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Datura Collection Management Scripts

This collection supports the population of an API storing data extracted from XML, CSV, YML, and other file types.

The Process

Collections are added as sub repositories. They may contain data in the following formats: HTML, TEI P5, VRA, and CSV. The following output formats are supported: HTML, IIIF Presentation Manifest JSON, Solr XML, Elasticsearch (ES) JSON.

The files are parsed and formatted into documents appropriate for Solr, IIIF, Elasticsearch, and HTML snippets, and then these resulting documents are posted to the appropriate locations. There are also several management scripts for creating indexes, managing the schemas, and deleting indexes.



The Basics

If this is a brand new collection, please refer to Create collection and add files

View all available commands:


To post to elasticsearch with a basic development environment, give the following a try:


Check out all the options by running the "help" flag:

post -h