diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 6ad09f2..24ee175 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem "datura", git: "https://github.com/CDRH/datura.git", tag: "v0.1.0"
+gem "datura", git: "https://github.com/CDRH/datura.git", tag: "v0.1.4"
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index b0d5d71..ab59f2f 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
remote: https://github.com/CDRH/datura.git
- revision: 44f60a131bb26283789a89f0458eb070880023f3
- tag: v0.1.0
+ revision: 4cc7911a978f41e0f48605b793f8914b39d9cdfc
+ tag: v0.1.4
- datura (0.1.0)
+ datura (0.1.4)
colorize (~> 0.8.1)
- nokogiri (~> 1.8.1)
+ nokogiri (~> 1.8)
rest-client (~> 2.0.2)
remote: https://rubygems.org/
colorize (0.8.1)
- domain_name (0.5.20180417)
+ domain_name (0.5.20190701)
unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
http-cookie (1.0.3)
domain_name (~> 0.5)
- mime-types (3.2.2)
+ mime-types (3.3)
mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
- mime-types-data (3.2018.0812)
- mini_portile2 (2.3.0)
+ mime-types-data (3.2019.1009)
+ mini_portile2 (2.4.0)
netrc (0.11.0)
- nokogiri (1.8.5)
- mini_portile2 (~> 2.3.0)
+ nokogiri (1.10.5)
+ mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0)
rest-client (2.0.2)
http-cookie (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4.0)
netrc (~> 0.8)
unf (0.1.4)
- unf_ext (
+ unf_ext (
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ DEPENDENCIES
- 1.16.6
+ 1.17.3
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368fa4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Cartas a la Familia: De la migración de Jesusita a Jane
+Family Letters: On the Migration from Jesusita to Jane
+This repository is intended for use with the [CDRH API](https://github.com/CDRH/api) and the [Family Letters Ruby on Rails application](https://github.com/CDRH/family_letters).
+## Updating
+See the [Datura documentation](https://github.com/CDRH/datura) for general updating and posting instructions. **NOTE: do not edit the CSV files -- they are generated from a spreadsheet (documents.csv) and a [mediacommons](https://mediacommons.unl.edu/luna/servlet/UNL~111~111) export (photographs.csv)**
diff --git a/config/public.yml b/config/public.yml
index d46db33..a24967f 100644
--- a/config/public.yml
+++ b/config/public.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ default:
data_base: https://cdrhmedia.unl.edu
media_base: https://cdrhmedia.unl.edu
tei_html_xsl: scripts/overrides/tei_to_html.xsl
-threads: 20
+ threads: 20
+ # scrape_endpoint is tacked onto the end of site_url
+ scrape_endpoint: content_pages
+ scrape_website: true
data_base: https://cdrhdev1.unl.edu/media
es_path: https://cdrhdev1.unl.edu/elastic
@@ -13,3 +16,5 @@ development:
es_path: https://cdrhapi.unl.edu/elastic
es_index: cdrhapi-v1
+ site_url: https://familyletters.unl.edu
+ scrape_website: false
diff --git a/scripts/overrides/data_manager.rb b/scripts/overrides/data_manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de9605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/overrides/data_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+require "json"
+require "open-uri"
+require "uri"
+class Datura::DataManager
+ def build_html(urls)
+ combined = ""
+ # retrieve and then combine into a single file which can be parsed
+ urls.each do |url|
+ lang = url.include?("/en/") ? "en" : "es"
+ raw = open(url) { |f| f.read }
+ # wrap the web scraping results in a div that describes the language
+ combined << "
+ html = Nokogiri::HTML(raw)
+ combined << html.at_xpath("//div[@id='content-wrapper']").inner_html
+ combined << "
+ end
+ combined
+ rescue => exception
+ print_error(exception, urls)
+ end
+ def pre_file_preparation
+ if @options["scrape_website"]
+ url = File.join(@options["site_url"], @options["scrape_endpoint"])
+ puts "getting list of urls to scrape from #{url}"
+ list_of_pages = open(url) { |f| f.read }
+ # family letters has urls such as research and en/research
+ # representing spanish and english views of the same content
+ # so the urls are returned in pairs
+ JSON.parse(list_of_pages).each do |pair|
+ # share an id for the two files
+ site_url_for_regex = @options["site_url"]
+ .gsub("/", "\/")
+ .gsub(".", "\.")
+ id = pair
+ .first[/^#{site_url_for_regex}\/(.*)/, 1]
+ .gsub("/", "_")
+ output_file = "#{@options["collection_dir"]}/source/webs/#{id}.html"
+ html = build_html(pair)
+ File.open(output_file, 'w') { |file| file.write(html) }
+ end
+ else
+ puts %{Files in source/webs are not being refreshed from the website
+ contents. If you wish to scrape the family letters website, please
+ add or update config/public.yml to use "scrape_website: true"}
+ end
+ rescue => exception
+ print_error(exception, url)
+ end
+ def print_error(e, url)
+ puts %{Something went wrong while scraping the family letters website:
+ URL(S): #{url}
+ ERROR: #{e}
+To post content, please check the endpoint in config/public.yml, or
+temporarily disable the scrape_website setting in that file}.red
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/overrides/file_csv.rb b/scripts/overrides/file_csv.rb
index ef02c9a..b1cdbd9 100644
--- a/scripts/overrides/file_csv.rb
+++ b/scripts/overrides/file_csv.rb
@@ -1,88 +1,269 @@
class FileCsv
- def row_to_es(headers, row)
+ def build_html_from_csv
+ items = reconstitute_items
+ items.each do |id, pages|
+ builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
+ xml.div(class: "main_content") {
+ xml.div(class: "image_display")
+ xml.h4(data_from_pages(pages, "Title#1", combine: false))
+ pages.each do |page|
+ image_name = page["Filename"].include?(".jpg") ? page["Filename"] : "#{page["Filename"]}.jpg"
+ xml.div(class: "image_item_display") {
+ xml.p(page["Description#1"]) if page["Description#1"]
+ xml.p(page["Card Text"]) if page["Card Text"]
+ xml.p(page["Written Text"]) if page["Written Text"]
+ xml.img(
+ src: "#{@options["media_base"]}/iiif/2/#{@options["collection"]}%2F#{image_name}/full/!800,800/0/default.jpg",
+ class: "display"
+ )
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ write_html_to_file(builder, id)
+ end
+ end
+ # returns the data from either the first page or combines into array of values
+ # flags any discrepancies if they are not to be combined
+ # combine: false returns a string from the FIRST page only (and potentially a warning)
+ # combine: true returns an array for flexibility of how it is treated on the other end
+ def data_from_pages(pages, field, combine: false)
+ data = pages.map { |p| CommonXml.normalize_space(p[field]) if present?(p[field]) }
+ data = data.compact.uniq
+ if combine
+ # returns an array if combine is requested
+ data
+ else
+ # return a string if combine was not requested
+ if data.length > 1
+ warning = <<-WARNING
+ Pages related to item #{pages.first["Filename"]}
+ had differing information for #{field}:
+ #{data}
+ puts warning.yellow
+ end
+ data.first
+ end
+ end
+ def get_id(item_identifier)
+ if item_identifier[/^\d/]
+ # consider this a photograph
+ letter = "P"
+ number = item_identifier
+ else
+ # this is a document and may have D or M letters associated with it
+ letter = item_identifier[0]
+ number = item_identifier[1..-1]
+ end
+ # construct an id that looks like pattern shan.D001 or shan.P001
+ padded = number.rjust(3, "0")
+ # puts "shan.#{letter}#{padded}"
+ "shan.#{letter}#{padded}"
+ end
+ # CSV has an entry for each particular page image, although the metadata
+ # itself needs to be groups of them for example, filename 1 & 2 are front
+ # and back of a postcard, grouped by the Identifier column
+ # - need to be index as one item in API
+ # - will be combined in the HTML view
+ def reconstitute_items
+ items = {}
+ if self.filename(false) == "documents"
+ groups = @csv.group_by { |r| r["Notes"] }
+ else
+ groups = @csv.group_by { |r| r["Identifier"] }
+ end
+ groups.each do |group, rows|
+ # skip header row
+ next if group == "Identifier" || group == "Notes"
+ # skip the border crossing card, which was for internal use only
+ next if group == "D131"
+ id = get_id(group)
+ items[id] = []
+ rows.each do |row|
+ items[id] << row
+ end
+ end
+ items
+ end
+ # we're assuming id represents the first page in a series
+ def item_to_es(id, pages)
doc = {}
- # there must be an id for this row
- if row["Filename"]
- id = row["Filename"].gsub(".jpg", "") if present?(row["Filename"])
- doc["id"] = id
- # doc["category"]
- doc["collection"] = @options["collection"]
- doc["collection_desc"] = @options["collection_desc"] || @options["collection"]
- # doc["contributor"]
- doc["creator"] = { "name" => row["Artist/Creator#1"] } if present?(row["Artist/Creator#1"])
- doc["data_type"] = "csv"
- # doc["date"]
- # doc["date_display"]
- doc["description"] = row["Description#1"] if present?(row["Description#1"])
- doc["format"] = row["Format#1"] if present?(row["Format#1"])
- doc["identifier"] = id
- # TODO this size should probably come out of the config file
- doc["image_id"] = "#{id}.jpg"
- # doc["keywords"]
- # doc["language"]
- # doc["languages"]
- doc["medium"] = row["Format#1"] if present?(row["Format#1"])
- # doc["person"]
- # doc["people"]
- # doc["places"]
- # doc["publisher"]
- # doc["recipient"]
- # doc["rights"]
- # doc["rights_holder"]
- # doc["rights_uri"]
- doc["source"] = row["Source#1"] if present?(row["Source#1"])
- # doc["subjects"]
- # doc["subcategory"]
- doc["text"] = row["Description#1"] if present?(row["Description#1"])
- doc["title"] = present?(row["Title#1"]) ? row["Title#1"] : "No Title"
- # doc["title_sort"]
- # doc["topics"]
- # doc["uri"]
- # filename in uri_data is coming from the filename of the CSV file, NOT the "Filename" column
- doc["uri_data"] = "#{@options["data_base"]}/data/#{@options["collection"]}/csv/#{filename}"
- doc["uri_html"] = "#{@options["data_base"]}/data/#{@options["collection"]}/output/#{@options["environment"]}/html/#{id}.html"
- # doc["works"]
+ # the below are fields common to both documents and photographs
+ doc["category"] = "Image"
+ doc["collection"] = @options["collection"]
+ doc["collection_desc"] = @options["collection_desc"] || @options["collection"]
+ # doc["contributor"]
+ # TODO needs to be a nested field
+ # doc["creator"] = data_from_pages(pages, "Artist/Creator#1", combine: true)
+ doc["data_type"] = "csv"
+ first_date = data_from_pages(pages, "Date#1", combine: false)
+ standard_date = standardize_date(first_date)
+ doc["date"] = standard_date
+ doc["date_not_before"] = standard_date
+ doc["date_display"] = data_from_pages(pages, "Date#1", combine: false)
+ # doc["date_not_after"]
+ # description fields
+ desc = data_from_pages(pages, "Description#1", combine: true).join(" ")
+ text_written = data_from_pages(pages, "Written Text", combine: true).join(" ")
+ text_card = data_from_pages(pages, "Card Text", combine: true).join(" ")
+ doc["description"] = [ desc, text_written, text_card ].flatten.join(" ")
+ formats = data_from_pages(pages, "Format#1", combine: true)
+ # some formats should be altered for search results, but not
+ # changing their original description in the spreadsheets
+ format_map = {
+ "Booklet" => "Document",
+ "Notebook" => "Handwritten Notes",
+ "Calendar" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Journal" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Lyrics" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Menu" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Poster" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Prescription" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Religious artifact" => "Miscellaneous",
+ "Stamps" => "Miscellaneous"
+ }
+ # need to remove (recto) / verso type portions from the format
+ formats = formats
+ .map { |f| f.sub(/ \((?:verso|recto)\)/, "") }
+ .map(&:strip)
+ .map(&:capitalize)
+ .uniq
+ .map { |f| format_map.key?(f) ? format_map[f] : f }
+ doc["format"] = formats.length > 1 ? formats : [ formats.first ]
+ doc["identifier"] = id
+ first_image = pages.first["Filename"]
+ doc["image_id"] = first_image.include?(".jpg") ? first_image : "#{first_image}.jpg"
+ # doc["keywords"]
+ lang = data_from_pages(pages, "Language#1", combine: true).first
+ if lang
+ lang_map = {
+ "eng" => "en",
+ "em" => "en",
+ "esp" => "es",
+ "N/A" => "n/a"
+ }
+ doc["language"] = lang_map.key?(lang) ? lang_map[lang] : lang
+ # multivalued field, these items are only described with one language
+ doc["languages"] = [ doc["language"] ]
+ end
+ doc["medium"] = doc["format"]
+ people = [
+ "Subject#1",
+ "Subject#1$1",
+ "Subject#1$2",
+ "Subject#1$3",
+ "Subject#1$4",
+ "Subject#1$5",
+ "Subject#1$6",
+ "Subject#1$7",
+ ]
+ # multivalued keyword
+ doc["people"] = people.map { |p| data_from_pages(pages, p, combine: true) }.flatten.uniq
+ # no role or id for person nested object
+ doc["person"] = doc["people"].map { |p| { "name" => p } }
+ doc["places"] = data_from_pages(pages, "Coverage#1", combine: false)
+ # doc["publisher"]
+ recipient = data_from_pages(pages, "Subject#1", combine: false)
+ doc["recipient"] = [ { "name" => recipient } ] if recipient
+ # doc["rights"]
+ # doc["rights_uri"]
+ doc["rights_holder"] = data_from_pages(pages, "Source#1", combine: false)
+ # "source" field handled by individual type of item
+ # doc["subjects"]
+ # "subcategory" field handled by individual type of item
+ # doc["title"] = present?(row["Title#1"]) ? row["Title#1"] : "No Title"
+ title = data_from_pages(pages, "Title#1", combine: false)
+ # currently title likely english, okay because the API is in English
+ doc["title"] = present?(title) ? title : "No Title"
+ doc["title_sort"] = CommonXml.normalize_name(doc["title"])
+ # there is no spanish translation so for now we are just duplicating fields
+ doc["title_es_k"] = doc["title"]
+ doc["title_sort_es_k"] = doc["title_sort"]
+ # doc["topics"]
+ # text field combining
+ people = doc["people"] ? doc["people"].join(" ") : ""
+ doc["text"] = [ doc["description"], doc["title"], doc["date_display"], people].flatten.join(" ")
+ # TODO the majority of these are in English but will they be translated into spanish??
+ doc["text_t_en"] = doc["text"]
+ doc["uri"] = "#{@options["site_url"]}/item/#{id}"
+ # filename in uri_data is coming from the filename of the CSV file, NOT the "Filename" column
+ doc["uri_data"] = "#{@options["data_base"]}/data/#{@options["collection"]}/source/csv/#{self.filename}"
+ doc["uri_html"] = "#{@options["data_base"]}/data/#{@options["collection"]}/output/#{@options["environment"]}/html/#{id}.html"
+ # doc["works"]
+ if self.filename(false) == "photographs"
+ item_to_es_photographs(doc, pages)
+ else
+ item_to_es_documents(doc, pages)
- def build_html_from_csv
- @csv.each do |row|
- next if row.header_row?
+ def item_to_es_documents(doc, pages)
+ doc["source"] = doc["rights_holder"]
+ doc["subcategory"] = "Document"
+ end
- id = row["Filename"].gsub(".jpg", "") if row["Filename"]
- # using XML instead of HTML for simplicity's sake
- builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
- xml.div(class: "main_content") {
- xml.image( src: "#{@options["media_base"]}#{id}.jpg/full/full/0/default.jpg" )
- xml.p(row["Description#1"], class: "image_description")
- }
+ def item_to_es_photographs(doc, pages)
+ doc["source"] = "University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Hispanic-Latina/o Heritage Collection"
+ # subcategory
+ f = doc["format"].class == Array ? doc["format"].first : doc["format"]
+ doc["subcategory"] = f
+ end
+ def standardize_date(dirty)
+ # Note: so far we are ONLY populating the date and date_not_before
+ # from the CSV because of how dates are recorded, although in some
+ # cases there ARE ending dates which are not being caught
+ if dirty
+ # removes (circa) and whitespace from dates
+ scrubbed = dirty.gsub(/[A-Za-z\(\) ]/, "")
+ # when there is a range (1940-1945) currently ignoring second half
+ if scrubbed[/\d{4}-\d{4}/]
+ scrubbed = scrubbed[/^\d{4}/]
- write_html_to_file(builder, id)
+ CommonXml.date_standardize(scrubbed)
+ # overriding in order so that "rows" of the csv are no longer the primary unit,
+ # but rather "items" created in reconstitute_items
+ def transform_es
+ puts "transforming #{self.filename}"
+ es_doc = []
+ headers = @csv.headers
+ items = reconstitute_items
+ puts "Created #{items.length} items from #{@csv.length-1} rows in the CSV".green
+ items.each do |id, pages|
+ es_doc << item_to_es(id, pages)
+ end
+ if @options["output"]
+ filepath = "#{@out_es}/#{self.filename(false)}.json"
+ File.open(filepath, "w") { |f| f.write(pretty_json(es_doc)) }
+ end
+ es_doc
+ end
-# Fields from CSV and status with API ES index
-# DONE Filename id remove .jpg for id
-# IGNORE Identifier not sure what this is being used for - perhaps relating docs? Ignore for now
-# DONE Title#1 ? Do we need to add sort? title Sometimes blank
-# DONE Artist/Creator#1 creator Usually blank
-# TODO Subject#1 most of these seem to be people. Index into people and see what happens
-# Subject#1$1
-# Subject#1$3
-# Subject#1$2
-# Subject#1$5
-# Subject#1$4
-# Subject#1$7
-# Subject#1$6
-# DONE Description#1 description
-# TODO Date#1 these are in weird format - 6/20/46 or 1947 - will need to regularize
-# TODO Format#1 format examples Photograph (recto) Cardboard frame (verso) might want to set all as "photographs"
-# DONE Source#1 source
-# DISCUSS Language#1 eng or N/A - not entirely useful
-# TODO Relation#1 points to 1 other file to relate to. Need to make a field for this
-# TODO Coverage#1 I don't knwo how to add a nested field -kmd place (do we have dc:coverage?)
diff --git a/scripts/overrides/tei_to_es.rb b/scripts/overrides/tei_to_es.rb
index 2f6edf5..20ed277 100644
--- a/scripts/overrides/tei_to_es.rb
+++ b/scripts/overrides/tei_to_es.rb
@@ -13,13 +13,18 @@ def override_xpaths
xpaths["date_display"] = "/TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc/bibl/date"
xpaths["person"] = "//persName"
+ xpaths["places"] = "//placeName"
xpaths["publisher"] = "/TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/publisher"
xpaths["recipient"] = "/TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/correspDesc/correspAction[@type='deliveredTo']/persName"
xpaths["source"] = "/TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc/mxDesc[1]/msIdentifier/repository"
xpaths["subcategory"] = "/TEI/text/body/div1[1]/@type"
xpaths["text_en"] = "/TEI/text/body/div1[@lang='en']"
xpaths["text_es"] = "/TEI/text/body/div1[@lang='es']"
- return xpaths
+ xpaths["titles"] = {
+ "en" => "/TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='main'][@lang='en'][1]",
+ "es" => "/TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='main'][@lang='es'][1]"
+ }
+ xpaths
@@ -29,7 +34,10 @@ def override_xpaths
def build_person_obj(personXml)
xmlid = personXml["id"]
# collect the parts of the person's name
- display_name = @personography.xpath("//person[@id='#{xmlid}']/persName[@type='display']").text
+ personography_name = @personography
+ .xpath("//person[@id='#{xmlid}']/persName[@type='facet']")
+ .text
+ display_name = personography_name.empty? ? "[unknown]" : personography_name
"id" => xmlid,
"name" => CommonXml.normalize_space(display_name),
@@ -56,9 +64,12 @@ def postprocessing
# make sure they follow the custom field naming conventions
# *_d, *_i, *_k, *_t
def assemble_collection_specific
- # @json["fieldname_k"] = some_value_or_method
@json["text_t_en"] = text_en
@json["text_t_es"] = text_es
+ # no harm in populating these fields but we aren't using them currently
+ # in the rails application
+ @json["title_es_k"] = title_es
+ @json["title_sort_es_k"] = title_sort_es
@@ -68,27 +79,29 @@ def assemble_collection_specific
# Overrides of default behavior
# Please see docs/tei_to_es.rb for complete instructions and examples
- # TODO should we change cather so that writings is undercase?
def category
category = get_text(@xpaths["category"])
- category.length > 0 ? category : "Writings"
+ category.length > 0 ? category.capitalize : "Writing"
- def recipient
- list = []
- eles = @xml.xpath(@xpaths["recipient"])
- eles.each do |p|
- recip = build_person_obj(p)
- recip["role"] = "recipient"
- list << recip
+ def format
+ matched_format = nil
+ # iterate through all the formats until the first one matches
+ @xpaths["formats"].each do |type, xpath|
+ text = get_text(xpath)
+ matched_format = type.capitalize if text && text.length > 0
- list
+ matched_format
- # TODO should we change cather so that Letters is undercase? plural or singular?
- def subcategory
- subcategory = get_text(@xpaths["subcategory"])
- subcategory = subcategory == "letter" ? "Letters" : subcategory
+ def language
+ lang = get_text(@xpaths["language"])
+ # don't send anything if there's no language
+ lang.empty? ? nil : lang
+ end
+ def languages
+ get_list(@xpaths["languages"])
def person
@@ -109,6 +122,17 @@ def person
return list.uniq
+ def recipient
+ list = []
+ eles = @xml.xpath(@xpaths["recipient"])
+ eles.each do |p|
+ recip = build_person_obj(p)
+ recip["role"] = "recipient"
+ list << recip
+ end
+ list
+ end
# TODO rights, rights_uri, and rights_holder?
def rights
@@ -118,6 +142,15 @@ def rights_holder
"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE"
+ def source
+ rights_holder
+ end
+ def subcategory
+ subcategory = get_text(@xpaths["subcategory"])
+ subcategory == "note" ? "Document" : subcategory.capitalize
+ end
def text_en
get_text(@xpaths["text_en"], false)
@@ -126,10 +159,32 @@ def text_es
get_text(@xpaths["text_es"], false)
- def uri
- "https://familyletters.unl.edu/#{@id}"
+ # title is english since API is in english
+ def title
+ title_label = get_text(@xpaths["titles"]["en"])
+ # default to spanish title if there isn't an english one
+ title_label ? title_label : get_text(@xpaths["titles"]["es"])
+ end
+ def title_es
+ title_label = get_text(@xpaths["titles"]["es"])
+ # default to an english title if there isn't anything for spanish
+ title_label ? title_label : get_text(@xpaths["titles"]["en"])
+ end
+ # title sort is english since API is in english
+ def title_sort
+ CommonXml.normalize_name(title)
- # TODO text is going to have to be filtered by language field
+ def title_sort_es
+ # put in lower case and remove some starting words
+ down = title_es.downcase
+ down.sub(/^el |^la |^los |^las /, "")
+ end
+ def uri
+ File.join(@options["site_url"], @id)
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/overrides/tei_to_html.xsl b/scripts/overrides/tei_to_html.xsl
index f0b9f42..c967caa 100644
--- a/scripts/overrides/tei_to_html.xsl
+++ b/scripts/overrides/tei_to_html.xsl
@@ -15,23 +15,14 @@
@@ -40,14 +31,8 @@
- 800
diff --git a/scripts/overrides/webs_to_es.rb b/scripts/overrides/webs_to_es.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46fae18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/overrides/webs_to_es.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+class WebsToEs < XmlToEs
+ def override_xpaths
+ {
+ "text" => "//div",
+ "text_en" => "//div[@lang='en']",
+ "text_es" => "//div[@lang='es']",
+ # look for more specific heading for title first
+ "title_en" => "//div[@lang='en']//h1",
+ "title_es" => "//div[@lang='es']//h1"
+ }
+ end
+ def assemble_collection_specific
+ # @json["fieldname_k"] = some_value_or_method
+ @json["text_t_en"] = text_en
+ @json["text_t_es"] = text_es
+ @json["title_es_k"] = title_es_k
+ @json["title_sort_es_k"] = title_sort_es_k
+ end
+ def category
+ "Site Section"
+ end
+ def creator
+ # TODO this may not always be true so we will need a way to check this
+ { "name" => "Isabel Velázquez", "role" => "author" }
+ end
+ def date(before=true)
+ CommonXml.date_standardize("2019", before)
+ end
+ def date_display
+ "2019"
+ end
+ def language
+ # because this site defaults to spanish, consider the original always spanish
+ "es"
+ end
+ def languages
+ # right now the two languages are equally represented
+ # although we may want to consider the original language to be spanish
+ ["es", "en"]
+ end
+ def subcategory
+ "Site Section"
+ end
+ # TODO what do we want to do for the "text" field in the API?
+ # should it just be text_en ?
+ def text
+ [text_en, text_es].join(" ")
+ end
+ def text_en
+ get_text(@xpaths["text_en"])
+ end
+ def text_es
+ get_text(@xpaths["text_es"])
+ end
+ def title
+ en = get_text(@xpaths["title_en"])
+ es = get_text(@xpaths["title_es"])
+ en.empty? ? es : en
+ end
+ def title_sort
+ CommonXml.normalize_name(title)
+ end
+ def title_es_k
+ es = get_text(@xpaths["title_es"])
+ en = get_text(@xpaths["title_en"])
+ es.empty? ? en : es
+ end
+ def title_sort_es_k
+ down = title_es_k.downcase
+ down.sub(/^el |^la |^los |^las /, "")
+ end
+ def uri
+ # the ids are structured like the url
+ # teach_lesson05 -> teach/lesson05
+ # so long as all of the webscraped paths are only
+ # nested one deep, the below should work
+ # otherwise we need to revisit this and subcategory
+ subcat, underscore, final_url_piece = @id.partition("_")
+ File.join(@options["site_url"], subcat, final_url_piece)
+ end
+ def uri_data
+ uri
+ end
+ def uri_html
+ uri
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/preprocessing/add_language_to_titles.xsl b/scripts/preprocessing/add_language_to_titles.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26bea11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/add_language_to_titles.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ main
+ en
+ main
+ es
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/DOCUMENTS.csv b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/DOCUMENTS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6e5860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/DOCUMENTS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+Object ID,Date MO/DAY/YR,To,From,Sent To ,Sent From,Status,Notes,SCAN ID,Scans uploaded,Back up? Where?,Metadata collected,Metadata filename,Metadata uploaded,Spanish YES/NO,Source,Location in Source,Printed Text ,Handwritten/Typed Text
+[D1],5/4/1957,Will of Jesusita Flemate Barros Tores,N/A,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Transcribed and translated. Envelope and 2 page letter in 4 pages Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.123
+[D2],7/22/1952,Official letter to Max Torres,Immigration and Naturalization Service,Fort Lupton CO,Denver CO,Transcribed & translated,ASSIGNED TO KATE ON 2/14/14. In English.,"shan_d.489
+[D3],9/26/1962,Postcard to Jesusita BTorres,Pablita Salas,Fort Lupton CO,Coachella CA,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.185
+[D4],10/?/1953,The Jeffersonian Tablet,Jesusita Baros,N/A,N/A,I.V. working on final revision of this as of 12/24/14,"Personal notes for citizenship test. Personal notes, misc. 58 images including covers and insida pages. In Spanish. Handwriting in Spanish ","shan_d.001
+",Citizenship study guide. In English.,"shan_d.059
+[D6],N/D,My name given birth was,Jesusita Flemate Baros,N/A,N/A,UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,Handwritten draft for citizenship document. Two pages. ,"shan_d.121
+My name given birth was Jesusita Flemate Baros -
+I entered the United States under the name of Jesusita Flemate Baros -
+my occupation was labor, -
+my last place of residence befor such entry was Ciudad Juarez -
+I arrived in the United States on Date: June 1918 at the port of El Paso, Texas -
+I came the vessel -
+admitted by an immigrant inspector.
+Jalpa Zac
+Maxcimino Torres"
+[D7],N/D,Affidavit of landlady,Jesusita Baros?,N/A,N/A,UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,Typewritten timeline for citizenship application,"shan_d.125
+shan_d.126",Box,,,,,,,,,"1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Affidavit of landlady in Albuquerque, N.M. 1928 Affidavit of Felipita Baca. 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Contract to buy Real Estate in Albuquerque, N.M. 1935 1936 Affidavit of fellow worker on WPA in Albuquerque, N.M. 1937 Two letters addressed to Mrs. Jesusita Baros, Denver, Colorado 1938 1939 OFF (Postwaters Sellu) 1940 1941 1942 1943 and 1944 Employment record from the Pullman Company, Denver, Colorado 1943 xaxxxaxaxaxaxxx Receipt for $200 from Luby Motor Company, Denver, Colorado 1944 Tax statement 1945 Tax statement from Treasurer Weld County, in name of Jesusita Torres and Jesse Baros 1946 do. 1947 Tax statement dated xx Feb. 13, 1948 for payment of 1947 taxes 1948 Income Tax Statement of Jesusita Baros for the State of Colorado 1949 Notice of Assessment on property in Ft. Lupton, Colorado 1950 1951 Cashier's receipt from Montgomery Ward Mrs. Jesusita Baros, Ft. Lupton, Colorado 1952
+* Try to get a more complete school record. "
+[D8],N/D,Memorial card for Jesusita F Torres,N/A,N/A,N/A,UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,"In Memoriam Born July 15, 1900 Died: Feb 10, 1976. On the front image of Jesus with crown of thorns.","shan_d.127
+In Memoriam
+Born: July 15, 1900
+Died: Feb. 10, 1976
+O gentlest heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls, have mercy on the soul of Thy departed servant. Be not severe in Thy judgment but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames, and do Thou O Merciful Saviour, send Thy Angels to conduct Thy departed servant to a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.
+May he souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
+Merciful Jesus grant eternal rest.
+Rice Funeral Chapel
+Brighton, Colorado",
+[D9],2/14/1976,Invitation to JFB Funeral,N/A,N/A,N/A,UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,In Memory. Four images.,"shan_d.129
+shan_d.132",Box,,,,,,,,"[Front] In Memory
+[Inside left] The Twenty-Third Psalm. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake..Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over..Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever .....
+[Inside right] IN MEMORY of JESUSITA F. TORRES 1900 1976 MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL St. Williams Church Fort Lupton, Colorado February 14, 1976, 10:00am CLERGYMAN Rev. Joseph M. Gann PALLBEARERS Jerry Baros, Victor Rangel, Roy Lujan, Raymond Perez, Salomone Montoya, Benny Nolasco INTERMENT Hillside Cemetery Fort Lupton, Colorado Rice Funeral Chapel Brighton, Colorado ",
+[D10],N/D,Linda Pamela Schubert,Mr & Mrs Max Torres,N/A,N/A,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Christmas card and envelope. Five images. Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.133
+shan_d.137",Box,,,,,,,,"""And thou shalt have joy and gladness and many shall rejoice at this birth"" Luje 1:14
+Wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a Happy New Year","[On envelope] Estado Zacatecas, Huchipila, Mexico
+Con mucho cariño para mi ñieta Linda Pamela Schubert
+[Inside postcard] Con mucho cariño Linda Pamela de Mr y Mrs Max Torres"
+[D11],N/D,Mrs. Jesusita Barros,US Dept. Labor. United States Employment Service,"Albuquerque, NM","Albuquerque, NM",UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,Work permit for Jesusita Barros,"shan_d.138
+shan_d.139",Box,,,,,,,,,"No. 5242 Name Barros, Jesusita, Mrs. Address 816 New Arno
+Age 34 Height 5'2 Weight 140 Classification P. Janitress S. Housekeeper"
+[D12],12/16/1949,Mrs. Jesusita Rodriguez,Ms. B. Baca,Fort Lupton CO,"Albuquerque, NM",UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,Christmas card and envelope. Four images. ,"shan_d.140
+shan_d.143",Box,,,,,,,,"[Outside] Holiday Greetings
+Boundless joy and ringing good cheer -
+Each of these I am wishing you here,
+Threading throughout the glad New Year.
+Tranquility, peace and calm content
+You have my best wishes in this Yule sentiment.
+Blending mirth with all the rest
+All these are a part of this bequest.
