- Introduction
- What we hope to learn, what we expect to cover
- Python (using ipython in browser)
- Object types. (int/float/str/containers/boolean)
- Duck typing.
- Loops (
for x in y:
), control flow (if z:
- Anaconda
- IDEs
- Jupyter
- Differential equations, Simple Euler method to solve
- Numerical Convergence
linux tutorial
- Kinetic Monte Carlo
- Git intro - the principles (git parable)
- Runge-Kutta RK4 and convergence
Register for github
- Git
- Github
- Practice resolving conflicts, adding name to github-assignment table
Submit a pull request (containing HW3 solution)
Book reviews
- discuss book reviews and resources for learning Python
- how and why to generate
files - inplement post-save hook in jupyter config
- interactive rebase to squash commits, and force push
- discuss Runge-Kutta findings (should be 4th order)
- discuss stiff ODE solvers (meaning of stiffness)
- discuss projects
Prepare a presentation/pitch describing a possible project idea.
- Project presentations
- More project presentations
- Getting into groups for projects, and discussing
Kinetic Monte Carlo for rabbits and foxes.
- git remotes, branches, pull requests, (for homework submission)
- lists vs. numpy arrays
- Making your code faster (when to optimize, how to benchmark, how to profile, etc.)
- Kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm refresher (timesteps, events, etc.)
- Convergence (how many KMC simulations required?)
- Projects. Group assignments
- Literature search: What has been done before (theory, models). What is the question to address?
no lecture on 10/9 due to holiday
Literature Survey
- Linear regression (
) - Nonlinear regression (
) - Regression with uncertain x values (eg.
, though only discussed, not used)
Regression https://github.com/CHME5137/regression
- Boundary Value Problems
- Partial differential equations
- https://github.com/CHME5137/PDEs
- Regression homework
- Debugging
- Mid-semester survey
- Regression again
- Discovery cluster (discussion/intro)
- Sensitivity Analysis (principles/discussion)
- Sensitivity analysis
Prof. West at AIChE conference.
- Using discovery
- Projects
Prof. West at AIChE conference.
- Using discovery
- Projects
Chemical Kinetics with Cantera
- Discuss the Reaction & Diffusion homework
- Population Balance Modelling
- Population Balance Modelling
- Projects
No class on 11/22 for Thanksgiving
Pandas for Polyethylene debugging
Machine Learning
- Assignment Assessment
- Improving the course
- Scikit-learn http://scikit-learn.org/
- Optimization
- autograd https://github.com/HIPS/autograd
Grade deadline 12/18
- Chemical Kinetics (cantera)
- "Big" data (pandas)
- Population balance models
- Optimization
- Machine Learning?