PowerShell Script to help Export your CA policys as a html format.
If not already connected the Script will connect Microsoft.Graph and use the Scopes documented below
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Policy.Read.All', 'Directory.Read.All','Application.Read.All' -NoWelcome
To run the Script use this Command
13.02.2023 Fixed:
- Test Module and Connect-MgGraph
- Addet Session Controls
- Output is now devided into Conditions, SessionControls, GrantControls
- Code Cleanup and changed from Spaces to Tabs
15.02.2023 Fixed:
- Output is now devided into Users, Cloud Apps or Actions, Conditions, GrantControls, SessionControls (like in CA Portal)
- Minor rearrangement of Rows
18.04.2023 Fixed:
- Fixed Script Parameter "PolicyID" -ConditionalAccessPolicyId
- Addet PolicyID to HTML Output
03.05.2023 Fixed:
- Changed UPN to Displaynames for AD Objects because Groups don't have a UPN
04.06.2024 Fixed:
- Remove Select-MgProfile (older Microsoft.Graph Module)
- Fixed GrantControls
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.