+Consider the letters beginning each line
+And see who is sending this Christmas-time rhyme!",
+[D13],12/29/1944,Max Torres,Northwestern National Insurance Co,Fort Lupton CO,"Milwaukee, WI","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Homeowners insurance policy. Eleven images. ,"shan_d.144
+[D14],9/25/1942,Mrs. J. Baros,Santos ,Fort Lupton CO,Denver CO,UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,"Postcard. Two images. Photo of Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Denver on back","shan_d.165
+[D15],5/28/1959,Jesusita Baros Torres,Office of Assesor of Weld Co. Greeley CO,Fort Lupton CO,"Greeley, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Notice of increase in real state assesment. Two images. ,"shan_d.119
+[D16],6/23/1954,Jesusita B Torres,Electrolux Corporation,Fort Lupton CO,"San Francisco, CA ","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Invoice for purchase of Electrolux Polisher MODEL M-46806V,"shan_d.167
+[D17],8/30/1952,To Whom It May Concern,"Jake Dennison, Chief of Police",Fort Lupton CO,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Official letter to certify acquaintance with Mrs. Jesusita Torrez,"shan_d.169
+[D18],8/21/1952,To Whom It May Concern,Affidavit signed by Aurelia Baca Sanchez,Albuquerque NM,Albuquerque NM,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",,"shan_d.159
+[D19],2/16/1953,Official letter to Longfellow School Principal,Mrs. Torres,Albuquerque NM,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",,"shan_d.171
+[D20],3/5/1948,To Any Consul of USA in Mexico,Maximino Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",,"shan_d.173
+[D21],7/3/1952,Immigration and Naturalization Service,Mrs. Jesusita Barros de Torres,"Denver, CO",Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Official letter to request application forms to legalize residence status,"shan_d.175
+[D22],7/31/1952,Jesusita Barros de Torres,Immigration and Naturalization Service,Fort Lupton CO,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Offical response to request application to legalize residence status. Signed by John F Hamaker, Officer in Charge","shan_d.177
+[D23],N/A,Dear Sir or Madam,Immigration and Naturalization Service,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Application and instructions for registry of an alien. Signed by John F Hamaker, Officer in Charge",shan_d.163 to shan_d.164,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D23],N/A,Dear Sir or Madam,Immigration and Naturalization Service,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Application and instructions for registry of an alien. Signed by John F Hamaker, Officer in Charge","shan_d.179 to shan_d.180
+[D24],9/17/1952,Mrs. Jesusita Baros Torres,The Pullman Company,Fort Lupton CO,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Response to request of proof of former employment,"shan_d.181
+[D25],3/24/1962,Mrs. Jesusita F Baros,"Freedman & Son, Inc.",Fort Lupton CO,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Response to request of proof of former employment,"shan_d.183
+[D26],2/21/1965,Jesusita Torres,US Public Health Service US/Mexico Border,N/A,El Paso TX,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Smallpox Vaccination Certificate/Certificado de Vacunación contra la viruela,"shan_d.161
+[D27],N/A,Jesuita Baros,Office of Civilian Defense ,Denver CO,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Proof of enrollement in Civilian Defense Auxiliary Group, Railroads. Enrollment number SL5119","shan_d.157
+[D28],N/A,Nemecio Samaniego,The Central Bank and Trust Co.,Denver CO,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Fragment of bank draft to the order of Nemecio Samaniego. Routing number 10200053,"shan_d.155
+[D29],N/A,Querida Hija [Santos],JBT,N/A,N/A,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Birthday card Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.187
+[D30],N/A,Bill,Sandra,N/A,N/A,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Easter card,"shan_d.191
+[D31],N/A,Mr. & Mrs. Schubert,Jesusita ?,LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Easter card,"shan_d.195
+[D32],10/26/1950,Mrs. William F. Schubert,Aunt Hollie,Lincoln NE,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Card. ""A gift for your happiness""","shan_d.200
+[D33],N/A,Sandra,Laura M & Aunt Nelle,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Birthday card,"shan_d.206
+[D34],N/A,"""To mamá""?","""To mamá""?",N/A,N/A,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Birthday card,"shan_d.210
+[D35],12/22/1941,Ms. Santos Baros,Lenore Baca,Fort Lupton CO,"Washington, DC","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Christmas card,"shan_d.213
+[D36],10/29/1948,Mrs. Sandra Schubert,Jess & Helen [Baros],Havelock NE,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Birthday card,"shan_d.219
+[D37],3/26/1948,Mrs. Sandra Schubert,"""Fron to mamá J. Baros""",Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Easter card Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.225
+[D38],10/29/1948,Mrs. Santos Schubert,"""Tu mamá Jesusita Baros""",Havelock NE,Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Birthday card ,"shan_d.231
+[D39],1948,N/A,Santos Schubert? ,N/A,N/A,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,My Calendar and Memory Jogger for 1948. Nineteen scanned images.,"shan_d.236
+[D40],4/8/1954,Pamela Linda (Linda Ann) Schubert,"""Tu love Grandmother J.B.T.""",LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Easter card,"shan_d.256
+[D41],4/8/1954,Billy Boy Schubert,"""Love to Grandmother to Easter""",LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Easter card,"shan_d.262
+[D42],10/25/1954,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Birthday card and letter Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.272
+[D43],4/4/1955,Mr. y Mrs. Schubert,Max y Jesusita B.T.,LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Two easter cards in one envelope Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.280
+[D44],4/4/1955,Linda Schubert,"""The Max y Jesusita B.T.""",LaGrange IL,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Easter card Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.290
+[D45],12/15/1955,Billy Boy Schubert,"""Mrs. Max Jesusita B. Torres""",Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Christmas card,"shan_d.296
+[D46],N/A,N/A,Santos,N/A,N/A,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Christmas card,"shan_d.302
+[D47],N/A,Robert,"""Love to grandmother Jesusita B Torres""",N/A,N/A,Scanned but unnasigned as of 6/30,Easter card,"shan_d.306
+[D48],05/10/1970,"""My darling Sandra"" (Santos)",Jane Shanahan,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Mother's day card,"shan_d.309
+[D49],3/20/1974,Elizabeth Jane,Mother and dad,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Birthday card,"shan_d.314
+[D50],N/A,N/A,Bernice Winrood?,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Post card. North Loop River Valley, NE","shan_d.317
+[D51],10/28/1957,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,Max y Jesusita B.Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Birthday card and envelope Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.319
+[D52],7/5/2014,Gold's Girls departament,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",,"shan_d.324
+[D53],10/31/1946 - 5/31/1947,the pullman company ,N/A,N/A,Chicago IL,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",seven different paystubs,"shan_d.326
+[D54],9/28/1943,"Newspaper clipping ""Draft group to fort this week""",N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",,"shan_d.340
+[D55],12/10/1953,Cupon for portrait from Baby Tots Studio dated 12/10/1953,,N/A,"Bewrwyn, IL","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",This plastic sleeve contained this receipt AND one b/w photo and an envelope postmarked 11/19/1952. PHOTO ID PENDING/ENVELOPE ID IS [L147],"shan_d.405
+[D56],9/8/1952,To Whom It May Concern,CV Maddux,N/A,Denver CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","LETTER AND ENVELOPE ""This is written at request of bearer, Maximino (Max) Torres...""","shan_d.474
+[D57],6/25/1948,William Schubert,Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance ,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance Premium Receipt,"shan_d.342
+[D58],8/25/1947,William Schubert,Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance ,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance Premium Receipt,"shan_d.344
+[D59],1944,,American Red Cross,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Brochure ""This is my share"" 1944 War Fund","shan_d.346
+[D60],,,,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Protective envelope for war rationbook 1&2,"shan_d.348
+[D61],,Max Torres,Issuing Officer Josephine B Harris Local Board #1 County Denver,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",War ration book 2 for Max Torres,"shan_d.350
+[D62],N/A,Jesusita B Torres,,Fort Lupton CO,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",War ration book 3 for Jesusita Baros Torres,"shan_d.353
+[D63],N/A,Jesusita Baros,Issuing Officer Frances E ? Local Board #1 County Denver,,,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",War ration book 2 for Jesusita Baros ,"shan_d.356
+[D64],11/6/1945,William F Schubert,US Army,,Fort Douglas UT,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Honorable discharge letter for William F Schubert,"shan_d.359
+[D65],3/21/1959,"""Querida Mamá"" (Jesusita)",Santos,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Birth Announcement for Elizabeth Jane Schubert Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.361
+[D66],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Valentines Card ""To my love warm the cockles of my heart""","shan_d.364
+[D67],N/A,Santos B Schubert ,US Postal Service,Denver CO,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Postal Saving System Depositors numerical reference card for Santos B Schubert,"shan_d.366
+[D68],N/A,Santos Baros,Della Anaya,,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Valentines day card ""A Tarzan fan""","shan_d.368
+[D69],N/A,Santos Baros,Issuing Officer Barbara E Smith Local Board #1 County Denver,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",War ration book 2 for Santos Baros ,"shan_d.370
+[D70],5/5/1942,Jesusita Baros,"Registrar Anne Livingston, Local Board #3",N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",War ration book 1 for Jesusita Baros,"shan_d.373
+[D71],6/8/1942?,Jesusita Baros,United States of America Office of Price Administration Local Rationing Board Weld County,Weld County CO,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Sugar Purchase Certificate for Jesusita Baros,"shan_d.376
+[D72],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Newspaper clipping n/d ""Dacono man dies during Weld storm""","shan_d.378
+[D73],N/A,N/A,Casa Bonita Restaurant,Denver CO,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Menu for Casa Bonita Restaurant,"shan_d.380
+[D74],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,,"FRONT & BACK Postcard. Silk embroidery ""Feliz año nuevo"" TEXT ON BACK: CARTE POSTAL"", handwritten in pencil ""Satitos""","shan_d.384
+[D75],9/3/1982,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,Albuquerque Public School District Microfilm Office,"Lincoln, NE",Albuquerque NM,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Request for verification of birth for Santos Baros,"shan_d.386
+[D76],8/10/1982,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,Albuquerque Public School District Microfilm Office,"Lincoln, NE",Albuquerque NM,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Response and request of verification of enrollment in Longfellow Elementary, Albuquerque","shan_d.388
+[D77],8/9/1982,To Whom it May Concern,Denver Public Schools,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Verification of enrollment Cole Junior High School,"shan_d.390
+[D78],4/27/1984,To Whom it May Concern,Fort Lupton Schools,N/A,"Fort Lupton, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Verification of place and date of birth for Santos Baros,"shan_d.392
+[D79],N/A,Jesusita and Maximino,Patricia Medrano,N/A,N/A [Juchipila?],REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Christmas and New years card Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.394
+[D80],1967,Mom and Dad,Elizabeth,N/A,N/A,,Handmade Christmas and New Years Card,"shan_d.397
+[D81],10/26/1955,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,Max and Jesusita,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Envelope and birthday card,"shan_d.400
+[D82],N/A,N/A,"Louis J. Weinstein, MD",N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Medical prescription,"shan_d.407
+[D83],12/20/1954,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,"La Granje, IL","Fort Lupton, CO",,Envelope and Christmas card,"shan_d.409
+[D84],1958,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Three-inch calendar from Burlington Route,"shan_d.414
+[D85],1/5/?,R.W. Schubert,N/A,"La Granje, IL","Berwyn, IL ","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Baby Tot Studio Receipts for photographs,"shan_d.416
+[D86],N/A,N/A,N/A,"Lincoln, NE",N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Newspaper clipping. 40th wedding anniversary announcement for William & Sandra Schubert,shan_d.418,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D87],5/24/1939,Santos Baros,"Miss. Murphy ""Hygiene Board of Speech""",N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Handmade diploma for Santos Baros ""Promoted from Nincompoop...""","shan_d.419
+[D88],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,"Handwritten personal notes. Pencil on piece of photocopied paper. ""Maximino Torres nació en Churintzio..."" Handwriting in Spanish ","shan_d.421
+[D89],7/16/1963,Mrs. Jesusita B. Torres,US Dept Justice. Immigration & Naturalization Service,"Fort Lupton, CO","Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Offical notice of approval of permanent resident status,"shan_d.423
+[D90],5/15/1963,Social Security Administration ,"John F. Clingan, Distric Director [Immigration Service?]","Greeley, CO","Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Carbon copy of response to request for record of birth or arrival for Jesusita Baros Torres,"shan_d.425
+[D91],12/14/1953,Joseph P. Constantine,Albuquerque Public Schools. Joseph P Constantine,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Verification of enrollment,"shan_d.427
+[D92],11/7/1946,N/A,State of Colorado & Denver Diocesis,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Civil and religious marriage certificates for William F Schubert and Santos Baros,shan_d.429,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D93],8/25/1933,Santos Baras,Spanish Presbyterian Church,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Certificate. The Vacation Bible School ,"shan_d.430
+[D94],6/7/1977,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Phone Bill, long distance calls for #857-680-9130","shan_d.432
+[D95],2/11/1938,N/A,Denver Public Schools Dept. of Health Service,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Certificate of Vaccination for Santos Baros Carlos M. Cole Junior High ,shan_d.434,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D96],4/26/1938,N/A,Denver Public Schools,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Request for Studies Santos Baros,shan_d.435,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D97],4/29/1938,N/A,Denver Public Schools,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",9th grade report for Santos Baros. Cole Junior High School,shan_d.436,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D98],3/1/1938,N/A,Denver Public Schools,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Record of makeup work Cole Junior High School for Santos Baros,shan_d.437,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D99],9/16/1937,N/A,Denver Public Schools,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Excuse Blank-High Schools for Santos Baros Carlos M Cole Junior HIgh School,shan_d.438,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D100],5/4/1957,N/A,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,N/A,"Fort Lupton, CO",REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,Rough draft of Will for Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.439
+[D101],10/11/1977,Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schubert,Jess J Baros,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Envelope and typewritten document Purchase agreement for lots 29, 30, 31 & 32 Block #31, Fort Lupton CO Seller: Santos B Schubert Buyer: Jesse J Baros Two copies","shan_d.441
+[D102],11/4/1977,Sandra B Schubert,Jess J Baros,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Proposed agreement between Jess Baros & Santos B Schubert concerning sale of Max and Jesusita's house Prepared by lawyer C. Vincent Phelps,"shan_d.447
+[D103],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Handwritten note with value and specification of lots,"shan_d.449
+[D104],11/30/1956,Sandra B Schubert,N/A [Jesusita B Torres?],"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Envelope and prayer card,"shan_d.451
+[D105],3/29/1975,Jesusita Baros ,Bill and Sandra ,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Easter card (on backside of card there is a personal note for Jesusita from Santos) Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.455
+[D106],"1/1/1970, 1/10/1970",Max Torres,Town of Fort Lupton Water Statement,"Fort Lupton, CO","Fort Lupton, CO",REVIEWED and returned to S.R. for corrections on 6/19/15.,"Water bill statements (2), 1 reciept and 1 envelope Handwriting in Spanish ","shan_d.458
+[D107],12/23/1950,Mrs. Santos B. Schubert,"Carmen
+Gutierrez Family","Lincoln, NE","Los Angeles, CA",,"Christmas card and envelope. On the back side of the card, there is a note.","shan_d.466
+[D109],12/11/1971,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Torres,"Lincoln, NE",Fort Lupton CO,UNASSIGNED ,"Christmas card w/writing in Spanish, sent inside [L213] ","shan_d.508 to
+shan_d.510",Box,Stored as pdf in GDrive and Box,,,,,,,,
+[D110],8/7/1962,Jesusita F. Torres,"Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Social Security Administration ","Greeley, CO",N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Social Security document envelope,"shan_d.472
+[D111],N/A,N/A,From Great Western Sugar Company ,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Employment flyer ,"shan_d.478
+[D112],1953,Jesusita Baros ,Santos Schubert ,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Mother's Day card and envelope,"shan_d.480
+[D113],12/18/1969,Jesusita and Maximino,Santos and Family ,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Christmas and New years card. Missing front of card was scaned by Jane Shanahan in 12/14 and sent as pdf. Handwriting in Spanish ,"shan_d.484
+[D114],12/1/1944,J. Baros ,United States of America Railroad Retirement Board,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",This plastic sleeve contained this receipt AND one b/w photo and an envelope postmarked 11/19/1952. PHOTO ID PENDING/ENVELOPE ID IS [L147] ,"shan_d.486
+[D115],6/19/1969,Jesusita F. Torres ,U.S. Railroad Retirement Board,N/A,"From Chicago, Ill","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Notice of Anuity Award,shan_d.488,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D116],N/A ,Mr. Max Torrez,John F. Hamaker ,"Fort Lupton, CO","Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Official letter from United States Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalizition service ,,,,,,,,,,,
+[D117],N/A,N/A,Josephine Montoya ,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Valentines Card,"shan_d.491
+[D118],N/A,N/A,N/A,N/a,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.", Valentines Card (expandable),shan_d.494,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D119],10/23/1953,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,"La Grange, IL",Fort Lupton CO,UNASSIGNED. Features included in analysis. Oct/2015,Birthday card,Only pdf,No,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D120],N/A,Jesusita B Torres,Sandra B Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,N/A,UNASSIGNED. Features included in analysis. Oct/2016,Get well card,Only pdf,No,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D121],11/1/1962,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Fort Lupton CO,N/A,UNASSIGNED. Features included in analysis. Oct/2017,Birthday card,"shan_d.513 to
+shan_d.517",Box,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D122],2/22/1974,Don Max y Doña Jesusita,Familia Botello García,Fort Lupton CO,"Parral, Chihuaha",UNASSIGNED. PDF ready on BOX,Postcard Image of Lienzo Charro de Hidalgo del Parral,"shan_d.511 to
+shan_d.512",Box,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D123],10/24/1961,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,"Lincoln, NE",Fort Lupton CO,UNASSIGNED. Features included in analysis. Oct/2017,Birthday card,"shan_d.495 to
+shan_d.499",Box,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D124],N/A,Internal Revenue Service,Jesusita Torres,N/A,"Denver, CO","All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Form 1040 Tax Return,"shan_d.518 to
+shan_d.521",Box,Stored as pdf on Box and GDrive,,,,,,,,
+[D125],6/20/1945,Border crossing card for José Lara Miranda. ,N/A,N/A,N/A,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.","Santos' dad. Issued at Calexico, CA border crossing station by US Dept. of Justice.","shan_d.522 to
+shan_d.525",Box,Stored as pdf in GDrive and Box,,,,NO,,,,
+[D126],3/13/1966,Jane Schubert ,Jesusita Torres and Maximino ,"Lincoln, NE ",Fort Lupton CO ,UNASSIGNED ,Birthday card to Jane included in [L203],"shan_d.502 to
+shan_d.504",Box,Stored as pdf in GDrive and Box,,,,YES,,,,
+[D127],2/12/1963,Mrs. W. F. Schubert ,Jesusita Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ",Fort Lupton CO ,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Prayer card with La Virgen de Guadalupe originally attached on same PDF as [L202],"shan_d.500 to
+shan_d.501",Box,Stored as pdf in GDrive and Box,,,,NO,,,,
+[D128],11/1/1966,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Torres,"Lincoln, NE",Fort Lupton CO,"All text in English. No transcription, no translation.",Birthday card with no Spanish writing.This is in the same pdf and was sent with [L209],"shan_d.505 to
+shan_d.507",Box,Stored as pdf in GDrive and Box,,,,,,,,
+[D129],11/04/1911,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth certificate of Francisca Flemate,"shan_d.568 to
+shan_d.569",Box,,,,,YES,,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947, #359; 527,528/707",,
+[D130],10/21/1911,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Baptism certificate of Antonio Esparza,shan_d.570,Box,,,,,YES,,?,,
+[D131],1927,,,,,,Flemate's Border crossing card,shan_d.571,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Border Crossings: From Mexico to U.S., 1895-1964; 1135/4486",,
+[D132],11/22/1937,,,,"Villa M. Escobedo, Jalisco",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Marriage certificate of Demetrio Flemate and María Deño,shan_d.572,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Jalisco, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1961, #42; 512/765",,
+[D133],01/06/1907,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Baptism certificate of Demetrio Flemate,shan_d.573,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D134],1/6/1907,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth certificate of Demetrio Flemate,shan_d.574,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947, #423; 530/637",,
+[D135],07/06/1890,,,,"Jalpa, Jalisco",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth certificate of M Guadalupe Flemate,shan_d.575,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947, #277",,
+[D136],06/15/1952,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death certificate of Guadalupe Flemate,shan_d.576,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 #100",,
+[D137],08/18/1909,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Marriage presentation of Guadalupe Flemate and Telesforo Esparza,shan_d.577,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952 #53",,
+[D138],09/04/1909,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Marriage certificate of Guadalupe Flemate and Telesforo Esparza,shan_d.578,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952 #120",,
+[D139],05/15/1930,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. No transcription, no translation.",Juchipila Town Census with Guadalupe Flemate,shan_d.579,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,1930 Mexico National Census Image: 7/16,,
+[D140],08/02/1915,,,,"La Baquilla, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of J Jesús Samaniego,shan_d.580 to shan_d.582,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D141],05/04/1924,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of Jess Jesús López [Baros],shan_d.583,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D142],07/16/1896,,,,"Jalpa, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1.,Birth certificate of Livoria Flemate,shan_d.584,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D143],12/01/1911,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of María Guadalupe Nuñez ,shan_d.585,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D144],04/02/1912,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1.,Marriage certificate of Fernando Samaniego and Liboria Flemate,shan_d.586 to shan_d.588,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D145],10/04/1912,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of María Esther Márquez,shan_d.589,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D146],10/07/1912,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of María Flemate,shan_d.590,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D147],11/05/1913,,,,"La Presa, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of J Nemecio Samaniego,shan_d.591,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D148],05/11/1913,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of J Ruperto Esparza Flemate,shan_d.592,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D149],11/01/1921,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1.,Baptism certifica of María Santos Lara,shan_d.593,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D150],02/21/1896,,,,"Mezquital del Oro, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Death certificate of Tomás Villarreal,shan_d.594,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D151],08/22/1923,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of Bernardo de la Rosa Samaniego,shan_d.595,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D152],06/19/1921,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Baptism certificate of Zenaido Quirarte Samaniego,shan_d.596,Box,,,,,YES,,,,
+[D153],11/15/1906,,,,"Jalpa, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1.,Birth certificate of Martina Flemate,shan_d.597,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947 #541 Image: 628/762",,
+[D154],07/02/1884,,,,"Rancho de Villita, Jalpa, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Death certificate of Petra Flemate,shan_d.598,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 #217 Image 47/836",,
+[D155],06/20/1892,,,,"Mineral de Jalpa, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Manuel Flemate Birth certificate,shan_d.599,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947 #257 Image 171/664",,
+[D156],12/01/1893,,,,"Teocaltichillo, Jalpa, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Manuel Flemate Death certificate,shan_d.600,Box,,,,,YES,,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 #334 Image 89/594",,
+[D157],1930,,,,"Rancho Buenavista, Mezquital del Oro, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. No transcription, no translation.",Town Census [Julia Flemate at 29],shan_d.601,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,1930 Mexico National Census Image 1/2,,
+[D158],06/21/1899,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Juana Samaniego Baptism certificate ,shan_d.602,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #160 Image 333/707",,
+[D159],01/16/1900,,,,"La Presa, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Felicitas Samaniego Baptism certificate,shan_d.603,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #11 Image 360/707",,
+[D160],10/30/1900,,,,"La Presa, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",J Jesus Samaniego Haro Baptism certificate,shan_d.604,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #298 Image 408/707",,
+[D161],03/19/1901,,,,"La Presa, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Josefa Samaniego Baptism certificate,shan_d.605,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #79 Image 422/707",,
+[D162],09/16/1897,,,,"La Ladrillera, Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",Francisco Flemate Baptism Certificate,shan_d.606,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #170 Image 244/707",,
+[D163],12/28/1903,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1.
+No translation.",M Natividad Flemate Baptism certificate,shan_d.607,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980 Juchipila San Francisco, Bautismos 1893-1904 #1014 (page 1906) Image 639/707",,
+[D164],01/07/1933,,,,"Apozol, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. No transcription, no translation.",Marriage Certificate of Nemecio Samaniego and Juana Medina,shan_d.608,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; Apozol 1869 - 1938 #5, Image 708/1010",,
+[D165],09/11/1937,,,,"Apozol, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1, no translation.",Marriage Certificate of Nemecio Samaniego and Pabla Cisneros,shan_d.609,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; Apozol 1869 - 1938 #41, Image 946/1010",,
+[D166],,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. No transcription, no translation.",Marriage Certificate of J Jesús Samaniego and Ma Juana Hernández,shan_d.610,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; Juchipila 1928 - 1937; #111 Image 720/1158",,
+[D167],10/28/1938,,,,"Apozol, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of Tomasa Samaniego,shan_d.611,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987; #147; Image 1601/2040",,
+[D168],06/20/1877,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Marriage Certificate of Bruno Samaniego and María Ana Sandoval,shan_d.612,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; #105; Image 42/617",,
+[D169],06/01/1892,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth Certificate of Fernando Samaniego,shan_d.613,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947; #187; Image 143/726",,
+[D170],07/29/1943,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of Fernando Samaniego,shan_d.614,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987; #158; Image 930/2895",,
+[D171],12/03/1887,,,,"Jalpa, Zacatecas","Text in Spanish. No transcription, no translation.",Marriage Certificate of Domingo Flemate and Mercedes Villarreal,shan_d.615,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; #420 Image 511 and 512/623",,
+[D172],12/23/1889,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth Certificate of Tomasa Samaniego,shan_d.616,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947; #416 Image 620/720",,
+[D173],02/15/1887,,,,"Jalpa, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of Alejo Flemate,shan_d.617,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987; #78 Image 275/836",,
+[D174],01/10/1902,,,,"Huanasco, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Marriage Certificate of Gabriel Flemate,shan_d.618,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1952; #1Image 536/598 ",,
+[D175],02/05/1948,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of José Lara,shan_d.619,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987; #21 Image 1397/2895",,
+[D176],07/14/1902,,,,"La Presa, Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of Mariana Sandoval,shan_d.620 to shan_d.621,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987; #152 Image 332/684",,
+[D177],8/10/1919,,,,"Churintzio, Michoacan",Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1. No translation.,Death Certificate of José Dolores Torres,shan_d.622,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Michoacan, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1859-1935; #131 Image 361/452",,
+[D178],7/21/1835,,,,"San José,Calvillo, Aguascalientes",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Baptism Certificate of Alejo Flemate,shan_d.623,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Aguascalientes, C...Church Records, 1620-1962, #234; 367/575 ",,
+[D179],2/22/1909,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Birth Certificate of Margarita Flemate,shan_d.624 to shan_d.625,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Zacatecas, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947; #100; Image 158/707",,
+[D180],5/24/1974,,,,Guadalajara,Text in Spanish. Transcription and translation Version 1,Death Certificate of Margarita Flemate,shan_d.626,Box,,,,,YES,ancestry.com,"Jalisco, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1856-1987; #423; Image 698/845",,
+[D181],07/03/1910,,,,"Las Peñas, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1. No translation.,Baptism Certificate of Juana Esparza,shan_d.627,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980, #192; #692/813",,
+[D182],05/26/1878,,,,"San Miguel, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1. No translation.,Baptism Certificate of Juan Flemate,shan_d.628,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,#264,,
+[D183],10/07/1898,,,,"Juchipila, Zacatecas",Text in Spanish. Transcription Version 1. No translation.,Baptism Certificate of J Bruno Samaniego,shan_d.629,Box,,,,,YES,familysearch.org,"Mexico, Zacatecas, Cathol...Church Records, 1605-1980, #434; 292/707",,
+[D184],03/30/1959,Mrs. W. F. Schubert,Jesusita B. Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO","Printed text in English. Signed: ""Mr. and Mrs. Gesusita B. Torres""",Birthday card on Jane's birthday,"shan_d.526
+[D185],12/01/1963,Mrs St. F. Schubert,John W. Ekwall,"Lincoln, NE","Lincoln, NE","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Wesley Park Methodist Church payment notice,"shan_d.529
+[D186],06/24/2012,,,,"Lincoln, NE","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Santos' obituary,"shan_d.533
+[D187],,Mrs Jesusita Baros,Pvt. M. Padilla,"Denver, CO","San Francisco, CA","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",V-Mail Christmas greetings,"shan_d.537
+[D188],,Miss Santos Baros,Pvt. M. Padilla,"Denver, CO","San Francisco, CA","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",V-Mail Christmas greetings,"shan_d.539
+[D189],05/23/1936,William Schubert,Charles H Place,"Nebraska City, NE","Nebraska City, NE","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",William Schubert's Public School Diploma ,"shan_d.541
+[D190],09/12/190xx,N/A,John J. Schubert,N/A,"Palmyra, NE","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Schubert's Farm Sale Poster,shan_d.546 to shan_d.547,Box,,,,,NO,,,,
+[D191],07/31/1942,William Schubert,Pvt. James Schubert,"Augusta, IL","Omaha, NE","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Postcard ,shan_d.548 to shan_d.549,Box,,,,,,,,,
+[D192],1929-1930,William Schubert,Teacher [¿],N/A,District No 23,"Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",School report card - 2nd grade,"shan_d.550
+[D193],02/18/1941,Santos Baros ,Social Security Board,"Fort Lupton, CO","Greely, CO","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Social Security Envelope,"shan_d.554
+[D194],09/19/1942,Santos Baros ,American Auction Furniture Co.,"Fort Lupton, CO","Denyer, CO","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Stove payment card,"shan_d.556
+[D195],1945,Santos Baros ,Helen Vivian,N/A,N/A,"Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",American National Red Cross 1945 Certificate of Membership,"shan_d.558 to
+[D196],04/09/1945,Santos Baros ,State of Colorado,N/A,"Denver, CO","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Individual Income Tax Return 1944 ,"shan_d.560
+[D197],02/28/1945 -03/1946,Santos Baros ,N/A,"Denver, CO","Denver, CO","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Personal War Saving Bond Record,"shan_d.562
+[D198],03/18/19xx,Santos Baros ,Morris Jewelry,"Denver, CO","Denver, CO","Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Payment book ,"shan_d.564
+[D199],10/11/1945,Santos Baros ,The Pullman Co,N/A,N/A,"Text in English. No transcription, no translation. ",Denver area war chest,"shan_d.566
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/LETTERS.csv b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/LETTERS.csv
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/LETTERS.csv
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+L,Date MO/DAY/YR,To,From,Sent To ,Sent From,Status,Notes,Spanish YES/NO,SCAN ID,Scans uploaded,Back up? Where?,Metadata collected,Metadata filename,Metadata uploaded,Metadata Revised,Total: ,letter ,Envelope,Env. and Letter,Jesusita
+1,8/21/1919,Maximino Torres,Rafaela Arroyo viuda de Torres (Max's Mother),Knobles OK,Ecuandureo MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated Dec/19/13,YES,"shan_l.001
+shan_l.002",Box,,Yes,shan_L001.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,43,57,54,51
+2,2/5/1923,Reynaldo Hurtado (Uncle of Max. T),Maximino Torres,[México] Place: ?,Rock Springs WY,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated Dec/19/13,YES,"shan_l.009
+shan_l.014",Box,,Yes,shan_L002.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+3,12/27/1926,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Rock Springs WY,Patzimaro MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter ,YES,"shan_l.003
+shan_l.004",Box,,Yes,shan_L003.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+4,6/25/1927,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres (brother of Max),Rock Springs WY,Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.005
+shan_l.006",Box,,Yes,shan_L004.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+5,3/18/1926,Maximino Torres,Julia H. Arroyo (maternal Aunt),Rock Springs WY,Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated Dec/19/13,YES,"shan_l.015
+shan_l.016",Box,,Yes,shan_L005.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+6,3/18/1926,Maximino Torres,S. S. Arroyo (female cousin to Max. Torres),Rock Springs WY,Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated Dec/19/13,YES,"shan_l.017
+shan_l.018",Box,,Yes,shan_L006.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+7,5/28/1927,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres (brother of Max),Rock Springs WY,Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated, letter Transcribed and translated Dec/19/13,YES,"shan_l.019
+shan_l.020",Box,,Yes,shan_L007.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+8,1/1/1964,Santos Barros Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,Lincoln NE?,"Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated, letter Transcribed and translated,YES,shan_l.681 to shan_l.685,Box,,Yes,shan_L008.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+9,10/24/1952,Clemente Torres (brother of Max),Rodolfo Torres Aviña (Max's nephew) ,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated, Letter Transcribed and translated. Sender listed on Envelope is Victoria Aviña (Clemente's wife),YES,"shan_l.023
+shan_l.024",Box,,Yes,shan_L009.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+10,???,,Shone Villanueva,???,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,Torn letter [fragment] Transcribed and translated,YES,"shan_l.050
+shan_l.051",Box,,Yes,shan_L010.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+11,8/29/1937,Jesusita Baros,,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.062
+shan_l.067",Box,,Yes,shan_L011.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+12,9/4/???,Jesusita Baros,Patricia Medrano,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.056
+shan_l.059",Box,,Yes,shan_L012.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+13,???/21/1937,Jesusita Baros,???,Basin WY,,Transcribed & translated,Only Envelope C/O Philip Haitman [Hartman?],NO,"shan_l.060
+shan_l.061",Box,,Yes,shan_L013.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+14,12/2/1934,Jesusita Baros,Jesus Samaniego,Longmont CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter C/O Bill Remedy,YES,"shan_l.052
+shan_l.055",Box,,Yes,shan_L014.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+15,7/8/1937,Jesusita Baros,Villanueva???,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, no translation ",Only Envelope ,NO,"shan_l.074
+shan_l.075",Box,,Yes,shan_L015.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+16,9/2/1937,Jesusita Baros,J Sánchez?,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, no translation",Only Envelope ,NO,"shan_l.072
+shan_l.073",Box,,Yes,shan_L016.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+17,???,Jesusita Baros,???,Longmont CO,"Santa Ana, Sonora MX","Transcribed, no translation",Only Envelope C/O Bill Kennedy,NO,"shan_l.068
+shan_l.069",Box,,Yes,shan_L017.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+18,8/20/1937,Jesusita Baros,V??,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, no translation",Only Envelope,NO,"shan_l.070
+shan_l.071",Box,,Yes,shan_L018.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+19,7/31/1937,Jesusita Baros,Felipita N Baca,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,Env. and LetterTranslated by Kate 3/14 Revised by IV 5/14; envelope and 2 page letter PDF in 4 pages envelope dated 8/2/1937,YES,"shan_l.076
+shan_l.081",Box,,Yes,shan_L019.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+20,9/18/19??,Jesusita Baros,Guadalupe Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter Translated by Kate 3/14 Revised by IV 5/14. ,YES,"shan_l.760
+shan_l.467",Box,,Yes,shan_L020.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+21,10/15/1938,Jesusita Baros,Demetrio Flemate,"Longmont, CO",Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14. C/OBill Kennedy",YES,"shan_l.088
+shan_l.093",Box,,Yes,shan_L021.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+22,12/20/1940,Jesusita Baros,Guadalupe Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"ASSIGNED TO KATE ON 2/14/14 Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14. Calls her Eliboria Flemate in letter",YES,"shan_l.144
+shan_l.149",Box,,Yes,shan_L022.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+23,1/17/1940,Jesusita Varos,Jesus Zamaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Mexicali BC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,"shan_l.154
+shan_l.157",Box,,Yes,shan_L023.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+24,11/22/1939,María Jesús Barrios,Guadalupe Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,"shan_l.134
+shan_l.137",Box,,Yes,shan_L024.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+25,2/22/1953,Jesusita Baros,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14. c/o Mauro Quezada",YES,"shan_l.168
+shan_l.171",Box,,Yes,shan_L025.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+26,12/6/1958,Jesusita Varos,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,"shan_l.176
+shan_l.179",Box,,Yes,shan_L026.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+27,11/8/1942,Santos Baros,José Lara M.,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,shan_l.760,Box,,Yes,shan_L027.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+28,10/5/1967,Jesusita Torrez,Margarita Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated," letter Transcribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,"shan_l.182
+shan_l.185",Box,,Yes,shan_L028.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+29,7/23/1969,Jesusita Baros Torres,Patricia Medrano,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"letterTranscribed and translated by IV, 5/14",YES,"shan_l.190
+shan_l.193",Box,,Yes,shan_L029.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+30,7/10/1964,Santos Baros Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE?,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter [L30] & [L31] are on the same PDF,YES,"shan_l.096
+shan_l.099",Box,,Yes,shan_L030.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+31,2/16/1965,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/9/14,YES,shan_l.094 to shan_l.095,Box,,Yes,shan_L031.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+31,2/16/1965,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/9/14,YES,shan_l.100 to shan_l.101,Box,,Yes,shan_L031.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+32,1/21/1939,Jesusita Baros,Mrs. Felipita N. Baca,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/10/14 Revised by KMendell. ,YES,"shan_l.102
+shan_l.105",Box,,Yes,shan_L032.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+33,3/17/1939,Jesusita Barros,Mrs. Baca,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/28/14. Revised by KMendell. ,YES,"shan_l.112
+shan_l.115",Box,,Yes,shan_L033.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+34,2/23/1939,Jesusita Barros,Mrs. Edward Baca,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/28/14. Revised by KMendell. ,YES,"shan_l.108
+shan_l.111",Box,,Yes,shan_L034.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+35,3/25/1939,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Longmont CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed & translated by I.V. on 7/28/14. Revised by KMendell. ,YES,"shan_l.116
+shan_l.119",Box,,Yes,shan_L035.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+36,6/19/1939,Clemente Torres,Max Torres,Churintzio MICH,Longmont CO,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated by KM on 6/13/14,YES,"shan_l.031
+shan_l.036",Box,,Yes,shan_L036.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+37,1/28/1939,Maximino Torres,C. Arroyo,Longmont CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated by KM on 6/15. Edited by IV & returned to KM on 6/16 for final version. ,YES,"shan_l.037
+shan_l.040",Box,,Yes,shan_L037.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+38,6/20/1939,Santos Baros,R.T.M. Moreno,Longmont CO,Denver CO,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated by KM on 6/13/14,YES,"shan_l.041
+shan_l.044",Box,,Yes,shan_L038.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+39,9/10/1939,Maxsimino Torres,R. Hurtado,Longmont CO,Chicago IL,Transcribed & translated,letter Transcribed and translated by KM on 6/13/14,YES,"shan_l.126
+shan_l.129",Box,,Yes,shan_L039.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+40,4/7/1939,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Longmont CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter ,YES,"shan_l.138
+shan_l.143",Box,,Yes,shan_L040.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+41,1/6/1942,Santos Barros,Teresita Autobus?,Fort Lupton CO,Erie CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.762 to
+shan_l.764",Box,,Yes,shan_L041.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+42,8/30/1943,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Denver CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.765 to
+shan_l.767",Box,,Yes,shan_L042.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+43,5/5/1944,Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Denver CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.164
+shan_l.167",Box,,Yes,shan_L043.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+44,2/24/1960,Jesusita Baros,Santos B Schubert,Fort Lupton CO?,Lincoln NE ?,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.180
+shan_l.181",Box,,Yes,shan_L044.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+45,2/20/1969,Jesusita B Torres,Nemesio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.186
+shan_l.189",Box,,Yes,shan_L045.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+46,4/8/1970,Jesusita Baros Torrez,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Los Angeles CA,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.194
+shan_l.201",Box,,Yes,shan_L046.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+47,10/18/1975,Jesusita Torrez,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Los Angeles CA,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.202
+shan_l.205",Box,,Yes,shan_L047.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+48,6/8/1977,Jesus Samaniego,Maximino Torres,Mexicali BC,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.206
+shan_l.211",Box,,Yes,shan_L048.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+49,6/20/1952,Jesusita Baros,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.150
+shan_l.151",Box,,Yes,shan_L049.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+50,7/26/1957,Sandra B Schubert,Guadalupe Flemate Medrano,Lincoln NE,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.244
+shan_l.247",Box,,Yes,shan_L050.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+51,2/4/1939,Jesusita Baros,Faustin Villanueva?,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope only.,NO,"shan_l.106
+shan_l.107",Box,,Yes,shan_L051.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+52,N/D,Jesusita Baros?,???,???,???,Transcribed and ready.,"Note ""Mira ací es como y quiero la...""",YES,"shan_l.025
+shan_l.026",Box,,Yes,shan_L052.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+53,?/27/1923,Reynaldo ??,Maximino Torres,"Ecuandureo, MICH","Rock Springs, WY",Transcribed and ready.,Only Envelope,YES,"shan_l.007
+shan_l.008",Box,,Yes,shan_L053.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+54,10/28/1952,Maximino Torres,Victoria Aviña,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed and ready.,Only Envelope,NO,"shan_l.021
+shan_l.022",Box,,Yes,shan_L054.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+55,8/23/1951,Sra. Jesusita Varo ,Jesús Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Mexicali BC,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope,YES,shan_l.027 to shan_l.028,Box,,Yes,shan_L055.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+55,8/23/1951,Sra. Jesusita Varo ,Jesús Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Mexicali BC,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope,YES,shan_l.046 to shan_l.047,Box,,Yes,shan_L055.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+56,3/21/1965?,Jesucita B. Torres,Jesús Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Mexicali BC,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope ,YES,"shan_l.048
+shan_l.049",Box,,Yes,shan_L056.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+57,7/19/1937,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,N/A,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.082
+shan_l.083",Box,,Yes,shan_L057.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+58,10/4/1937,Ms. Santos Baros,N/A,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed and ready.,Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.084
+shan_l.085",Box,,Yes,shan_L058.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+59,1/25/1938,Mrs. Santos Baros,N/A,Denver CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.086
+shan_l.087",Box,,Yes,shan_L059.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+60,3/26/1939,Sr. Maxsimino Torrez,R. Hurtado,Longmont CO,Chicago IL,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,YES,"shan_l.120
+shan_l.121",Box,,Yes,shan_L060.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+61,5/3/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Barros,Mrs. Baca,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.122
+shan_l.123",Box,,Yes,shan_L061.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+62,5/26/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Ben Silva,Longmont CO,"Brentwood, CA","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. In care of Bill Kennedy.,NO,"shan_l.029
+shan_l.030",Box,,Yes,shan_L062.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+63,7/13/1939,Sra. Jesusita Baros ,Demetrio Flemate,Longmont CO,"Brentwood, CA","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.124
+shan_l.125",Box,,Yes,shan_L063.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+64,9/29/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,N/A,Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.130
+shan_l.131",Box,,Yes,shan_L064.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+65,8/12/1939,Mr. Demetrio Flemate,Jesusita Baros,Stockton CA,Longmont CO,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.132
+shan_l.133",Box,,Yes,shan_L065.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+66,N/A,N/A,Nemecio F Samaniego ,N/A,Juchipila ZAC,Transcribed & translated,"Fragment. Typewritten in red ink, signed in green ink. letter",YES,"shan_l.152
+shan_l.153",Box,,Yes,shan_L066.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+67,2/19/1940,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Mrs. A. Marín,Fort Lupton CO,"Longmont, CO","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.158
+shan_l.159",Box,,Yes,shan_L067.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+68,12/24/1940,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,"Thornton, CA","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.160
+shan_l.161",Box,,Yes,shan_L068.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+69,11/25/1943,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Jesse Baros,Denver CO,"San Diego, CA","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,NO,"shan_l.162
+shan_l.163",Box,,Yes,shan_L069.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+70,2/4/1976,Sr. Ricardo Núñez,Ascención Beltrán,Fort Lupton CO,"Cuernavaca, MOR","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,YES,"shan_l.172
+shan_l.173",Box,,Yes,shan_L070.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+71,9/26/1961?,Sra. Ma. de Jesús Varos,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope only. ,YES,"shan_l.174
+shan_l.175",Box,,Yes,shan_L071.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+72,8/1/1942,Santos,Josephine Montoya,N/A,"Socorro, NM",Transcribed & translated,Letter,YES,"shan_l.212
+shan_l.213",Box,,Yes,shan_L072.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+73,1/6/1958,Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Schubert,Mrs. C. E. Parrish,Lincoln NE,"Bradshaw, NE",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.214
+shan_l.217",Box,,Yes,shan_L073.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+74,1/30/1958,"Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schubert, family",Mrs. Lillian Willhelm,Lincoln NE,"Phoenix, AZ",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.218
+shan_l.227",Box,,Yes,shan_L074.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+75,1/5/1953,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,J Baros ( Jesusita ) ,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.228
+shan_l.233",Box,,Yes,shan_L075.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+76,8/22/1956,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.234
+shan_l.235",Box,,Yes,shan_L076.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+77,N/A,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.236
+shan_l.239",Box,,Yes,shan_L077.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+78,2/4/1957,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)","""Tu mamá Jesusita B Torres""",N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.240
+shan_l.243",Box,,Yes,shan_L078.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+79,3/6/1957,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Baros Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.248
+shan_l.251",Box,,Yes,shan_L079.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+80,4/23/1957,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Baros,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.252
+shan_l.255",Box,,Yes,shan_L080.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+81,5/17/1957,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Bars Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.256
+shan_l.259",Box,,Yes,shan_L081.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+82,6/24/1957,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.260
+shan_l.265",Box,,Yes,shan_L082.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+83,9/13/1957,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.266
+shan_l.271",Box,,Yes,shan_L083.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+84,10/26/1957,Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.272
+shan_l.277",Box,,Yes,shan_L084.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+85,11/6/1957,Mr. & Mrs. William B Schubert,Mrs. Eddi Unkel,Lincoln NE,Denver CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.278
+shan_l.287",Box,,Yes,shan_L085.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+86,11/11/1957,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.288
+shan_l.293",Box,,Yes,shan_L086.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+87,11/18/1957,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES ,"shan_l.294
+shan_l.299",Box,,Yes,shan_L087.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+88,5/9/1958,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.300
+shan_l.303",Box,,Yes,shan_L088.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+89,7/5/1958,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.304
+shan_l.309",Box,,Yes,shan_L089.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+90,8/20/1958,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.310
+shan_l.311",Box,,Yes,shan_L090.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+91,8/28/1958,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.312
+shan_l.313",Box,,Yes,shan_L091.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+92,10/14/1958,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)","""Tu mama Jesusita B Torres""",Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter only,YES,"shan_l.314
+shan_l.315",Box,,Yes,shan_L092.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+93,10/29/1958,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Mrs. Jesusita B. Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope and lock of hair,NO,shan_l.316 to shan_l.317,Box,,Yes,shan_L093.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+93,10/29/1958,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Mrs. Jesusita B. Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope and lock of hair,NO,"
+shan_l.045",Box,,Yes,shan_L093.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+94,11/13/1958,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.318
+shan_l.325",Box,,Yes,shan_L094.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+95,12/9/1958,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.326
+shan_l.329",Box,,Yes,shan_L095.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+96,2/2/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.330
+shan_l.335",Box,,Yes,shan_L096.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+97,3/14/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.336
+shan_l.341",Box,,Yes,shan_L097.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+98,5/7/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.342
+shan_l.347",Box,,Yes,shan_L098.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+99,6/4/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,N/A,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope ,NO,"shan_l.348
+shan_l.349",Box,,Yes,shan_L098.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+100,6/30/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.350
+shan_l.355",Box,,Yes,shan_L100.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+101,7/31/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.356
+shan_l.361",Box,,Yes,shan_L101.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+102,8/31/1959,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.362
+shan_l.363",Box,,Yes,shan_L102.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+103,10/9/1959,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.364
+shan_l.369",Box,,Yes,shan_L103.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+104,1/26/1960,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated, letter,YES,"shan_l.370
+shan_l.371",Box,,Yes,shan_L104.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+105,5/28/1960,Mrs. W.F Schubert,Jesusita B torres,lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.372
+shan_l.377",Box,,Yes,shan_L105.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+106,7/17/1961,Mrs. W.F Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.378
+shan_l.385",Box,,Yes,shan_L106.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+107,7/26/1962,Mrs. W.F Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.386
+shan_l.393",Box,,Yes,shan_L107.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+108,9/17/1962,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated, letter,YES,"shan_l.394
+shan_l.399",Box,,Yes,shan_L108.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+109,1/7/1963,"Querida Hija ""Santos",J.B.T,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated, letter,YES,"shan_l.400
+shan_l.405",Box,,Yes,shan_L109.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+110,1/28/1963,Mrs. W.F Schubert,Jesusita B torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.406
+shan_l.411",Box,,Yes,shan_L110.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+111,6/24/1963,[Mrs.] W.F Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.412
+shan_l.417",Box,,Yes,shan_L111.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+112,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,"Hadwritten in black ink, Jesusita's handwriting: ""2.page. para el Estado de Texas con una famílía que se fue para aya"" List of names and amounts written in English, different handwritting & different ink on the back. ",YES,"shan_l.418
+shan_l.419",Box,,No,shan_L112.meta.xml,Google Drive,,,,,,
+113,1/2/1964,[Mrs.] W.F Schubert,Jesusita B Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.420
+shan_l.425",Box,,Yes,shan_L113.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+114,1/1/1964,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Jesusita B Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Letter,YES,"shan_l.426
+115,6/1/1965,Mrs. W.F Schubert,Pam ,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Envelope and letter,NO,"shan_l.432
+shan_l.435",Box,,Yes,shan_L115.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+116,6/1/1965,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Max y Jesusita,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.436
+shan_l.437",Box,,Yes,shan_L116.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+117,7/21/1967,Mrs. Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.438
+shan_l.443",Box,,Yes,shan_L117.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+118,11/13/1967,Mrs. Santos Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.444
+shan_l.447",Box,,Yes,shan_L118.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+119,12/14/1967,"Querida Hija ""Santos",Jesusita Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.448
+shan_l.449",Box,,Yes,shan_L119.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+120,9/11/1970,Mrs. Schubert,Jesusita Torrres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.450
+shan_l.453",Box,,Yes,shan_L120.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+121,9/8/1974,N/A,Sandra/Bill,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.454
+122,5/26/1986,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.456
+shan_l.457",Box,,Yes,shan_L122.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+123,N/A,Mr. Mrs Schubert,N/A,Lincoln NE,N/A,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.459",Box,,Yes,shan_L123.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+124,3/17/1942,Mrs. & Ms. John J Schubert & Family,William F Schubert,Palmyra NE,Lincoln NE ,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.460
+shan_l.465",Box,,Yes,shan_L124.meta.xml,Google Drive,,,,,,
+125,12/7/1964,"""Querida hija""
+Santos B. Schubert",Jesusita B. Torres,N/A,"Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,"Original L125 was a duplicate of L20 and was therefore deleted.
