Roadmap 2025
milestone 1 Docs, logos and two nodes
fall - winter 2023
Creation of documents, project description and presentations
Preparation of project infrastructure: nodes, servers, accounts
Development of application interface prototypes
Development of graphic design and interface design
milestone 2 Library, R&D, website, research #1
winter 2324
Start of library development. structuring of existing materials
Start of development of the R&D Consulting Center. Organizing information for business
Finalizing the project description and publishing information on the
Preparation and testing of the Nostr (+X*) communication strategy and launch of the Bitcoin for Bis research #1
milestone 3 MVP, start R&D, research #2
spring-summer 2024
Start of organization builder (MVP) development
Final stage of preparation and launch of R&D Consulting online. Start of offline preparation
Final stage of PR strategy preparation and results of Bitcoin for Bis research #1
Development of training materials for business. Start of BItcoin Bis Devs research #2