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%%close all, clear allalpha = 0.05;dx = 0.05;dt = 0.075;k = 74; % thermal conductivity of iron [W/mK]k = k * 0.25;cp = 0.45; % specific heatrho = 7800; % kg/m^3alpha = k / (cp * rho); % thermal diffusivityFo = alpha * dt / dx^2; % Fourier numberBy = dt / (cp*rho*dx^2) * 10;loss = 0.001; % loss coefficient [J * K^-1 * s^-1]Co = loss * (cp/rho) * (dt / dx^2); % "environmental heat loss"%%% Set up modelside_elements = 50; % number of elements on each siden_elements = side_elements^2;% Create a general 2D-plate heat transfer model[sys, mats] = create_model_fnum(side_elements, Fo, Co, By); T_forward = sys; % Input T_k, u, output T_k+1%%% Function to reshape vector to an image arrayreshape_T = @(T) (reshape(T, [side_elements, side_elements]));% Reshape image array back to a vectorreshape_T_back = @(Tk) reshape(Tk, [n_elements, 1]);% Vector of initial node temperaturesimg = imread('B.png');img = rgb2gray(img);img = imresize(img, [side_elements, side_elements]);img = flip(img);img = 255-img;img = img./255;img = double(img);% Set referenceW = img * 7;figure();image(W);colorbar();T = reshape_T_back(img .* 0);% T = T + 20;U = reshape_T_back(img .* 0);W = reshape_T_back(W);U_full = U;%% Define control parametersA = mats.A;B = mats.B;N = 10; % prediction horizon% Indexes of active inputsactive_inputs = 1:4:n_elements;B = B(:, active_inputs);U = U(active_inputs);% n_inputs = 5;% active_inputs = datasample(1:n_elements, n_inputs, 'Replace', false);% B = B(:, active_inputs);% U = U(active_inputs);[blockrows, blockcols] = size(B);Cbar = sparse(blockrows*N, blockcols*N);for i = 1:N Cbar = Cbar + spblockdiag(A^i * B, N, -1);endAhat = [];a = A;for i = 1:N Ahat = [Ahat; A^i];endQ = spdiag(blockrows, 0) * 1;Qbar = spblockdiag(Q, N, 0);R = Q * 1;R = R(active_inputs, active_inputs);Rbar = spblockdiag(R, N, 0);H = (Cbar' * Qbar * Cbar + Rbar);F = (Ahat' * Qbar * Cbar)';% Quadprog parametersUhat = repmat(U, N, 1); % initial guesslb = Uhat.*0 + 0;ub = Uhat.*0 + 10;options = optimoptions(@quadprog, 'Algorithm', 'interior-point-convex', ... 'Display', 'off');%% Simulatestamp = string(round(rand()*10000));% stamp = 'quadprogMPC_lb0';savename = "results" + filesep + string(side_elements) + "_" + stamp;if isfile(savename + '.mat') disp("Loading solution for stamp: " + stamp) file = load(savename); simdata = file.simdata;else disp("Calculating solution for stamp: " + stamp) simdata.T = {}; simdata.T{end+1} = T; simdata.U = {}; simdata.U{end+1} = U_full; simdata.E = {}; simdata.E{end+1} = W-T; Tk = T; k_steps = 500; for k = 1:k_steps % State deviation from reference E = W - Tk; tic % MPC unconstrained f = -(F*E); Uhat = -H\f; % MPC Quadprog% f = -(F*E);% Uhat = quadprog(H, f,...% [], [],...% [], [],...% lb, ub,...% Uhat, options);% toc U = Uhat(1:blockcols); U_full(active_inputs) = U; % time step forward Tk = T_forward(Tk, U_full); % if k==80% disp(k)% Tk = reshape_T(Tk);% T_diag = spdiag(side_elements, -1) + spdiag(side_elements, 0) +...% spdiag(side_elements, 1);% T_diag = full(T_diag);% T_diag = ones(size(T_diag)) - T_diag;% Tk = Tk .* T_diag;% Tk = reshape_T_back(Tk);% end% if round(rand*1) == 1 disp('pop') Tk = reshape_T(Tk); mid = round(side_elements/2); i = mid + (rand()-0.5)*(mid * 1.5); j = mid + (rand()-0.5)*(mid * 1.5); i = round(i); j = round(j); i = (-1:1) + i; j = (-1:1) + j; Tk(i,j) = Tk(i,j) - 5; Tk = reshape_T_back(Tk); end % Save current step if mod(k,1)==0 simdata.T{end+1} = Tk; simdata.U{end+1} = U_full; simdata.E{end+1} = E; end maxabs = max(abs(Tk)); disp([k, maxabs]) if maxabs>1e6 error('Model unstable') end end save(savename, 'simdata')end%% Visualization% Reshape the vector of node temperatures into a 2D array for plottingTk = reshape_T(T);elements = 0:dx:side_elements*dx-dx;[X, Y] = meshgrid(elements, elements);f = figure('Position', [0 0 1400 1000]);t = tiledlayout(2, 3, 'TileSpacing', 'tight', 'Padding', 'tight');ax1 = nexttile([2,2]);% splot = surfc(ax1, X, Y, Tk, 'facealpha', 0.85);% [m, splot] = contourf(ax1, X, Y, Tk);% splot.LevelStep = 1;% splot.LevelList = [-5:0.125:10];% splot.LineColor = 'none';% axis equalsplot = imagesc(flip(Tk));hold onax1.ZLimMode = 'manual';ax1.ZLim = [-6 7]; % Z limit is constantax1.CLim = [-6 7]; % Colorbar rangecolorbarcolormap(jet)hold offax2 = nexttile(3);yyaxis leftylabel('Heat input')powerplot = animatedline(ax2, 'Marker', 'o', 'linewidth', 2, 'color', 'blue');yyaxis rightylabel('Mean error')errorplot = animatedline(ax2, 'Marker', 'o', 'linewidth', 2, 'color', [1,0.55,0]);grid onax3 = nexttile(6);Uk = reshape_T(simdata.U{1});inputimg = image(ax3, elements', elements', flip(Uk, 1));inputimg.CDataMapping = 'scaled';title('Heat input image') cmap = [zeros(1,128), linspace(0,1,128); linspace(1,0,128), linspace(0,1,128); linspace(1,0,128), zeros(1,128)]'; cmap = (cmap.*0+1) - cmap; %invertax3.CLim = [-3, 3];ax3.Colormap = flip(cmap);colorbar()frames = [getframe(f)];L = length(simdata);% t = round(linspace(1, length(simdata.T)*dt, 300));% t = t - t(1) + 1;t = 1:k_steps;framenum = 0;for k = t disp(k) framenum = framenum + 1; T = simdata.T{k}; U = simdata.U{k}; E = simdata.E{k}; Tk = reshape_T(T); Uk = reshape_T(U); % splot.ZData = Tk;% splot(1).ZData = Tk; splot.CData = flip(Tk); addpoints(powerplot, k*dt, sum(U)); addpoints(errorplot, k*dt, mean(E)); inputimg.CData = flip(Uk, 1); drawnow frames(end+1) = getframe(f); endwriterObj = VideoWriter('animation');writerObj.FrameRate = 20;open(writerObj);for k = 2:length(frames) frame = frames(k); writeVideo(writerObj, frame);endclose(writerObj);