+L114 contained two separate letters, therefore the second letter was separated and turned into the new L125.
+126,9/18/19??,Jesusita Baros,Julia Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Guadalajara JAL,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope ,YES,"shan_l.468
+shan_l.469",Box,,Yes,shan_L126.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+127,3/16/1977,Mrs. & Mr. Bill Schubert,Helen & Jess & Mark,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.470
+shan_l.473",Box,,Yes,shan_L127.meta.xml,Google Drive,,,,,,
+128,9/24/1974,Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schubert,Jess Baros,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.474
+shan_l.481",Box,,Yes,shan_L128.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+129,12/17/1976,Mrs. Santos Schubert,Mrs. AB Sanchez,Lincoln NE,Tucson AZ,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.482
+shan_l.485",Box,,Yes,shan_L129.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+130,12/10/1947,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,W.F. Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,Havelock NE,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.486
+shan_l.491",Box,,Yes,shan_L130.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+131,12/18/1947,Mrs. Santos B Shubert,W.F Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,Havelock NE,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.492
+shan_l.497",Box,,Yes,shan_L131.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+132,5/9/1948,Mrs. Santos B Shubert,Bill,Fort Lupton CO,Bergstrom Airforce Base/Austin TX,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.498
+shan_l.503",Box,,Yes,shan_L132.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+133,5/11/1948,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,Sgt. Wm. F. Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,Bergstrom Airforce Base/Austin TX,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.504
+shan_l.505",Box,,Yes,shan_L133.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+134,5/27/1949,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,Bill,Fort Lupton CO,Havelock NE,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.506
+shan_l.511",Box,,Yes,shan_L134.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+135,9/25/1950,Mrs. Sandra B Schubert,WF Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,"Adams, NE",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.512
+shan_l.515",Box,,Yes,shan_L135.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+136,9/23/1950,Sandra & Billy,Bill,N/A,"Adams, NE",Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.516
+shan_l.517",Box,,Yes,shan_L136.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+137,9/27/1950,Santos & Billy,Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.518
+shan_l.519",Box,,Yes,shan_L137.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+138,10/1/1950,Santos & Billy,Bill,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.520
+shan_l.521",Box,,Yes,shan_L138.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+139,10/12/1950,"""My darling wife"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,No,"shan_l.522
+shan_l.523",Box,,Yes,shan_L139.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+140,10/13/1950,Sandra & Billy,Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,No,"shan_l.524
+shan_l.525",Box,,Yes,shan_L140.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+141,10/14/1950,Santos & Billy,Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.526
+shan_l.527",Box,,Yes,shan_L141.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+142,10/16/1950,"""My darling wife and Billy"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.528
+shan_l.531",Box,,Yes,shan_L142.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+143,10/17/1950,"""My darling wife and son"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.532
+shan_l.533",Box,,Yes,shan_L143.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+144,10/18/1950,"""My darling wife and son"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.534
+shan_l.535",Box,,Yes,shan_L144.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+145,10/19/1950,"""My darling wife and son"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,"letter ""Will write a few lines yet today as...""",NO,"shan_l.536
+shan_l.537",Box,,Yes,shan_L145.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+146,10/19/1950,"""My darling wife and son"" (Santos)",Bill,N/A,Camp 67/Adams NE,Transcribed & translated,"letter ""Received your nice letter of the 18th...""",NO,"shan_l.538
+shan_l.539",Box,,Yes,shan_L146.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+147,11/19/1952,Mrs. William Schubert,Mrs. Anderson,Lincoln NE,Lincoln NE,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+",Envelope This plastic sleeve contained this envelope AND one b/w photo and a cupon for portrait from Baby Tots Studio dated 12/10/1953 PHOTO ID PENDING/Receipt id is [D55],NO,"shan_l.540
+shan_l.541",Box,,Yes,shan_L147.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+148,8/25/1954,"Sandra, Billy, Bobby & Pamela",Bill,N/A,La Grange IL,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.542
+shan_l.543",Box,,Yes,shan_L148.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+149,8/14/1962,Sandra & youngsters,Bill,N/A,Lincoln NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.544
+shan_l.545",Box,,Yes,shan_L149.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+150,8/16/1962,Sandra & children,Bill,N/A,Lincoln NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.546
+shan_l.547",Box,,Yes,shan_L150.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+151,8/19/1962,Mrs. WF Schubert,WF Schubert,Fort Lupton CO,Lincoln NE,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.548
+shan_l.551",Box,,Yes,shan_L151.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+152,8/22/1962,Sandra & youngsters,Bill,N/A,Lincoln NE,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.552
+shan_l.553",Box,,Yes,shan_L152.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+153,10/18/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Lucía V? (Faustín Villanueva?),Longmont CO,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.554
+shan_l.559",Box,,Yes,shan_L153.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+154,7/18/1971,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Torres,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.560
+shan_l.561",Box,,Yes,shan_L154.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+155,1/2/1976,Sandra & Billy,Jess & Helen & Mark,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.562
+shan_l.567",Box,,Yes,shan_L155.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+156,10/29/1956,"""Querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Baros Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.568
+shan_l.571",Box,,Yes,shan_L156.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+157,8/16/1982,Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schubert,Mrs. F.N. Baca,Lincoln NE,Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.572
+158,10/14/1966,Mrs. Sandra Schubert,Jesusita Torres,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.578
+shan_l.583",Box,,Yes,shan_L158.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+159,11/7/1966,"""Mi querida hija"" (Santos)",Jesusita Torres,N/A,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,YES,"shan_l.584
+shan_l.587",Box,,Yes,shan_L159.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+160,12/29/1974,Santos Schubert,"""Tu amiga"" ",Lincoln NE,Tucson AZ,Transcribed & translated,"Env. and Letter ""Saludes de Pancha"" (woman's handwriting?)",YES,"shan_l.588
+shan_l.591",Box,,Yes,shan_L160.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+161,10/9/1950,Mr. WF Schubert,Mrs. Sandra Schubert,Rulo NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO ,"shan_l.592
+shan_l.596",Box,,Yes,shan_L161.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+162,2/11/1978,Mrs. Santos B Schubert & Jane,Bill Schubert,Lincoln NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.597
+163,10/4/1950,Mr. William F Schubert,Sandra Schubert,Camp 67/Rulo NE,Fort Lupton CO,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.603
+164,1/10/1953,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,WF Schubert,Lincoln NE,"Berwyn, IL",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.608
+165,1/8/1953,Mrs. Santos B Schubert,WF Schubert,Lincoln NE,"Berwyn, IL",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.612
+166,12/12/1950,W.F Schubert,Mrs. WF Schubert,Falls City NE,Lincoln NE,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.616
+167,12/12/1950,Bill,Sandra,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,letter,NO,"shan_l.620
+168,11/30/1948,Sr. Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio/Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter Note that [L168] and [L169] were written in same piece of paper and sent in one envelope ,YES,shan_l.623 to shan_l.624,Box,,Yes,shan_L168.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+168,11/30/1948,Sr. Maximino Torres,Clemente Torres,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio/Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter Note that [L168] and [L169] were written in same piece of paper and sent in one envelope ,YES,"
+shan_l.626",Box,,Yes,shan_L168.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+169,N/A,Sra Jesusita Baros,Sra. Victoria A. de Torres,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio/Huapamacato MICH,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter Note that [L168] and [L169] were written in same piece of paper and sent in one envelope ,YES,shan_l.625,Box,,Yes,shan_L169.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+170,1/22/1952,Sr Maximino Torres,Victoria Aviña,Fort Lupton CO,Churintzio MICH,Transcribed & translated,Envelope,NO,"shan_l.627
+shan_l.628",Box,,Yes,shan_L170.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+171,1/2?/1953,Sra. Jesusita Baros ,Mauro Quesada,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.630",Box,,Yes,shan_L171.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+172,2/9/1944,Miss Santos Baros,Jess Baros,Denver CO,Oceanside CA,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.632",Box,,Yes,shan_L172.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+173,2/23/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Jesús Samaniego,Longmont CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.634",Box,,Yes,shan_L173.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+174,6/27/1957,Sra. Jesusita Baros,Patricia Medrano,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.636",Box,,Yes,shan_L174.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+175,8/29/1938?,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Jesús Samaniego,Longmont CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.638",Box,,Yes,shan_L175.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+176,8/5?/19??,Sra. Jesús Baros,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.640",Box,,Yes,shan_L176.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+177,2/27/1957,Sra. Jesusita Baros,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.642",Box,,Yes,shan_L177.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+178,1/11/196?,Sra. Jesusita B Torres,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.644",Box,,Yes,shan_L178.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+179,1/4/1938,Sra. Jesusita Baros,N/A,Denver CO,N/A,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.646",Box,,Yes,shan_L179.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+180,1/11/1956?,Sra. Jesusita Baros,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.648",Box,,Yes,shan_L180.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+181,2/7/01956?,Mrs. Jesusita Baros,Patricia Medrano,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.650",Box,,Yes,shan_L181.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+182,12/17/195?,Sra. Jesusita Baros Torres,Guadalupe Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.652",Box,,Yes,shan_L182.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+183,7/15/1955,Sra. Ma. de Jesús Baros Torres,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.654",Box,,Yes,shan_L183.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+184,10/19/1959,Jesusita B Torres,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.656",Box,,Yes,shan_L184.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+185,??/29/1959,Jesusita BT,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.658",Box,,Yes,shan_L185.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+186,10/15/1959,Jesusita B Torres,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.660",Box,,Yes,shan_L186.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+187,10/13/1942,Miss Santos Baros,José Lara M.,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.662",Box,,Yes,shan_L187.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+188,6/16/1952,Ms. Jesusita Baros,Demetrio Flemate,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.664",Box,,Yes,shan_L188.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+189,10/20/1975,Sra. Jesusita Baros,Nemecio Samaniego,Fort Lupton CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.666",Box,,Yes,shan_L189.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+190,2/3/1939,Mrs. Jesusita Baros ,Demetrio Flemate,Longmont CO,Juchipila ZAC,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.668",Box,,Yes,shan_L190.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+191,7/1/1970,Sr. Maximino Torres,Roberto Gonzales,"Fort Lupton, CO","Villings, Montana","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.670",Box,,Yes,shan_L191.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+192,11/5/1951,Sr. Maxsimino Torres,Clemente Torres,"Fort Lupton, CO","Del Rey, California","Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.672",Box,,Yes,shan_L192.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+193,4/5/1943,Mr. Maxcimino Torres,Clemente Torres,"Denver, CO",Churintzio Guapamacato Michocan Mexico ,"Transcribed, edited & ready.
+shan_l.674",Box,,Yes,shan_L193.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+194,8/14/1962,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schubert,Mrs. F. N. Baca,"Lincoln, NE",Albuquerque NM,Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.675
+shan_l.680",Box,,Yes,shan_L194.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+195,N/A,N/A,JBT ???,N/A,N/A,Transcribed & translated,"back of envelope ""Estas son las targetas de la agua""",YES,"shan_l.768 to
+196,3/11/1958,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Letter. Three pages handwritten in Spanish.,YES,shan_l.686 to shan_l.690 ,Box,,Yes,shan_L196.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+197,4/30/1958,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter. Three pages handwritten in Spanish.,YES,shan_l.691 to shan_l.695 ,Box,,Yes,shan_L197.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+198,4/8/1961,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter. Three pages handwritten in Spanish.,YES,shan_l.696 to shan_l.700 ,Box,,Yes,shan_L198.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+199,12/7/1961,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter. Two pages handwritten in Spanish.,YES,"shan_l.747 to
+shan_l.750",Box,,Yes,shan_L199.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+200,1/6/1958,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter. Three pages handwritten in Spanish.,YES,"shan_l.751 to
+shan_l.755",Box,,Yes,shan_L200.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+201,10/24/1961,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Letter. Two handwritten pages in Spanish. ,YES,"shan_l.701 to
+shan_l.704",Box,,Yes,shan_L201.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+202,2/12/1963,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita Baros Torres ,"Lincoln, Ne","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Letter and Envelope. Two hand written pages with prayer card ([D127]) attached,YES ,"shan_l.705 to
+shan_l.708",Box,,Yes,shan_L202.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+203,3/13/1966,Srta. Pamela Schubert ,Jesusita Baros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,"This envelope, addressed to Santos, includes a a birthday card to Jane Schubert [D126], a three-page hadwritten letter to Pamela Schubert [L203], and a one-page handwritten letter to Santos Schubert [L215]",YES ,"shan_l.718 to
+shan_l.720",Box,,Yes,shan_L203.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+204,11/20/1964,Mrs. W. F. Schubert, Jesusita Baros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,Two hand-written pages with envelope ,YES ,"shan_l.709 to
+shan_l.712",Box,,Yes,shan_L204.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+205,12/20/1968,Querida Hija (Santos),Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincon, NE"," Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,One hand-written page ,YES ,Only PDF ,PDF in Box and GDrive,,Yes,shan_L205.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+206,1/3/1965,estimados hijos (Santos and family),Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,Two hand-written pages ,YES ,"shan_l.713 to
+shan_l.714",Box,,Yes,shan_L206.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+207,5/13/1969,Querida Hija (Santos),Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,Two hand-written pages ,YES ,"shan_l.738 to
+shan_l.739",Box,,Yes,shan_L207.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+208,3/3/1965,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,"Two hand-written pages with envelope and $40.00 cash enclosed. SEE: ""el mas fino recuerdo de nosotros, Max, and mí tu mamá"" = ""and me, tu mamá""",YES ,"shan_l.756 to
+shan_l.759",Box,,Yes,shan_L208.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+209,11/1/1966,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,,YES,"shan_l.721 to
+shan_l.723",Box,,Yes,shan_L209.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+210,9/15/1968,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,,YES,"shan_l.724 to
+shan_l.728",Box,,Yes,shan_L210.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+211,11/6/1968,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Brighton, CO",Transcribed & translated,,YES,"shan_l.729 to
+shan_l.732",Box,,Yes,shan_L211.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+212,4/21/1969,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,"""Hasta el amedio día"".",YES,"shan_l.733 to
+shan_l.737",Box,,Yes,shan_L212.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+213,12/11/1971,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,This letter includes a Christmas card to Santos [D129],YES,"shan_l.740 to
+shan_l.742",Box,,Yes,shan_L213.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+214,12/30/1976,Santos B Schubert,Gloria Botello,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,,YES,"shan_l.743 to
+shan_l.746",Box,,Yes,shan_L214.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+215,3/10/1966,Santos B Schubert,Jesusita Barros Torres ,"Lincoln, NE ","Fort Lupton, CO ",Transcribed & translated,"This one-page handwritten letter to Santos Schubert was inside an envelope addressed to Santos that includes a birthday card to Jane Schubert [D126], and a three-page hadwritten letter to Pamela Schubert [L203], and a one-page handwritten letter to Santos Schubert [L215].",,,,,Yes,shan_L215.meta.xml,Google Drive,Yes,,,,,
+216,1/12/1962,Mrs. W. F. Schubert,Jesusita B. Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.770
+to shan_l.774",Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+217,10/29/1962,Mrs. W. F. Schubert,Jesusita B. Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.775
+to shan_l.779",Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+218,7/25/1966,[Querida hija],Jesusita Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Letter,YES,"shan_l.780
+to shan_l.781",Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+219,10/4/1968,Mrs Schubert,Jesusita Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.782
+to shan_l.785",Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+220,12/9/1968,Mrs Santos B. Schubert,Jesusita Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,YES,"shan_l.786
+to shan_l.78x",Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+221,3/30/1959,Mrs. W. F. Schubert,Jesusita B. Torres,"Lincoln, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter. Includes a postcard [D184],YES,shan_l.792 to shan_l.793,Box,,No,,,,,,,,
+222,3/31/1945,Miss Sandra Baros,Pfc. Fred Rodriguez,"Denver, CO","New York, NY",Transcribed & translated,Letter,NO,"shan_l.794
+223,10/10/1950,Mr. William F Schubert,Mrs. W.F. Schubert,"Rulo, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.796
+224,10/13/1950,Mr. William F Schubert,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,"Rulo, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,Env. and Letter,NO,"shan_l.801
+225,10/17/1950,Mr. William F Schubert,Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert,"Rulo, NE","Fort Lupton, CO",Transcribed & translated,"Env., card and Letter",NO,"shan_l.806
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caeea45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/MISCELANEOUS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Object ID,Date,Description,Notes,scanned?,SCAN ID,Stored where?,Back up where?,Metadata collected,Metadata filename,Metadata uploaded
+[M1],N/A,"Catholic rosary, purple twine, two metal crosses FRONT ",Personal rosary belonging to Jesusita Baros Torres ,yes,shan_m.001,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M001.meta,Gdrive
+[M1],N/A,"Catholic rosary, purple twine, two metal crosses BACK ",Personal rosary belonging to Jesusita Baros Torres ,yes,shan_m.002,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M001.meta,Gdrive
+ ,1942,"FRONT Black leather bound personal journal Embossed in red and gold ""S Baros"" and ""Diary"" in gold","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.016,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,INSIDE GUARD PAGES Marbled paper,"Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.017,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,"Handwritten in blank ink ""Mrs. Ray... phone 5868 EM ""This diary belongs to Santos Baros"" ","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.018,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,"INSIDE PAGE Entry for 1943 ""New year Day I saw...""","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.019,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,"INSIDE PAGE Entry for Oct/17/1942 ""Sat Jess got married...""","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.020,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,"INSIDE PAGE Entry for 10/19 ""It was too wet for the huts...""","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.021,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,"INSIDE BACK COVER ""Santos Baros, Albuquerque NM, April 12, 1936""","Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936",yes,shan_m.022,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M2],1942,INSIDE PAGE Entry for 6/02/1936,"Personal journal belonging to Santos Baros dated April 12, 1936. The entry was previously erased.",yes,shan_m.023,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M002.meta,Gdrive
+[M3],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Five pesos 0473658,yes,shan_m.003,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M003.meta,
+[M3],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Five pesos 0473658,yes,shan_m.004,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M003.meta,
+[M4],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Ten pesos 0724703,yes,shan_m.005,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M004.meta,
+[M4],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Ten pesos 0724703,yes,shan_m.006,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M004.meta,
+[M5],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,One hundred pesos 45731,yes,shan_m.007,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M005.meta,
+[M5],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,One hundred pesos 45731,yes,shan_m.008,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M005.meta,
+[M6],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Ten centavos PR,yes,shan_m.009,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M006.meta,
+[M6],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Ten centavos PR,yes,shan_m.010,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M006.meta,
+[M7],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Fifty centavos PI,yes,shan_m.011,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M007.meta,
+[M7],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,Fifty centavos PI,yes,shan_m.012,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M007.meta,
+[M8],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL FRONT Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,One peso 0502703,yes,shan_m.013,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M008.meta,
+[M8],Date in japanese?,PAPER BILL BACK Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,One peso 0502703,yes,shan_m.014,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M008.meta,
+[M9],11/9/1986,"Napkin 40th Wedding Anniversary, Bill and Sandra 1946-1986",Red ink on white paper,yes,shan_m.015,Box,GDrive,yes,shan_M009.meta,
+[M10],,8 Mor Valu trading stamps. Ten mills,These stamps were mailed on same envelope as [L214],yes,"shan_m.026 to
+[M11],,,These stamps were mailed on same envelope as [L214],,"shan_m.028 to
+[M12],11/1/1966,Shirley Temple b&w photo Stamped w/autograph,This is in the same pdf and was sent with [L209],yes,"shan_m.024 to
+[M13],,American issued currency,10 American dollars,yes,"shan_m.030 to
+[M14],,American issued currency,10 American dollars,yes,"shan_m.032 to
+[M15],,American issued currency,20 American dollars,yes,"shan_m.034 to
+[M16],,Notebook with addresses,,yes,"shan_m.036 to
+[M17],,Song lyrics,2 boleros,yes,shan_m.047 to shan_m.048,Box,,no,,
+[M18],,Song lyrics,amor,yes,"shan_m.049 to
+[M19],,Schubert's Farm sale poster,Color poster,yes,"shan_m.051 to
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/PHOTOGRAPHS.csv b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/PHOTOGRAPHS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c794f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/csvs/PHOTOGRAPHS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+,ITEM,DESCRIPTION ,SCAN ID,PERSON XMLID ,PORTRAYED IN PHOTO,DATE M/D/Y,LOCATION ,COORDINATES ,NOTES,Spanish YES/NO,Metadata collected,Metadata filename,Metadata uploaded,Name convention
+1,Photograph (front),Mrs. J. F. B. Torres,shan_p.001,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Barros Torres,,"Fort Lupton, CO",,,NO,,shan_P001.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),,shan_p.002,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+2,Photograph (front),[picture of a Jesusita Hernate Baros Torres with a dress] ,shan_p.003,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,,,,,NO,,shan_P002.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),"Jesusita Hernate Baros Torres [ji: it actually says Flema[n]te, notified by Jane]",shan_p.004,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+3,Photograph (front),[portray of Jesusita Hernate Baros Torres],shan_p.005,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,,,,,NO,,shan_P003.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),"Jesusita Hernate Baros Torres [ji: it actually says Flema[n]te, notified by Jane]",shan_p.006,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+4,Photograph (front),[picture of a man],shan_p.007,mt001,Maximino Torres,,,,,NO,,shan_P004.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Max Torres Married to A5658791 Jesusita Hernate Baros Torres,shan_p.008,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+5,Photograph (front),[picture of a man smoking],shan_p.009,mt001,Maximino Torres,,,,,NO,,shan_P005.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Max Torres Married husband of Jesusita Baros Torres,shan_p.010,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+6,Photograph (front),[picture of a boy and a girl],shan_p.011,"sbs001, jjb001",Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,,,,NO,,shan_P006.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.012,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+7,Photograph (front),"[picture of santos, to Bill]",shan_p.013,sbs001,Santos Baros,07/06/1946,,,,YES,,shan_P007.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"July 6, 1946",shan_p.014,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+8,Photograph (front),School Days 58,shan_p.015,kb001,Kathy Baros,,,,,NO,,shan_P008.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),"To Sandra, Bill with Love, Kathy",shan_p.016,,,,,,[ji: do we include the recepients of the picture?],,,,Box,
+9,Photograph (front),"[handless man, a woman and child]",shan_p.017,,Samaniego family [?],10/01/1957,,,,YES,,shan_P009.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.018,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+,Cardboard frame (front),[blank],shan_p.019,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+,Cardboard frame (back),"fue sacado este retrato [Octu 1, 1957]",shan_p.020,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+10,Photograph (front),"[BW photo of man standing in front of adobe house, June 7, 1937]",shan_p.021,fv001,Faustino Villanueva ,06/07/1937,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,NO,,shan_P010.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Faustin Villanueca Albuqurque NM,shan_p.022,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+11,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in 1920s dress],shan_p.023,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,circa 1930,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534","Jesusita has her wedding ring on, one of the few photographs where she has it on. ",YES,,shan_P011.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Jesusita Barros circa 1930,shan_p.024,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+12,Photograph (front),[BW photo of young woman and young man in front of pickup truck],shan_p.025,"sbs001, jjb001",Santos Baros and Jesús Baros,08/20/1938,,,,NO,,shan_P012.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Santos & Jesus Baros 1938,shan_p.026,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+13,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in 1950s hairdo with flower (Santos)],shan_p.027,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P013.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.028,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+14,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in white hat with veil (Santos)],shan_p.029,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P014.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),5529,shan_p.030,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+15,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in black and white dress (Santos)],shan_p.031,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P015.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.032,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+16,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman standing with hat and purse in right hand (Santos)],shan_p.033,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,NO,,shan_P016.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Post Card Defender,shan_p.034,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+17,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in 1920s dress with boy in overalls and handkerchief in right hand],shan_p.035,"jbt001, jjb001",Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres and Jess Jesús Baros,,,,,NO,,shan_P017.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Copy of photograph of Jesusita Baros with Jess Jesus Baros,shan_p.036,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+18,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with 1940s hairdo with white dress],"shan_p.037
+",ap001,Angie Perez,08/10/1940,,,,NO,,shan_P018.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Angie Perez 1940 [for Santos],shan_p.038,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+19,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in 1940s hairdo],shan_p.039,,[unknown by Jane],08/10/1940,,,,NO,,shan_P019.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Tomatoe Day,shan_p.040,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+20,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in white dress with necklace of five shell shaped onjects],shan_p.041,,[unknown by Jane],08/10/1940,,,,NO,,shan_P020.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Tomatoe Day,shan_p.042,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+21,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in flowerprint dress with six white buttons on the front],shan_p.043,,[unknown by Jane],08/10/1940,,,,NO,,shan_P021.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Tomatoe Day,shan_p.044,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+22,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with three children in front of 1920s car],shan_p.045,fnb001,Felipita Baca and [unknown children],,,,,NO,,shan_P022.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Betty Baca's mother & her sisters,shan_p.046,,,,,,Felipita (the mom) and her children (and one them could be Betty),,,,Box,
+23,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girls in white dress and ribbon in her hair],shan_p.047,ph001,Pauline Hernandez,"Aug 3, 1936","Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,NO,,shan_P023.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Pauline Hernandez 1936,shan_p.048,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+24,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girls with man's shirt],shan_p.049,al001,Antolina Lopez,08/03/1936,,,,NO,,shan_P024.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Antonia Lopez,shan_p.050,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+25,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girl with black hat and fur collar],shan_p.051,om001,Odelia Montoya,,,,,NO,,shan_P025.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Odelia Montoya 1938,shan_p.052,,,01/21/1938,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,,Box,
+26,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girls sitting on chair with shadow],shan_p.053,mm002,Mary Muñoz,09/12/1938,,,,NO,,shan_P026.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Mary Muñoz,shan_p.054,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+27,Photograph (front),[BW photo of small boy] School Days 1949-50,shan_p.055,,[unknown by Jane],circa 1950,"Brighton, CO",,,N/A,,shan_P027.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.056,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+28,Photograph (front),[BW photo of female in polka dot dress],shan_p.057,r001,Ruth ,03/15/1937,,,,NO,,shan_P028.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Ruth 1937,shan_p.058,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+29,Photograph (front),[BW photo of female in paisely print dress] ,shan_p.059,da001,Della Ayna,02/14/1937,,,,NO,,shan_P029.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Della 1937,shan_p.060,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+30,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girl in ruffle dress],shan_p.061,,[unknown by Jane],,,,,N/A,,shan_P030.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),1934,shan_p.062,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+31,Photograph (front),[BW of photo of woman in coat and shirt with pendant],shan_p.063,bf001,Barbara Fe [?],1937,,,,NO,,shan_P031.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Barbara 1937,shan_p.064,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+32,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girl with plucked eyebrows],shan_p.065,jn001,Josephine Nieto,03/17/1937,,,,NO,,shan_P032.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Josephine 1937,shan_p.066,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+33,Photograph (front),[BW marriage portrait (Santos & William)],shan_p.067,"sbs001, wbs001",Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,?,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,YES,,shan_P033.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),St. Cajetan's Parish,shan_p.068,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+34,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in white gloves embracing a statue (Santos)],shan_p.069,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P034.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.070,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+35,Photograph (front),[BW photo of young man with bowtie and white dress (Jesus Baros)],shan_p.071,jjb001[?] ,Jesús Baros [?],,,,[ji: Jane not sure],N/A,,shan_P035.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.072,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+36,Photograph (front),[BW marriage portrait (Esperanza Estrada Quirarte & J. Ascensión Samaniego)],shan_p.073,"eeq001, js001",Esperanza Estrada Quirarte and Jesús Ascensión Samaniego,02/04/1961,,,,YES,,shan_P036.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Febrero a 4 de 1961,shan_p.074,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+37,Photograph (front),"[BW photo of four adults and two children, woman with glass bottle in right hand (Jesusita)]",shan_p.075,"jbt001, mt001, jjb001, mm002","Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres, Maximino Torres, Jess Jesús Baros, Mari Muñoz [?]",,,,,N/A,,shan_P037.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.076,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+38,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man with military haircut with black tie and white shirt],shan_p.077,,[unknown sailor by Jane],,,,,NO,,shan_P038.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Post card correspondence,shan_p.078,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+39,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with curly hair and heart locket],shan_p.079,ta001,Teresa Aguilar [ji: married last name],,,,,N/A,,shan_P039.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.080,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+40,Photograph (front),[BW photo of young woman with plaid shirt on swing],shan_p.081,bb001,Betty Baca,,,,,N/A,,shan_P040.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),16x,shan_p.082,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+41,Photograph (front),[BW headshot of two men in military uniform],shan_p.083,,[unknown soldiers by Jane],,,,,NO,,shan_P041.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.084,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+42,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with curly hair with bright lipstick with ornament on right shoulder],shan_p.085,ta001[?],Teresa [?] [Aguilar or Perez?],,,,,N/A,,shan_P042.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.086,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+43,Photograph (front),[BW group photo of 11 people posing in front of tree],shan_p.087,"jjb001, tp001, [?], jbt001, [?], mm002, jm001","Jess Jesús Baros, Santos Baros Schubert, Teresa Perez, Teresa's brothers, Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres, Mrs. Padillia, Mari Muñoz, John Muñoz [and unknown lady]",07/04/1939,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,NO,,shan_P043.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),4th of July 1939,shan_p.088,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+44,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man standing in front of a Denver landmark],shan_p.089,jm001,John Muñoz,?,,,,NO,,shan_P044.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),John Muñoz 9 41,shan_p.090,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+45,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in 1940s hairdo sitting in front of a Denver landmark],shan_p.091,mm002,Mari Muñoz,?,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,NO,,shan_P045.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Mari Muñoz 9 41,shan_p.092,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+46,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Bill together in front of car],shan_p.093,"sbs001, wfs001",Santos Baros and William F. Schubert,04/1946,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,NO,,shan_P046.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Bill and Sandra April, 1946 Denver, Colo",shan_p.094,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+47,Photograph (front),[Sandra standing against a building],shan_p.095,sbs001,Santos Baros,04/1946,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251 ",,NO,,shan_P047.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Sandra Denver 1946,shan_p.096,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+48,Photograph (front),[Bill standing on stairs],shan_p.097,wfs001,William F. Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P048.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.098,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+49,Photograph (front),[Sandra in a bathing suit],shan_p.099,sbs001,Santos Baros,06/20/1946,"Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",,NO,,shan_P049.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Sandra-- Taken in lincoln, Neb. By Bill June 20, 1946",shan_p.100,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+50,Photograph (front),[Bill in bathing suit],shan_p.101,wfs001,William F. Schubert,06/20/1946,"Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",,NO,,shan_P050.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill June 1946 Lincoln--Santos Varation (who's wearing the pants???),shan_p.102,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+51,Photograph (front),[Bill with a towel and bathing suit],shan_p.103,wfs001,William F. Schubert,06/20/1946,"Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",,NO,,shan_P051.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Sincerely Bill Lincoln--June 1946 Taken by Santos ""what is this?"" me? Bashful?",shan_p.104,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+52,Photograph (front),[Shubert family],shan_p.105,"jrs001, gs001, hp001, bdp001, jjs001"," John R Schubert (L), Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger Dale Schubert, John Jack Schubert (R)",,,,,NO,,shan_P052.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"From left John R& Gwendolyn Shubert, Helen and Baby Roger Dale Pearcy, John (Jack) J Schubert",shan_p.106,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+53,Photograph (front),[Car driving down a road],shan_p.107,,-,,,,,N/A,,shan_P053.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.108,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+54,Photograph (front),[Sandra drinking from water fountain],shan_p.109,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,"City Park, Denver, Co ","https://www.google.com/maps/place/City+Park,+Denver,+CO/@39.7455942,-104.9546726,2268m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876c79527dc2f88f:0x409292cfbe1667d0!8m2!3d39.745897!4d-104.9476466",,NO,,shan_P054.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Sandra City Park Denver Summer 1947,shan_p.110,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+55,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Terry in bathing suites],shan_p.111,"sbs001, ta001",Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar,1946,,,,NO,,shan_P055.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Terry Aguilar (L0 Santos Schubert (R) 1946 or so Before Kids,shan_p.112,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+56,Photograph (front),[Sandra standing on a road],shan_p.113,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,05/1948,,,,NO,,shan_P056.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Sandra May 1948,shan_p.114,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+57,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Bill in front of the Cave of the Winds],shan_p.115,"sbs001, wfs001",Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,05/1948,"Manitou Springs, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Manitou+Springs,+CO+80829/@38.8550886,-104.9216583,4593m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8713509fcf049499:0xa53d21dbae6b97ab!8m2!3d38.8597127!4d-104.9171989",,NO,,shan_P057.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill and Sandra May 1948,shan_p.116,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+58,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Bill on a picnic],shan_p.117,"sbs001, wfs001",Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,05/1948,"Manitou Springs, CO",,,NO,,shan_P058.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill feeding Sandra May 1948,shan_p.118,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+59,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Theresa on a rock],shan_p.119,"sbs001, ta001",Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar,05/1948,,,,NO,,shan_P059.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Theresa, Santos May 1948",shan_p.120,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+60,Photograph (front),"[Bill, Santos, and Billy in front of house]",shan_p.121,"wfs001, wds002, sbs001","William F Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert, William D Schubert ",04/1949,"Lincoln, NE",,Robert is (Helen's son),NO,,shan_P060.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Billy, Bill, Sandra Easter--1949 Lincoln",shan_p.122,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+61,Photograph (front),[Santos and Bill on a log],shan_p.123,"sbs001, wfs001",Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,06/1951,"Sandia Mountains, Alburqueque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sandia+Crest/@35.2089315,-106.4521896,2410m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87189eaeb5237a65:0x1290fcf5af489203!8m2!3d35.2089321!4d-106.4478015",,NO,,shan_P061.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Sandia mts. June 1951 Bill and Sandra,shan_p.124,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+62,Photograph (front),[Billy Boy asleep in bed],shan_p.125,wds001,William D. Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P062.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.126,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+63,Photograph (front),[Bill and Bill on a bike],shan_p.127,"wfs001, wds001",William F. Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P063.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.128,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+64,Photograph (front),[Sandra and Billy eating watermelon],shan_p.129,"sbs001, wds001",Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P064.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.130,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+65,Photograph (front),[Billy and baby Bobby],shan_p.131,"wds001, rss001",William D Schubert and Robert S Schubert,1951,,,,N/A,,shan_P065.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.132,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+66,Photograph (front),"[Billy, Bobby, and Pam]",shan_p.133,"rss001, pls001, wds001","Robert S Schubert, Pamela L Schubert, William D Schubert",09/1953,"La Grange, IL","https://www.google.com/maps/place/La+Grange,+IL/@41.8050307,-87.8830816,4397m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x880e4805aa13159f:0xcba59e0bbcd0ff06!8m2!3d41.8050314!4d-87.8692254",[left to right],NO,,shan_P066.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Bobby, Pamela, Billy September 1953 La Grange, Ill.",shan_p.134,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+67,Photograph (front),"[Billy, Bobby, and Pam at Christmas]",shan_p.135,"wds001, pls001, rss001","William D Schubert, Pamela L Schubert, Robert S Schubert",12/1953,"La Grange, IL","https://www.google.com/maps/place/La+Grange,+IL/@41.8050307,-87.8830816,4397m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x880e4805aa13159f:0xcba59e0bbcd0ff06!8m2!3d41.8050314!4d-87.8692254",,NO,,shan_P067.meta,Box,yes
+,Photogrpah (back),"Billy, Pamela, and Bobby Christmas Day, 1953 La Grange, Illionois",shan_p.136,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+68,Photograph (front),[Bill and Sandra color photo],shan_p.137,"sbs001, wfs001",William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert ,11-09-1973,,,,NO,,shan_P068.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Bill and Sandra--27th Anniversary Nov. 9, 1973",shan_p.138,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+69,Photograph (front),[Sandra with Billy and Steven],shan_p.139,"wds001, sbs001, ss001","William D Schubert, Sandra Baros Schubert, Steve Shanahan",,,,,N/A,,shan_P069.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.140,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+70,Photograph (front),[Bill and Sandra 50th wedding anniversary],shan_p.141,"sbs001, wbs001",Sandra Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,,,N/A,,shan_P070.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.142,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+71,Photograph (front),[BW photo of US service men],shan_p.143,wfs001,William F Schubert,10/1945,"Sacramento, CA","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sacramento,+CA/@38.5615196,-121.5131234,36896m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x809ac672b28397f9:0x921f6aaa74197fdb!8m2!3d38.5815719!4d-121.4943996",,,,shan_P071.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),October 1945 W. F. Schubert Sacrament California,shan_p.144,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+72,Photograph (front),[BW photo of US service man in front of car],shan_p.145,wfs001,William F Schubert,,"Palmyra, NE",,"rural Palmyra, Steinbron Family Farm",,,shan_P072.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill with 1936 Chevrolet,shan_p.146,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+73,Photograph (front),[BW photo of service man] - NY May 1945,shan_p.147,wfs001,William F Schubert,05/1945,"New York, NY","https://www.google.com/maps/place/New+York,+NY/@40.7055647,-74.1184276,71540m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c24fa5d33f083b:0xc80b8f06e177fe62!8m2!3d40.7127837!4d-74.0059413",,,,shan_P073.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),29,shan_p.148,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+74,Photograph (front),[BW Photo of Yosemite Waterfall],shan_p.149,-,-,07/04/1947,"Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, CA","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Yosemite+National+Park/@37.8532257,-119.6915343,74514m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8096f09df58aecc5:0x2d249c2ced8003fe!8m2!3d37.8651011!4d-119.5383294",,,,shan_P074.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),"July 4, 1947",shan_p.150,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+75,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in fur coat with child],shan_p.151,,[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P075.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.152,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+76,Photograph (front),[BW photo of television],shan_p.153,-,-,11/23/1956,,,,,,shan_P076.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Taken our home November 23 1956,shan_p.154,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+77,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a house],shan_p.155,"pls001, rss001",Pamela L Schubert and Robert D Schubert,05/1959,"Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",1016 South 40th ,,,shan_P077.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),House on 40th & D,shan_p.156,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+78,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two children standing in the snow],shan_p.157,"rss001, ejs001",Robert S Schubert and Elizabeth J Schubert,03/07/1961,"Lincoln, NE",,1016 South 40th ,,,shan_P078.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Robert & Elizabeth March 7th 1961,shan_p.158,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+79,Photograph (front),[BW photo of couple kissing],shan_p.159,,Santos Baros Schubert and William F Schubert,c.1946,,,,,,shan_P079.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),022,shan_p.160,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+80,Photograph (front),[BW photo of child in cowboy outfit],shan_p.161,wds001,William D Schubert,03/1951,"Roswell, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Roswell,+NM/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x86e2651365aced55:0xe41b0be474cfd77e!8m2!3d33.3942655!4d-104.5230242",,,,shan_P080.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Billy Schubert March 1951,shan_p.162,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+81,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with baby sitting on a stone wall],shan_p.163,"sbs001, wds001",Santos Baros Schubert and William D Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P081.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.164,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+82,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man in service uniform with woman and child],shan_p.165,"wfs001, wds001, sbs001","William F Schubert, William D Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert",,"Garden of the Gods, CO",,,,,shan_P082.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Garden of the Gods,shan_p.166,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+83,Photograph (front),House of Yesterday,shan_p.167,-,-,05/1948,"Hastings, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",Hastings Museum ,,,shan_P083.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),May 1948 Hastings Nebraska,shan_p.168,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+84,Photograph (front),[BW photo of children playing board games],shan_p.169,"ejs001, rs001, gs001, rss001","Elizabeth J Schubert, Rodney Schubert (L), Gwendolyn Schubert, Robert S Schubert (R)",,"Lincoln, NE",,,,,shan_P084.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.170,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+85,Photograph (front),[Color photograph of three men],shan_p.171,"mb001, jb001, jjb001","Mark Baros (L), Jerry Baros (C), Jess Jesús Baros (R)",,,,"Baros family, Jess´sons",,,shan_P085.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.172,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+86,Photograph (front),[Color photograph of man with woman],shan_p.173,"ejs001, jb001","Elizabeth J Shanahan, Jerry Baros ",,"Fort Lupton, CO",,With cousin Jerry Baros ,,,shan_P086.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.174,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+87,Photograph (front),[Color photograph of 2 women and a man],shan_p.175,"hb001, ejs001, jjb001","Helen Baros, Elizabeth J Shanahan, Jess Jesús Baros",c2000,"Fort Lupton, CO",,830 Hoover Ave,,,shan_P087.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.176,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+88,Photograph (front),[Color photograph of white house with tree],shan_p.177,,-,,"Fort Lupton, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P088.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),814 Pacific Ave. #3,shan_p.178,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+89,Photograph (front),[Color photograph of white house with red door],shan_p.179,-,-,11/24/1977,"Fort Lupton, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3","Max Torres owned it but didn´t live there, it was a rental place ",,,shan_P089.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),814 1/2 Pacific Ave. ,shan_p.180,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+90,Photograph (front),[BW photo of three service men with two women],shan_p.181,"jd001, ja002, [?], [?], [?]","Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis [Aguilera], Johnny, [unknown], Teresa [?] ",,,,,,,shan_P090.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),"Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis",shan_p.182,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+91,Photograph (front),[BW photo of farm workers] Basin Wyo,shan_p.183,jjb001,Jesús Baros,06/19/1937,"Basin, WY","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",Could be the boy smilling in the center,,,shan_P091.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),6/19/37,shan_p.184,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+92,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman in china poblana costume],shan_p.185,,[unknown],,"Guadalajara, Mexico","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P092.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Traditional clothing for Guadalajara Mex,shan_p.186,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+93,Photograph (front),[BW photo of US service man with young woman],shan_p.187,"ta001, [?]",Teresa Aguilar and [unknown],,,,,,,shan_P093.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),022E,shan_p.188,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+94,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two men in denim shirts],shan_p.189,"jjb001, [?]",Jess Jesús Baros and [unknown],,,,,,,shan_P094.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),6,shan_p.190,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+95,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two young women sitting on a passenger car],shan_p.191,"bb001 [??], sbs001",Betty Baca [??] and Santos Baros,,"Denver, CO",,,,,shan_P095.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.192,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+96,Photograph (front),[BW photo of 6 people next to a railroad passenger car],shan_p.193,"fb001, sbs001, [?]",Freddie [L] Santos Baros [unknown],,"Denver, CO",,Denver Zephyr ,,,shan_P096.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.194,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+97,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man with wide eyebrows],shan_p.195,df001,Demetrio Flemate,,,,,,,shan_P097.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.196,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+98,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man standing next to a vase],shan_p.197,[?],[unknown],10/28/1939,,,Jesusita's half brother,,,shan_P098.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Oct. 28 1939,shan_p.198,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+99,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two women sitting],shan_p.199,"gf001, [?]",Guadalupe Flemate (R) and [unknown lady in white],,"Juchipila, ZAC, Mexico","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P099.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),My sister mi hermana,shan_p.200,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+100,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man and woman wearing hats],shan_p.201,"jbt001, fv001",Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva,05/14/1937,"Albuquerque, NM",,,,,shan_P100.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),A mi corazon May 14 1937,shan_p.202,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+101,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two men and one woman],shan_p.203,"jbt001, df001, fv001","Jesusita Baros Torres (R), Demetrio Flemate (S), Faustin Villanueva (L)",,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,shan_P101.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),"Left - my mother, Jesusita Torres",shan_p.204,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+102,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with two teenagers],shan_p.205,"sbs001, jjb001, jbt001","Santos Baros, Jess Jesús Baros, Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres",,"Denver, CO",,,,,shan_P102.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Santos B. Schubert, Jess J. Baros, Jesusita F. Torres",shan_p.206,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+103,Photograph (front),[BW of man with chickens],shan_p.207,mt001,Maximino Torres,1943,"Fort Lumpton, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",have the address,,,shan_P103.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Max Torres 1943,shan_p.208,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+104,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a girl],shan_p.209,sbs001,Santos Baros,mid 20s to early 30s,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,shan_P104.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Santos Baros Albuquerque,shan_p.210,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+105,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a girl in man's outfit],shan_p.211,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,1920s ,,,,,,shan_P105.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),My mother Jesusita Baros in the 1920s,shan_p.212,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+106,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man with tie],shan_p.213,mt001,Maximino Torres,,,,,,,shan_P106.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Max Torres,shan_p.214,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+107,Photograph (front),[BW photo of baby girl],shan_p.215,cf001,Consuelo Flemate,05/31/1954,"Juchipila, ZAC, Mexico",,Demetrio Flemate´s daughter,,,shan_P107.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Consuelo Flemate May 31 1954,shan_p.216,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+108,Photograph (front),[BW photo of five children],shan_p.217,"cf002, mfm001,gf002, jjf001, [?] ","Candelaria Flemate (L), Mercedes Flemate (standing L), Guadalupe Flemate (center seated), José Jesús Flemate (standing R), and unknown",,,,all Flemate kids,,,shan_P108.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.218,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+109,Photograph (front),[BW photo of one woman with three children],shan_p.219,"pm001, gf002, cf002, mfm001","Patricia Medrano (R, woman), Guadalupe Flemate (L), Candelaria Flemate (R standing), Mercedes Flemate (C)",,"Juchipila, ZAC, Mexico",,Demetrio Flemate's family ,,,shan_P109.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Patricia Medrano, Demetrio Flemate's family",shan_p.220,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+110,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two babies],shan_p.221,"df002, df003", Danielito Flemate and Demetrito Flemate,07/23/1965,"Juchipila, ZAC, Mexico",,Son's of Patricia Medrano,,,shan_P110.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),23 Julio 1965,shan_p.222,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+111,Photograph (front),[BW photo of baby standing on a stool],shan_p.223,jjf001,José de Jesus Flemate,,"Juchipila, ZAC, Mexico",,,,,shan_P111.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Tarjeta Postal Jose de Jesus Flemate,shan_p.224,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+112,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a woman with a white dress],shan_p.225,dp001,Dora Perez,09/29/1942,,,,,,shan_P112.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Sept 29, 42",shan_p.226,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+113,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with glasses],shan_p.227,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,,"Denver [?], CO",,,,,shan_P113.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),my mother Jesusita F Torres,shan_p.228,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+114,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with two children],shan_p.229,"sbs001, jjb001, jbt001","Santos Baros, Jesús Baros, Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres",,"Albuquerque [?], NM",,,,,shan_P114.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),from left to right. Santos Baros,shan_p.230,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+115,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two children with hats],shan_p.231,"sbs001, jjb001",Santos Baros and Jesús Baros,,"Albuquerque, NM",,,,,shan_P115.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.232,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+116,Photograph (front),[BW photo of one woman with two girls],shan_p.233,"ejs001, jbt001, pls001","Elizabeth J Schubert, Jesusita Baros Torres, Pamela L Schubert",c1965,"Fort Lupton, CO",,,,,shan_P116.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.234,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+117,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman and man],shan_p.235,"jbt001, fv001",Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva,,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,shan_P117.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Left - Faustin Vill,shan_p.236,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+118,Photograph (front),[BW photo of one man and three children],shan_p.237,[?],[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P118.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Basin Wyo migrant workers,shan_p.238,,,,"Basin, WY","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,,Box,
