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Ontology Working Group Notes

Gabe Fierro edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • PRs for feedback:
  • related to geocoordinates:
    • so we can encode a lat/lon point for an entity, but what about other kinds of locations?
    • what about referring to bounding boxes on a floor plan PDF?
    • need to light up an asset in some visualization
    • bounds of a room on a document, UBID (
    • need bounding box for an entity for each viz tool
    • should gather use cases from the community (GABE todo):
      • these are all fairly similar: coordinates + coordinate system
  • heat pumps:
    • still a disaster; even more variety in how the term is used
    • anything with a compressor is an AC unit?
    • add a "reverse cycle" tag?
    • "mode context":
      • a generic way of capturing statements that are true when a mode is active


  • Good uses for "collections":
    • maybe some generic thing that allows the user to define? use hasPart
    • Mario: One set of use cases to consider are those that require arbitrary collections to be instantiated (i.e., some that don't have a physical analogous mapping, such as fluid loops or equipment in a system). For example, one may think of arbitrary collections derived from analysis of time series data; or arbitrary collections derived from point mapping processes; or arbitrary collections from analysis of the ontology graph itself.
  • heat pumps:
    • "commercial chiller" as a subclass of heat pump
    • this can get broken down into centrifugal chiller, screw chiller, etc
    • other kinds to include:
      • absorption/adsorption chillers
      • mini-split systems



  • develop and document an algorithm for placing equipment into systems and loops and other collections based on their properties, definitions and usage; a sort of "pre-processor" for a Brick model

  • keep Collections and the subclasses in the Brick ontology ; use hasPart/isPartOf to indicate membership

  • these kinds of objects might help for commissioning the Brick model -- you can organize equipment into different loops. Maybe have the contents of the loop act as a template for making a Brick model

  • gbXML-like use cases:

    • uses loop constructs
    • an important use case is to be able to tell when two loops intersect
    • for example, a hot water coil can exist in an air loop and a water loop
  • Heat Pumps:

    • adopting a thermodynamic approach to modeling the behavior of different equipment
    • this is in contrast to a product-based approach
    • a few cases feel a little awkward:
      • my gigantic chiller is also a 'heat pump', even though those two terms are colloquially refer to different kinds of thigns
      • what about the AC unit attached to houses?
    • other properties that we want to model:
      • make/model
      • weight / tonnage?
    • specifically, we may have equipment that meet the characteristics of one subclass, but are not nominally identified as that kind of thing:
      • e.g. a water to water heat pump that is considered a chiller vs one that isn't
      • the thermodynamic process isn't sufficient to differentiate!
      • other properties must be considered:
        • e.g. cooling tower installed, feeds an AHU ("chiller")
        • e.g. packaged, standalone unit ("heat pump", "AC unit")
    • to a certain extent everything here is an "edge case":
      • all sorts of configurations
    • how to handle partial information?
      • what if we know it is a chiller, but we don't know what the load-side resource is or what it is connected to?

Related research:


Chiller Plants and Heat Pumps

  • Agenda:
    • heat pump implementation discussion
    • systems / loops
  • reversing valve commands:
    • does 1 mean 'heating' and 0 mean 'cooling'? or some other configuration
    • some role for an 'entity property' that says normally 'heat' vs normally 'cool'; normally 'left' vs 'right'?
    • need some sort of enumeration that defines what the values of the reversing valve mean
    • another approach: an Reversible X to Y heat pump will source heat from X to heat Y. If the valve is reversed, then heat flows in the other direction
    • need to be able to express what the "reversed" direction means
  • for the class structure:
    • maybe over-specialized?
    • have a Reversible Heat Pump and NonReversible Heat Pump class
    • these could be parents of the X to Y heat pumps; an entity is a member of two classes
    • Alternative: reversible vs non-reversible could be entity properties
  • complications:
    • water to water heat pump:
      • pulling energy otu of space, running chiller at a higher pressure
      • can use the hot water coming out of the chiller as a hot water source
    • "four pipe systems":
      • air to air systems but it can suck and distribute heat in different directions
      • can reject heat into any of the loops at one point in time
      • if you have heating and cooling demands in the building at the same time, this can be much more efficient
    • this needs the ability to express loops
    • condenser water loop:
      • can contain either hot water or cold water depending on the seasonality
      • could be pulling heat out or putting heat in
      • harder to express the idea of a "hot water" loop or a "chilled water" loop because what is in the loop will change over time depending on the configuration + season
  • people think of an equipment as "pushing" heat or "pushing" cool into the loop:
    • or it is reversible; reversible is part of that enumeration
    • if the heat flow is reversible, then you need to query some other point to tell you what state it is in
    • could represent this as a "heating/cooling" mode:
      • either a static property or a Point
  • can refer to two sides as "outdoor coil" and "indoor coil":
    • function of the two coils changes when the valve switches
    • however these terms don't generalize to water to water and water to air
  • questions:
    • who is feeding that coil?
    • which equipment should I dispatch to get the hot or cold water to that coil in the most efficient or cost-effective manner?
  • Articles for background:


