the costs match up at each time step with manually calculate cost matrices.
-    @testset "CheckStackelbergCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium" begin
-        ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
-        xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
-        # For each player, compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix
-        # at time t.
-        # Compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix at time t.
-        num_players = num_agents(dyn)
-        for ii in 1:2
-            jj = 3 - ii
-            for tt in 1:horizon-1
-                time_range = (tt, tt+1)
-                u_tt = [us[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
-                # uh_tt = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, u_tt)
-                u_ttp1 = [us[ii][:, tt+1] for ii in 1:num_players]
-                # uh_ttp1 = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, u_ttp1)
-                # TODO(hamzah) Fix discrepancy in extra cost in quad cost.
-                state_and_control_costs = compute_cost(costs[ii], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
-                future_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt+1], time_range, xs[:, tt+1], u_ttp1)
-                manual_cost = state_and_control_costs + future_cost
-                computed_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
-                # The manually recursion at time t should match the computed L cost at time t.
-                @test manual_cost ≈ computed_cost
-            end
-        end
-    end
+    # # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Nash conditions of optimality
+    # # for each player, holding others' strategies fixed.
+    # # Note: This test, as formulated, allows some false positive cases. See Basar and Olsder (Eq. 3.22) for the exact
+    # #       conditions.
+    # @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesNash" begin
+    #     ctrl_strat_Ps, _ = solve_lq_nash_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon)
+    #     xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ps, x₁)
+    #     nash_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
+    #     # Perturb each strategy a little bit and confirm that cost only
+    #     # increases for that player.
+    #     ϵ = 1e-1
+    #     for ii in 1:2
+    #         for tt in 1:horizon
+    #             ctrl_strat_P̃s = deepcopy(ctrl_strat_Ps)
+    #             ctrl_strat_P̃s.Ps[ii][:, :, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, ii), xdim(dyn))
+    #             ctrl_strat_P̃s.ps[ii][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, ii))
+    #             x̃s, ũs = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_P̃s, x₁)
+    #             new_nash_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
+    #             @test new_nash_costs[ii] ≥ nash_costs[ii]
+    #         end
+    #     end
+    # end
+    # # Ensure that the costs match up at each time step with manually calculate cost matrices.
+    # @testset "CheckNashCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium" begin
+    #     ctrl_strat_Ps, future_costs = solve_lq_nash_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon)
+    #     xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ps, x₁)
+    #     # Compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix at time t.
+    #     num_players = num_agents(dyn)
+    #     for ii in 1:2
+    #         for tt in 1:horizon-1
+    #             time_range = (tt, tt+1)
+    #             u_tt = [us[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #             u_ttp1 = [us[ii][:, tt+1] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #             # TODO(hamzah) Fix discrepancy in extra cost in quad cost.
+    #             # Manual cost is formed by the sum of the current state/ctrls costs and the future costs.
+    #             manual_cost = compute_cost(costs[ii], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
+    #             manual_cost += compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt+1], time_range, xs[:, tt+1], u_ttp1)
+    #             computed_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
+    #             @test manual_cost ≈ computed_cost
+    #         end
+    #     end
+    # end
+    # # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Stackelberg conditions of optimality
+    # # for player 1, holding others' strategies fixed.
+    # # Note: This test, as formulated, allows some false positive cases. See Khan and Fridovich-Keil 2023 for the exact
+    # #       conditions.
+    # @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesStackelbergEquilibriumForLeader" begin
+    #     ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
+    #     xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
+    #     optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
+    #     # Define some useful constants.
+    #     ϵ = 1e-1
+    #     leader_idx = stackelberg_leader_idx
+    #     follower_idx = 3 - stackelberg_leader_idx
+    #     num_players = num_agents(dyn)
+    #     for tt in horizon-1:-1:1
+    #         time_range = (tt, tt+1)
+    #         # Copy the things we will alter.
+    #         ũs = deepcopy(us)
+    #         # In this test, we need to solve the "optimal control" problem for the second player given player 1's
+    #         # control.
+    #         # Perturb the leader input u1 at the current time.
+    #         ũs[leader_idx][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, leader_idx))
+    #         ũhs = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, ũs)
+    #         # Re-solve for the optimal follower input given the perturbed leader trajectory.
+    #         A = get_homogenized_state_dynamics_matrix(dyn)
+    #         B₂ = get_homogenized_control_dynamics_matrix(dyn, follower_idx)
+    #         L₂_ttp1 = get_homogenized_state_cost_matrix(future_costs[follower_idx][tt+1])
+    #         G = get_homogenized_control_cost_matrix(costs[follower_idx], follower_idx) + B₂' * L₂_ttp1 * B₂
+    #         # Homogenize states and controls.