+119,Photograph (front),[BW photo of group of people standing in front of migrant housing],shan_p.239,[?],[unknown],06/19/1937,"Basin, WY","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P119.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),This were taken at Basin Wyoming 6/19/1937,shan_p.240,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+120,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man and boy wearing hats],shan_p.241,"mt001, jb001",Maximino Torres and Jess Jesús Baros,,,,,,,shan_P120.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Max Torres and stepson,shan_p.242,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+121,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with hat with polka dot dress with baby in arms],shan_p.243,fnb001,Felipita [??],06/06/1938,,,,,,shan_P121.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Betty Baca's mother (Felipita),shan_p.244,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+122,Photograph (front),[Black and White wedding photo] ,shan_p.245,"jm002, jm001, mm002, sbs001","Joe Muñoz, John Muñoz, Mary Perez, Santos Baros",,,,,,,shan_P122.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Mary Perez wedding and John Muñoz,shan_p.246,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+123,Photograph (front),[Black and White Post Card],shan_p.247,-,-,,"Matamoros, TAMPS, México","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Matamoros,+Tamaulipas,+Mexico/@25.8433788,-97.5849838,42466m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x866f94c793d10087:0x732178703913ca5e!8m2!3d25.8690294!4d-97.5027376",,,,shan_P123.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),POST CARD,shan_p.248,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+124,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photograph],shan_p.249,"jm003, nr001",Mr John Manvile and Narciso Ramos,,"Lompoc, CA","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P124.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Un Recuerdo de Lompoc Calic,shan_p.250,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+125,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.251,"sbs001, hb001, l001","Santos Baros Schubert (L), Helen Baros (C), Lilian (R) ",,CO [?],,,,,shan_P125.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),L to R: Santos Baros Helen Baros (Bridge),shan_p.252,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+126,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.253,"hb001, jjb001",Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros,,CO,,,,,shan_P126.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Jess J. Baros,shan_p.254,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+127,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.255,"l001, sbs001, hb001, jjb001, [?]","Lilian (L), Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros, Jess Jesús Baros, [?], [?]",,CO,,,,,shan_P127.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),L to R: Helen Baros and Jess J. Baros ,shan_p.256,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+128,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo] ,shan_p.257,"hb001, jjb001","Helen Baros, Jess Jesús Baros",,CO,,,,,shan_P128.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Helen and Jess Baros Colorado,shan_p.258,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+129,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.259,"hb001, jb001",Helen Baros and Jerry Baros,c1940s,,,,,,shan_P129.meta,Box,yes
+130,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.260,"[?], [?]",[unknown woman and girl],c1942,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,,,shan_P130.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph(back),"October 2, 1942",shan_p.261,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+131,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photograph],shan_p.262,ljp001,Leandro Jesús Perez [?],,,,[jane: Might be Mary and John son] 17 month old [B],,,shan_P131.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Leandro Jesus Perez,shan_p.263,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+132,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.264,jm002,Joe Muñoz,WWII,,,,,,shan_P132.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),To a very nice girl from your friend Joe,shan_p.265,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+133,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.266,[?],[unknown],11/14/1943,,,,,,shan_P133.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),"Nov. 14, 1943",shan_p.267,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+134,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.268,bl001,Benny Lujan,,"Camp Carson, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P134.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Benny Lujan Camp Carson,shan_p.269,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+135,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.270,frj001,Frank R. Juillen,11/15/1943,"Camp Carson, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P135.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Frank R. Juillen,shan_p.271,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+136,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.272,g001,Pvt. Garza,WWII,,,,,,shan_P136.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),pt. Garza,shan_p.273,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+137,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.274,r002,Ramirez ,07/1945,,,,,,shan_P137.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Ramirez July 1945,shan_p.275,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+138,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.276,"sbs001, [?]",Santos Baros and [unknown soldier],WWII,"Denver [?], CO",,,,,shan_P138.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),Santos Baros and??,shan_p.277,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+139,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.278,"[?], jm001",[Unknown] and John Muñoz [?],,,,,,,shan_P139.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.279,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+140,Photograph(front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.280,a001,Al [soldier],WWII,,,,,,shan_P140.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),To my little girl Santos from Al,shan_p.281,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+141,Photograph(front),[Sepia tones photo],shan_p.282,[?],[unknown soldier],,,,,,,shan_P141.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.283,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+142,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.284,mm003,Manuel Muñoz,03/21/1945,,,,,,shan_P142.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Manuel Muñoz,shan_p.285,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+143,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.286,[?],[unknown soldier],,,,,,,shan_P143.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.287,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+144,Photograph (back),[Black and White],shan_p.288,jog001,Joe O. Gonzales,02/14/1945,Italy,,,,,shan_P144.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (front),2-14-45 Italy,shan_p.289,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+145,Photograph (back),[Sepia olval Photo],shan_p.290,mp001,Manuel Perez,11/21/1939,"Mexico, DF",,,,,shan_P145.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (front),"Mexico DF NOV 21, 1939",shan_p.291,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+146,Photograph (back),[Sepia Photo],shan_p.292,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P146.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (front),[blank],shan_p.293,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+147,Photograph (back),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.294,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,,,,shan_P147.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (front),[blank],shan_p.295,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+148,Photograph (back),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.296,[?],[unknown woman],,,,[unknown woman getting in an old car on a polka tshirt and skirt],,,shan_P148.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (front),123,shan_p.297,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+149,Photograph (back),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.298,ta001,Teresa Aguilar [?],,,,,,,shan_P149.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (front),113,shan_p.299,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+150,Photograph (back),[Back and White Photo],shan_p.300,om001,Odelia Montoya ,,,,,,,shan_P150.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (front),189,shan_p.301,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+151,Photograph (back),[Back and White Photo],shan_p.302,lb001,Lenore Baca,07/11/44,,,Betty's older sister,,,shan_P151.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (front),7-11-44,shan_p.303,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+152,Photograph (back),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.304,"fb001, c001, l002","Freddie [L], ""Cookie"" [C], Lucy Spero [?] [R]",04/1946,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",C.B&Q Railroad Yard Denver [B],,,shan_P152.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (front),"Lucy ""cookie"" and Freddie",shan_p.305,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+153,Photograph (back),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.306,[?],[unknown woman],,,,,,,shan_P153.meta,Box,n/a
+154,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.308,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,1946,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,,,shan_P154.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),709,shan_p.309,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+155,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.310,"sbs001, [?]",Santos Baros Schuber (L) and [unknown],,"Denver, CO",,,,,shan_P155.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),237,shan_p.311,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+156,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.312,[?],[unknown men],,,,,,,shan_P156.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.313,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+157,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man with guitar standing in front of house],shan_p.314,jjb001,Jess Jesús Baros ,1941,"Rocky Mountain National Park, CO",,"Camps n-P-11-c and n-P-4-c in Rocky Mountain National Park taken March 1, 1941",,,shan_P157.meta,Box,
+158,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.316,[?],[migrant lady],,,,She is in another picture ,,,shan_P158.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),113,shan_p.317,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+159,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.318,ta001[?],Teresa Aguilar [?],,,,,,,shan_P159.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),118,shan_p.319,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+160,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.320,[?],[unknown man and woman],,,,,,,shan_P160.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),113,shan_p.321,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+161,Photograph (front),[Black and White Post Card],shan_p.322,-,-,02/21/1957,"Corte Juchipila, ZAC, México","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",Sent by Guadalupe Flemate,,,shan_P161.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Esta es la casa de Corte de Juchipile ,shan_p.323,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+162,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.324,wfs001,William F Schubert,02/1946,"2738 Pear St, Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",,,,shan_P162.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"W.F.Schubert Lincoln, Nebraska Febr. 1946",shan_p.325,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+163,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.326,wfs001,William F Schubert,1946,"Lincoln, NE",,,,,shan_P163.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill Schubert Easter Sunday 1946,shan_p.327,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+164,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.328,wfs001,William F Schubert,1942,IL,,"Camp Clerk, ",,,shan_P164.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Bill 1942 Illinois Camp Clerk,shan_p.329,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+165,Photograph (front),[Black and White Photo],shan_p.330,-,-,02/1946,"2738 Pear St, Lincoln, NE","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lincoln,+NE/@40.8005878,-96.7609392,35719m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8796be59ca561265:0x633a859b1fd5deb9!8m2!3d40.8257625!4d-96.6851982",,,,shan_P165.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),"Home Lincoln, Neb Febr 1946",shan_p.331,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+166,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.332,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,,,,shan_P166.meta,Box,
+167,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.333,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P167.meta,Box,n/a
+168,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.334,om001,Odelia Montoya,06/01/1943,,,"with love to a swell friend""""",,,shan_P168.meta,Box,yes
+169,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.335,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P169.meta,Box,n/a
+170,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.336,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,11/11/1943,"Denver, CO",,Theresa Martínez,,,shan_P170.meta,Box,yes
+171,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.337,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P171.meta,Box,n/a
+172,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.338,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P172.meta,Box,n/a
+173,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.339,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P173.meta,Box,n/a
+174,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.340,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P174.meta,Box,n/a
+175,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.341,[?],[unknown],08/10/1940,,,Tomato Day,,,shan_P175.meta,Box,n/a
+176,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.342,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,c1943,,,,,,shan_P176.meta,Box,yes
+177,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.343,v001,Vi,01/01/1944,,,New Years,,,shan_P177.meta,Box,yes
+178,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.344,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P178.meta,Box,yes
+179,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.345,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P179.meta,Box,yes
+180,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.346,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P180.meta,Box,yes
+181,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.347,[?],[unknown],09/13/1942,,,,,,shan_P181.meta,Box,n/a
+182,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.348,[?],[unknown],,,,L455 [on the back],,,shan_P182.meta,Box,n/a
+183,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.349,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back],,,shan_P183.meta,Box,n/a
+184,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.350,[?],[unknown],1934,,,,,,shan_P184.meta,Box,n/a
+185,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.351,[?],[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P185.meta,Box,n/a
+186,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.352,ta001,Teresa Aguilar,,,,,,,shan_P186.meta,Box,yes
+187,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.353,[?],[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P187.meta,Box,n/a
+188,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.354,fv002,Frances Vaga [?] [unknown last name],1938,,,,,,shan_P188.meta,Box,
+189,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.355,[?],[unknown],1941-1942,"Brighton, CO",,[F] School Days [nothing on the back],,,shan_P189.meta,Box,n/a
+190,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.356,[?],[unknown],1942-1943,"Brighton, CO",,[F] School Days [nothing on the back],,,shan_P190.meta,Box,n/a
+191,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, school]",shan_p.357,hr001,Helen Romero,1939-1940,"Brighton, CO",,"[F] School Days 1939-1940 [B] Junior High School, at the age of 12 years",,,shan_P191.meta,Box,yes
+192,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.358,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P192.meta,Box,n/a
+193,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.359,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P193.meta,Box,n/a
+194,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.360,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P194.meta,Box,n/a
+195,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.361,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P195.meta,Box,n/a
+196,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.362,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P196.meta,Box,n/a
+197,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.363,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P197.meta,Box,n/a
+198,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.364,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P198.meta,Box,n/a
+199,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.365,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P199.meta,Box,n/a
+200,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.366,ed001,Eddie Duran [?],,,,,,,shan_P200.meta,Box,
+201,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.367,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P201.meta,Box,n/a
+202,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.368,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P202.meta,Box,n/a
+203,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.369,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P203.meta,Box,n/a
+204,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.370,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P204.meta,Box,n/a
+205,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.371,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P205.meta,Box,n/a
+206,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.372,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P206.meta,Box,n/a
+207,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.373,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P207.meta,Box,n/a
+208,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.374,[?],[unknown],1938,,,[on pencil],,,shan_P208.meta,Box,n/a
+209,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, man]",shan_p.375,[?],[unknown],,,,[nothing on the back of the photo],,,shan_P209.meta,Box,n/a
+210,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.376,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P210.meta,Box,yes
+211,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.377,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P211.meta,Box,yes
+212,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.378,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P212.meta,Box,yes
+213,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.379,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P213.meta,Box,yes
+214,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.380,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P214.meta,Box,yes
+215,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.381,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P215.meta,Box,yes
+216,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.382,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P216.meta,Box,yes
+217,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.383,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P217.meta,Box,yes
+218,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.384,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P218.meta,Box,yes
+219,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.385,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P219.meta,Box,yes
+220,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.386,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P220.meta,Box,yes
+221,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.387,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P221.meta,Box,yes
+222,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.388,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P222.meta,Box,yes
+223,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.389,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P223.meta,Box,yes
+224,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.390,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P224.meta,Box,yes
+225,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.391,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P225.meta,Box,yes
+226,Photograph (front),"[black and white portrait, woman]",shan_p.392,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P226.meta,Box,yes
+227,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two girls holding masks],shan_p.393,"sbs001, lb001",Santos Baros and Lenore Baca,c1920s,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,shan_P227.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Santos & Lenore. 19,shan_p.394,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+228,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with rifle and dead rabbit],shan_p.395,sbs001,Santos Baros Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P228.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.396,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+229,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with toddler],shan_p.397,"sbs001, [?]",Santos and [unknown],,,,,,,shan_P229.meta,Box,
+,Photograph (back),234,shan_p.398,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+230,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman and a boy with hat],shan_p.399,"sbs001, wds001",Santos Baros Schubert and William D Schubert,,"White Sands, CO [?]",,,,,shan_P230.meta,Box,yes
+231,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a boy in suit and tie],shan_p.400,rss001, Robert S. Schubert,05/28/1970,,,,,,shan_P231.meta,Box,yes
+232,Photograph (front),[BW photo of girl in glasses with white headband],shan_p.401,pls001,Pamela L Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P232.meta,Box,yes
+233,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two boys and a baby girl sitting on a couch],shan_p.402,"rss001, wds001, pls001","Robert S Schubert (L), William D Schubert (C), Pamela L Schubert (R)",,,,,,,shan_P233.meta,Box,yes
+234,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two women and a man],shan_p.403,"jbt001, jjb001, sbs001","Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros, and Santos Baros Schubert",,CO,,,,,shan_P234.meta,Box,yes
+235,Photograph (front),[Color photo of a young girl],shan_p.404,ejs001,Elizabeth J Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P235.meta,Box,yes
+236,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man and woman standing with three children],shan_p.405,"sbs001, rss001, ejs001, pls001, wfs001","Santos Baros Schubert, Robert S Schubert (L), Elizabeth J Schubert (C), Pamela L Schubert (R), William F Schubert",04/1960,,,,,,shan_P236.meta,Box,yes
+237,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman sitting with baby in lap],shan_p.406,"sbs001, wds001",Santos Baros Schubert and William D Schubert,,,,,,,shan_P237.meta,Box,yes
+238,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two woman standing],shan_p.407,"[?], [?]",Sarah and [unknown],,"Glendale, CA",,[to Santos from Sarah],,,shan_P238.meta,Box,yes
+239,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman sitting on the steps of porch with baby in lap],shan_p.408,"sbs001, wds001, rds001","Santos Baros Schubert, William D Schubert, Roger Dale Schubert ",?,,,Cousin Roger Dale,,,shan_P239.meta,Box,yes
+240,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two men and a woman sitting],shan_p.409,"mt001, jbt001, df001","Maximino Torres (L), Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres (C), Demetrio Flemate (R)",,,,,,,shan_P240.meta,Box,
+241,Photograph (front),[BW photo of man sitting in a chair],shan_p.410,mt001,Maximino Torres,,,,,,,shan_P241.meta,Box,yes
+242,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two girls standing in front of pine tree],shan_p.411,[?],[unkwnon],12/1961,,,,,,shan_P242.meta,Box,n/a
+243,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman with boy],shan_p.412,"fnb001, fb001",Felipita Baca and Fred Baca,,,,,,,shan_P243.meta,Box,yes
+244,Photograph (front),[BW photo of boy with tree background],shan_p.413,fb001,Freddie Baca,,,,,,,shan_P244.meta,Box,yes
+245,Photograph (front),[Color photo of a woman sitting in a couch with teenage girl holding dolls],shan_p.414,"sbs001, cet001",Sandra B. Schubert and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor ,,,,Pam's daughter ,,,shan_P245.meta,Box,yes
+246,Photograph (front),[Color photo of two girls with a boy sitting by flowers],shan_p.415,"jt001, vp001, cet001","Joel Tabor (L), Vera Parkhurst (C), Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor (R)",,,,,,,shan_P246.meta,Box,yes
+247,Photograph (front),[Color photo of woman in a white dress smiling],shan_p.416,pls001,Pamela L Schubert,,,,Pamela L Tabor,,,shan_P247.meta,Box,yes
+248,Photograph (front),[Color photo of man and woman with young woman in graduation gown],shan_p.417,"wfs001, cs001, sbs001","William F Schubert, Carol Schubert, Sandra Baros Schubert",?,,,Carol Schubert is a cousin,,,shan_P248.meta,Box,yes
+249,Photograph (front),[Color photo of man in glasses in plaid suit],shan_p.418,jb001,Jerry Baros,,,,cousin,,,shan_P249.meta,Box,yes
+250,photograph (front),[bw two women and a men with tile floor],shan_p.419,"ps001, ns001, ts001","[?] Samaniego (L), Nemecio Samaniego (C), Tomasa Samaniego (R)",11/1946,Juachipila,,Jesusita's half brother,,,shan_P250.meta,Box,
+,photograph (back),noviembre 1946 ,shan_p.420,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+251,photograph (front),[bw 6 migrant workers],shan_p.421,[?],[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P251.meta,Box,n/a
+,photograph (back),310,shan_p.422,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+252,photograph (front),[bw women standing with 2 children],shan_p.423,"jbt001, sbs001, jjb001","Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres, Santos Baros, Jesús Baros",06/03/1928,"Albuquerque, NM","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Albuquerque,+NM/@35.0823898,-106.7466904,38613m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd!8m2!3d35.0853336!4d-106.6055534",,,,shan_P252.meta,Box,yes
+,photograph (back),june 3 1928,shan_p.424,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+253,photograph (front),[polaroid two women with 3 men at the table],shan_p.425,"jjb001, hb001, jbt001, jb001, mt001","Jess Jesús Baros (L), Helen Baros, Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres, Jerry Baros, Maximino Torres",04/25/1958,,,,,,shan_P253.meta,Box,yes
+,photograph (back),april 25 1958,shan_p.426,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+254,photograph (front),[bw photograph woman with glasses and checkered dress],shan_p.427,jbt001,Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres,,"Denver, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Denver,+CO/@39.7643178,-104.9253223,36270m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6!8m2!3d39.7392358!4d-104.990251",,,,shan_P254.meta,Box,
+255,Photograph (front),[BW picture of a woman with a black shirt],shan_p.428,[?],[unknown],,,,,,,shan_P255.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Tarjeta Postal,shan_p.429,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+256,Photograph (front),[BW photo of the inside of Catholic Church],shan_p.430,"pm001, jbt001",-,,"Templo de Juchipila, ZAC, México","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P256.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),Comadre hay le,shan_p.431,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+257,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a young girl holding a baby],shan_p.432,[?],[unknown ?],,,,,,,shan_P257.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),POST CARD,shan_p.433,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+258,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man with a group of kids],shan_p.434,"[?], sbs001",[unknown] and Santos Baros (L),,,,,,,shan_P258.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),[blank],shan_p.435,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+259,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man],shan_p.438,fv001,Faustin Villanueva,09/12/1937,"Albuquerque, NM",,,,,shan_P259.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Mr. Villanueva Alb. NMex Sep 13, 1937 at 3.10pm",shan_p.439,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+260,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man on a horse],shan_p.440,fv001,Faustin Villanueva,07/04/1938,"Albuquerque, NM",,,,,shan_P260.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Mr. Villanueva July 4 - 1938,shan_p.441,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+261,Photograph (front),[wood cabins],shan_p.442,-,-,03/01/1941,"Hollowell Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hollowell+Park/@40.3275307,-105.6794591,13z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sHollowell+Park,+Rocky+Mountain+National+Park,+CO!3m4!1s0x0:0x1c2f69e42dd31a4!8m2!3d40.3417196!4d-105.6052423?hl=en","camps n-P-11-c and n-P-4-c in Rocky Mountain National Park taken March 1, 1941",,,shan_P261.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (back),"camps n-P-11-c and n-P-4-c in Rocky Mountain National Park taken March 1, 1941",shan_p.443,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+262,Photograph (front),[BW photo of Prit with a riffle before a cabin],shan_p.444,tl001,Tony Logothetis,02/26/1943,"Camp Carson, CO","https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3699197,-104.6010265,39406m/data=!3m1!1e3",,,,shan_P262.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Taken in Camp Carson on Feb 26, 1943 Prit Tony Logothetis",shan_p.445,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+263,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man] Love Al,shan_p.446,a001,Al,10/27/1943,,,,,,shan_P263.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),x45 What a mug. Sep 21 Oct 27 1943,shan_p.447,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+264,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a man],shan_p.448,,[?],,,,,,,shan_P264.meta,Box,n/a
+,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a soldier before a cabin],shan_p.449,pv001,Placido Villanueva,06/18/1949,"Camp Butner, NC",,,,,shan_P265.meta,Box,yes
+265,Photograph (back),"Pfc Placido Villanueva June 18, 1949 ",shan_p.450,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+266,Photograph (front),[BW photo of two women stading before a house],shan_p.451,"sbs001, jg001",Sandra Baros Schubert and Julia Gomez,,,,,,,shan_P266.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"In Erie, Colo Sandra Baros + Julia Gomez may 1945",shan_p.452,,,05/1945,"Erie, CO","https://www.google.com/maps?q=Erie,+CO&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1490&bih=1217&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.134052249,d.amc&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiojZOpp7DPAhVF6YMKHekvA1gQ_AUIBigB",,,,,Box,
+267,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman and a dog],shan_p.453,l002,Lucy,02/1946,,,,,,shan_P267.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Lucy Feb. 1946,shan_p.454,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+268,Photograph (front),[BW photo of woman on a bench],shan_p.455,l002,Lucy,02/1946,,,,,,shan_P268.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),Lucy Feb. 1946,shan_p.456,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+269,Photograph (front),[BW photo of a girl on a sailor drees],shan_p.457,gf002,"Guadalupe ""Lupe"" Flemate",12/27/1956,"Juchipila, Zac, Mexico ",,,,,shan_P269.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),"Lupe Flemate Decem 27, 1956 7 yrs old Born: Feb 12, 1949",shan_p.458,,,,,,,,,,Box,
+270,Photograph (front),[BW wedding photo] ,shan_p.459,,,02/04/1961,Mexico,,,yes,no,shan_P270.meta,Box,yes
+,Photograph (back),A 4 de Febrero de 1961 este es un recuerdo para mi aguelita Jesusita F. B. Torres,shan_p.460,,,,,,,,,,,
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diff --git a/scripts/preprocessing/id_list.rb b/scripts/preprocessing/id_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c6be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/preprocessing/id_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "csv"
+csvlist = ['csvs/DOCUMENTS.csv','csvs/LETTERS.csv','csvs/MISCELANEOUS.csv','csvs/PHOTOGRAPHS.csv']
+# csvlist = ['csvs/DOCUMENTS.csv','csvs/LETTERS.csv','csvs/MISCELANEOUS.csv','csvs/PHOTOGRAPHS.csv']
+@errors = []
+onefile = csvlist[1]
+def getbaseid(id)
+ id[/\d{3}/]
+ #id.gsub("\n", '')
+def getrange(array)
+ start = array.first
+ stop = array.last
+ if start && stop
+ (start..stop).to_a
+ end
+def idlister(filename)
+ CSV.foreach(filename, headers: true) do |row|
+ next if !row['SCAN ID']
+ ids = row['SCAN ID'].split("to")
+ basename = ids.first[/(shan_\w\.)\d{3}/,1]
+ nums = ids.map do |id|
+ getbaseid(id)
+ end
+ # puts nums.to_s
+ if nums.length > 2
+ @errors << nums.to_s
+ else
+ newrange = getrange(nums)
+ if newrange
+ puts newrange.map {|num| "#{basename}#{num}"}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+csvlist.each do |filename|
+ idlister(filename)
+# puts "end"
+puts @errors
diff --git a/source/csv/Hispanic%2FLatino_Heritage_Co.csv b/source/csv/Hispanic%2FLatino_Heritage_Co.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c05a4c..0000000
--- a/source/csv/Hispanic%2FLatino_Heritage_Co.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-"shan_p.001.jpg","","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres. Handwritten on the front: ""Mrs. J. F. B. Torres""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.003.jpg","2","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Torn photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.004.jpg",""
-"shan_p.004.jpg","2","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.003.jpg",""
-"shan_p.005.jpg","3","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Torn portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.006.jpg",""
-"shan_p.006.jpg","3","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.005.jpg",""
-"shan_p.007.jpg","4","Maximino Torres","","Torres, Maximino","","","","","","","","ID photograph of Maximino Torres","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.008.jpg",""
-"shan_p.008.jpg","4","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres Married to Jesusita Flemante Baros Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.007.jpg",""
-"shan_p.009.jpg","5","Maximino Torres","","Torres, Maximino","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres wearing a coat and smoking","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.010.jpg",""
-"shan_p.010.jpg","5","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres Married husband of Jesusita Baros Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.009.jpg",""
-"shan_p.011.jpg","6","Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros as children","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","",""
-"shan_p.013.jpg","7","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Colored portrait of Santos Baros Schubert sent to William F. Schubert. Handwritten on the front: ""Yours, Santos""","1946-07-06","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.014.jpg",""
-"shan_p.014.jpg","7","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Taken July 6, 1946. To Bill, Si es mi amor lo que deseas llevalo junto con este retrato siempre, Santos""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.013.jpg",""
-"shan_p.015.jpg","8","Kathy Baros","","Baros, Kathy","","","","","","","","School portrait of Kathy Baros, sent to Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert. Typed on the front: ""School Days 58""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.016.jpg",""
-"shan_p.016.jpg","8","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""To Sandra, Bill with Love, Kathy""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.015.jpg",""
-"shan_p.017.jpg","9","Family portrait. Samaniego family [???]","","","","","","","","","","Composite of several images, colored by hand. Inscription in Spanish in JBT handwriting on the back: “This portrait was taken in Oct. 1, 1957. Big [Large]”","ca. 1900","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.020.jpg","Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.020.jpg","9","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""fue sacado este retrato grande en Octu 1, 1957.""","","Cardboard frame (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.017.jpg",""
-"shan_p.021.jpg","10","Faustino Villanueva","","Villanueva, Faustino","","","","","","","","Photograph of Faustino Villanueva standing before an adobe house","1937-06-07","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.022.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.022.jpg","10","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Faustin Villanueva. June 7-1937. Albuquerque, N Mex""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.021.jpg",""
-"shan_p.023.jpg","11","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Torn photograph of Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres with her wedding ring on","1930s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.024.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.024.jpg","11","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Baros. Taken in Albuquerque, New Mex. about 1930. Recuerdos Villanueba""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.023.jpg",""
-"shan_p.025.jpg","12","Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros in front of a pickup truck","1938-08-20","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.026.jpg",""
-"shan_p.026.jpg","12","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros & Jesus Baros. Aug. 20, 1938. Children of Jesusita F. Baros""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.025.jpg",""
-"shan_p.027.jpg","13","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a 1950s hairdo with flower","1950s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.029.jpg","14","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert wearing a white hat with veil","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.031.jpg","15","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert in black and white dress","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.033.jpg","16","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing with hat and purse in right hand","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","",""
-"shan_p.035.jpg","17","Jesusita Baros Torres and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with her son Jess Jesús Baros wearing overalls around 1920s","1920s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.036.jpg",""
-"shan_p.036.jpg","17","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on back: ""Copy of photograph of Jesusita Baros with Jess Jesus Baros""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.035.jpg",""
-"shan_p.037.jpg","18","Angie Perez","","Perez, Angie","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Angie Perez with a 1940s hairdo and a white dress","1940-08-10","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.038.jpg",""
-"shan_p.038.jpg","18","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""To a friend Santos from Angie Perez. August 10, 1940""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.037.jpg",""
-"shan_p.039.jpg","19","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a friend of Santos Baros Schubert in a 1940s hairdo","1940-08-18","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.040.jpg",""
-"shan_p.040.jpg","19","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.039.jpg",""
-"shan_p.041.jpg","20","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a woman in a white dress with necklace of five shell shaped objects","1940-08-18","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.042.jpg",""
-"shan_p.042.jpg","20","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.041.jpg",""
-"shan_p.043.jpg","21","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a woman in a flowerprint dress with six white buttons on the front","1940-08-18","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.044.jpg",""
-"shan_p.044.jpg","21","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.043.jpg",""
-"shan_p.045.jpg","22","Felipita Baca","","Baca, Felipita","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Felipita Baca with her three children in front of 1920s car","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.046.jpg",""
-"shan_p.046.jpg","22","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Betty Baca's mother & her sisters. My mom (Santos Baros Schubert) told me: Elizabeth Jane Shanahan""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.045.jpg",""
-"shan_p.047.jpg","23","Pauline Hernandez","","Hernandez, Pauline","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Pauline Hernandez in a white dress and a ribbon in her hair","1936-08-03","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.048.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.048.jpg","23","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Pauline Hernandez Aug. 3, 1936 Albuquerque, New Mex.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.047.jpg",""
-"shan_p.049.jpg","24","Antonia Lopez","","Lopez, Antonia","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Antonia Lopez in a button-up shirt","1936-08-03","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.050.jpg",""
-"shan_p.050.jpg","24","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Antonia Lopez August 3, 1936""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.049.jpg",""
-"shan_p.051.jpg","25","Odelia Montoya","","Montoya, Odelia","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Odelia Montoya with a black hat and a coat","1938-01-21","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.052.jpg",""
-"shan_p.052.jpg","25","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Odelia Montoya Jan. 21, 1938. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Friend of Santos Baros Schubert""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.051.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.053.jpg","26","Mary Muñoz","","Muñoz, Mary","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Mary Muñoz sitting on a chair","1938-09-12","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.054.jpg",""
-"shan_p.054.jpg","26","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sept. 12, 1938. Mary Muñoz. Died real young my mom (Santos Baros Schubert) said""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.053.jpg",""
-"shan_p.055.jpg","27","Unknown boy","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a small boy wearing a button-up shirt and suspenders. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1949-50""","1950s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Brighton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.057.jpg","28","Ruth","","Ruth","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Ruth wearing a polka dot dress","1937-03-15","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.058,jpg",""
-"shan_p.058.jpg","28","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Ruth March 15, 1937. Friend of Santos Baros Schubert""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.057.jpg",""
-"shan_p.059.jpg","29","Della Ayna","","Ayna, Della","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Della Ayna in a dress","1937-02-14","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.060.jpg",""
-"shan_p.060.jpg","29","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Della Ayna Feb. 14, 1937""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.059.jpg",""
-"shan_p.061.jpg","30","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a girl in a ruffle dress","1934","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.063.jpg","31","Barbara Fe","","Fe, Barbara","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Barbara Fe in a coat and shirt with pendant","1937","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.064.jpg",""
-"shan_p.064.jpg","31","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Barbara Fe [unreadable] 1937. Friend of Santos Baros S.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.063.jpg",""
-"shan_p.065.jpg","32","Josephine Nieto","","Nieto, Josephine","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Josephine Nieto wearing a white button-up shirt and a vest.","1937-03-17","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.066.jpg",""
-"shan_p.066.jpg","32","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Josephine Nieto Mar 17, 1937""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.065.jpg",""
-"shan_p.067.jpg","33","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white marriage portrait of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","1946-11-09","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.068.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.068.jpg","33","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""St. Cajetan's Parish Rev. John Ordinas 1159-9th St. Denver, Colorado. Casada Nov. 9, 1946 En Denver, Colo Por El Padre Ordinas con Sr. William Schubert. 2738 Pear St. Lincoln 3, Nebraska. Mrs William F. Schubert. Dress-White, Primb white roses / Lady E-Brown H-Ab Brown C-Med light / Man Suit-Black H-Med Brown C-light E-Blue White carnation / dress not at bottom / 12.40 Dep 5.00 Bring out Body-s curls. Wedding photograph of Santos M Baros to William F. Schubert""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","","shan_p.067.jpg",""
-"shan_p.069.jpg","34","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert embracing a statue","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.071.jpg","35","Jess Jesús Baros","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a young Jess Jesús Baros in a white button-up shirt and a bowtie.","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.073.jpg","36","Esperanza Estrada Quirarte and Jesús Ascensión Samaniego","","","Estrada Quirarte, Esperanza","","Samaniego, Jesús Ascensión","","","","","Black and white marriage portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres' grandson Jesús Ascensión Samaniego to Esperanza Estrada Quirarte in Mexico","1961-02-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.074.jpg","Mexico"
-"shan_p.074.jpg","36","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Febrero a 4 de 1961 - Un recuerdo para mi Aguelita Jesusita F. B. T. Su niento, J. Ascension Samaniego y su nieta politica Esperanza Estrada Quirarte. February 4 1961 To my grandmother Jesusita F. B. T. grandson & granddaughter-in-law","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","","shan_p.074.jpg",""
-"shan_p.075.jpg","37","Jesusita Baros Torres, Maximino Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Mary Muñoz","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús","Torres, Maximino","","Muñoz, Mary","","","Black and white photograph of four adults and two children on a picnic","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.077.jpg","38","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a man with military haircut, a black tie and a white shirt","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.079.jpg","39","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with curly hair and heart locket","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.081.jpg","40","Betty Baca","","Baca, Betty","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of young Betty Baca in a plaid shirt on a swing","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.083.jpg","41","Unknown men","","","","","","","","","","Black and white headshot of two men in military uniform","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.085.jpg","42","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of woman with curly hair with bright lipstick with ornament on right shoulder","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.087.jpg","43","Jess Jesús Baros, Santos Baros Schubert, Teresa Perez and her brothers, Jesusita Baros Torres, Mrs. Padillia, Mary Muñoz and John Muñoz","","","Baros, Jess Jesús","Perez, Teresa","Baros Schubert, Santos","Padillia","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Muñoz, John","Muñoz, Mary","Black and white group photograph of eleven people posing in front of tree","1939-07-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.088.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.088.jpg","43","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Front row are - my brother Jess Baros; me Santos Baros; Teresa Perez; Teresa's brother. Standing are my mother Jesusita Baros; Mrs. Padillia, Mary Muñoz; John Muñoz. 4th of July 1939 Denver, CO""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.087.jpg",""
-"shan_p.089.jpg","44","John Muñoz","","Muñoz, John","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of John Muñoz standing in front of a Denver landmark","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","",""
-"shan_p.091.jpg","45","Mary Muñoz","","Muñoz, Mary","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Mary Muñoz in 1940s hairdo sitting in front of a Denver landmark","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.093.jpg","46","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert together in front of car","1946-04-01","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.094.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.094.jpg","46","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill & Sandra April, 1946 Denver, Colo""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.093.jpg",""
-"shan_p.095.jpg","47","Santos Baros Schubert","William F. Schubert","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing against a building","1946-04-01","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.096.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.096.jpg","47","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra Denver 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.095.jpg",""
-"shan_p.097.jpg","48","William F. Schubert","Santos Baros Schubert","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert standing on the steps leading up to a building","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.099.jpg","49","Santos Baros Schubert","William F. Schubert","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert in a bathing suit","1946-06-20","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.100.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.100.jpg","49","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra - Taken in Lincoln, Neb. By Bill June 20, 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.090.jpg",""
-"shan_p.101.jpg","50","William F. Schubert","Santos Baros Schubert","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in a bathing suit","1946-06-20","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.102.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.102.jpg","50","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill June 1946 Lincoln - Santos Vacation (Who's wearing the pants????)""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","em","shan_p.101.jpg",""
-"shan_p.103.jpg","51","William F. Schubert","Santos Baros Schubert","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert with a towel and bathing suit","1946-06-20","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.104.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.104.jpg","51","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sincerely Bill Lincoln - June 1946 Taken by Santos ""what is this?"" me? Bashful?""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.103.jpg",""
-"shan_p.105.jpg","52","John R. Schubert, Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger D. Schubert and John Jack Schubert","","","Schubert, John R.","Pearcy, Helen","Schubert, Gwendoly","Schubert, John Jack","Schubert, Robert D.","","","Black and white Schubert family photograph","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.106.jpg",""
-"shan_p.106.jpg","52","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""From left John R& Gwendolyn Shubert, Helen and Baby Roger Dale Pearcy, John (Jack) J Schubert""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.105.jpg",""
-"shan_p.107.jpg","53","A car down the road","","","","","","","","","","Car driving down a road","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.109.jpg","54","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert drinking from a water fountain","1947","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.110.jpg","City Park, Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.110.jpg","54","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra City Park Denver Summer 1947""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.109.jpg",""
-"shan_p.111.jpg","55","Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar","William F. Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar in bathing suits on vacation","1946 (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.112.jpg",""
-"shan_p.112.jpg","55","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Terry Aguilar (L) Santos Schubert (R) 1946 or so Before Kids""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.111.jpg",""
-"shan_p.113.jpg","56","Santos Baros Schubert","William F. Schubert","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing on a dirt road","1948-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.114.jpg",""
-"shan_p.114.jpg","56","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra May 1948""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.113.jpg",""
-"shan_p.115.jpg","57","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","William F. Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert in front of the Cave of the Winds","1948-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.116.jpg","Manitou Springs, Colorado"
-"shan_p.116.jpg","57","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill & Sandra May 1948""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.115.jpg",""
-"shan_p.117.jpg","58","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","Teresa Aguilar","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert on a picnic","1948-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.118.jpg","Manitou Springs, Colorado"
-"shan_p.118.jpg","58","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill feeding Sandra May 1948""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.117.jpg",""
-"shan_p.119.jpg","59","Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar","William F. Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar on a rock","1948-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.120.jpg",""
-"shan_p.120.jpg","59","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Theresa, Santos May 1948""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.119.jpg",""
-"shan_p.121.jpg","60","William F. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Schubert, William F.","Schubert, William D.","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert with their first son William D. Schubert","1949-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.122.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.122.jpg","60","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Billy, Bill, Sandra Easter--1949 Lincoln""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.121.jpg",""
-"shan_p.123.jpg","61","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert sitting on a log","1951-06","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.124.jpg","Sandia Mountains, Alburqueque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.124.jpg","61","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sandia mts. June 1951 Bill and Sandra""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.123.jpg",""
-"shan_p.125.jpg","62","William D. Schubert","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert asleep in bed","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.127.jpg","63","William F. Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Schubert, William F.","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert and William D. Schubert on a bike","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.129.jpg","64","Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert eating watermelon","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.131.jpg","65","William D. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert","","","Schubert, William D.","","Schubert, Robert S.","","","","","Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert holding his brother Robert S. Schubert","1951","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.133.jpg","66","Robert S. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, William D.","Schubert, Pamela L.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Robert S. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and William D. Schubert as children","1953-09","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.134.jpg","La Grange, Illinois"
