Downloading tools and data repository management. This repository is a work in progress. It is not recommended for any purpose while it is under construction.
There are improvements that are needed to the downloading system tools.
- The downloading scripts should be called where XXX is noaa, nwis, cdec etc.
- The API should be made uniform between these scripts. a. It should be able to use our new id or the agency_id with the new id preferred b. It should be able to use our variable name or the agency variable code c. It should produce files that are named according to the file naming convention in the data plan: http://msb-confluence/display/DMKB/Strawman+Data+Organization+Plan:
This is all potentially destabilizing, so perhaps it should be done on a shortlived branch
The station files don't have a uniform format. I prefer all look like this: id,agency_id,subloc,variable sjj,11337190,bgc,turbidity
The agency_id column is optional.
git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml # should create a dms_datastore and pip install the package
# alternatively, pip install -e . after running the above command if you want to develop the package
conda activate dms_datastore