Moq syntax helpers
see also:
Moq, “the most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET” is great, but some of the syntax is a bit unwieldy.
This NuGet package provides extension methods that allow you to use Moq with “wieldier” (Is that a word?) syntax:
_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<IEnumerable<int>>())
...can be simplified to:
using SparkyTestHelpers.Moq;
. . .
_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(
Any.String, Any.Int, Any.IEnumerable<int>())
- Any.Action
- Any.Action<T>
- Any.Action<T1, T2>
- Any.Action<T1, T2, T3>
- Any.Array<T>
- Any.Boolean
- Any.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
- Any.DateTime
- Any.Decimal
- Any.Double
- Any.Func<T>
- Any.Func<T1, T2>
- Any.Func<T1, T2, T3>
- Any.Guid
- Any.IEnumerable<T>
- Any.InstanceOf<T> (Any.One<T> is a "synonym" for Any.InstanceOf<T>)
- Any.IList<T>
- Any.Int
- Any.IQueryable<T?
- Any.KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>
- Any.Lazy<T>
- Any.List<T>
- Any.Long
- Any.Nullable<T>
- Any.Object
- Any.Short
- Any.Single
- Any.String
- Any.TimeSpan
- Any.Tuple<T1, T2>
- Any.Type
- Any.UInt
- Any.ULong
- Any.UShort
_mock.Verify(x => x.Foo("bar", 3), Times.Once);
...can be coded as:
using SparkyTestHelpers.Moq;
. . .
_mock.VerifyOneCallTo(x => x.Foo("bar", 3));
- VerifyCallCount(int count, expresssion)
- VerifyOneCallTo(expression)
- VerifyAtLeastOneCallTo(expression)
- VerifyAtMostOneCallTo(expression)
- VerifyNoCallsTo(expression)
- VerifyGetCount(int count, expresssion)
- VerifyOneGet(expression)
- VerifyAtLeastOneGet(expression)
- VerifyAtMostOneGet(expression)
- VerifyNoGets(expression)
- VerifySetCount(int count, expresssion)
- VerifyOneSet(expression)
- VerifyAtLeastOneSet(expression)
- VerifyAtMostOneSet(expression)
- VerifyNoSets(expression)
...provides an alternate syntax for "It.Is":
using SparkyTestHelpers.Moq;
. . .
// sad:
_mock.Setup(x => x.Foo(It.Is<int>(i => i % 2 == 0))).Returns(true);
// rad!:
_mock.Setup(x => x.Foo(Any.Int.Where(i => i % 2 == 0))).Returns(true);
...makes it easy to create a reusable expression so you don't duplicate code in ".Setup" and ".Verify" calls. This test:
// Arrange:
_mock.Setup(x => x.Foo(
Any.String, Any.Int, Any.InstanceOf<Bar>())
// Act:
subjectUnderTest.Foo("yo", 5, myBar);
_mock.VerifyOneCallTo(x => x.Foo(
Any.String, Any.Int, Any.InstanceOf<Bar>()));
...where you have to code the same “x => x.Foo(Any.String, Any.Int, Any.InstanceOf<Bar>()” expression for both the .Setup and .Verify calls - can be simplified to:
using SparkyTestHelpers.Moq;
. . .
// Arrange:
var fooExp = _mock.Expression(x =>
x.Foo(Any.String, Any.Int, Any.InstanceOf<Bar>()));
// Act:
subjectUnderTest.Foo("yo", 5, myBar);
// Assert:
_mock.VerifyOneCallTo(fooExp); you only have to code the expression once, reducing finger fatigue and the possibility of the Setup and Verify expressions not matching because of a typo!