-"shan_p.134.jpg","","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bobby, Pamela, Billy September 1953 La Grange, Ill.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.133.jpg",""
-"shan_p.135.jpg","67","William D. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert","","","Schubert, William D.","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, Pamela L.","","","","","Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert on Christmas Day","1953-12","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.136.jpg","La Grange, Illinois"
-"shan_p.136.jpg","67","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Billy, Pamela & Bobby Christmas Day, 1953 La Grange, Illinois""","","Photograph (back)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.135.jpg",""
-"shan_p.137.jpg","68","William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert","","","Schubert, William F.","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","Color photograph of William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert on their wedding anniversary","1973-11-09","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.138.jpg",""
-"shan_p.138.jpg","68","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill and Sandra--27th Anniversary Nov. 9, 1973""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.137.jpg",""
-"shan_p.139.jpg","69","William D. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and Steve Shanahan","","","Schubert, William D.","Shanahan, Steve","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","Color photograph of William D. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and Steve Shanahan","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.141.jpg","70","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Color photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert on their 50th wedding anniversary","1996","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.143.jpg","71","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform","1945-10","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.144.jpg","Sacramento, California"
-"shan_p.144.jpg","71","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Oct 1945 W. F. Schubert Sacrament, Calif.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.143.jpg",""
-"shan_p.145.jpg","72","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform in front of a car at the Steinbron Family Farm","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.146.jpg","Palmyra, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.146.jpg","72","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill - with 1936 Chevrolet w/rumble seat on our farm- (Old Steinbron Farm)""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.145.jpg",""
-"shan_p.147.jpg","73","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform in New York","1945-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","New York, New York"
-"shan_p.149.jpg","74","Yosemite waterfalls","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of waterfalls in Yosemite National Park","1947-07-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.150.jpg","Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, California"
-"shan_p.150.jpg","74","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""July 4, 1947 Upper Yosemite waterfalls. It was pretty dry not much water coming over. Walter Saffron""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.149.jpg",""
-"shan_p.151.jpg","75","","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of woman in dress with a child in a fur coat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.153.jpg","76","A television","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a television","1956-11-23","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.154.jpg",""
-"shan_p.154.jpg","76","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Taken on home Nov. 23, 1956. Jack's & our kids were on T.V. didn't show due to flash""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.153.jpg",""
-"shan_p.155.jpg","77","Pamela L. Schubert and Robert D. Schubert","","","Schubert, Pamela L.","","Schubert, Robert D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Pamela L. Schubert and Robert D. Schubert standing in front of a house on a snow day","1959-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.156.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.156.jpg","77","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""House on 40th & D 1016 S. 40th May 1959 (Pam&Bob)""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.155.jpg",""
-"shan_p.157.jpg","78","Robert S. Schubert and Elizabeth J. Shanahan","","","Schubert, Robert S.","","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Robert D. Schubert leaning against a brick wall on a snow day","1961-03-07","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.158.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.158.jpg","78","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Robert & Elizabeth March 7, 1961""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.157.jpg",""
-"shan_p.159.jpg","79","Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert kissing","1946 (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.161.jpg","80","William D. Schubert","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert in cowboy outfit","1951-03","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.162.jpg","Roswell, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.162.jpg","80","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Billy Schubert March 1951 Roswell, New Mex.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.161.jpg",""
-"shan_p.163.jpg","81","Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with baby William D. Schubert sitting on a stone wall","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.165.jpg","82","William F. Schubert, William D. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert","","","Schubert, William F.","Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in service uniform with Santos Baros Schubert and son William D. Schubert in the Garden of the Gods","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.166.jpg","Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado"
-"shan_p.166.jpg","82","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Garden of the Gods Bill Schubert, Santos & Billy""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.165.jpg",""
-"shan_p.167.jpg","83","House of Yesterday","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of the House of Yesterday","1948-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.168.jpg","Hastings, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.168.jpg","83","","","","","","","","","","","Hanwritten on the back: ""May 1948 Hastings, NE""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.167.jpg",""
-"shan_p.169.jpg","84","Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Rodney Schubert, Gwendoly Schubert and Robert S. Schubert","","","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Gwendoly","Schubert, Rodney","","Schubert, Robert S.","","","Black and white photograph of Elizabeth J Shanahan, Rodney Schubert, Gwendolyn Schubert and Robert S. Schubert playing board games","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Hastings, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.171.jpg","85","Jess Jesús Baros, Mark Baros and Jerry Baros","","","Baros, Mark","Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros, Jerry","","","","","Color photograph of Jess Jesús Baros with sons Mark and Jerry Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.173.jpg","86","Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Jerry Baros","","","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","","Baros, Jerry","","","","","Color photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan with her cousin Jerry Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.175.jpg","87","Helen Baros; Elizabeth J. Shanahan; Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros, Helen","Baros, Jess Jesús","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","","","","","Color photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan with Helen and Jess Jesús Baros","2000 (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.177.jpg","88","A house","","","","","","","","","","Color photograph of a white house with tree","1983-08-12","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.178.jpg","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.178.jpg","88","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""814 Pacific Ave. #3 - aug. 12, 1983""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.177.jpg",""
-"shan_p.179.jpg","89","Max Torres' house","","","","","","","","","","Color photograph of Max Torres' white house with red door","1977-11-24","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.180.jpg","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.180.jpg","89","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres place 814 1/2 Pacific Ave. Ft. Lupton, Colo. Nov. 24, 1977""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.179.jpg",""
-"shan_p.181.jpg","90","Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis, Johnny, Teresa Aguilar and an unknown woman","","","Dominguez, Joe","Johnny","Alanis, Juan","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","Black and white photograph of Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis, Johnny, Teresa and another woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.182.jpg",""
-"shan_p.182.jpg","90","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Joe Dominguez (Sleepy), Juan Alanis ([unreadable]), Johnny (Happy). Sandra""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.181.jpg",""
-"shan_p.183.jpg","91","Jess Jesús Baros with farmers","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of farm workers with Jess Jesús Baros in the center. Handwritten on the front: ""Basin, Wyo 6-19-37 My brother Jesse J. Baros"".","1937-06-19","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.184.jpg","Basin, Wyoming"
-"shan_p.184.jpg","91","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""These were taken at Basin Wyo. 6/19/37 at 3p.m.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.183.jpg",""
-"shan_p.185.jpg","92","Unknown women in China Poblana Costumes","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of women in China Poblana Costumes","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.186.jpg","Guadalajara, México"
-"shan_p.186.jpg","92","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Traditional clothing for Guadalajara Mex""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.185.jpg",""
-"shan_p.187.jpg","93","Teresa Aguilar and an unknown man","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar with a US service man","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.189.jpg","94","Jess Jesús Baros and an unknown man","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jess Jesús Baros and another man in denim shirts","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.191.jpg","95","Santos Baros Schubert and Betty Baca","","","Baca, Betty","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Betty Baca sitting on a Denver Zephyr carriage","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.193.jpg","96","Santos Baros Schubert, Freddie Baca and unknown people","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baca, Freddie","","","","","Black and white photograph of 6 people next to a Denver Zephyr passenger car","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.195.jpg","97","Demetrio Flemate","","Flemate, Demetrio","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Demetrio Flemate in a white collar shirt and tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.197.jpg","98","Santos Baros Schubert's half brother in Mexico","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert's half brother Nemecio or Demetrio Samaniego standing next to a vase with flowers","1939-10-28","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.198.jpg","Mexico"
-"shan_p.198.jpg","98","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Oct. 28 1939 1/2 brother of Jess + Santos""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.197.jpg",""
-"shan_p.199.jpg","99","Guadalupe Flemate and an unknown woman","","Flemate, Guadalupe","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Guadalupe Flemante and an unknown woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.200.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.200.jpg","99","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""mi hermana Guadalupe Flemate Juchipila E. Zac, Mex. - Owner of hotel in Juchipila""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.199.jpg",""
-"shan_p.201.jpg","100","Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","Villanueva, Faustin","","","","","Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva wearing hats","1937-05-14","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.202.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.202.jpg","100","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""A mi corazon May 14 1937. E. F. Villanueva""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.201.jpg",""
-"shan_p.203.jpg","101","Jesusita Baros Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Faustin Villanueva","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Villanueva, Faustin","Flemate, Demetrio","","","","","Black and white photograph of Demetrio Flemate, Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva","1930s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.204.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.204.jpg","101","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten in the back: ""Left, my mother, Jesusita Torres, Demitrio Flemate, Faustin Villanueva Taken in Albuquerque, New Mexico 1930's""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.203.jpg",""
-"shan_p.205.jpg","102","Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres in a dark blouse and skirt, Jess Jesús Baros in a collar shirt, and Santos Baros Schubert in a striped dress.","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.206.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.206.jpg","102","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Santos B. Schubert, Jess J. Baros, Jesusita F. Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.205.jpg",""
-"shan_p.207.jpg","103","Maximino Torres","","Torres, Maximino","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres with chickens","1943","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.208.jpg","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.208.jpg","103","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres 1943 Ft. Lupton, Colo. 814 Pacific Ave.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.207.jpg",""
-"shan_p.209.jpg","104","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a Santos Baros Schubert in a dress as a child","1930s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","shan_p.210.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.210.jpg","104","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros Albuquerque, New Mex.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","shan_p.209.jpg",""
-"shan_p.211.jpg","105","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a Jesusita Baros Torres in man's outfit","1920s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.212.jpg",""
-"shan_p.212.jpg","105","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""My mother Jesusita Baros in the 1920s""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.211.jpg",""
-"shan_p.213.jpg","106","Maximino Torres","","Torres, Maximimo","","","","","","","","Black and white ID photograph of Max Torres in a white shirt with a floral tie. Handwritten in the front: ""His mark, witness by J.J. Baros""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.214.jpg",""
-"shan_p.214.jpg","106","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten in the back: ""Max Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.213.jpg",""
-"shan_p.215.jpg","107","Consuelo Flemate","","Flemate, Consuelo","","","","","","","","Black and white colored photograph of baby girl Consuelo Flemate in a white dress.","1954-05-31","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.216.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.216.jpg","107","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""La niña Consuelo Flemate May 31, 1954. Dimetrio Flemate daughter Consuelo""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.215.jpg",""
-"shan_p.217.jpg","108","Candelaria Flemate, Mercedes Flemate, Guadalupe Flemate and José Jesús Flemate","","","Flemate, Candelaria","Flemate, Guadalupe","Flemate, Mercedes","","Flemate, José Jesús","","","Black and white photograph of the Flemate children","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","",""
-"shan_p.219.jpg","109","Patricia Medrano, Guadalupe Flemate, Candelaria Flemate and Mercedes Flemate","","","Medrano, Patricia","Flemate, Candelaria","Flemate, Guadalupe","","Flemate, Mercedes","","","Black and white photograph of Patricia Medrano with three of her children","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.220.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.220.jpg","109","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Aqui le regalo esta foto a una cuñada que le aprecia mucho. para usetd con cariño muy amable y muy cariñoso. Jesusita Barros Torres Patricia Medrano""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.219.jpg",""
-"shan_p.221.jpg","110","Danielito Flemate and Demetrio Flemate","","","Flemate, Danielito","","Flemate, Demetrio","","","","","Black and white photograph of Danielito and Demetrio Flemate as babies","1965-07-23","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.222.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.222.jpg","110","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: Juchipila, Zac. a 23 de julio de 1965. Los niños cumplieron 6 meses el 11 de julio de 1965. Para su tía Jesusita qué la quieren y la estiman con mucho respeto y cariño, Danielito y Demetrito. Sin más, Patricia Medrano","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.221.jpg",""
-"shan_p.223.jpg","111","José de Jesus Flemate","","Flemate, José de Jesus","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of baby José de Jesús Flemate standing on a stool","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.224.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.224.jpg","111","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Jose de Jesus Flemate asi como lo ve aquí cumplio un año aqui le mando este retrato para mi prima Santos B. de mi hermanito.""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.223.jpg",""
-"shan_p.225.jpg","112","Dora Perez","","Perez, Dora","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a Dora Perez wearing a white dress","1942-09-29","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.226.jpg",""
-"shan_p.226.jpg","112","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Sept 29, 42 To one of my best friends Santos from Dora Perez""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.225.jpg",""
-"shan_p.227.jpg","113","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.228.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.228.jpg","113","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""my mother Jesusita F Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.227.jpg",""
-"shan_p.229.jpg","114","Santos Baros Schubert; Jess Jesús Baros; Jesusita Baros Torres","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white Jesusita Baros Torres with Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.230.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.230.jpg","114","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""from left to right - Santos Baros my brother - Jess Baros standing my mother Jesusita F. Torres""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.229.jpg",""
-"shan_p.231.jpg","115","Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baros, José Jesús","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.233.jpg","116","Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Jesusita Baros Torres, Pamela L. Schubert","","","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Pamela L.","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with granddaughters Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Pamela L. Schubert","1965 (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.235.jpg","117","Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","Villanueva, Faustin","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.236.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.236.jpg","117","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Left - Jesusita F. Torres Right - Faustin Vill Taken in Albuquerque New Mexico""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.235.jpg",""
-"shan_p.237.jpg","118","Unknown migrant worker and children","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a migrant worker and children","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.238.jpg",""
-"shan_p.238.jpg","118","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Basin Wyo migrant workers""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.237.jpg","Basin, Wyoming"
-"shan_p.239.jpg","119","Group of unknown migrant workers","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of group of people standing in front of migrant housing","1937-06-19","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.240.jpg","Basin, Wyoming"
-"shan_p.240.jpg","119","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""This were taken at Basin, Wyo. 6/19/1937 at 6.a.m""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.239.jpg",""
-"shan_p.241.jpg","120","Maximino Torres and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Torres, Maximino","","Baros, José Jesús","","","","","Black and white portrait of Maximino Torres and a young Jess Jesús Baros wearing hats","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.242.jpg",""
-"shan_p.242.jpg","120","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres - older man and step-son Jerry Baros""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.241.jpg",""
-"shan_p.243.jpg","121","Felipita Baca and baby","","Baca, Felipita","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Felipita Baca in a dress holding a baby","1938-06-06","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.244.jpg",""
-"shan_p.244.jpg","121","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Betty Baca's mother (Phillipeta)""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.243.jpg",""
-"shan_p.245.jpg","122","Joe Muñoz; John Muñoz; Mary Perez; Santos Baros","","","Muñoz, Joe","Perez, Mary","Muñoz, John","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","Black and white wedding photograph of John and Mary Muñoz with Joe Muñoz and Santos Baros Schubert. Handwritten on the front: ""Joe John Muñoz Mary Santos Baros""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.246.jpg",""
-"shan_p.246.jpg","122","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Mary Perez wedding and John Muñoz Joe Santos Baros""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.245.jpg",""
-"shan_p.247.jpg","123","Templo de la H. Matamoros","","","","","","","","","","Black and white postcard of El Templo de la H. Matamoros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","","Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.249.jpg","124","La Purisima Mission","","","Manvile, John","","Ramos, Narciso","","","","","Black and white postcard of La Purisima Mission","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.250.jpg","Lompoc, California"
-"shan_p.250.jpg","124","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Un Recuerdo de Lompoc Calif. de Mr. Johns Manvile Narciso Ramos""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.249.jpg",""
-"shan_p.251.jpg","125","Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros and Lilian","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","Lilian","Baros, Helen","","","","","Black and white of Helen Baros on her wedding day with bridesmaids Santos Baros Schubert and Lilian","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.252.jpg","Colorado"
-"shan_p.252.jpg","125","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: L to R: ""Santos Baros Helen Baros (Bride) ? in Colorado""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.251.jpg",""
-"shan_p.253.jpg","126","Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros, Helen","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white wedding photograph of Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.254.jpg","Colorado"
-"shan_p.254.jpg","126","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Jess J. Baros & Helen in Colorado""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.253.jpg",""
-"shan_p.255.jpg","127","Lilian, Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros, Jess Jesús Baros and two unknown groomsmen","","","Lilian","Baros, Helen","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","Black and white wedding group photograph. Handwritten on the front: ""Best Wishes, Santos Baros""","","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.256.jpg","Colorado"
-"shan_p.256.jpg","127","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""L to R: 1.? 2. Santos Baros 3. Helen Baros 4. Jess J. Baros 5. ? 6. ?""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.255.jpg",""
-"shan_p.257.jpg","128","Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros","","","Baros, Helen","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white wedding photograph of Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.258.jpg","Colorado"
-"shan_p.258.jpg","128","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Helen + Jess Baros Colorado""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.257.jpg",""
-"shan_p.259.jpg","129","Helen Baros and Jerry Baros","","","Baros, Helen","","Baros, Jerry","","","","","Black and white photograph of Helen Baros with her son Jerry Baros","1940s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.260.jpg","130","Unknown woman and girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of an unknown woman with a girl","1942-10-02","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.262.jpg","131","Leandro Jesús Perez","","Perez, Leandro Jesús","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Leandro Jesús Perez at 17 months with chickens","","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.263.jpg",""
-"shan_p.263.jpg","131","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Leandro Jesus Perez When 17 mo.old""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.262.jpg",""
-"shan_p.264.jpg","132","Joe Muñoz","","Muñoz, Joe","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Joe Muñoz in military uniform","1939-1945","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.265.jpg",""
-"shan_p.265.jpg","132","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""To a very nice girl from your friend Joe""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.264.jpg",""
-"shan_p.266.jpg","133","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a man in military uniform","1943-11-14","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.267.jpg",""
-"shan_p.267.jpg","133","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Nov. 14, '43""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.266.jpg",""
-"shan_p.268.jpg","134","Benny Lujan","","Lujan, Benny","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Benny Lujan in military uniform","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.269.jpg","Camp Carson, Colorado"
-"shan_p.269.jpg","134","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Benny Lujan Camp Carson""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.268.jpg",""
-"shan_p.270.jpg","135","Frank R. Juillen","","Juillen, Frank R.","","","","","","","","Torn black and white photograph of Frank R. Juillen in military uniform","1943-11-15","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.271.jpg","Camp Carson, Colorado"
-"shan_p.271.jpg","135","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Frank R. Juillen Camp Carson, Colo. Nov. 14, 15, 1943""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.270.jpg",""
-"shan_p.272.jpg","136","Pvt. Garza","","Garza","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Pvt. Garza in military uniform","1939-1945","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.273.jpg",""
-"shan_p.273.jpg","136","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Pt. Garza""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.272.jpg",""
-"shan_p.274.jpg","137","Ramirez","","Ramirez","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Ramirez in military uniform","1945-07","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.275.jpg",""
-"shan_p.275.jpg","137","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Pt. Ramirez S. U.S.N. July, 1945""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.274.jpg",""
-"shan_p.276.jpg","138","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with an unknown man in military uniform","1939-1945","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.277.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.277.jpg","138","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros and ??""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.276.jpg",""
-"shan_p.278.jpg","139","Unknown woman and man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of unknown woman and man","","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.280.jpg","140","Al","","Al","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Al in navy uniform. Handwritten on the front: ""To Santos 'Al'""","1939-1945","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.281.jpg",""
-"shan_p.281.jpg","140","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""To my little girl Santos from 'Al'. Santos Baros 2317 Stout St. Denver, Colorado""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.280.jpg",""
-"shan_p.282.jpg","141","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Sepia-tone portrait of unknown man in military uniform","","Photograph(front)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.284.jpg","142","Manuel Muñoz","","Muñoz, Manuel","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Manuel Muñoz in uniform","1945-03-21","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.285.jpg",""
-"shan_p.285.jpg","142","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""taking March 21, 1945 from Manuel Munoz miss Santos Baros with all my wishes""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.284.jpg",""
-"shan_p.286.jpg","143","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of an unknown man in uniform","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.288.jpg","144","Joe O. Gonzales","","Gonzales, Joe O.","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a Joe O. González","1945-02-14","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.289.jpg","Italy"
-"shan_p.289.jpg","144","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""2-14-45 Italy With all my love to a very nice girl Santos Baros. Joe O. Gonzales""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.288.jpg",""
-"shan_p.290.jpg","145","Manuel Perez","","Perez, Manuel","","","","","","","","Black and white oval portrait of Manuel Perez","1939-11-21","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Mexico City, Mexico"
-"shan_p.292.jpg","146","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.294.jpg","147","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar in a dark dress","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.296.jpg","148","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of unknown woman in skirt and polka-dotted shirt next to a car","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.298.jpg","149","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar [?]","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.300.jpg","150","Montoya, Odelia","","Odelia Montoya","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Odelia Montoya in a lake","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.302.jpg","151","Lenore Baca","","Baca, Lenore","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Lenore Baca standing next to a car. Handwritten on the front: ""Affectionally - Lenore""","1944-07-11","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.303.jpg",""
-"shan_p.303.jpg","151","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""7-11-44""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.302.jpg",""
-"shan_p.304.jpg","152","Freddie Baca, Cookie and Lucy","","","Baca, Freddie","Lucy","Cookie","","","","","Black and white photo of Freddie Baca, ""Cookie"" and Lucy Spero at the C.B&Q Railroad Yard","1946-04","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.305.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.305.jpg","152","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy, ""Cookie"" & Freddie C.B.&Q. Yard Denver April, 1946""","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.304.jpg",""
-"shan_p.306.jpg","153","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photo of unknown woman","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","shan_p.308.jpg",""
-"shan_p.308.jpg","154","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing before the Denver Zephyr train engine","1946","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","shan_p.306.jpg","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.310.jpg","155","Santos Baros Schubert and unknown woman","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and an unknown woman next to a car","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.312.jpg","156","","","[unknown]","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of two unknown men","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.314.jpg","157","Jess Jesús Baros","","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jess Jesús Baros with a guitar standing in front of a cabin","1941","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado"
-"shan_p.316.jpg","158","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of unknown woman with a baby","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.318.jpg","159","Unknown women","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of two unknown women","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.320.jpg","160","","","[unknown]","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of unknown man and woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.322.jpg","161","Sent by Guadalupe Flemate","","","","","","","","","","Black and white postcard of the Courthouse in Juchipila","1957-02-21","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.323.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.323.jpg","161","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Esta es la casa de Corte de Juchipila Estado de Zacatecas Mex. Este es el Palacio municipal o sea the courtjaus. Recuerdo de Guadalupe Flemate Medrano. Febrero 21 de 1957""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.322.jpg",""
-"shan_p.324.jpg","162","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in front of a house","1946-02","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.325.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.325.jpg","162","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""W.F.Schubert Lincoln, Nebraska Febr. 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.324.jpg",""
-"shan_p.326.jpg","163","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert on Easter Sunday in 1946","1946","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.327.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.327.jpg","163","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill Schubert Easter Sunday - 1946 Home""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.326.jpg",""
-"shan_p.328.jpg","164","William F. Schubert","","Schubert, William F.","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert on a train carriage as a camp clerk","1942","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.329.jpg","Illinois"
-"shan_p.329.jpg","164","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Bill 1942 Illinois Camp Clerk""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.328.jpg",""
-"shan_p.330.jpg","165","","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of the Schubert's house in Lincoln, surrounded by snow","1946-02","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.331.jpg","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.331.jpg","165","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Home Lincoln, Neb Febr 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.330.jpg",""
-"shan_p.332.jpg","166","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a floral clip in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.333.jpg","167","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman in a collared plaid shirt","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.334.jpg","168","Odelia Montoya","","Montoya, Odelia","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Odelia Montoya wearing a hat","1943-06-01","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.335.jpg","169","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.336.jpg","170","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar","1943-11-11","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.337.jpg","171","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.338.jpg","172","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.339.jpg","173","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.340.jpg","174","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman wearing a watch","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.341.jpg","175","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman with a heart shaped necklace","1940-08-10","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.342.jpg","176","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar","1943 (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.343.jpg","177","Vi","","Vi","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Vi","1944-01-01","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.344.jpg","178","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a white clip in her hair.","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.345.jpg","179","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a bow in her hair.","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.346.jpg","180","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.347.jpg","181","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown woman","1942-09-13","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.348.jpg","182","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1939-40""","1939-1940","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","",""
-"shan_p.349.jpg","183","Unknown boy","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a boy","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.350.jpg","184","Unknown girl and boy","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a girl and a boy","1934","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.351.jpg","185","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a girl with a clip in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.352.jpg","186","Teresa Aguilar","","Aguilar, Teresa","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a Teresa Aguilar with a clip in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.353.jpg","187","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a girl","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.354.jpg","188","Frances Vaga","","Vaga, Frances","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of a Frances Vaga","1938","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.355.jpg","189","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1941-42""","1941-1942","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","","Brighton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.356.jpg","190","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1942-43""","1942-1943","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","","Brighton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.357.jpg","191","Helen Romero","","Romero, Helen","","","","","","","","Black and white school portrait of Helen Romero. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1939-40""","1939-1940","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","","Brighton, Colorado"
-"shan_p.358.jpg","192","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.359.jpg","193","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.360.jpg","194","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.361.jpg","195","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.362.jpg","196","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man in a coat and tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.363.jpg","197","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing suspenders and a tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.364.jpg","198","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a coat and a tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.365.jpg","199","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.366.jpg","200","Eddie Duran","","Duran, Eddie","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Eddie Duran","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.367.jpg","201","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.368.jpg","202","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.369.jpg","203","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.370.jpg","204","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.371.jpg","205","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.372.jpg","206","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a red hat and holding a black bottle","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.373.jpg","207","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown men","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.374.jpg","208","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown men","1938","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.375.jpg","209","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing glasses and a tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.376.jpg","210","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.377.jpg","211","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a white bow in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.378.jpg","212","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.379.jpg","213","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.380.jpg","214","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.381.jpg","215","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.382.jpg","216","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.383.jpg","217","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.384.jpg","218","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.385.jpg","219","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.386.jpg","220","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.387.jpg","221","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.388.jpg","222","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.389.jpg","223","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a flower clip in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.390.jpg","224","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.391.jpg","225","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a rose in her hair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.392.jpg","226","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.393.jpg","227","Santos Baros Schubert and Lenore Baca","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Baca, Lenore","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Lenore Baca holding masks","1920s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.394.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.394.jpg","227","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Santos & L. 19 Left Santos Baros Right - Lenore Baca Albuquerque, New Mexico""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.393.jpg",""
-"shan_p.395.jpg","228","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert holding a rifle and a dead rabbit","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.397.jpg","229","Santos Baros Schubert and unknown toddler","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with toddler","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.399.jpg","230","Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","1950s (circa)","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","White Sands, Colorado"
-"shan_p.400.jpg","231","Robert S. Schubert","","Schubert, Robert S.","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of young Robert S. Schubert in a suit and tie","1970-05-28","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.401.jpg","232","Pamela L. Schubert","","Schubert, Pamela L.","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Pamela L. Schubert in glasses with white headband","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.402.jpg","233","Robert S. Schubert, William D. Schubert and Pamela L. Schubert","","","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, Pamela L.","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Robert S. Schubert and William D. Schubert with baby Pamela L. Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.403.jpg","234","Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros, Jess Jesús","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with son Jess Jesús Baros and daughter Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Colorado"
-"shan_p.404.jpg","235","Elizabeth J. Shanahan","","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","","","","","","","","Color portrait of Elizabeth J. Shanahan","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.405.jpg","236","Santos Baros Schubert, Robert S. Schubert, Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Pamela L. Schubert and William F. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, William F.","Schubert, Pamela L.","","","Black and white photograph of the Schubert family","1960-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.406.jpg","237","Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert sitting with baby William D. Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.407.jpg","238","Sarah and unknown woman","","Sarah","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Sarah and unknown woman standing","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Glendale, California"
-"shan_p.408.jpg","239","Santos Baros Schubert, William D. Schubert and Roger Dale Pearcy","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","Pearcy, Roger Dale","Schubert, William D.","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with William D. Schubert and Roger Dale Pearcy sitting on the steps of porch","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Lincoln, Nebraska"
-"shan_p.409.jpg","240","Maximino Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Jesusita Baros Torres","","","Torres, Maximino","Flemate, Demetrio","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Jesusita Baros Torres","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.410.jpg","241","Maximino Torres","","Torres, Maximino","","","","","","","","Torn sepia-tone photograph of Max Torres sitting on a chair","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.411.jpg","242","","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of two unknown girls standing in front of pine tree with the typed caption ""DEC 1961""","1961-12","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.412.jpg","243","Felipita Baca and Freddie Baca","","","Baca, Felipita","","Baca, Freddie","","","","","Black and white portrait of Felipita Baca and son Freddie Baca","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.413.jpg","244","Freddie Baca","","Baca, Freddie","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Freddie Baca","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.414.jpg","245","Santos Baros Schubert and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Tabor, Carlotta Elizabeth","","","","","Color photograph of a Santos Baros Schubert sitting in a couch with granddaughter Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor holding dolls","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.415.jpg","246","Joel Tabor, Vera Parkhurst and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor","","","Tabor, Joel","Tabor, Carlotta Elizabeth","Parkhurst, Vera","","","","","Color photograph of Vera Parkhurst and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor with Joel Tabor sitting by flowers","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.416.jpg","247","Pamela L. Schubert","","Schubert, Pamela L.","","","","","","","","Color photograph of Pamela L. Schubert in a white dress smiling","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.417.jpg","248","William F. Schubert, Carol Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert","","","Schubert, William F.","Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, Carol","","","","","Color photograph of William F Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert with Carol Schubert on graduation day","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.418.jpg","249","Jerry Baros","","Baros, Jerry","","","","","","","","Color photograph of Jerry Baros in plaid suit and tie","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.419.jpg","250","Nemecio Samaniego, Tomasa Samaniego and unknown woman","","","Samaniego, Nemecio","","Samaniego, Tomasa","","","","","Black and white photograph of Tomasa Samaniego and Nemecio Samaniego with unknown woman","1946-11","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.420.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.420.jpg","250","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Noviembre-1946 bino N. Samaniego""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.419.jpg",""
-"shan_p.421.jpg","251","Six unknown migrant workers","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of six unknown migrant workers","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.423.jpg","252","Jesusita Baros Torres, Santos Baros and Jesús Baros","","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with daughter Santos Baros Schubert and son Jess Jesús Baros","1928-06-03","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.424.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.424.jpg","252","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Albuquerque N. Mex. June 3-1928""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.423.jpg",""
-"shan_p.425.jpg","253","Jess Jesús Baros, Helen Baros, Jesusita Baros Torres, Jerry Baros and Maximino Torres","","","Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Helen","Torres, Maximino","Baros, Jerry","","","Torn polaroid of Jess Jesús Baros, Helen Baros, Jesusita Baros Torres, Jerry Baros and Maximino Torres on his birthday","1958-04-25","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.426.jpg",""
-"shan_p.426.jpg","253","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""April 25, 1958 dad's birthday""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.425.jpg",""
-"shan_p.427.jpg","254","Jesusita Baros Torres","","Baros Torres, Jesusita","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres with glasses and checkered dress","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","","Denver, Colorado"
-"shan_p.428.jpg","255","Unknown woman","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of unknown woman with a black shirt","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.429.jpg",""
-"shan_p.429.jpg","255","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""a Santos mi prima, aquí le mando este retrato para que conosca mi mamá va cumplir 29 años el 17 de marzo""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.428.jpg",""
-"shan_p.430.jpg","256","Interior of the church in Juchipila","","","","","","","","","","Black and white postcards of the inside of the church in Juchipila","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.431.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.431.jpg","256","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Comadre hay le mando esta tarjeta para que recuerde el templo de Juchipila. Patricia Medrano""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","esp","shan_p.430.jpg",""
-"shan_p.432.jpg","257","Unknown girl","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of an unknown young girl holding a baby","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.434.jpg","258","Santos Baros Schubert","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of a man with a group of children and Santos Baros Schubert","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.438.jpg","259","Faustin Villanueva","","Villanueva, Faustin","","","","","","","","Sepia-tone portrait of Faustin Villanueva wearing a hat","1937-09-13","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.439.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.439.jpg","259","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Mr. Villanueba Alb. NMex Sep 13, 1937 at 3.10pm""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.438.jpg",""
-"shan_p.440.jpg","260","Faustin Villanueva","","Villanueva, Faustin","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Faustin Villanueva on a horse","1938-07-04","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.441.jpg","Albuquerque, New Mexico"
-"shan_p.441.jpg","260","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Mr. Villanueba July 4 - 1938""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.440.jpg",""
-"shan_p.442.jpg","261","Rocky Mountain National Park","","","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of wood cabins","1941-03-01","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.443.jpg","Hollowell Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado"
-"shan_p.443.jpg","261","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""camps n-P-11-c and n-P-4-c in Rocky Mountain National Park taken March 1, 1941""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.442.jpg",""
-"shan_p.444.jpg","262","Tony Logothetis","","Logothetis, Tony","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Tony Logothetis in military uniform holding a rifle in front of a cabin","1943-02-26","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.445.jpg","Camp Carson, Colorado"
-"shan_p.445.jpg","262","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Taken in Camp Carson on Feb 26, 1943 Prit Tony Logothetis""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.444.jpg",""
-"shan_p.446.jpg","263","Al","","Al","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of Al, handwritten on front: ""Love Al""","1943-10-27","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.447.jpg",""
-"shan_p.447.jpg","263","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""What a mug. Sep 21 Oct 27 1943""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.446.jpg",""
-"shan_p.448.jpg","264","Unknown man","","","","","","","","","","Black and white portrait of an unknown man in military uniform","","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","N/A","",""
-"shan_p.449.jpg","265","Placido Villanueva","","Villanueva, Placido","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Placido Villanueva in military uniform standing before a cabin","1949-06-18","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.450.jpg","Camp Butner, North Carolina"
-"shan_p.450.jpg","265","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Pte. Placido Villanueva June 18, 1949 in Camp Butner, North Carolina to Santos Baros from Pal, Placido""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.449.jpg",""
-"shan_p.451.jpg","266","Santos Baros Schubert and Julia Gomez","","","Baros Schubert, Santos","","Gomez, Julia","","","","","Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Julia Gomez standing before a house","1945-05","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.452.jpg",""
-"shan_p.452.jpg","266","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""In Erie, Colo. Sandra Baros & Julia Gomez May 1945""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.451.jpg","Erie, Colorado"
-"shan_p.453.jpg","267","Lucy","","Lucy","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Lucy and a dog","1946-02","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.454.jpg",""
-"shan_p.454.jpg","267","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy Feb. 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.453.jpg",""
-"shan_p.455.jpg","268","Lucy","","Lucy","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Lucy on a bench","1946-02","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.456.jpg",""
-"shan_p.456.jpg","268","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy Feb. 1946""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.455.jpg",""
-"shan_p.457.jpg","269","Guadalupe ""Lupe"" Flemate","","Flemate, Guadalupe ""Lupe""","","","","","","","","Black and white photograph of Guadalupe ""Lupe"" Flemate in a sailor dress","1956-12-27","Photograph (recto)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.458.jpg","Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexico"
-"shan_p.458.jpg","269","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""Lupe Flemate Decem 27, 1956 7 yrs old Born: Feb 12, 1949. Guadalupe 'Lupe' Flemate. Demetrio's 1st child with Patricia Medrano named after her Aunt: Demetrio's sister""","","Photograph (verso)","Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE","eng","shan_p.457.jpg",""
-"shan_p.459.jpg","270","José Ascensión Samaniego","","Samaniego, José Ascensión","","","","","","","","Black and white wedding photograph of José Ascensión Samaniego Cisneros","1961-02-04","Photograph (recto)","","esp","shan_p.460.jpg","Mexico"
-"shan_p.460.jpg","","","","","","","","","","","","Handwritten on the back: ""A 4 de Febrero de 1961, este es un recuerdo para mi Aguelita Jesusita F. B. Torres. Aqui estamos los Cuatro retratados yo, mi esposa, y mis padrinos que nos Apadrinaron. yo tengo 21 años y ella 18 años. Mi padrino se yama Nicolas Quirarte, tiene 17 años y mi madrina se yama Mª Fermina Quirarte 12 años. Son hermanos los dos. es un Recuerdo para todos ustedes de J. Ascensión Samaniego Cisneros.""","","Photograph (verso)","","esp","shan_p.459.jpg",""
diff --git a/source/csv/documents.csv b/source/csv/documents.csv
new file mode 100644
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+Notes,Filename,Identifier,Title#1,Artist/Creator#1,Recipient,Subject#1,Subject#1$1,Subject#1$3,Subject#1$2,Subject#1$5,Subject#1$4,Subject#1$7,Subject#1$6,Written Text English,Written Text Spanish,Card Text English,Card Text Spanish,Date#1,Format#1,Source#1,Language#1,Relation#1,Place From,Place To
+D1,shan_d.123,1,Will of Jesusita Flemate Barros Tores,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1957-05-04,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D2,shan_d.489,2,Official letter,Immigration and Naturalization Service,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-07-22,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,"Denver, Colorado","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+D3,shan_d.185,3,Postcard,"Salas, Pablita ","Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,"From Pablita Solas 489 Vine st Coachella California
+Jesusita BT mi muy querida
+comadre unas cuantas Lineas
+para aserle Saber que a qui Estoy
+En calif com mi hijo llegue
+con vien y Ellos Estan Buenos
+yo me siento mejor por lo que
+Doy Gracias a Dios yo llegue
+a qui El Domingo a las 6:15
+de la mañana pero les escribo
+para aserle Saber de mi siempre
+yo no las olbido pidan a la virgin
+que me vaya vien para volber y sin
+mas Dios los bendiga su comadre
+como siempre Pablita
+Mrs Jesusita B Torres
+Pacific st Box
+Fort Lupton Colo
+","Navajo Rug Weaver-Navajo rugs are worked on
+in the Navajo Hogans in winter and outside under a
+tree in the summer. Wool is sheared from the sheep,
+sorted and washed, carded to make fibers line in one
+direction and worked into a cord which is then dyed
+to color and then used for weaving. These rugs are
+made completely of wool and are famed for their
+beauty and durability. –L524",,1962-09-26,Postcard,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,"Coachella, California","Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+D4,shan_d.001,4,The Jeffersonian Tablet,Jesusita Baros,,,,,,,,,,,,Personal notes for citizenship test.,,1953-10-01,Notebook,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D5,shan_d.059,5,Citizenship study guide,Jesusita Baros,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1905-04-24,Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D6,shan_d.121,6,Draft for citizenship document,Jesusita Flemate Baros,,,,,,,,,,,,Handwritten ,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D7,shan_d.125,7,Timeline for citizenship application,Jesusita Baros,,,,,,,,,,,,Typewritten ,,1952 (circa),Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D8,shan_d.127,8,Memorial card,,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita ",,,,,,,,,,"In Memoriam Born July 15, 1900 Died: Feb 10, 1976. On the front image of Jesus with crown of thorns.
