The Postgres Inbox allows use of Postgres for Brighter's inbox support. The configuration is described in Basic Configuration.
For this we will need the Inbox packages for the Postgres Inbox.
- Paramore.Brighter.Inbox.Postgres
private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureServices(hostContext, services) =>
ConfigureBrighter(hostContext, services);
private static void ConfigureBrighter(HostBuilderContext hostContext, IServiceCollection services)
services.AddServiceActivator(options =>
{ ... })
new PostgresSqlInbox(new PostgresSqlInboxConfiguration("Host=localhost; Username=root; Password=root; Database=Salutations", "Inbox");
new InboxConfiguration(
scope: InboxScope.Commands,
onceOnly: true,
actionOnExists: OnceOnlyAction.Throw