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Robert Plummer edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 26 revisions

v2: Simplicity and Performance First

It must be easy enough to teach a child and fast enough to cause innovation.

Layer PlayGround

Currently we want to focus our efforts on creating a "layer playground", where we have tons of layers, and they can work with any network type, be it feedforward, or recurrent.

Easy concepts

The concepts of recurrent and feedforward have always seemed like completely different networks when really there are a few very simple things that make them different. We want to make them so easy anyone can use them:

FeedForward class overview

const net = new FeedForward({
  inputLayer: () => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }
  hiddenLayers: [
    (input) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ },
    /* more layers? by all means... */
    /* `input` here is the output from the previous layer */
  outputLayer: (input) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }

FeedForward class usage example (xor)

import { FeedForward, layer } from 'brain.js';
const { input, feedForward, output } = layer;
const net = new FeedForward({
  inputLayer: () => input({ width: 2 })
  hiddenLayers: [
    input => feedForward({ width: 3 }, input),
  outputLayer: input => output({ width: 1 }, input)
  { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
  { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
]);[0, 0]); // [0][0, 1]); // [1][1, 0]); // [1][1, 1]); // [0]

Recurrent class overview

import { Recurrent } from 'brain.js';

const net = new Recurrent({
  inputLayer: // a function that returns an instantiated layer
  hiddenLayers: // an array of functions that returns an instantiated layer
  outputLayer: // a function that returns an instantiated layer

GPU Acceleration

We've put in a considerable amount of work to achieve gpu acceleration, and will eventually be fully gpu, in all networks. The desired library where much of the work has been done is

v3: Unsupervised learning

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