+",,1976 (circa),Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D8,shan_d.128,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"IN MEMORIAM
+Born: July 15, 1900
+Died: Feb. 10, 1976
+O gentlest heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls, have mercy on the soul of Thy departed servant. Be not severe in Thy judgment but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames, and do Thou O Merciful Saviour, send Thy Angels to conduct Thy departed servant to a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.
+May he souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
+Merciful Jesus grant eternal
+Rice Funeral Chapel
+Brighton, Colorado ",,,,,,,,
+D9,shan_d.129,9,Memorial card,,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Gann, Joseph M.","Baros, Jerry ","Rangel, Victor ","Lujan, Roy ","Perez, Raymond ","Montoya, Salomone ","Nolasco, Benny ",,,"
+In Memory",,1976-02-14,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+D9,shan_d.130,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The TWENTY-THIRD PSALM
+D10,shan_d.133,10,Christmas card and envelope,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, Linda Pamela ",,,,,,,,,,"Estado Zacatecas, Huchipila, Mexico
+con mucho cariño
+para mi nieta Linda Pamela
+Schubert",,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D10,shan_d.134,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Silent Night
+The First Noel",,,,,,,,
+D10,shan_d.136,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Con mucho cariño
+Linda Pamela
+de mr y Mrs
+max Torres","“And thou shalt have joy and gladness
+and many shall rejoice at this birth.”
+–LUKE 1:14
+Wishing you all the
+joys of Christmas
+and Happy New Year",,,,,,,,
+D11,shan_d.138,11,Work permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D12,shan_d.140,12,Christmas card and envelope,"Baca, Betty ","Rodriguez, Jesusita ",,,,,,,,,"Miss B. Baca
+2302 Campbell Rd.
+Alburquerque, N. M.
+Mrs. Jesusita Rodriguez
+Box 681
+Ft. Lupton, Colorado",,"ALBUQUERQUE
+DEC 16
+12 M
+1949",,1949-12-16,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D12,shan_d.142,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HOLIDAY GREETINGS,,,,,,,,
+D12,shan_d.143,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"B oundless joy and ringing good cheer-
+E ach of these am wishing you here.
+T hreading throughtout the glad New Year.
+T ranquility, peace and calm content
+Y ou have my best wishes in this Yule sentiment
+B leanding mirth with all the rest
+A ll these are a part of this bequest.
+C onsider the letters beginning each line
+A and see who is sending this Christmas-time rhyme!
+D13,shan_d.144,13,"Homeowners insurance policy
+",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944-12-29,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D14,shan_d.165,14,Postcard,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros Torres, Jesusita",Jess,Ela,,,,,,,,,"15820. Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Denver, Colorado",,1942-09-25,Postcard,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D14,shan_d.166,14,,,,,,,,,,,,"Sept. 25, 1942
+Dearest Mother,
+Don’t expect me
+Sun. cause I’m
+going to the dance
+Sun. nite with
+Ela. She’s leave-
+ing mon. If Jess
+comes to the dance
+then I can go
+home with him.
+I’ll go mon. for sure
+Love, Santos
+Mrs. J. Baros
+P.O. Box 481
+The Catholic Cathedral is 195 feet long by 116
+feet wide, crucifiction in plan, the nave and tran-
+sept being 40 feet in width, the two aisles 14
+feet each. The style is French Gothic. There
+are two spires built of stone, rising to a height
+of 210 feet. The entire cost of the building was
+more than $500,000.",,,,,,,,
+D15,shan_d.119,15,Real state assesment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1959-05-28,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D16,shan_d.167,16,Receipt for appliance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1954-06-23,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D17,shan_d.169,17,Official letter to certify acquaintance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-08-30,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D18,shan_d.159,18,Affidavit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-08-21,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D19,shan_d.171,19,Letter to Longfellow School Principal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1953-02-16,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D20,shan_d.173,20,Letter to US Consul,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1948-03-05,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D21,shan_d.175,21,Application to legalize residence status,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-07-03,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D22,shan_d.177,22,Offical response to request application to legalize residence status,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-07-31,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D23,shan_d.163,23,Application and instructions for registry of an alien,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D24,shan_d.181,24,Response to request of proof of former employment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-09-17,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D25,shan_d.183,25,Response to request of proof of former employment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1962-03-24,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D26,shan_d.161,26,Smallpox Vaccination Certificate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1965-02-21,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D27,shan_d.157,27,"Proof of enrollement in Civilian Defense Auxiliary Group, Railroads ",,,,,,,,,,,,,Enrollment number SL5119,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D28,shan_d.155,28,Fragment of bank draft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D29,shan_d.187,29,Birthday card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,"A Belated
+Birthday Wish",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D29,shan_d.188,29,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"“The Lord bless thee,
+And keep thee.”
+Numbers 6:24",,,,,,,,
+D29,shan_d.189,29,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Querida hija con el mas fino
+recuerdo y cariño
+de tu mama; J.B.T.
+dias de estos
+te deseo muchos","This brings sincere apologies
+Because it’s coming late;
+But all Life’s best
+Is wished for you
+No matter what the date!",,,,,,,,
+D30,shan_d.191,30,Easter card,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,,,,"Easter Greeting
+HUSBAND",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D30,shan_d.192,30,,,,,,,,,,,,one and only Bill,,"WITH LOVE
+BEST WISHES",,,,,,,,
+D30,shan_d.193,30,,,,,,,,,,,,"Dearest Bill,
+Loads of Love,
+",,"A little greeting to tell you, dear,
+That Easter Day will be
+More joyous just because you’ll share
+Its happiness with me;
+And dear, no Easter wish can hold
+Affection that more true
+Than this fond wish I’m sending
+With all my love to you!",,,,,,,,
+D31,shan_d.195,31,Easter card,,"Schubert, William F.; Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Mr and Mrs Schubert
+Ballo Trailer Club
+Highway 66 Brainard Ave,
+La grange Illinois
+P.O. Box 681
+f.t. Lupton, Colo",,"FORT LUPTON
+APR 3
+4 PM
+1953",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D31,shan_d.197,31,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"AN EASTER WISH FOR YOU,
+D31,shan_d.198,31,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The happiness
+Of Easter time-
+Joy in all you do-
+That’s the loving wish
+This brings
+Especially for you!",,,,,,,,
+D32,shan_d.200,32,Birthday card,Hollie,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, William F. ",,,,,,,,"Mrs. William F. Schubert
+2738 Pear St
+OCT 26
+12:30 PM
+1950",,1950-10-26,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D32,shan_d.202,32,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"A Gift for Your
+Hollie",,"A Gift for Your
+A gift that brings
+A wish your way
+For happiness
+That grows each day!",,,,,,,,
+D33,shan_d.206,33,Birthday card,Laura M.; Nelle,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,,,Birthday Joys,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+Dear Sandra,
+Laura M.
+Aunt Nelle",,"Because I often think of you,
+I hope from day to day
+That you are finding happiness
+Along life’s busy way;
+And so, this joyful Birthday wish
+Is sent to let you know
+I think of you more often than
+The times I tell you so!",,,,,,,,
+D34,shan_d.210,34,Birthday card,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Happy Birthday,
+DAUGHTER",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D34,shan_d.211,34,,,,,,,,,,,,,to mamá,"So thoughtful and so lovale
+So sweet in all you do,
+No one could bring
+more happiness
+Or deserve it more than you.",,,,,,,,
+D35,shan_d.213,35,Christmas card,"Baca, Lenore","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Miss Santos Baros
+P.O. Box 481
+Ft. Lupton, Colo","
+DEC 22
+1941",,1941-12-22,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D35,shan_d.215,35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TO GREET You,,,,,,,,
+D35,shan_d.216,35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"A gay “CHERRI O!”
+And a “HOWDY!” too",,,,,,,,
+D35,shan_d.217,35,,,,,,,,,,,,Lenore Baca,,"For a Happy Christmas
+And a New Year to YOU!",,,,,,,,
+D36,shan_d.219,36,Birthday card,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros, Jess Jesus",Helen,,,,,,,,"Mrs. Sandra Schubert
+P.O. Box 18
+Nebraska.",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 29
+5 PM
+1948",,1948-10-29,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D36,shan_d.220,36,,,,,,,,,,,,"Jess Baros
+Sen Del
+Ft Lupton
+D36,shan_d.221,36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BIRTHDAY GREETINGS
+Now the guys
+what drawed these pitchers
+Belongs in padded cells--
+An’ whoever
+wrote this verse up--
+it smells!",,,,,,,,
+D36,shan_d.222,36,,,,,,,,,,,,Jess + Helen,,"This card ain’t such
+a masterpiece
+As starts art lovers droolin’--
+But this wish is sure
+the real McCoy
+An’ golly--
+I AIN’T FOOLIN’!",,,,,,,,
+OF ‘EM!",,,,,,,,
+D37,shan_d.225,37,Easter card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Mrs. Sandra Schubert
+2738 Pear St
+Lincoln Nebr.",,"FORT LUPTON
+MAR 26
+5 PM
+1948",,1948-03-26,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D37,shan_d.227,37,,,,,,,,,,,,,,For a Blessed Easter,,,,,,,,
+D37,shan_d.229,37,,,,,,,,,,,,,"From to mamá
+J. Baros
+","May He smile upon you
+At this Easter time;
+May He swiftly bring you
+Blessings so sublime;
+May He guard and guide you
+And His Light be shed
+Through a lovely Easter
+And through days ahead.",,,,,,,,
+D38,shan_d.231,38,Birthday card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"J. Baros G. Delibery
+f.t. Lupton Colo
+Mrs. Santos Schubert
+P.O. Box 18
+OCT 29
+5 PM
+1948",,1948-10-29,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D38,shan_d.233,38,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Happy Birthday,
+D38,shan_d.234,38,,,,,,,,,,,,,"con cariño a mi hija
+tu mama
+Jesusita Baros
+","Happy Birthday,
+With love to a daughter
+who’s sweet and who’s dear
+And helpful and thoughtful
+each day in the year…
+To wish her life’s finest
+and loveliest things
+And just as much gladness
+as SHE always brings",,,,,,,,
+D39,shan_d.236,39,Calendar and personal diary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1948,Calendar,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D40,shan_d.256,40,Easter card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schbert, Pamela Linda",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681
+Ft. Lupton Colo
+Pamela Linda Schubert
+Ballo Trailer Club
+Highway 66 Brainard
+La Grange Ill.",,"FORT LUPTON
+APR 8
+4 PM
+1954",,1954-04-08,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D40,shan_d.260,40,,,,,,,,,,,,"Linda Ann
+Schubert to love
+J.B.T.",,"Here’s an
+Easter playmate
+Who has come
+to play
+with you
+And help you have
+a lot of fun
+On Easter- -all day through!",,,,,,,,
+D41,shan_d.262,41,Easter card,,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681
+Fort Lupton Colo
+Billy boy Schubert
+Ballo Trailer Club
+Highway 66. Brainward
+Le Grange, Ill.",,"FORT LUPTON
+APR 8
+4 PM
+1954",,1954-04-08,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D41,shan_d.264,41,,,,,,,,,,,,"For my Billy
+TO MY Sweetheart
+D41,shan_d.265,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"AS SURE AS HIS TAIL IS SHORT,",,,,,,,,
+D41,shan_d.266,41,,,,,,,,,,,,"Love to
+D41,shan_d.267,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS SURE AS THE SUN IS SHINING BRIGHT,,,,,,,,
+D41,shan_d.268,41,,,,,,,,,,,,My Billy boy y,,"IN THE EASTER SKY
+ABOVE YOU",,,,,,,,
+D41,shan_d.269,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I WISH YOU A
+HAPPY EASTER",,,,,,,,
+D41,shan_d.270,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"ON ACCOUT OF BECAUSE
+I LOVE YOU!",,,,,,,,
+D42,shan_d.272,42,Birthday card and letter,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Jesusita B. Torres
+P.O.Box 681
+Ft. Lupton Colo
+Sandra B. Schubert
+Ballo Trailer Club
+Highway 66, Brainard ave,
+La Grande Illnois",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 25
+4 PM
+1954",,1954-10-25,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D42,shan_d.274,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"TO A DEAR
+D42,shan_d.276,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Santos B. Schubert
+con mucho cariño de J.B.Torres
+1954","Ever since your FIRST one,
+Your birthdays, Daughter Dear
+Have been such glad occasions
+Year after passing year…
+For as you’ve added candles
+You’ve added sweetness, too
+And many reasons, Daughter Dear
+For being proud of you!
+D42,shan_d.278,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Letter to Santos, ",,,,,,,,
+D43,shan_d.280,43,Two easter cards in one envelope ,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, Rober",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681
+ft. Lupton Colo
+Mr y Mrs Schubert
+J. Ballo Trailer club
+Hiway 66. Brainard ave
+La Grange",,"FORT LUPTON
+APR 4
+4 PM
+1955",,1955-04-04,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D43,shan_d.282,43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"HI THERE!
+D43,shan_d.284,43,,,,,,,,,,,,,"muchas felicidades
+Rober Schubert
+Te deceamos Max y Jesusita B.T.
+","Well, look who’s here
+In his brand-new plane!
+It’s the Easter Bunny
+Riding again-
+Over the treetops,
+Right out of the blue,
+He’s coming to say
+“Happy Easter to you!”",,,,,,,,
+D43,shan_d.286,43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Happy Easter
+D43,shan_d.288,43,,"Torre, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita",Mr y Mrs Schubert,,,,,,,,,,"les deseamos bien en todo,
+Mr y Mrs Schubert
+Max y Jesusita B.T.
+","There is Spring
+in the air
+There are buds on the trees,
+And the memories stirring
+With each little breeze
+Make me feel that I’d like
+To sit right down and say
+A cherry “Hello”
+And “A Glad Easter Day”!",,,,,,,,
+D44,shan_d.290,44,Easter card,"Torre, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, Linda",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681. Colo
+ft. Lupton
+Linda Schubert
+% Ballo Trailer club
+Hway 66. Brianard ave
+La Grange Ill.",,"FORT LUPTON
+APR 4
+4 PM
+1955",,1955-04-04,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D44,shan_d.292,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"For You
+At Easter",,,,,,,,
+D44,shan_d.294,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Todo al cariño
+Para Linda Schubert
+the Max y Jesusita B.T.","Here’s a happy Easter greeting,
+Filled with thoughts
+of you,
+And just as many wishes
+As the spring has flowers, too!",,,,,,,,
+D45,shan_d.296,45,Christmas card,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, William D. ",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681 ft Lupton Colo
+Mrs Max Jesusita B. Torres
+Billy boy Schubert
+2700 n. 27th St
+Lincoln nebr.",,"FORT LUPTON
+DEC 15
+4 PM
+1955",,1955-12-15,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D45,shan_d.298,45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Silent Night,,,,,,,,
+D45,shan_d.299,45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"And the life was the light of men.
+And the light shines in the darkness.
+St. John 1:4",,,,,,,,
+D45,shan_d.300,45,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Max y Jesusita B. Torres
+1955,","May the Peace and Joy of Christmas
+Remain with you to bless each moment
+Of the coming year with Happiness. ",,,,,,,,
+D46,shan_d.302,46,Christmas card,"Baros Schubert, Santos ",,,,,,,,,,,,Christmas Cheer,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D46,shan_d.303,46,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"“I heard the bells on Christmas Day
+Their old familiar carols play”",,,,,,,,
+",,"To greet you
+at Christmas
+and wish you
+a happy
+New Year.",,,,,,,,
+D47,shan_d.306,47,Easter card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, Robert",,,,,,,,,,,AN Easter GREETING,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D47,shan_d.307,47,,,,,,,,,,,,"For Robert
+Love to Grandmother
+Jesusita B. Torres",,"A bright and cheery
+Easter “Hi”
+And a wish for joys
+That multiply!",,,,,,,,
+D48,shan_d.309,48,Mothers day card,Jane,"Baros Torres, Santos",,,,,,,,,My Darling Sandra,,,,1970-05-10,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D48,shan_d.311,48,,,,,,,,,,,,"Do What
+I say-
+D48,shan_d.312,48,,,,,,,,,,,,"To Mom,
+Court-Living Room
+Crime-Being a Mother
+Sentence-A life of
+success and
+May God bless
+Mother dear
+With all the
+happinesss in the
+On Mother’s
+D48,shan_d.313,48,,,,,,,,,,,,"May 10, 1970","May 10, 1970",,,,,,,,,
+D49,shan_d.314,49,Birthday card,,"Schubert, Elizabeth J.",,,,,,,,,,,"For a Lovely
+ON HER BIRTHDAY",,1974-03-20,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D49,shan_d.315,49,,,,,,,,,,,,"Dear Elizabeth Jane,
+We love you,
+Mother and
+March 20, 1974",,"A lovely daughter, so special,
+Should have a happy day
+With a special kind of gladness
+To make it just that way…
+For the joy you give to others
+As only you can do
+Should be returned in many ways
+Day after day, for you.",,,,,,,,
+D50,shan_d.317,50,Post card,,"Winwood, Bernice",,,,,,,,,,,Nebraska’s North Loup River,,Unknown,Postcard,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D50,shan_d.318,50,,,,,,,,,,,,"Go to the south
+entrance of the
+Chalk mine, to
+explore around.
+Show pieces of chalk,
+in plastic bags to show
+to grandchildren. School teachers
+use some chalk in schools.
+Bernice Winwood",,"North Loup River Valley scene at Scotia Chalk
+Hills near Ord, Nebraska",,,,,,,,
+D51,shan_d.319,51,Birthday card and envelope,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681.
+ft. Lupton
+Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert
+1016 South 40th St.
+Lincoln, Nebraska;",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 28
+1 PM
+1957",,1957-10-28,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D51,shan_d.321,51,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Happy Birthday, DAUGHTER",,,,,,,,
+D51,shan_d.322,51,,,,,,,,,,,,,"con mucho cariño
+de Max y Jesusita B. Torres
+","Many Happy Returns!
+To greet you
+on your birthday Dear
+And lovingly convey
+A wish that you’ll find
+lots of joy
+Within your heart today!",,,,,,,,
+D52,shan_d.324,52,Receipt from Gold's Girls departament store,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2014-07-05,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D53,shan_d.326,53,Seven different paystubs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1947-05-31,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D54,shan_d.340,54,Newspaper clipping,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1943-09-28,Newspaper,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D55,shan_d.405,55,Receipt from Baby Tots Studio,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1953-12-10,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D56,shan_d.474,56,Affidavit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952-09-08,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D57,shan_d.342,57,Receipt from Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance Premium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1948-06-25,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D58,shan_d.344,58,Receipt from Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance Premium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1947-08-25,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D59,shan_d.346,59,"Brochure ""This is my share"" 1944 War Fund",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D60,shan_d.348,60,Protective envelope for war rationbook ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D61,shan_d.350,61,War ration book,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D62,shan_d.353,62,War ration book,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D63,shan_d.356,63,War ration book,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D64,shan_d.359,64,Honorable discharge letter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1945-11-06,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D65,shan_d.361,65,Birth Announcement,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,,Baby’s Here!,,1959-03-21,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D65,shan_d.362,65,,,,,,,,,,,,,"March 21, 1959
+Querida mama,
+Tengo una baby
+girl me siento
+muy bien. Gracias
+a Dios. Estoy en
+el Hospital Bill
+esta en la casa
+con los kids
+Esta en vacation.
+No tengo
+mas nuevas.
+Siempre tu hija,
+Santos","We have good news-
+the stork was here
+And left us something
+very dear!
+A baby we’ve named
+Elizabeth Jane
+Arrived March 20, 1959
+Weighing 7 pds. 8 ounces
+The lucky parents
+Mr. and Mrs William
+F. Schuber
+D66,shan_d.364,66,Valentines Card,,,,,,,,,,,,,"To My
+VALENTINE",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D67,shan_d.366,67,Postal Saving System Depositors numerical reference card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D68,shan_d.368,68,Valentines day card,"Anaya, Delia","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,,,"HERE’S
+I’M A
+BE MY VALENTINE",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D68,shan_d.369,68,,,,,,,,,,,,"To Santos Barros
+D69,shan_d.370,69,War ration book,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D70,shan_d.373,70,War ration book,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1942-05-05,Rationing Booklet,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D71,shan_d.376,71,Sugar Purchase Certificate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1942 (circa),Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D72,shan_d.378,72,Newspaper clipping,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Newspaper,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D73,shan_d.380,73,Menu for Casa Bonita Restaurant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Menu,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D74,shan_d.384,74,New Year's Postcard,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,,,,"FELIZ
+AÑO NUEVO",Unknown,Postcard,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D75,shan_d.386,75,Request for verification of birth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1982-09-03,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D76,shan_d.388,76,Verification of enrollment in Longfellow Elementary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1982-08-10,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D77,shan_d.390,77,Verification of enrollment Cole Junior High School,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1982-08-09,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D78,shan_d.392,78,Verification of place and date of birth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1984-04-27,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D79,shan_d.394,79,Christmas and New Year's card,"Medrano, Patricia","Baros Torres, Jesusita; Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D79,shan_d.395,79,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Jesusita y Maximino
+En su hogar les
+Decea Patricia Medrano",,"Que en esta Navidad y el
+Año Nuevo haya bienestar
+y felicidad infinita",,,,,,,
+D80,shan_d.397,80,Handmade Christmas and New Year's Card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1967,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D80,shan_d.398,80,,,,,,,,,,,,"Spiritual Bouquet
+2 Masses
+4 Communions
+1 Rosary
+10 Ejacultions
+Merry Christmas and a
+Happy New Year.
+To Mom and Dad
+From your daughter
+D81,shan_d.400,81,Envelope and birthday card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita; Torres, Maximino","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681. Ft. Lupton
+Jesusita B. Torres Colo
+Mrs Sandra B. Schubert
+1912 North 32nd St,
+Lincoln, 3, Nebraska",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 26
+4 PM
+1955",,1955-10-26,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D81,shan_d.402,81,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"ON YOUR BIRTHDAY
+D81,shan_d.403,81,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1, Noviem for you mama
+J. Max Torres Baros
+","A wish bringing gladness
+And happiness, too;
+And more love than ever
+Especially for you.",,,,,,,,
+D82,shan_d.407,82,Medical prescription,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Prescription,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D83,shan_d.409,83,Envelope and Christmas card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681 Colo,
+Ft. Lupton
+Sandra B. Schubert
+Hiway 66 Brainard ave,
+% Ballo Trailer club
+La Grange, Ill.",,"FORT LUPTON
+DEC 20
+4 PM
+1954",,1954-12-20,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D83,shan_d.411,83,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"With love
+To A
+Dear Daughter",,,,,,,,
+D83,shan_d.412,83,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mrs S.B. Schubert
+",,"From Christmas to Christmas,
+year after year,
+You’ve just kept growing
+sweeter, dear.
+And may your happiness
+keep growing, too,
+Day after day
+Your whole life through.",,,,,,,,
+D84,shan_d.414,84,Calendar from Burlington Route,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1958,Calendar,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D85,shan_d.416,85,Receipts for photographs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D86,shan_d.418,86,Newspaper clipping,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Newspaper,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D87,shan_d.419,87,Handmade diploma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1939-05-24,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D88,shan_d.421,88,Handwritten personal notes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Notebook,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D89,shan_d.423,89,Offical notice of approval of permanent resident status,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1963-07-16,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D90,shan_d.425,90,Response to request for record of birth or arrival,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1963-05-15,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D91,shan_d.427,91,Verification of enrollment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1953-12-14,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D92,shan_d.429,92,Civil and religious marriage certificates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1946-11-07,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D93,shan_d.430,93,Certificate. The Vacation Bible School,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1933-08-25,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D94,shan_d.432,94,Phone Bill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1977-06-07,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D95,shan_d.434,95,Certificate of Vaccination,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1938-02-11,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D96,shan_d.435,96,"Class schedule
+",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1938-04-26,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D97,shan_d.436,97,Cole Junior High School 9th grade report,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1938-04-29,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D98,shan_d.437,98,Record of makeup work Cole Junior High School,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1938-03-01,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D99,shan_d.438,99,Excuse Blank-High Schools. Cole Junior HIgh School,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1937-09-16,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D100,shan_d.439,100,Rough draft of Will,,,,,,,,,,,,,Handwritten.,,1957-05-04,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D101,shan_d.441,101,Agreement for lot purchase,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1977-10-11,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D102,shan_d.447,102,Proposed agreement concerning sale of house,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1977-11-04,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D103,shan_d.449,103,Note with value and specification of lots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D104,shan_d.451,104,Envelope and prayer card,,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Schulte, Paul C.",,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 681. ft. Lupton
+Sandra B. Schubert
+1016 South 40th
+Lincoln Nebr.",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 30
+1 PM
+1956",,1956-11-30,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D104,shan_d.453,104,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JESUS CHRIST KING OF MERCY
+I TRUST IN THEE!",,,,,,,,
+D105,shan_d.455,105,Easter card,,"Schubert, William F.; Baros Torres, Santos",,,,,,,,,,,"HAPPY EASTER, MOM",,1975-03-29,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D105,shan_d.456,105,,,,,,,,,,,,,"March 29, 1975
+Querida Mama,
+Bill and Sandra","This wish for a Happy Easter
+Is especially meant for you,
+So, Mom, you that
+a world of love
+Is coming with it, too.
+For you have always been
+so sweet,
+So thoughtful and dear,
+That love fills
+every thought of you
+Each day throughout the year.
+With Love on
+Easter and Always",,,,,,,,
+D105,shan_d.457,105,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Querida mama,
+Estamos muy bien.
+Gracias a Dios.
+¿Como esa Max? Estoy
+muy ocupada por que
+es Easter. Voy a ser
+comida para Easter.
+¿Estas en la casa o en
+el hostpital?
+El tiempo esta poco
+Frio. En Omaha es-
+tubo un tornado.
+Omaha es 50 miles
+de Lincoln.
+Con cariño,
+Santos Schubert
+D106,shan_d.458,106,Water bill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1970-01-10,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D107,shan_d.466,107,Christmas card and envelope,Carmen,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Air Mail
+Mrs Santos B. Schubert
+2738 Pear Street
+Lincoln 3. Nebraska""",,"LOS ANGELES
+DEC 23
+10:30 PM
+1950",,1950-12-23,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D107,shan_d.469,107,,,,,,,,,,,,"I sure would like to see you + talk
+of the days when we were single
+don’t you? as always your friend
+Gutierrez Family
+","Greetings for a
+Happy Holiday Season",,,,,,,,
+D107,shan_d.470,107,,,,,,,,,,,,"Los Angeles, Calif
+Dear friend. Through this card
+I let you know that I received the nice card you
+sent me + family. I was surprise + glad to have
+heard from you. We hope you + your famiy are
+enjoying good health which is the most important
+thing in this World. we are all fine, Thanks to God
+I have four children three boys and one girl
+Right after Christmas I’ll write you a long letter
+O.K. if possible I’ss send you a picture of my
+Babies cause I would like for you to send us
+a picture of your boy I bet he is cute
+my husband for U.S. Post Office and has
+been working nites too on account of the Holidays
+so until I write again my dear old friend",,,,,,,,,,
+D109,shan_d.508,108,Christmas card,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,,,1971-12-11,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D109,shan_d.509,108,,,,,,,,,,,,,"con cariño de parte de
+Max y Jesusita Torres","Happy Holidays
+Because you’re someone special
+This greeting is designed
+To bring you Christmas wishes
+Of the very warmest kind-
+Some for joy and gladness
+Some Christmas cheer
+And Some for bright
+and pleasant days
+Throughout the coming year",,,,,,,,
+D110,shan_d.472,109,Social Security document envelope,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1962-08-07,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D111,shan_d.478,110,Employment flyer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D112,shan_d.480,111,Mother's Day card,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,,,,"TO MY OWN
+Mother",,1953,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D112,shan_d.481,111,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Querida Mother,
+1953","Just to let you know I love you
+More and more
+each day and year,
+And to wish you every joy
+This day can bring you,
+Mother dear!",,,,,,,,
+D113,shan_d.484,112,Christmas and New Year's card,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros Torres, Jesusita; Torres, Maximino","Schubert, William F.","Schubert, William D.","Schubert, William D.","Schubert, Pamela L.","Schubert, Elizabeth J.",,,,,"Querida Mama y
+Con cariño, Santos, Bill
+Bill Jr. Roberto,
+Pamela, Elizabeth
+Dec. 18, 1969","To greet you and hope
+Christmas peace
+and happiness
+remains throughout
+the New Year",,1969-12-18,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D113,shan_d.485,112,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Dear Mother,
+Estamos muy bien.
