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[1.2.4] Fixed block and potion conversion. | 修復方塊、藥水類轉換

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@RICE0707 RICE0707 released this 11 Dec 02:54
· 6 commits to main since this release

Version 1.2.4

  • Correctly handles "parent": "minecraft:block/*" to prevent vanilla block texture loss.
  • Added conversion support for potion, splash_potion, lingering_potion, chest, and trapped_chest.

Special thanks to: Titanet Server - for providing the resource pack for testing.


For spawn_egg, my converter does not plan to apply any special handling.
This is because in 1.21.4, spawn_egg introduced a new tints parameter, where the value differs for each spawn_egg.
I don't intend to define the value for every single spawn_egg, as it would be too tedious.

版本 1.2.4

  • 現在會正確處理"parent": "minecraft:block/*,避免香草方塊材質遺失
  • 新增處理 藥水、飛濺藥水、滯留藥水、儲物箱、陷阱儲物箱 的轉換

特別感謝:Titanet Server - 提供資源包測試


針對 生怪蛋,我的轉換器不打算進行特殊處理,
這是因為在 1.21.4 中,生怪蛋 新增了 tints參數,而其中的 value 值,根據每一個 生怪蛋,都有所不同,
我不打算針對每一個 生怪蛋 進行 value 值的定義,這太麻煩了