+    #         xhs = homogenize_vector(xs)
+    #         B₁ = get_homogenized_control_dynamics_matrix(dyn, leader_idx)
+    #         ũh1ₜ = ũhs[leader_idx][:, tt]
+    #         ũh2ₜ = - G \ (B₂' * L₂_ttp1 * (A * xhs[:,tt] + B₁ * ũh1ₜ))
+    #         ũ_tt = [ũh1ₜ[1:udim(dyn, 1)], ũh2ₜ[1:udim(dyn, 2)]]
+    #         ũhs[follower_idx][:, tt] = ũh2ₜ
+    #         # The cost of the solution trajectory, computed as x_t^T * L^1_tt x_t for at time tt.
+    #         # We test the accuracy of this cost in `CheckStackelbergCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium`.
+    #         opt_P1_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[leader_idx][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
+    #         # Compute the homogenized controls for time tt+1.
+    #         u_ttp1 = [ũhs[ii][:, tt+1][1:udim(dyn, ii)] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #         # The cost computed manually for perturbed inputs using
+    #         # x_t^T Q_t x_t^T + ... + <control costs> + ... + x_{t+1}^T * L^1_{t+1} x_{t+1}.
+    #         state_and_controls_cost = compute_cost(costs[leader_idx], time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
+    #         ũ_tt = [ũs[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #         xₜ₊₁ = propagate_dynamics(dyn, time_range, xs[:, tt], ũ_tt)
+    #         future_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[leader_idx][tt+1], time_range, xₜ₊₁, u_ttp1)
+    #         new_P1_cost = state_and_controls_cost + future_cost
+    #         # The costs from time t+1 of the perturbed and optimal trajectories should also satisfy this condition.
+    #         @test new_P1_cost ≥ opt_P1_cost
+    #         x̃s = unroll_raw_controls(dyn, times, ũs, x₁)
+    #         new_stack_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
+    #         optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
+    #         # This test evaluates the cost for the entire perturbed trajectory against the optimal cost.
+    #         @test new_stack_costs[leader_idx] ≥ optimal_stackelberg_costs[leader_idx]
+    #     end
+    # end
+    # # Ensure that the feedback solution satisfies Stackelberg conditions of optimality
+    # # for player 2, holding others' strategies fixed.
+    # @testset "CheckFeedbackSatisfiesStackelbergEquilibriumForFollower" begin
+    #     ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
+    #     xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
+    #     optimal_stackelberg_costs = [evaluate(c, xs, us) for c in costs]
+    #     # Define some useful constants.
+    #     ϵ = 1e-1
+    #     leader_idx = stackelberg_leader_idx
+    #     follower_idx = 3 - stackelberg_leader_idx
+    #     num_players = follower_idx
+    #     # Perturb each optimized P2 strategy a little bit and confirm that cost only increases for player 2.
+    #     leader_idx = 1
+    #     follower_idx = 2
+    #     for tt in 1:horizon-1
+    #         ctrl_strat_S̃s = deepcopy(ctrl_strat_Ss)
+    #         ctrl_strat_S̃s.Ps[follower_idx][:, :, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, follower_idx), xdim(dyn))
+    #         ctrl_strat_S̃s.ps[follower_idx][:, tt] += ϵ * randn(udim(dyn, follower_idx))
+    #         x̃s, ũs = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_S̃s, x₁)
+    #         new_stack_costs = [evaluate(c, x̃s, ũs) for c in costs]
+    #         @test new_stack_costs[follower_idx] ≥ optimal_stackelberg_costs[follower_idx]
+    #     end
+    # end
+    # # Ensure that the costs match up at each time step with manually calculate cost matrices.
+    # @testset "CheckStackelbergCostsAreConsistentAtEquilibrium" begin
+    #     ctrl_strat_Ss, future_costs = solve_lq_stackelberg_feedback(dyn, costs, horizon, stackelberg_leader_idx)
+    #     xs, us = unroll_feedback(dyn, times, ctrl_strat_Ss, x₁)
+    #     # For each player, compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix
+    #     # at time t.
+    #     # Compute the costs using the t+1 cost matrix and compare with the cost using the cost matrix at time t.
+    #     num_players = num_agents(dyn)
+    #     for ii in 1:2
+    #         jj = 3 - ii
+    #         for tt in 1:horizon-1
+    #             time_range = (tt, tt+1)
+    #             u_tt = [us[ii][:, tt] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #             # uh_tt = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, u_tt)
+    #             u_ttp1 = [us[ii][:, tt+1] for ii in 1:num_players]
+    #             # uh_ttp1 = homogenize_ctrls(dyn, u_ttp1)
+    #             # TODO(hamzah) Fix discrepancy in extra cost in quad cost.
+    #             state_and_control_costs = compute_cost(costs[ii], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
+    #             future_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt+1], time_range, xs[:, tt+1], u_ttp1)
+    #             manual_cost = state_and_control_costs + future_cost
+    #             computed_cost = compute_cost(future_costs[ii][tt], time_range, xs[:, tt], u_tt)
+    #             # The manually recursion at time t should match the computed L cost at time t.
+    #             @test manual_cost ≈ computed_cost
+    #         end
+    #     end
+    # end
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 15b6a5ae..0370471f 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+# include("TestApproximatedLQSolvers.jl")
+# include("TestLQStackelbergDerivation.jl")