+Gracias a Dios
+Saludes a todos Uds.
+de nosotros.
+ay poco nieve.
+Esta muy bonita y
+muy frio. Que pases
+muy Buenos Christ-
+mas. Siempre tu-
+D114,shan_d.486,113,Certificate. Railroad Retirement Board,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944-12-01,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D115,shan_d.488,114,Notice of Anuity Award,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1969-06-19,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D117,shan_d.491,115,Valentines Card,"Montoya, Josephine",,,,,,,,,,,,"I HOPE
+VALENTINE",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D117,shan_d.492,115,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I HOPE
+D118,shan_d.494,116,Valentines Card,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Valentine
+Greeting",,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D121,shan_d.513,117,Birthday card,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,"814 Pacific ave
+ft. Lupton Colo
+Jesusita B. Torres
+Mrs W. F. Schubert
+1016 South 40th St.
+Lincoln. 10. Nebraska",,"FORT LUPTON
+OCT 29
+4 PM
+1962",,1962-11-01,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D121,shan_d.515,117,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"With Love On Your Birthday,
+D121,shan_d.516,117,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Novem 1, 1962
+con mucho
+cariño de Max y
+tu mama
+Jesusita B. Torres
+","A Happy Birthday
+A Wonderful Year
+A special
+Birthday greeting, Dear
+That’s just a way of showing
+A Daughter sweet as you
+brings joy
+That just keeps right on growing
+And if the many wishes
+This is bringing you to come true
+Then every day all year
+will hold
+Life’s nicest things for you!",,,,,,,,
+D122,shan_d.511,118,Postcard,,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,,1974-02-22,Postcard,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",es,,,
+D122,shan_d.512,118,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Para don max y doña
+Jesusita de Parte
+De la familia
+Botella Garcia
+Max Torres
+814 Pacific Ave
+ft. Lupton. Colo 80621
+D123,shan_d.495,119,Birthday card,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,A Birthday Wish for Daughter,,1961-10-24,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D123,shan_d.496,119,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Max y Jesusita
+","Wishing for you,
+Daughter Dear
+The loveliest of days
+And a year
+that brings you happiness
+In many different ways",,,,,,,,
+D124,shan_d.518,120,Tax Return,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D125,shan_d.522,121,Border crossing card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1945-06-20,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D126,shan_d.502,122,Birthday card,"Torres, Maximino; Baros Torres, Jesusita","Schubert, Jane",,,,,,,,,,,"A Special
+BIRTHDAY WISH",,1966-03-13,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D126,shan_d.503,122,,,,,,,,,,,,,"!muchos años de vida¡
+Jane Schubert
+march 20,-1966
+Max Jesusita
+","A wish just for you
+Now your birthday
+is here-
+“May this happy day start
+A wonderful year!”",,,,,,,,
+D127,shan_d.500,123,Prayer card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1963-02-12,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D127,shan_d.501,123,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ACT OF CONSECRATION,,,,,,,,
+D128,shan_d.505,124,Birthday card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,"Happy Birthday
+from the Wishing Well…",,1966-11-01,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D128,shan_d.506,124,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mr Mrs Jesusita
+made at a Wishing Well
+Can’t help coming true
+And you’re the one I had in mind
+Because your Birthday’s due.
+May all life’s finest, brightest
+Good health, good luck, good cheer
+Increase your joy today
+And bring happiness to your year!",,,,,,,,
+D131,shan_d.571,131,Border crossing card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D184,shan_d.526,132,Birthday card,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,,,,"YOUR BABY
+To the Happy Parents",,1959-03-30,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D184,shan_d.527,132,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mr and Mrs
+Jesusita B. Torres","
+","“Jesus…put his arms about them,
+And…be began to bless them.:
+St. Mark 10:16
+May this gift from God
+Be your hope and treasure,
+And the truest joys in life
+Be yours in fullest measure.",,,,,,,,
+D185,shan_d.529,133,Letter from Wesley Park Methodist Church Board,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1963-12-01,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D186,shan_d.533,134,Obituary for Santos B. Schubert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012-06-24,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D187,shan_d.537,135,V-Mail Christmas greeting,"Padilla, Manuel","Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,,"Pvt. M. Padilla 37329957
+Cod323 Jorf APO.#81 Clo P777
+San Prisco, Calif
+Mrs. Jesusita Baros
+Denver 5, Colorado",,V…-MAIL,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D187,shan_d.538,135,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mrs Jesusita Barros
+Denver 5
+Asn 37329957
+Pvt. M. Padilla
+Co “D” 323 Inf. A.P.O. #81,
+Clo P.M. San Frisco; Calif.
+Mil Felicidades
+Manuel Padilla","FRIENDLY
+Christmas Greetings
+D188,shan_d.539,136,V-Mail Christmas greeting,"Padilla, Manuel","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"Pvt. M. Padilla 37329957
+Co. “D” 323 Jorf c/o P.M. A.P.O. #81
+San Frisco, Calif
+Miss Santos Baros
+529- 22nd St.
+Denver 5, Colorado",,V…-MAIL,,Unknown,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D188,shan_d.540,136,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Miss Santos Baros
+529- 22nd St.
+Denver ,5,
+ASN 37329957
+Pvt. M. Padilla 37329957
+Co. “D” 323 INF. A.P.O. #81
+c/o P.M. San Frisco; Calif
+My Darling, Since it cannot be
+otherwise, tru this manner I am
+extending my “Love,” + Best Wishes. Love
+The Season’s Finest Wishes
+For old-time Christmas cheer-
+With happiness enough to last
+Throughout the coming year!
+D189,shan_d.541,137,School Diploma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1936-05-23,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D190,shan_d.546,138,Schubert Farm Sale Poster,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D191,shan_d.548,139,Postcard ,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I’M DO’N OK, HOW ARE YOU?",,1942-07-31,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D191,shan_d.549,139,,"Schubert, James","Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,,"Pvt. James Schubert
+Hdq. U.S. Ind + Act Sta
+FT. Crook,
+AM in Typing
+Room. Why
+don’t you write.
+Saw James Mays
+from CCC here. We went
+to tour last night.
+Dear Taylor, Ray Palma,
+Joe Socha, and others have been inducted to camp 100
+Past week –Jim
+Wm F. Schubert
+% gen’t Sup’t
+Augusta, ILL.",,"OMAHA NEBR.
+JUL 31
+10 AM
+D192,shan_d.550,140,Report card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1930 (circa),Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D193,shan_d.554,141,Social Security Envelope,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1941-02-18,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D194,shan_d.556,142,"Installment plan. American Auction Furniture Co
+",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1942-09-19,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D195,shan_d.558,143,Certificate of Membership American Red Cross,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1945,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D196,shan_d.560,144,Tax Return ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1945-04-09,Document,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D197,shan_d.562,145,Personal War Saving Bond Record,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1946-03-01,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D198,shan_d.564,146,Payment book ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknown,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+D199,shan_d.566,147,Denver Area War Chest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1945-10-11,Receipt,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",en,,,
+M1,shan_m.001,148,Personal Rosary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Religious artifact,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M2,shan_m.016,149,Personal journal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Journal,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M3,shan_m.003,150,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M4,shan_m.005,151,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M5,shan_m.007,152,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M6,shan_m.009,153,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M7,shan_m.011,154,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M8,shan_m.013,155,Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M9,shan_m.015,156,Napkin 40th Wedding Anniversary,,,"Schubert, William F.","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,,"40th Anniversary
+Bill and Sandra
+1946 – November 9, 1986",,,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M10,shan_m.026,157,Mor Valu trading stamps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stamps,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M11,shan_m.028,158,Mor Valu trading stamps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stamps,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M12,shan_m.024,159,Shirley Temple photo stamped w/autograph,"Temple, Shirley",,,,,,,,,,"Your friend,
+Shirley Temple",,,,,Card,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M13,shan_m.030,160,American issued currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M14,shan_m.032,161,American issued currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M15,shan_m.034,162,American issued currency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Currency,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M16,shan_m.036,163,Notebook with addresses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notebook,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M17,shan_m.047,164,Song lyrics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Lyrics,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M18,shan_m.049,165,Song lyrics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Lyrics,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
+M19,shan_m.051,166,Sale poster,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Poster,"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,,,
diff --git a/source/csv/photographs.csv b/source/csv/photographs.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826dba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/csv/photographs.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+shan_p.001.jpg,1,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,"Portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres. Handwritten on the front: ""Mrs. J. F. B. Torres""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.003.jpg,2,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Torn photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.004.jpg,
+shan_p.004.jpg,2,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.003.jpg,
+shan_p.005.jpg,3,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Torn portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.006.jpg,
+shan_p.006.jpg,3,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.005.jpg,
+shan_p.007.jpg,4,Maximino Torres,,"Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,ID photograph of Maximino Torres,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.008.jpg,
+shan_p.008.jpg,4,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres Married to Jesusita Flemante Baros Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.007.jpg,
+shan_p.009.jpg,5,Maximino Torres,,"Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres wearing a coat and smoking,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.010.jpg,
+shan_p.010.jpg,5,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres Married husband of Jesusita Baros Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.009.jpg,
+shan_p.011.jpg,6,Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros as children,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,
+shan_p.013.jpg,7,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,"Colored portrait of Santos Baros Schubert sent to William F. Schubert. Handwritten on the front: ""Yours, Santos""",1946-07-06,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.014.jpg,
+shan_p.014.jpg,7,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Taken July 6, 1946. To Bill, Si es mi amor lo que deseas llevalo junto con este retrato siempre, Santos""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.013.jpg,
+shan_p.015.jpg,8,Kathy Baros,,"Baros, Kathy",,,,,,,,"School portrait of Kathy Baros, sent to Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert. Typed on the front: ""School Days 58""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.016.jpg,
+shan_p.016.jpg,8,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""To Sandra, Bill with Love, Kathy""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.015.jpg,
+shan_p.017.jpg,9,"Family portrait, possibly Samaniego family",,,,,,,,,,"Composite of several images, colored by hand. Inscription in Spanish in JBT handwriting on the back: “This portrait was taken in Oct. 1, 1957. Big [Large]”",1900 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.020.jpg,"Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.020.jpg,9,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back of this cardboard frame: ""fue sacado este retrato grande en Octu 1, 1957.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.017.jpg,
+shan_p.021.jpg,10,Faustino Villanueva,,"Villanueva, Faustino",,,,,,,,Photograph of Faustino Villanueva standing before an adobe house,1937-06-07,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.022.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.022.jpg,10,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Faustin Villanueva. June 7-1937. Albuquerque, N Mex""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.021.jpg,
+shan_p.023.jpg,11,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Torn photograph of Jesusita Flemate Baros Torres with her wedding ring on,1930s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.024.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.024.jpg,11,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Jesusita Baros. Taken in Albuquerque, New Mex. about 1930. Recuerdos Villanueba""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.023.jpg,
+shan_p.025.jpg,12,Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros in front of a pickup truck,1938-08-20,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.026.jpg,
+shan_p.026.jpg,12,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros & Jesus Baros. Aug. 20, 1938. Children of Jesusita F. Baros""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.025.jpg,
+shan_p.027.jpg,13,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a 1950s hairdo with flower,1950s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.029.jpg,14,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert wearing a white hat with veil,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.031.jpg,15,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert in black and white dress,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.033.jpg,16,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing with hat and purse in right hand,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,
+shan_p.035.jpg,17,Jesusita Baros Torres and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with her son Jess Jesús Baros wearing overalls around 1920s,1920s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.036.jpg,
+shan_p.036.jpg,17,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on back: ""Copy of photograph of Jesusita Baros with Jess Jesus Baros""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.035.jpg,
+shan_p.037.jpg,18,Angie Perez,,"Perez, Angie",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Angie Perez with a 1940s hairdo and a white dress,1940-08-10,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.038.jpg,
+shan_p.038.jpg,18,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""To a friend Santos from Angie Perez. August 10, 1940""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.037.jpg,
+shan_p.039.jpg,19,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a friend of Santos Baros Schubert in a 1940s hairdo,1940-08-18,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.040.jpg,
+shan_p.040.jpg,19,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.039.jpg,
+shan_p.041.jpg,20,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a woman in a white dress with necklace of five shell shaped objects,1940-08-18,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.042.jpg,
+shan_p.042.jpg,20,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.041.jpg,
+shan_p.043.jpg,21,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a woman in a flowerprint dress with six white buttons on the front,1940-08-18,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.044.jpg,
+shan_p.044.jpg,21,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Tomatoe Day Aug. 18, 1940""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.043.jpg,
+shan_p.045.jpg,22,Felipita Baca,,"Baca, Felipita",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Felipita Baca with her three children in front of 1920s car,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.046.jpg,
+shan_p.046.jpg,22,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Betty Baca's mother & her sisters. My mom (Santos Baros Schubert) told me: Elizabeth Jane Shanahan""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.045.jpg,
+shan_p.047.jpg,23,Pauline Hernandez,,"Hernandez, Pauline",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Pauline Hernandez in a white dress and a ribbon in her hair,1936-08-03,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.048.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.048.jpg,23,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Pauline Hernandez Aug. 3, 1936 Albuquerque, New Mex.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.047.jpg,
+shan_p.049.jpg,24,Antonia Lopez,,"Lopez, Antonia",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Antonia Lopez in a button-up shirt,1936-08-03,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.050.jpg,
+shan_p.050.jpg,24,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Antonia Lopez August 3, 1936""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.049.jpg,
+shan_p.051.jpg,25,Odelia Montoya,,"Montoya, Odelia",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Odelia Montoya with a black hat and a coat,1938-01-21,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.052.jpg,
+shan_p.052.jpg,25,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Odelia Montoya Jan. 21, 1938. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Friend of Santos Baros Schubert""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.051.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.053.jpg,26,Mary Muñoz,,"Muñoz, Mary",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Mary Muñoz sitting on a chair,1938-09-12,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.054.jpg,
+shan_p.054.jpg,26,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sept. 12, 1938. Mary Muñoz. Died real young my mom (Santos Baros Schubert) said""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.053.jpg,
+shan_p.055.jpg,27,Unknown boy,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white portrait of a small boy wearing a button-up shirt and suspenders. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1949-50""",1950s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Brighton, Colorado"
+shan_p.057.jpg,28,Ruth,,Ruth,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Ruth wearing a polka dot dress,1937-03-15,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,"shan_p.058,jpg",
+shan_p.058.jpg,28,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Ruth March 15, 1937. Friend of Santos Baros Schubert""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.057.jpg,
+shan_p.059.jpg,29,Della Ayna,,"Ayna, Della",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Della Ayna in a dress,1937-02-14,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.060.jpg,
+shan_p.060.jpg,29,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Della Ayna Feb. 14, 1937""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.059.jpg,
+shan_p.061.jpg,30,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a girl in a ruffle dress,1934,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.063.jpg,31,Barbara Fe,,"Fe, Barbara",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Barbara Fe in a coat and shirt with pendant,1937,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.064.jpg,
+shan_p.064.jpg,31,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Barbara Fe [unreadable] 1937. Friend of Santos Baros S.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.063.jpg,
+shan_p.065.jpg,32,Josephine Nieto,,"Nieto, Josephine",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Josephine Nieto wearing a white button-up shirt and a vest.,1937-03-17,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.066.jpg,
+shan_p.066.jpg,32,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Josephine Nieto Mar 17, 1937""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.065.jpg,
+shan_p.067.jpg,33,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white marriage portrait of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,1946-11-09,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.068.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.068.jpg,33,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""St. Cajetan's Parish Rev. John Ordinas 1159-9th St. Denver, Colorado. Casada Nov. 9, 1946 En Denver, Colo Por El Padre Ordinas con Sr. William Schubert. 2738 Pear St. Lincoln 3, Nebraska. Mrs William F. Schubert. Dress-White, Primb white roses / Lady E-Brown H-Ab Brown C-Med light / Man Suit-Black H-Med Brown C-light E-Blue White carnation / dress not at bottom / 12.40 Dep 5.00 Bring out Body-s curls. Wedding photograph of Santos M Baros to William F. Schubert""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,shan_p.067.jpg,
+shan_p.069.jpg,34,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert embracing a statue,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.071.jpg,35,Jess Jesús Baros,,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of a young Jess Jesús Baros in a white button-up shirt and a bowtie.,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.073.jpg,36,Esperanza Estrada Quirarte and Jesús Ascensión Samaniego,,,"Estrada Quirarte, Esperanza",,"Samaniego, Jesús Ascensión",,,,,Black and white marriage portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres' grandson Jesús Ascensión Samaniego to Esperanza Estrada Quirarte in Mexico,1961-02-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.074.jpg,México
+shan_p.074.jpg,36,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Febrero a 4 de 1961 - Un recuerdo para mi Aguelita Jesusita F. B. T. Su niento, J. Ascension Samaniego y su nieta politica Esperanza Estrada Quirarte. February 4 1961 To my grandmother Jesusita F. B. T. grandson & granddaughter-in-law",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",,shan_p.073.jpg,
+shan_p.075.jpg,37,"Jesusita Baros Torres, Maximino Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Mary Muñoz",,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús","Torres, Maximino",,"Muñoz, Mary",,,Black and white photograph of four adults and two children on a picnic,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.077.jpg,38,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of a man with military haircut, a black tie and a white shirt",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.079.jpg,39,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with curly hair and heart locket,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.081.jpg,40,Betty Baca,,"Baca, Betty",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of young Betty Baca in a plaid shirt on a swing,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.083.jpg,41,Unknown men,,,,,,,,,,Black and white headshot of two men in military uniform,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.085.jpg,42,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of woman with curly hair with bright lipstick with ornament on right shoulder,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.087.jpg,43,"Jess Jesús Baros, Santos Baros Schubert, Teresa Perez and her brothers, Jesusita Baros Torres, Mrs. Padillia, Mary Muñoz and John Muñoz",,,"Baros, Jess Jesús","Perez, Teresa","Baros Schubert, Santos",Padillia,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Muñoz, John","Muñoz, Mary",Black and white group photograph of eleven people posing in front of tree,1939-07-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.088.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.088.jpg,43,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Front row are - my brother Jess Baros; me Santos Baros; Teresa Perez; Teresa's brother. Standing are my mother Jesusita Baros; Mrs. Padillia, Mary Muñoz; John Muñoz. 4th of July 1939 Denver, CO""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.087.jpg,
+shan_p.089.jpg,44,John Muñoz,,"Muñoz, John",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of John Muñoz standing in front of a Denver landmark,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,
+shan_p.091.jpg,45,Mary Muñoz,,"Muñoz, Mary",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Mary Muñoz in 1940s hairdo sitting in front of a Denver landmark,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.093.jpg,46,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert together in front of car,1946-04-01,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.094.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.094.jpg,46,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill & Sandra April, 1946 Denver, Colo""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.093.jpg,
+shan_p.095.jpg,47,Santos Baros Schubert,William F. Schubert,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing against a building,1946-04-01,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.096.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.096.jpg,47,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra Denver 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.095.jpg,
+shan_p.097.jpg,48,William F. Schubert,Santos Baros Schubert,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert standing on the steps leading up to a building,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.099.jpg,49,Santos Baros Schubert,William F. Schubert,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert in a bathing suit,1946-06-20,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.100.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.100.jpg,49,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra - Taken in Lincoln, Neb. By Bill June 20, 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.099.jpg,
+shan_p.101.jpg,50,William F. Schubert,Santos Baros Schubert,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in a bathing suit,1946-06-20,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.102.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.102.jpg,50,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill June 1946 Lincoln - Santos Vacation (Who's wearing the pants????)""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",em,shan_p.101.jpg,
+shan_p.103.jpg,51,William F. Schubert,Santos Baros Schubert,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert with a towel and bathing suit,1946-06-20,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.104.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.104.jpg,51,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sincerely Bill Lincoln - June 1946 Taken by Santos ""what is this?"" me? Bashful?""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.103.jpg,
+shan_p.105.jpg,52,"John R. Schubert, Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger D. Schubert and John Jack Schubert",,,"Schubert, John R.","Pearcy, Helen","Schubert, Gwendoly","Schubert, John Jack","Schubert, Robert D.",,,Black and white Schubert family photograph,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.106.jpg,
+shan_p.106.jpg,52,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""From left John R& Gwendolyn Shubert, Helen and Baby Roger Dale Pearcy, John (Jack) J Schubert""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.105.jpg,
+shan_p.107.jpg,53,A car down the road,,,,,,,,,,Car driving down a road,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.109.jpg,54,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert drinking from a water fountain,1947,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.110.jpg,"City Park, Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.110.jpg,54,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra City Park Denver Summer 1947""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.109.jpg,
+shan_p.111.jpg,55,Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar,William F. Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar in bathing suits on vacation,1946 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.112.jpg,
+shan_p.112.jpg,55,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Terry Aguilar (L) Santos Schubert (R) 1946 or so Before Kids""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.111.jpg,
+shan_p.113.jpg,56,Santos Baros Schubert,William F. Schubert,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing on a dirt road,1948-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.114.jpg,
+shan_p.114.jpg,56,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sandra May 1948""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.113.jpg,
+shan_p.115.jpg,57,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,William F. Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert in front of the Cave of the Winds,1948-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.116.jpg,"Manitou Springs, Colorado"
+shan_p.116.jpg,57,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill & Sandra May 1948""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.115.jpg,
+shan_p.117.jpg,58,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,Teresa Aguilar,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert on a picnic,1948-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.118.jpg,"Manitou Springs, Colorado"
+shan_p.118.jpg,58,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill feeding Sandra May 1948""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.117.jpg,
+shan_p.119.jpg,59,Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar,William F. Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Teresa Aguilar on a rock,1948-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.120.jpg,
+shan_p.120.jpg,59,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Theresa, Santos May 1948""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.119.jpg,
+shan_p.121.jpg,60,"William F. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert",,,"Schubert, William F.","Schubert, William D.","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert with their first son William D. Schubert,1949-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.122.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.122.jpg,60,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Billy, Bill, Sandra Easter--1949 Lincoln""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.121.jpg,
+shan_p.123.jpg,61,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert sitting on a log,1951-06,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.124.jpg,"Sandia Mountains, Alburqueque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.124.jpg,61,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sandia mts. June 1951 Bill and Sandra""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.123.jpg,
+shan_p.125.jpg,62,William D. Schubert,,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert asleep in bed,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.127.jpg,63,William F. Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,"Schubert, William F.",,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert and William D. Schubert on a bike,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.129.jpg,64,Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert eating watermelon,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.131.jpg,65,William D. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert,,,"Schubert, William D.",,"Schubert, Robert S.",,,,,Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert holding his brother Robert S. Schubert,1951,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.133.jpg,66,"Robert S. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and William D. Schubert",,,"Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, William D.","Schubert, Pamela L.",,,,,"Black and white photograph of Robert S. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and William D. Schubert as children",1953-09,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.134.jpg,"La Grange, Illinois"
+shan_p.134.jpg,66,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bobby, Pamela, Billy September 1953 La Grange, Ill.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.133.jpg,
+shan_p.135.jpg,67,"William D. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert",,,"Schubert, William D.","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, Pamela L.",,,,,"Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert on Christmas Day",1953-12,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.136.jpg,"La Grange, Illinois"
+shan_p.136.jpg,67,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Billy, Pamela & Bobby Christmas Day, 1953 La Grange, Illinois""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.135.jpg,
+shan_p.137.jpg,68,William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert,,,"Schubert, William F.",,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,Color photograph of William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert on their wedding anniversary,1973-11-09,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.138.jpg,
+shan_p.138.jpg,68,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill and Sandra--27th Anniversary Nov. 9, 1973""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.137.jpg,
+shan_p.139.jpg,69,"William D. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and Steve Shanahan",,,"Schubert, William D.","Shanahan, Steve","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,"Color photograph of William D. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and Steve Shanahan",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.141.jpg,70,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Color photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert on their 50th wedding anniversary,1996,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.143.jpg,71,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform,1945-10,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.144.jpg,"Sacramento, California"
+shan_p.144.jpg,71,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Oct 1945 W. F. Schubert Sacrament, Calif.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.143.jpg,
+shan_p.145.jpg,72,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform in front of a car at the Steinbron Family Farm,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.146.jpg,"Palmyra, Nebraska"
+shan_p.146.jpg,72,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill - with 1936 Chevrolet w/rumble seat on our farm- (Old Steinbron Farm)""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.145.jpg,
+shan_p.147.jpg,73,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in military uniform in New York,1945-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"New York, New York"
+shan_p.149.jpg,74,Yosemite waterfalls,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of waterfalls in Yosemite National Park,1947-07-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.150.jpg,"Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, California"
+shan_p.150.jpg,74,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""July 4, 1947 Upper Yosemite waterfalls. It was pretty dry not much water coming over. Walter Saffron""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.149.jpg,
+shan_p.151.jpg,75,,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of woman in dress with a child in a fur coat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.153.jpg,76,A television,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of a television,1956-11-23,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.154.jpg,
+shan_p.154.jpg,76,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Taken on home Nov. 23, 1956. Jack's & our kids were on T.V. didn't show due to flash""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.153.jpg,
+shan_p.155.jpg,77,Pamela L. Schubert and Robert D. Schubert,,,"Schubert, Pamela L.",,"Schubert, Robert D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Pamela L. Schubert and Robert D. Schubert standing in front of a house on a snow day,1959-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.156.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.156.jpg,77,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""House on 40th & D 1016 S. 40th May 1959 (Pam&Bob)""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.155.jpg,
+shan_p.157.jpg,78,Robert S. Schubert and Elizabeth J. Shanahan,,,"Schubert, Robert S.",,"Shanahan, Elizabeth J.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Robert D. Schubert leaning against a brick wall on a snow day,1961-03-07,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.158.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.158.jpg,78,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Robert & Elizabeth March 7, 1961""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.157.jpg,
+shan_p.159.jpg,79,Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert kissing,1946 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.161.jpg,80,William D. Schubert,,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William D. Schubert in cowboy outfit,1951-03,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.162.jpg,"Roswell, New Mexico"
+shan_p.162.jpg,80,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Billy Schubert March 1951 Roswell, New Mex.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.161.jpg,
+shan_p.163.jpg,81,Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with baby William D. Schubert sitting on a stone wall,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.165.jpg,82,"William F. Schubert, William D. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert",,,"Schubert, William F.","Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in service uniform with Santos Baros Schubert and son William D. Schubert in the Garden of the Gods,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.166.jpg,"Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado"
+shan_p.166.jpg,82,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Garden of the Gods Bill Schubert, Santos & Billy""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.165.jpg,
+shan_p.167.jpg,83,House of Yesterday,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of the House of Yesterday,1948-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.168.jpg,"Hastings, Nebraska"
+shan_p.168.jpg,83,,,,,,,,,,,"Hanwritten on the back: ""May 1948 Hastings, NE""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.167.jpg,
+shan_p.169.jpg,84,"Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Rodney Schubert, Gwendoly Schubert and Robert S. Schubert",,,"Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Gwendoly","Schubert, Rodney",,"Schubert, Robert S.",,,"Black and white photograph of Elizabeth J Shanahan, Rodney Schubert, Gwendolyn Schubert and Robert S. Schubert playing board games",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Hastings, Nebraska"
+shan_p.171.jpg,85,"Jess Jesús Baros, Mark Baros and Jerry Baros",,,"Baros, Mark","Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros, Jerry",,,,,Color photograph of Jess Jesús Baros with sons Mark and Jerry Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.173.jpg,86,Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Jerry Baros,,,"Shanahan, Elizabeth J.",,"Baros, Jerry",,,,,Color photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan with her cousin Jerry Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.175.jpg,87,Helen Baros; Elizabeth J. Shanahan; Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros, Helen","Baros, Jess Jesús","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.",,,,,Color photograph of Elizabeth J. Shanahan with Helen and Jess Jesús Baros,2000 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.177.jpg,88,A house,,,,,,,,,,Color photograph of a white house with tree,1983-08-12,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.178.jpg,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.178.jpg,88,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""814 Pacific Ave. #3 - aug. 12, 1983""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.177.jpg,
+shan_p.179.jpg,89,Max Torres' house,,,,,,,,,,Color photograph of Max Torres' white house with red door,1977-11-24,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.180.jpg,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.180.jpg,89,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres place 814 1/2 Pacific Ave. Ft. Lupton, Colo. Nov. 24, 1977""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.179.jpg,
+shan_p.181.jpg,90,"Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis, Johnny, Teresa Aguilar and an unknown woman",,,"Dominguez, Joe",Johnny,"Alanis, Juan",,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,"Black and white photograph of Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis, Johnny, Teresa and another woman",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.182.jpg,
+shan_p.182.jpg,90,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Joe Dominguez (Sleepy), Juan Alanis ([unreadable]), Johnny (Happy). Sandra""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.181.jpg,
+shan_p.183.jpg,91,Jess Jesús Baros with farmers,,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of farm workers with Jess Jesús Baros in the center. Handwritten on the front: ""Basin, Wyo 6-19-37 My brother Jesse J. Baros"".",1937-06-19,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.184.jpg,"Basin, Wyoming"
+shan_p.184.jpg,91,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""These were taken at Basin Wyo. 6/19/37 at 3p.m.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.183.jpg,
+shan_p.185.jpg,92,Unknown women in China Poblana Costumes,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of women in China Poblana Costumes,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.186.jpg,"Guadalajara, Jalisco, México"
+shan_p.186.jpg,92,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Traditional clothing for Guadalajara Mex""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.185.jpg,
+shan_p.187.jpg,93,Teresa Aguilar and an unknown man,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar with a US service man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.189.jpg,94,Jess Jesús Baros and an unknown man,,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Jess Jesús Baros and another man in denim shirts,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.191.jpg,95,Santos Baros Schubert and Betty Baca,,,"Baca, Betty",,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Betty Baca sitting on a Denver Zephyr carriage,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.193.jpg,96,"Santos Baros Schubert, Freddie Baca and unknown people",,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baca, Freddie",,,,,Black and white photograph of 6 people next to a Denver Zephyr passenger car,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.195.jpg,97,Demetrio Flemate,,"Flemate, Demetrio",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Demetrio Flemate in a white collar shirt and tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.197.jpg,98,Santos Baros Schubert's half brother in Mexico,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert's half brother Nemecio or Demetrio Samaniego standing next to a vase with flowers,1939-10-28,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.198.jpg,México
+shan_p.198.jpg,98,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Oct. 28 1939 1/2 brother of Jess + Santos""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.197.jpg,
+shan_p.199.jpg,99,Guadalupe Flemate and an unknown woman,,"Flemate, Guadalupe",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Guadalupe Flemante and an unknown woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.200.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.200.jpg,99,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""mi hermana Guadalupe Flemate Juchipila E. Zac, Mex. - Owner of hotel in Juchipila""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.199.jpg,
+shan_p.201.jpg,100,Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva,,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,"Villanueva, Faustin",,,,,Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva wearing hats,1937-05-14,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.202.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.202.jpg,100,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""A mi corazon May 14 1937. E. F. Villanueva""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.201.jpg,
+shan_p.203.jpg,101,"Jesusita Baros Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Faustin Villanueva",,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Villanueva, Faustin","Flemate, Demetrio",,,,,"Black and white photograph of Demetrio Flemate, Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva",1930s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.204.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.204.jpg,101,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten in the back: ""Left, my mother, Jesusita Torres, Demitrio Flemate, Faustin Villanueva Taken in Albuquerque, New Mexico 1930's""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.203.jpg,
+shan_p.205.jpg,102,"Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert",,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,"Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres in a dark blouse and skirt, Jess Jesús Baros in a collar shirt, and Santos Baros Schubert in a striped dress.",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.206.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.206.jpg,102,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Santos B. Schubert, Jess J. Baros, Jesusita F. Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.205.jpg,
+shan_p.207.jpg,103,Maximino Torres,,"Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres with chickens,1943,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.208.jpg,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.208.jpg,103,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres 1943 Ft. Lupton, Colo. 814 Pacific Ave.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.207.jpg,
+shan_p.209.jpg,104,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a Santos Baros Schubert in a dress as a child,1930s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,shan_p.210.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.210.jpg,104,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros Albuquerque, New Mex.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,shan_p.209.jpg,
+shan_p.211.jpg,105,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of a Jesusita Baros Torres in man's outfit,1920s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.212.jpg,
+shan_p.212.jpg,105,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""My mother Jesusita Baros in the 1920s""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.211.jpg,
+shan_p.213.jpg,106,Maximino Torres,,"Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,"Black and white ID photograph of Max Torres in a white shirt with a floral tie. Handwritten in the front: ""His mark, witness by J.J. Baros""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.214.jpg,
+shan_p.214.jpg,106,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten in the back: ""Max Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.213.jpg,
+shan_p.215.jpg,107,Consuelo Flemate,,"Flemate, Consuelo",,,,,,,,Black and white colored photograph of baby girl Consuelo Flemate in a white dress.,1954-05-31,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.216.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.216.jpg,107,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""La niña Consuelo Flemate May 31, 1954. Dimetrio Flemate daughter Consuelo""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.215.jpg,
+shan_p.217.jpg,108,"Candelaria Flemate, Mercedes Flemate, Guadalupe Flemate and José Jesús Flemate",,,"Flemate, Candelaria","Flemate, Guadalupe","Flemate, Mercedes",,"Flemate, José Jesús",,,Black and white photograph of the Flemate children,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,
+shan_p.219.jpg,109,"Patricia Medrano, Guadalupe Flemate, Candelaria Flemate and Mercedes Flemate",,,"Medrano, Patricia","Flemate, Candelaria","Flemate, Guadalupe",,"Flemate, Mercedes",,,Black and white photograph of Patricia Medrano with three of her children,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.220.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.220.jpg,109,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Aqui le regalo esta foto a una cuñada que le aprecia mucho. para usetd con cariño muy amable y muy cariñoso. Jesusita Barros Torres Patricia Medrano""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.219.jpg,
+shan_p.221.jpg,110,Danielito Flemate and Demetrio Flemate,,,"Flemate, Danielito",,"Flemate, Demetrio",,,,,Black and white photograph of Danielito and Demetrio Flemate as babies,1965-07-23,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.222.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.222.jpg,110,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: Juchipila, Zac. a 23 de julio de 1965. Los niños cumplieron 6 meses el 11 de julio de 1965. Para su tía Jesusita qué la quieren y la estiman con mucho respeto y cariño, Danielito y Demetrito. Sin más, Patricia Medrano",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.221.jpg,
+shan_p.223.jpg,111,José de Jesus Flemate,,"Flemate, José de Jesus",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of baby José de Jesús Flemate standing on a stool,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.224.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.224.jpg,111,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Jose de Jesus Flemate asi como lo ve aquí cumplio un año aqui le mando este retrato para mi prima Santos B. de mi hermanito.""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.223.jpg,
+shan_p.225.jpg,112,Dora Perez,,"Perez, Dora",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a Dora Perez wearing a white dress,1942-09-29,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.226.jpg,
+shan_p.226.jpg,112,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Sept 29, 42 To one of my best friends Santos from Dora Perez""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.225.jpg,
+shan_p.227.jpg,113,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.228.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.228.jpg,113,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""my mother Jesusita F Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.227.jpg,
+shan_p.229.jpg,114,Santos Baros Schubert; Jess Jesús Baros; Jesusita Baros Torres,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white Jesusita Baros Torres with Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.230.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.230.jpg,114,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""from left to right - Santos Baros my brother - Jess Baros standing my mother Jesusita F. Torres""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.229.jpg,
+shan_p.231.jpg,115,Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baros, José Jesús",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.233.jpg,116,"Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Jesusita Baros Torres, Pamela L. Schubert",,,"Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Pamela L.","Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with granddaughters Elizabeth J. Shanahan and Pamela L. Schubert,1965 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Fort Lupton, Colorado"
+shan_p.235.jpg,117,Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva,,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,"Villanueva, Faustin",,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.236.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.236.jpg,117,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Left - Jesusita F. Torres Right - Faustin Vill Taken in Albuquerque New Mexico""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.235.jpg,
+shan_p.237.jpg,118,Unknown migrant worker and children,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of a migrant worker and children,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.238.jpg,
+shan_p.238.jpg,118,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Basin Wyo migrant workers""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.237.jpg,"Basin, Wyoming"
+shan_p.239.jpg,119,Group of unknown migrant workers,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of group of people standing in front of migrant housing,1937-06-19,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.240.jpg,"Basin, Wyoming"