Chiller Plants and Heat Pumps

Goal: to arrive at a coherent and flexible class-based representation of heat pumps and chiller plants in Brick.

The way that I propose to approach this is to make a list of the broad types of equipment that will need to be modeled. For each of these, we will make a list of the properties and enumerations that must be captured. Some of these will be folded into the class organization; others will be implemented as entity properties.

Competency Questions:

  • "what thermal machine is providing the heating/cooling in this building?"
  • "where does room/VAV/zone X get its hot air from?" "what heats that hot air?"

Outline of the solution:

  • Class structure:

    • Establish a Heat Pump class, which subclasses from HVAC Equipment.
    • Define subclasses of Water-Sourced, Air-Sourced and Ground-Sourced heat pumps:
      • organizes heat pumps by the non-load-side resource
    • Define subclasses of the above which indicate the load-side resource, e.g. Water-To-Air Heat Pump:
      • some of these are further subclassed as reversible or non-reversible
    • Class structure contains Chillers as a subclass of Heat Pump:
      • some Chiller subtypes are also listed under the X-to-Y Heat Pump classes
    • see all classes at
  • Semantic properties of classes:

    • When you build a model, it is easiest to indicate the asset type:
      • e.g. "X is a water-cooled chiller"
    • When you query a model, want the option of identifying equipment by its function
      • e.g. "what resource is cooling the water going to the cooling coil?"
      • or you can query by type: "which kinds of chillers does the site have?"
    • Use SHACL or OWL inference to provide this property
  • Key to this implementation will be the ability to describe a particular heat pump using either the class name (for well-known configurations) or a set of properties.

  • Then the system will be able to figure out when those two different methods of expression are equivalent

How to parameterize heat pumps?:

  • heat flow direction:

    • heat or cool
    • this may be a static property, e.g. for non-reversible heat pumps
    • or it maybe a dynamic property for reversible heat pumps
  • reversible vs non-reversible:

    • a static property that tells whether or not the heat pump is reversible
  • load-side resource:

    • what is heated or cooled: Air, Water, Refrigerant
  • non-load-side resource:

    • what is the medium acting as the reservoir of heat or the sink?
    • we could not think of a good industry-standard term that is generic to whether the heat pump is heating or cooling
    • if cooling, the non-load is a "sink"
    • if heating, the non-load is a "source"
    • if in a reversible system, the non-load may be a source or a sink!
    • in certain kinds of systems, the two sides are called evaporator-side and condenser-side
    • Given that many technical documents refer to "Air-Source" or "Ground-Source" heat pump, even in cooling configurations, it makes sense for the non-load resource to be referred to as a "source"
  • heat pump composition and topology:

    • most heat pumps are single package units
    • as a result, we expect most heat pumps models to simply instantiate the correct heat pump class and attach Point instances using brick:hasPoint
    • in more advanced use cases, one may instantiate some components of the heat pump and attach them to the heat pump using brick:hasPart:
      • e.g. for modeling reversing valves
    • in even more advanced use cases, one may model the connections between the components of the heat pump using brick:feeds. However, this raises an issue as we will see below

Example models:

  • each of these builds on the previous ones

  • instantiating a reversible air-to-air heat pump

    @prefix brick: <> .
    @prefix bldg: <urn:bldg#> .
    bldg:heatPump1  a   brick:Reversible_Air_To_Air_Heat_Pump ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:dis_air_sensor .
    bldg:dis_air_sensor a   brick:Discharge_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
  • modeling the reversing valve w/ direction

    @prefix brick: <> .
    @prefix bldg: <urn:bldg#> .
    bldg:heatPump1  a   brick:Reversible_Air_To_Air_Heat_Pump ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:dis_air_sensor ;
        brick:hasPart   bldg:rv .
    bldg:dis_air_sensor a   brick:Discharge_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
    bldg:rv a   brick:Reversing_Valve ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:rv_cmd .
    bldg:rv_cmd     a   brick:Reversing_Valve_Command .  # determines heat/cool mode
  • modeling more internal composition of the heat pump

    @prefix brick: <> .
    @prefix bldg: <urn:bldg#> .
    bldg:heatPump1  a   brick:Reversible_Air_To_Air_Heat_Pump ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:dis_air_sensor ;
        brick:hasPart   bldg:rv, bldg:evaporator1, bldg:condenser1, bldg:compressor1 .
    bldg:dis_air_sensor a   brick:Discharge_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
    bldg:rv a   brick:Reversing_Valve ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:rv_cmd .
    bldg:rv_cmd     a   brick:Reversing_Valve_Command .  # determines heat/cool mode
    bldg:evaporator1    a   brick:Evaporator .
    bldg:condenser1     a   brick:Condenser .
    bldg:compressor1    a   brick:Compressor ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:comp_start ;
    bldg:comp_start a brick:Start_Stop_Command .
  • adding internal topology of the heat pump

    @prefix brick: <> .
    @prefix bldg: <urn:bldg#> .
    bldg:heatPump1  a   brick:Reversible_Air_To_Air_Heat_Pump ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:dis_air_sensor ;
        brick:hasPart   bldg:rv, bldg:evaporator1, bldg:condenser1, bldg:compressor1 .
    bldg:dis_air_sensor a   brick:Discharge_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
    bldg:rv a   brick:Reversing_Valve ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:rv_cmd .
    bldg:rv_cmd     a   brick:Reversing_Valve_Command .  # determines heat/cool mode
    bldg:evaporator1    a   brick:Evaporator .
    bldg:condenser1     a   brick:Condenser .
    bldg:compressor1    a   brick:Compressor ;
        brick:hasPoint  bldg:comp_start ;
    bldg:comp_start a brick:Start_Stop_Command .
    # this is where we run into modeling issues. There are two "correct" ways
    # to model the topology, depending on which mode the heat pump is in: heat/cool
    # if in heating configuration...
    bldg:evaporator1    brick:feeds bldg:compressor1 .
    bldg:compressor1    brick:feeds bldg:condenser1 .
    bldg:condenser1     brick:feeds bldg:evalve1 .
    bldg:evalve1        brick:feeds bldg:rvalve1 .
    bldg:rvalve1        brick:feeds bldg:evaporator1 .
    # if in cooling configuration...
    bldg:evaporator1    brick:isFedBy bldg:compressor1 .
    bldg:compressor1    brick:isFedBy bldg:condenser1 .
    bldg:condenser1     brick:isFedBy bldg:evalve1 .
    bldg:evalve1        brick:isFedBy bldg:rvalve1 .
    bldg:rvalve1        brick:isFedBy bldg:evaporator1 .
    # one solution is to introduce a *new* relationship which
    # captures topology but not direction
    brick:connectedTo   a   owl:ObjectProperty .
    brick:feeds rdfs:subPropertyOf  brick:connectedTo .
    brick:isFedBy rdfs:subPropertyOf  brick:connectedTo .
    # rather than feeds/isFedBy, the model can just capture
    # the connections instead of direction. This is now correct
    # in either configuration
    bldg:evaporator1    brick:connectedTo bldg:compressor1 .
    bldg:compressor1    brick:connectedTo bldg:condenser1 .
    bldg:condenser1     brick:connectedTo bldg:evalve1 .
    bldg:evalve1        brick:connectedTo bldg:rvalve1 .
    bldg:rvalve1        brick:connectedTo bldg:evaporator1 .
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