+shan_p.240.jpg,119,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""This were taken at Basin, Wyo. 6/19/1937 at 6.a.m""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.239.jpg,
+shan_p.241.jpg,120,Maximino Torres and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Torres, Maximino",,"Baros, José Jesús",,,,,Black and white portrait of Maximino Torres and a young Jess Jesús Baros wearing hats,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.242.jpg,
+shan_p.242.jpg,120,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Max Torres - older man and step-son Jerry Baros""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.241.jpg,
+shan_p.243.jpg,121,Felipita Baca and baby,,"Baca, Felipita",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Felipita Baca in a dress holding a baby,1938-06-06,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.244.jpg,
+shan_p.244.jpg,121,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Betty Baca's mother (Phillipeta)""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.243.jpg,
+shan_p.245.jpg,122,Joe Muñoz; John Muñoz; Mary Perez; Santos Baros,,,"Muñoz, Joe","Perez, Mary","Muñoz, John",,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,"Black and white wedding photograph of John and Mary Muñoz with Joe Muñoz and Santos Baros Schubert. Handwritten on the front: ""Joe John Muñoz Mary Santos Baros""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.246.jpg,
+shan_p.246.jpg,122,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Mary Perez wedding and John Muñoz Joe Santos Baros""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.245.jpg,
+shan_p.247.jpg,123,Templo de la H. Matamoros,,,,,,,,,,Black and white postcard of El Templo de la H. Matamoros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,,"Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México"
+shan_p.249.jpg,124,La Purisima Mission,,,"Manvile, John",,"Ramos, Narciso",,,,,Black and white postcard of La Purisima Mission,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.250.jpg,"Lompoc, California"
+shan_p.250.jpg,124,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Un Recuerdo de Lompoc Calif. de Mr. Johns Manvile Narciso Ramos""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.249.jpg,
+shan_p.251.jpg,125,"Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros and Lilian",,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",Lilian,"Baros, Helen",,,,,Black and white of Helen Baros on her wedding day with bridesmaids Santos Baros Schubert and Lilian,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.252.jpg,Colorado
+shan_p.252.jpg,125,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: L to R: ""Santos Baros Helen Baros (Bride) ? in Colorado""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.251.jpg,
+shan_p.253.jpg,126,Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros, Helen",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white wedding photograph of Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.254.jpg,Colorado
+shan_p.254.jpg,126,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Jess J. Baros & Helen in Colorado""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.253.jpg,
+shan_p.255.jpg,127,"Lilian, Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros, Jess Jesús Baros and two unknown groomsmen",,,Lilian,"Baros, Helen","Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,"Black and white wedding group photograph. Handwritten on the front: ""Best Wishes, Santos Baros""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.256.jpg,Colorado
+shan_p.256.jpg,127,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""L to R: 1.? 2. Santos Baros 3. Helen Baros 4. Jess J. Baros 5. ? 6. ?""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.255.jpg,
+shan_p.257.jpg,128,Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros,,,"Baros, Helen",,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white wedding photograph of Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.258.jpg,Colorado
+shan_p.258.jpg,128,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Helen + Jess Baros Colorado""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.257.jpg,
+shan_p.259.jpg,129,Helen Baros and Jerry Baros,,,"Baros, Helen",,"Baros, Jerry",,,,,Black and white photograph of Helen Baros with her son Jerry Baros,1940s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.260.jpg,130,Unknown woman and girl,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of an unknown woman with a girl,1942-10-02,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.262.jpg,131,Leandro Jesús Perez,,"Perez, Leandro Jesús",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Leandro Jesús Perez at 17 months with chickens,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.263.jpg,
+shan_p.263.jpg,131,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Leandro Jesus Perez When 17 mo.old""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.262.jpg,
+shan_p.264.jpg,132,Joe Muñoz,,"Muñoz, Joe",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Joe Muñoz in military uniform,1939-1945,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.265.jpg,
+shan_p.265.jpg,132,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""To a very nice girl from your friend Joe""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.264.jpg,
+shan_p.266.jpg,133,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a man in military uniform,1943-11-14,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.267.jpg,
+shan_p.267.jpg,133,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Nov. 14, '43""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.266.jpg,
+shan_p.268.jpg,134,Benny Lujan,,"Lujan, Benny",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Benny Lujan in military uniform,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.269.jpg,"Camp Carson, Colorado"
+shan_p.269.jpg,134,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Benny Lujan Camp Carson""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.268.jpg,
+shan_p.270.jpg,135,Frank R. Juillen,,"Juillen, Frank R.",,,,,,,,Torn black and white photograph of Frank R. Juillen in military uniform,1943-11-15,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.271.jpg,"Camp Carson, Colorado"
+shan_p.271.jpg,135,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Frank R. Juillen Camp Carson, Colo. Nov. 14, 15, 1943""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.270.jpg,
+shan_p.272.jpg,136,Pvt. Garza,,Garza,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Pvt. Garza in military uniform,1939-1945,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.273.jpg,
+shan_p.273.jpg,136,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Pt. Garza""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.272.jpg,
+shan_p.274.jpg,137,Ramirez,,Ramirez,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Ramirez in military uniform,1945-07,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.275.jpg,
+shan_p.275.jpg,137,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Pt. Ramirez S. U.S.N. July, 1945""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.274.jpg,
+shan_p.276.jpg,138,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with an unknown man in military uniform,1939-1945,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.277.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.277.jpg,138,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Santos Baros and ??""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.276.jpg,
+shan_p.278.jpg,139,Unknown woman and man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of unknown woman and man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.280.jpg,140,Al,,Al,,,,,,,,"Black and white portrait of Al in navy uniform. Handwritten on the front: ""To Santos 'Al'""",1939-1945,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.281.jpg,
+shan_p.281.jpg,140,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""To my little girl Santos from 'Al'. Santos Baros 2317 Stout St. Denver, Colorado""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.280.jpg,
+shan_p.282.jpg,141,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Sepia-tone portrait of unknown man in military uniform,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.284.jpg,142,Manuel Muñoz,,"Muñoz, Manuel",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Manuel Muñoz in uniform,1945-03-21,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.285.jpg,
+shan_p.285.jpg,142,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""taking March 21, 1945 from Manuel Munoz miss Santos Baros with all my wishes""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.284.jpg,
+shan_p.286.jpg,143,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of an unknown man in uniform,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.288.jpg,144,Joe O. Gonzales,,"Gonzales, Joe O.",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a Joe O. González,1945-02-14,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.289.jpg,Italy
+shan_p.289.jpg,144,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""2-14-45 Italy With all my love to a very nice girl Santos Baros. Joe O. Gonzales""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.288.jpg,
+shan_p.290.jpg,145,Manuel Perez,,"Perez, Manuel",,,,,,,,Black and white oval portrait of Manuel Perez,1939-11-21,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"México City, México"
+shan_p.292.jpg,146,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.294.jpg,147,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar in a dark dress,,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.296.jpg,148,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of unknown woman in skirt and polka-dotted shirt next to a car,,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.298.jpg,149,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Teresa Aguilar [?],,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.300.jpg,150,"Montoya, Odelia",,Odelia Montoya,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Odelia Montoya in a lake,,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.302.jpg,151,Lenore Baca,,"Baca, Lenore",,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of Lenore Baca standing next to a car. Handwritten on the front: ""Affectionally - Lenore""",1944-07-11,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.303.jpg,
+shan_p.303.jpg,151,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""7-11-44""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.302.jpg,
+shan_p.304.jpg,152,"Freddie Baca, Cookie and Lucy",,,"Baca, Freddie",Lucy,Cookie,,,,,"Black and white photo of Freddie Baca, ""Cookie"" and Lucy Spero at the C.B&Q Railroad Yard",1946-04,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.305.jpg,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.305.jpg,152,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy, ""Cookie"" & Freddie C.B.&Q. Yard Denver April, 1946""",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.304.jpg,
+shan_p.306.jpg,153,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photo of unknown woman,,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.308.jpg,154,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert standing before the Denver Zephyr train engine,1946,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.310.jpg,155,Santos Baros Schubert and unknown woman,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and an unknown woman next to a car,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.312.jpg,156,,,[unknown],,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of two unknown men,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.314.jpg,157,Jess Jesús Baros,,"Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Jess Jesús Baros with a guitar standing in front of a cabin,1941,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado"
+shan_p.316.jpg,158,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of unknown woman with a baby,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.318.jpg,159,Unknown women,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of two unknown women,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.320.jpg,160,,,[unknown],,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of unknown man and woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.322.jpg,161,Sent by Guadalupe Flemate,,,,,,,,,,Black and white postcard of the Courthouse in Juchipila,1957-02-21,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.323.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.323.jpg,161,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Esta es la casa de Corte de Juchipila Estado de Zacatecas Mex. Este es el Palacio municipal o sea the courtjaus. Recuerdo de Guadalupe Flemate Medrano. Febrero 21 de 1957""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.322.jpg,
+shan_p.324.jpg,162,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert in front of a house,1946-02,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.325.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.325.jpg,162,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""W.F.Schubert Lincoln, Nebraska Febr. 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.324.jpg,
+shan_p.326.jpg,163,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert on Easter Sunday in 1946,1946,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.327.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.327.jpg,163,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill Schubert Easter Sunday - 1946 Home""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.326.jpg,
+shan_p.328.jpg,164,William F. Schubert,,"Schubert, William F.",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of William F. Schubert on a train carriage as a camp clerk,1942,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.329.jpg,Illinois
+shan_p.329.jpg,164,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Bill 1942 Illinois Camp Clerk""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.328.jpg,
+shan_p.330.jpg,165,,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of the Schubert's house in Lincoln, surrounded by snow",1946-02,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.331.jpg,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.331.jpg,165,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Home Lincoln, Neb Febr 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.330.jpg,
+shan_p.332.jpg,166,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a floral clip in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.333.jpg,167,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman in a collared plaid shirt,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.334.jpg,168,Odelia Montoya,,"Montoya, Odelia",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Odelia Montoya wearing a hat,1943-06-01,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.335.jpg,169,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.336.jpg,170,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar,1943-11-11,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.337.jpg,171,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.338.jpg,172,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.339.jpg,173,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.340.jpg,174,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman wearing a watch,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.341.jpg,175,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman with a heart shaped necklace,1940-08-10,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.342.jpg,176,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar,1943 (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.343.jpg,177,Vi,,Vi,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Vi,1944-01-01,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.344.jpg,178,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a white clip in her hair.,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.345.jpg,179,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar with a bow in her hair.,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.346.jpg,180,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Teresa Aguilar,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.347.jpg,181,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown woman,1942-09-13,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.348.jpg,182,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1939-40""",1939-1940,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,
+shan_p.349.jpg,183,Unknown boy,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a boy,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.350.jpg,184,Unknown girl and boy,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a girl and a boy,1934,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.351.jpg,185,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a girl with a clip in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.352.jpg,186,Teresa Aguilar,,"Aguilar, Teresa",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a Teresa Aguilar with a clip in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.353.jpg,187,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a girl,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.354.jpg,188,Frances Vaga,,"Vaga, Frances",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of a Frances Vaga,1938,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.355.jpg,189,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1941-42""",1941-1942,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,"Brighton, Colorado"
+shan_p.356.jpg,190,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white school portrait of unknown girl. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1942-43""",1942-1943,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,"Brighton, Colorado"
+shan_p.357.jpg,191,Helen Romero,,"Romero, Helen",,,,,,,,"Black and white school portrait of Helen Romero. Typed on the front: ""School Days 1939-40""",1939-1940,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,,"Brighton, Colorado"
+shan_p.358.jpg,192,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.359.jpg,193,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.360.jpg,194,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.361.jpg,195,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.362.jpg,196,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man in a coat and tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.363.jpg,197,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing suspenders and a tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.364.jpg,198,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a coat and a tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.365.jpg,199,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.366.jpg,200,Eddie Duran,,"Duran, Eddie",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Eddie Duran,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.367.jpg,201,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.368.jpg,202,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.369.jpg,203,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.370.jpg,204,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.371.jpg,205,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a hat,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.372.jpg,206,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing a red hat and holding a black bottle,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.373.jpg,207,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown men,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.374.jpg,208,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown men,1938,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.375.jpg,209,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of unknown man wearing glasses and a tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.376.jpg,210,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.377.jpg,211,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a white bow in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.378.jpg,212,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.379.jpg,213,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.380.jpg,214,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.381.jpg,215,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.382.jpg,216,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.383.jpg,217,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.384.jpg,218,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.385.jpg,219,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.386.jpg,220,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.387.jpg,221,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.388.jpg,222,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.389.jpg,223,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a flower clip in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.390.jpg,224,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.391.jpg,225,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert with a rose in her hair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.392.jpg,226,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.393.jpg,227,Santos Baros Schubert and Lenore Baca,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Baca, Lenore",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Lenore Baca holding masks,1920s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.394.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.394.jpg,227,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Santos & L. 19 Left Santos Baros Right - Lenore Baca Albuquerque, New Mexico""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.393.jpg,
+shan_p.395.jpg,228,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert holding a rifle and a dead rabbit,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.397.jpg,229,Santos Baros Schubert and unknown toddler,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with toddler,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.399.jpg,230,Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,1950s (circa),Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"White Sands, Colorado"
+shan_p.400.jpg,231,Robert S. Schubert,,"Schubert, Robert S.",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of young Robert S. Schubert in a suit and tie,1970-05-28,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.401.jpg,232,Pamela L. Schubert,,"Schubert, Pamela L.",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Pamela L. Schubert in glasses with white headband,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.402.jpg,233,"Robert S. Schubert, William D. Schubert and Pamela L. Schubert",,,"Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, Pamela L.","Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Robert S. Schubert and William D. Schubert with baby Pamela L. Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.403.jpg,234,"Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert",,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros Schubert, Santos","Baros, Jess Jesús",,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with son Jess Jesús Baros and daughter Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,Colorado
+shan_p.404.jpg,235,Elizabeth J. Shanahan,,"Shanahan, Elizabeth J.",,,,,,,,Color portrait of Elizabeth J. Shanahan,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.405.jpg,236,"Santos Baros Schubert, Robert S. Schubert, Elizabeth J. Shanahan, Pamela L. Schubert and William F. Schubert",,,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Shanahan, Elizabeth J.","Schubert, Robert S.","Schubert, William F.","Schubert, Pamela L.",,,Black and white photograph of the Schubert family,1960-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.406.jpg,237,Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert sitting with baby William D. Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.407.jpg,238,Sarah and unknown woman,,Sarah,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Sarah and unknown woman standing,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Glendale, California"
+shan_p.408.jpg,239,"Santos Baros Schubert, William D. Schubert and Roger Dale Pearcy",,,"Baros Schubert, Santos","Pearcy, Roger Dale","Schubert, William D.",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert with William D. Schubert and Roger Dale Pearcy sitting on the steps of porch,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Lincoln, Nebraska"
+shan_p.409.jpg,240,"Maximino Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Jesusita Baros Torres",,,"Torres, Maximino","Flemate, Demetrio","Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,"Black and white photograph of Maximino Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Jesusita Baros Torres",,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.410.jpg,241,Maximino Torres,,"Torres, Maximino",,,,,,,,Torn sepia-tone photograph of Max Torres sitting on a chair,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.411.jpg,242,,,,,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of two unknown girls standing in front of pine tree with the typed caption ""DEC 1961""",1961-12,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.412.jpg,243,Felipita Baca and Freddie Baca,,,"Baca, Felipita",,"Baca, Freddie",,,,,Black and white portrait of Felipita Baca and son Freddie Baca,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.413.jpg,244,Freddie Baca,,"Baca, Freddie",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Freddie Baca,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.414.jpg,245,Santos Baros Schubert and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Tabor, Carlotta Elizabeth",,,,,Color photograph of a Santos Baros Schubert sitting in a couch with granddaughter Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor holding dolls,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.415.jpg,246,"Joel Tabor, Vera Parkhurst and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor",,,"Tabor, Joel","Tabor, Carlotta Elizabeth","Parkhurst, Vera",,,,,Color photograph of Vera Parkhurst and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor with Joel Tabor sitting by flowers,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.416.jpg,247,Pamela L. Schubert,,"Schubert, Pamela L.",,,,,,,,Color photograph of Pamela L. Schubert in a white dress smiling,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.417.jpg,248,"William F. Schubert, Carol Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert",,,"Schubert, William F.","Baros Schubert, Santos","Schubert, Carol",,,,,Color photograph of William F Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert with Carol Schubert on graduation day,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.418.jpg,249,Jerry Baros,,"Baros, Jerry",,,,,,,,Color photograph of Jerry Baros in plaid suit and tie,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.419.jpg,250,"Nemecio Samaniego, Tomasa Samaniego and unknown woman",,,"Samaniego, Nemecio",,"Samaniego, Tomasa",,,,,Black and white photograph of Tomasa Samaniego and Nemecio Samaniego with unknown woman,1946-11,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.420.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.420.jpg,250,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Noviembre-1946 bino N. Samaniego""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.419.jpg,
+shan_p.421.jpg,251,Six unknown migrant workers,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of six unknown migrant workers,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.423.jpg,252,"Jesusita Baros Torres, Santos Baros and Jesús Baros",,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,Black and white photograph of Jesusita Baros Torres with daughter Santos Baros Schubert and son Jess Jesús Baros,1928-06-03,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.424.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.424.jpg,252,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Albuquerque N. Mex. June 3-1928""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.423.jpg,
+shan_p.425.jpg,253,"Jess Jesús Baros, Helen Baros, Jesusita Baros Torres, Jerry Baros and Maximino Torres",,,"Baros, Jess Jesús","Baros Torres, Jesusita","Baros, Helen","Torres, Maximino","Baros, Jerry",,,"Torn polaroid of Jess Jesús Baros, Helen Baros, Jesusita Baros Torres, Jerry Baros and Maximino Torres on his birthday",1958-04-25,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.426.jpg,
+shan_p.426.jpg,253,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""April 25, 1958 dad's birthday""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.425.jpg,
+shan_p.427.jpg,254,Jesusita Baros Torres,,"Baros Torres, Jesusita",,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of Jesusita Baros Torres with glasses and checkered dress,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,"Denver, Colorado"
+shan_p.428.jpg,255,Unknown woman,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of unknown woman with a black shirt,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.429.jpg,
+shan_p.429.jpg,255,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""a Santos mi prima, aquí le mando este retrato para que conosca mi mamá va cumplir 29 años el 17 de marzo""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.428.jpg,
+shan_p.430.jpg,256,Interior of the church in Juchipila,,,,,,,,,,Black and white postcards of the inside of the church in Juchipila,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.431.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.431.jpg,256,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Comadre hay le mando esta tarjeta para que recuerde el templo de Juchipila. Patricia Medrano""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",esp,shan_p.430.jpg,
+shan_p.432.jpg,257,Unknown girl,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of an unknown young girl holding a baby,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.434.jpg,258,Santos Baros Schubert,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of a man with a group of children and Santos Baros Schubert,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.438.jpg,259,Faustin Villanueva,,"Villanueva, Faustin",,,,,,,,Sepia-tone portrait of Faustin Villanueva wearing a hat,1937-09-13,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.439.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.439.jpg,259,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Mr. Villanueba Alb. NMex Sep 13, 1937 at 3.10pm""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.438.jpg,
+shan_p.440.jpg,260,Faustin Villanueva,,"Villanueva, Faustin",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Faustin Villanueva on a horse,1938-07-04,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.441.jpg,"Albuquerque, New Mexico"
+shan_p.441.jpg,260,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Mr. Villanueba July 4 - 1938""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.440.jpg,
+shan_p.442.jpg,261,Rocky Mountain National Park,,,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of wood cabins,1941-03-01,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.443.jpg,"Hollowell Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado"
+shan_p.443.jpg,261,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""camps n-P-11-c and n-P-4-c in Rocky Mountain National Park taken March 1, 1941""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.442.jpg,
+shan_p.444.jpg,262,Tony Logothetis,,"Logothetis, Tony",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Tony Logothetis in military uniform holding a rifle in front of a cabin,1943-02-26,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.445.jpg,"Camp Carson, Colorado"
+shan_p.445.jpg,262,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Taken in Camp Carson on Feb 26, 1943 Prit Tony Logothetis""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.444.jpg,
+shan_p.446.jpg,263,Al,,Al,,,,,,,,"Black and white portrait of Al, handwritten on front: ""Love Al""",1943-10-27,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.447.jpg,
+shan_p.447.jpg,263,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""What a mug. Sep 21 Oct 27 1943""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.446.jpg,
+shan_p.448.jpg,264,Unknown man,,,,,,,,,,Black and white portrait of an unknown man in military uniform,,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",N/A,,
+shan_p.449.jpg,265,Placido Villanueva,,"Villanueva, Placido",,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Placido Villanueva in military uniform standing before a cabin,1949-06-18,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.450.jpg,"Camp Butner, North Carolina"
+shan_p.450.jpg,265,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Pte. Placido Villanueva June 18, 1949 in Camp Butner, North Carolina to Santos Baros from Pal, Placido""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.449.jpg,
+shan_p.451.jpg,266,Santos Baros Schubert and Julia Gomez,,,"Baros Schubert, Santos",,"Gomez, Julia",,,,,Black and white photograph of Santos Baros Schubert and Julia Gomez standing before a house,1945-05,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.452.jpg,
+shan_p.452.jpg,266,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""In Erie, Colo. Sandra Baros & Julia Gomez May 1945""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.451.jpg,"Erie, Colorado"
+shan_p.453.jpg,267,Lucy,,Lucy,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Lucy and a dog,1946-02,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.454.jpg,
+shan_p.454.jpg,267,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy Feb. 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.453.jpg,
+shan_p.455.jpg,268,Lucy,,Lucy,,,,,,,,Black and white photograph of Lucy on a bench,1946-02,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.456.jpg,
+shan_p.456.jpg,268,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Lucy Feb. 1946""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.455.jpg,
+shan_p.457.jpg,269,"Guadalupe ""Lupe"" Flemate",,"Flemate, Guadalupe ""Lupe""",,,,,,,,"Black and white photograph of Guadalupe ""Lupe"" Flemate in a sailor dress",1956-12-27,Photograph (recto),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.458.jpg,"Juchipila, Zacatecas, México"
+shan_p.458.jpg,269,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""Lupe Flemate Decem 27, 1956 7 yrs old Born: Feb 12, 1949. Guadalupe 'Lupe' Flemate. Demetrio's 1st child with Patricia Medrano named after her Aunt: Demetrio's sister""",,Photograph (verso),"Elizabeth Jane and Steve Shanahan of Davey, NE",eng,shan_p.457.jpg,
+shan_p.459.jpg,270,José Ascensión Samaniego,,"Samaniego, José Ascensión",,,,,,,,Black and white wedding photograph of José Ascensión Samaniego Cisneros,1961-02-04,Photograph (recto),,esp,shan_p.460.jpg,México
+shan_p.460.jpg,270,,,,,,,,,,,"Handwritten on the back: ""A 4 de Febrero de 1961, este es un recuerdo para mi Aguelita Jesusita F. B. Torres. Aqui estamos los Cuatro retratados yo, mi esposa, y mis padrinos que nos Apadrinaron. yo tengo 21 años y ella 18 años. Mi padrino se yama Nicolas Quirarte, tiene 17 años y mi madrina se yama Mª Fermina Quirarte 12 años. Son hermanos los dos. es un Recuerdo para todos ustedes de J. Ascensión Samaniego Cisneros.""",,Photograph (verso),,esp,shan_p.459.jpg,
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- Music exhibit
- Music
- The Family Letters project is an effort to preserve, digitize, analyze and share with the public a collection of the letters and other personal documents of a Mexican American family that migrated from Zacatecas, Mexico, to Western Colorado and Eastern Nebraska, during the first half of the Twentieth Century.
- The objects in this collection allow us to learn about everyday life for Latinos at the start of last century, and help us to better understand the impact of their experience of migration on their day to day. The writing features and the events narrated in these letters provide us with important clues about the Spanish that was used by Mexican American families during this period, and about their linguistic experience.
- Despite the fact that Mexican immigrants started to arrive in the Midwest since the end of the Nineteenth Century, their experience and their writing have remained mostly forgotten. This site describes the life trajectory of a family whose members exchanged letters written in Spanish and in English between Mexico and the United States, over the course of several decades. These documents allow us to observe the way in which larger historical events are intertwined with the lives of ordinary people.
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- Música exposición
- Música
- El proyecto Cartas de Familia preserva, digitaliza, analiza y presenta al público una colección de la correspondencia y otros documentos personales de una familia mexicoamericana que emigró de Zacatecas, México, al oeste de Colorado y al este de Nebraska, Estados Unidos, en la primera mitad del siglo XX.
- Los objetos de esta colección nos permiten saber más sobre cómo era la vida cotidiana de los latinos en el Medio Oeste a principios del siglo pasado, y nos ayudan a entender mejor cuál fue el impacto de la experiencia migratoria en su día a día. Los rasgos de escritura y los eventos narrados en estas cartas nos ofrecen indicios de cómo era el español usado por las familias mexicoamericanas en esa época y cuál fue su experiencia lingüística.
- Aunque los inmigrantes mexicanos empezaron a llegar al Medio Oeste a finales del siglo XIX, su experiencia y su escritura han permanecido mayormente olvidadas. Este sitio describe también la trayectoria de una familia cuyos miembros intercambiaron cartas en español y en inglés entre México y Estados Unidos durante varias décadas. Estos documentos nos permiten observar la manera en la que los eventos históricos más amplios se entrelazan con la vida de las personas comunes y corrientes.
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- Sample syllabus
- Sample syllabus
- Jane Smith
- The Family Letters project is an effort to preserve, digitize, analyze and share with the public a collection of the letters and other personal documents of a Mexican American family that migrated from Zacatecas, Mexico, to Western Colorado and Eastern Nebraska, during the first half of the Twentieth Century.
Jesusita Baros Torres, 24 de febrero, 1960
- Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to Jesusita Baros Torres, February 24, 1960 The objects in this collection allow us to learn about everyday life for Latinos at the start of last century, and help us to better understand the impact of their experience of migration on their day to day. The writing features and the events narrated in these letters provide us with important clues about the Spanish that was used by Mexican American families during this period, and about their linguistic experience.
- Despite the fact that Mexican immigrants started to arrive in the Midwest since the end of the Nineteenth Century, their experience and their writing have remained mostly forgotten. This site describes the life trajectory of a family whose members exchanged letters written in Spanish and in English between Mexico and the United States, over the course of several decades. These documents allow us to observe the way in which larger historical events are intertwined with the lives of ordinary people.
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- Programa de muestra
- Programa de muestra
- Jane Smith
- El proyecto Cartas de Familia preserva, digitaliza, analiza y presenta al público una colección de la correspondencia y otros documentos personales de una familia mexicoamericana que emigró de Zacatecas, México, al oeste de Colorado y al este de Nebraska, Estados Unidos, en la primera mitad del siglo XX.
Jesusita Baros Torres, 24 de febrero, 1960
- Carta de Santos Baros Schubert a Jesusita Baros Torres, 24 de febrero, 1960 Los objetos de esta colección nos permiten saber más sobre cómo era la vida cotidiana de los latinos en el Medio Oeste a principios del siglo pasado, y nos ayudan a entender mejor cuál fue el impacto de la experiencia migratoria en su día a día. Los rasgos de escritura y los eventos narrados en estas cartas nos ofrecen indicios de cómo era el español usado por las familias mexicoamericanas en esa época y cuál fue su experiencia lingüística.
- Aunque los inmigrantes mexicanos empezaron a llegar al Medio Oeste a finales del siglo XIX, su experiencia y su escritura han permanecido mayormente olvidadas. Este sitio describe también la trayectoria de una familia cuyos miembros intercambiaron cartas en español y en inglés entre México y Estados Unidos durante varias décadas. Estos documentos nos permiten observar la manera en la que los eventos históricos más amplios se entrelazan con la vida de las personas comunes y corrientes.
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- Jesusita Baros Torres' handwritten notes for citizenship exam
- Notas manuscritas para el examen de ciudadanía de Jesusita Baros Torres
+ Jesusita Baros Torres' handwritten notes for citizenship exam
+ Notas manuscritas para el examen de ciudadanía de Jesusita Baros Torres
Baros Torres, Jesusita
Velázquez, Isabel
- Transcription, translation, and encoding
+ Transcription, translation, and encoding
Isasi, Jennifer
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@
1111 Oldfather Hall
660 N 12th St
- University of Nebraska–Lincoln
+ University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0315
@@ -39,18 +38,18 @@
Baros Torres, Jesusita
Jesusita Baros Torres' handwritten notes for citizenship exam
- October, 1953
+ October 1953
32 pages
@@ -64,24 +63,24 @@
32 pages
Media: black ink
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@@ -299,13 +298,13 @@
Octubre 1953
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morni |
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labor |
nun |
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6 |
@@ -460,8 +459,7 @@
Bahia de Chesapeake y aguas arriba del Rio James en busca de un sitio
adecuado en donde poder estableser una Colonia. El 13 de Mayo encontraron el
sitio deseado, al cual dieron el nombre de Jamestown en honor del Rey James
- de Inglatierra. Alli desembarcaron y comenzaron imediatamen te á constituir su propio govierno.
+ de Inglatierra. Alli desembarcaron y comenzaron imediatamen te á constituir su propio govierno.
Esta parte del pais estaba habitada únicamente por indios y animales
salbajes, y en ella no habia ni ciudades ni aldeas ni casas. Todo eran
espesos bosques, pantanos y el ancho rio que coria
@@ -564,8 +562,7 @@
sancionada el 4 de Julio de 1776 por el Congreso Continental que se reunió
en la ciudad de Filadelfía Estado de Pensilvania. La Declaración comienza
expresando las razones por las cuales los Estados Unidos, compuestos en ese
- entonces; de solo trece estados, se vieron obligados á separarse de la Gran Bretaña, su Madre Patria
+ entonces; de solo trece estados, se vieron obligados á separarse de la Gran Bretaña, su Madre Patria
Nosotros sostenemos como verdades plamarias que todos los hombres han sido
creados iguales por la naturaleza, que todos están dotados por su Creadir
con ciertos derechos inalienables, entre los cuales figuran la Vida, la
@@ -574,8 +571,7 @@
goviernos, que derivan sus ligítimas poderes del Consentimiento de los
goviernos que siempre que una forma de govierno llega á convertirse en
instrumento para destruir estos fines el pueblo tiene el derecho de
- cambiarla o de abolirla y de crear en su lugar un Nuevo Govierno.”
+ cambiarla o de abolirla y de crear en su lugar un Nuevo Govierno.”
- 1. Todos los hombres han nacido iguales. Dios les ha Concedido
ciertos derechos que no pueden usurpárselos, entre los cuales los
principales son la vida, la libertad y la Felicidad.
@@ -592,8 +588,7 @@
- El Rey hizo que los jueces fueran responsables ante él únicamente por el tiempo de ocupación de sus cargos como por
El Rey hizo que los jueces fueran responsables ante él únicamente por el tiempo de ocupación de sus cargos como por
el montante de sus cargo sueldos, para que asi
los habitantes de los estados no tuvieron nada que decir sobre sus propios
@@ -605,8 +600,7 @@
Suspendó el comercio de los estados con otras partes del mundo, para que
pudieran traficar unicamente con la Gran Bretaña. Esto causó grandes
trastornos al Pais.
- Declaró que únicamente el tenia facultad para expedardir los lelley estaduales.
+ Declaró que únicamente el tenia facultad para expedardir los lelley estaduales.
Impuso grávemenes sin el consentimiento del Pueblo.
En esta famosa declaración se citan muchos otros de los abusos é injusticias
cometidas. La Declaración de Independencia prosige diciendo que el pueblo de
@@ -623,11 +617,9 @@
la corona britanica, y que todos los lazos politicos entre ellos y el
page 19 estado de la Gran Bretaña deben quedar y han quedado
completamente rotos, y que, como estados libres é independientes, tienen
- plena autoridad para declarar la guerra, concertar p la paz, celebrar tratados, establezer un sistema de comercio y
+ plena autoridad para declarar la guerra, concertar p la paz, celebrar tratados, establezer un sistema de comercio y
realizar todos aquellos actos á que tienen derecho los estados
- independientes. En confirmación de lo dicho, y con una fé inquebrantdable en la protecsión de la Divina Providencia,
+ independientes. En confirmación de lo dicho, y con una fé inquebrantdable en la protecsión de la Divina Providencia,
enpeñamos mutuamente nuestras vidas y haciendas y nuestro hogar sagrado para
el mantenimiento de la presente Declaracion.
La Declaracion de Independencia fue firmada por todas las cincuenta y ses 56
@@ -687,8 +679,7 @@
levantando la mano derecha hacía el Kepis. Asi como hay reglas de cortezía y
de urbanidad para el trato entre personas tambien las hay para honrar
nuestro pais y los ideales de defienden, las banderas viejas rotas ó sucias
- deben quemarse y nunca dejarse abandonadas ó usarse de ninguna manera
+ deben quemarse y nunca dejarse abandonadas ó usarse de ninguna manera
Page 22 irrespetuosa, no deje nunca que la bandera toque el suelo
sino procure que esté siempre flameante y libre; y no la use jamás como
colgadera o para fines decorativos. La banderia
@@ -724,10 +715,8 @@
- - 1. no permita que nadie le falte el respeto á la BanderaE.U.A.
- - 2. no salude á nadie ni á nada con la Bandera de E.U. de A. a las Banderas de los reguimientos de
- 1. no permita que nadie le falte el respeto á la BanderaE.U.A.
+ - 2. no salude á nadie ni á nada con la Bandera de E.U. de A. a las Banderas de los reguimientos de
los estados ó de las instituciones les corresponde rendir estos
- 3. no despliege nunca la Bandera con las estrellas hacia á bajo,
@@ -789,8 +778,7 @@
preparados para la guerra. En el pico lleva un pergamino Con las palabras
“El Pluribus Unum,” que significa “La unión hace la fuerza, es decir que se
trata de un govierno formado por muchos estados. Este es el lema de los
- E.U.A. En la parte superior aparese una
declaración Constelación que surge de entre las nubes, con 13
+ E.U.A. En la parte superior aparese una declaración Constelación que surge de entre las nubes, con 13
estrellas que simbolizan el nacimiento de una nueva nacion. En el reverso se
ve una piramide impompleta sobre la cual aparece un ojo, que lo veo todo Con
las palabras “Ammuit Coeptis” - El ha favorecido nuestro entendimiento·- La
@@ -806,10 +794,8 @@
Govierno de los Estados Unidos, la Constitusion
Durante la guerra de Independencia la nueva nación formaba una asocación
regida por los llamados artícolos de la Confederación. Los estados estaban
- representados por una asamblea de Ciudadanos denominadeaa Congreso Continental Una vez
- terminada la guerra se vio que esta forma degovierno era demasiado dibil. Los Estados no se hallaban verdaderamente
+ representados por una asamblea de Ciudadanos denominadeaa Congreso Continental Una vez
+ terminada la guerra se vio que esta forma degovierno era demasiado dibil. Los Estados no se hallaban verdaderamente
unidos. Cada uno de ellos aspiraba a ejercer un gran poder, sus esfuerzos no
estaban aunados: cada cual tenia su moneda propia y sus propias leyes acerca
de su comercio con las demas estados de todo
@@ -871,8 +857,7 @@
Entremos á estudiar ahora cada una de las partes del Preámbolo. “Nosotros el
- Pueblo de los E.U.”- nosotros formamos nuestro paispropio govierno el poder es nuestro, nosotros sancionamos
+ Pueblo de los E.U.”- nosotros formamos nuestro paispropio govierno el poder es nuestro, nosotros sancionamos
esta Constitucion como ley fundadamental de la
Nacion. A fin de hacer una union mas perfecta. Esta es hoy dia una unión
estre cuarenta y ocho estados undependientes
@@ -938,11 +923,9 @@
desea, puede votar nuebamente esta ley, y si las dos terceras partes de sus
miembros la aprueban, pasa, de hecho á ser ley de la nacion por sobre el
veto del Presidente. La Corte Suprema de los E. U. puede declarar una ley
- inconstitucional, es decir que es Contraria á la Constitusion, Su objecto es impidir que cualquiera de los tres
+ inconstitucional, es decir que es Contraria á la Constitusion, Su objecto es impidir que cualquiera de los tres
poderes del govierno tenga facultades absolutas. Esto lo llamamos el sistema
- de “restricsion y equilibrio”- que constituye una salvajuardia para el Pueblo. El Congreso se reune anualmente
+ de “restricsion y equilibrio”- que constituye una salvajuardia para el Pueblo. El Congreso se reune anualmente
en la cuidad de Washington el 3 de Enero a esto cuerpo le corresponde
expedir las leyes Esta devidido en 2 Camaras, la de senadores y la de
@@ -1215,8 +1198,7 @@
Enmienda 11
- Estatuyo que un Cuidadano de otro estado o ciudadano ó subdito de un de los estados de la Union.
+ Estatuyo que un Cuidadano de otro estado o ciudadano ó subdito de un de los estados de la Union.
@@ -1321,8 +1303,7 @@
derecho á la felicida. Defiende sus derechos aun en contra del mismo
gobierno. Pasa page 39 Lo pone á usted en igualdad con los demas
hombres ante la ley. Confirma sus libertades religiosas y su libertad de
- reunión pasifica. Le permite pedir al Gobierno la p reparacion de sus agravios. Proteje sus derches de propiedad.
+ reunión pasifica. Le permite pedir al Gobierno la p reparacion de sus agravios. Proteje sus derches de propiedad.
Proíve al gobierno despojarlo de sus bienes sin el debido procedimiento
legal. Le premite desempeñar cualquier cargo para bien de la nacion, para el
cual reúna las cualidades necesarias. Le premite hacerse cuidadano de
@@ -1338,8 +1319,7 @@
ser forzado á declarar contras sí mismo. Proíve la imposicion de multas
desmedidas ó de penas crueles y desusadas. Lo protege contra cualquier clase
de esclavitud. Impide que cualquier clase
- estado pueda privado de sus derechos constitucionales.
+ estado pueda privado de sus derechos constitucionales.
Page 40 Le permite portar armas para la protecsión de sus hogares y
de su vida. Protege su hogar contra el registro á menos que sea por auto
legal. Le garantiza que se le respetará el derecho de contratar legalmente.
@@ -1377,7 +1357,7 @@
apelarse de las decisiones de los inferiores
La autonomia ó sea el gobierno propios, es Pasa en la page
Page 41 es propio es un de los
prencipios fundamentales de la democracia norteamericana para que cada cual
pueda tomar parte activa en el gobierno de la colectividad ó agrupacion en
@@ -1408,12 +1388,11 @@
sea pequeña En Cualquier caso tiene libertad absoluta para ejercer su
autoridad como cualquiera de los mas antigos. Noso tros vivemos en una Union
de Estados iguales que no pueden ser destruida por ninguno de ellos. El
- Gobierno nacional no tiene tampoco poderes para destruir los Estados
+ Gobierno nacional no tiene tampoco poderes para destruir los Estados
@@ -1423,15 +1402,14 @@
7 articulos de la Constitucion Federal
- - 1. es de formar un ramo Congreso Legislativo de representantes y Senadores cuyo
- 1. es de formar un ramo Congreso Legislativo de representantes y Senadores cuyo
deber de aser las leyes para el paizs
- 2. ramo ejecutivo: es tener un precidente que mande las vias de su
gabinete, y obligen que se obedesca las leyes;
@@ -1804,8 +1782,7 @@
religious service. That is how with the forming of a
government and collaboration of a the first permanent English
colony was born in America.
- It was not very long before the settlers experienced setbacks and suffered sufferings again. Soon they learned
It was not very long before the settlers experienced setbacks and suffered sufferings again. Soon they learned
that they would only survive if they worked hard, and that they had to cut
trees, plow the land, cultivate the soil, and grow corn. They had not
brought their wives or children to help them build houses, and soon they ran
@@ -1820,8 +1797,7 @@
Page 15
And from there on the colony of Jamestown started to flourish and prosper. In
- little time other colonies were set and the number of settlers
+ little time other colonies were set and the number of settlers
Page 15 arriving from England increased. The great colony of
Virginia was definitely founded in 1619 and their people celebrated the
first representative assembly in America. Every one of those colonies
@@ -2107,13 +2083,11 @@
war was over, they realized that this form of government was too weak. The
states were not truly united. Every one of them aspired to exercise a great
power. Their efforts were not united: Each of them had their own coin and
- their own laws regarding their trade with other states,
+ their own laws regarding their trade with other states,
Continues on page 27 which resulted in great confusion.
The new nation needed money to cover the costs of the military and the army
- as well as to pay the debt contracted during the war. The Congress did not have the authority to obligate states to pay
+ as well as to pay the debt contracted during the war. The Congress did not have the authority to obligate states to pay
their respective share of this debt. Given that the nation did not
have a government, this is, they didn't have a president in Congress did not
have the authority to obligate states to pay their respective share of these
@@ -2647,7 +2621,7 @@
decisions of the lower courts.
The autonomy, this is, the self-government, is On the next page
Page 41 is it’s own one of fundamental
principles of the North American Democracy so that anyone can take part in
the collective or group government in which they live in. The states are
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