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Miner Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Installation 🔧
  2. Mining ⛏️
  3. Training 🚂

Before you proceed ⚠️

Ensure you are running Subtensor locally to minimize outages and improve performance. See Run a Subtensor Node Locally.

Be aware of the minimum compute requirements for our subnet, detailed in Minimum compute YAML configuration. A GPU is required for training (unless you want to wait weeks for training to complete), but is not required for inference while running a miner.


Download the repository and navigate to the folder.

git clone && cd bitmind-subnet

We recommend using a Conda virtual environment to install the necessary Python packages.
You can set up Conda with this quick command-line install. Note that after you run the last commands in the miniconda setup process, you'll be prompted to start a new shell session to complete the initialization.

With miniconda installed, you can create a virtual environment with this command:

conda create -y -n bitmind python=3.10 ipython jupyter ipykernel

To activate your virtual environment, run conda activate bitmind. To deactivate, conda deactivate.

Install the remaining necessary requirements with the following chained command. This may take a few minutes to complete.

conda activate bitmind
chmod +x 


Only for training -- deployed miner instances do not require access to these datasets.

You can optionally pre-download the training datasets by running:

python base_miner/datasets/

Feel free to skip this step - datasets will be downloaded automatically when you run the training scripts.

The default list of datasets and default download location are defined in base_miner/


To mine on our subnet, you must have a registered hotkey.

Note: For testnet tao, you can make requests in the Bittensor Discord's "Requests for Testnet Tao" channel

To reduce the risk of deregistration due to technical issues or a poor performing model, we recommend the following:

  1. Test your miner on testnet before you start mining on mainnet.
  2. Before registering your hotkey on mainnet, make sure your port is open by running curl your_ip:your_port
  3. If you've trained a custom model, test it's performance by deploying to testnet. You can use this notebook to query our tesnet Weights and Biases logs and compute your model's accuracy. Our testnet validator is running 24/7.


btcli s register --netuid 34 [wallet_name] --wallet.hotkey [wallet.hotkey] finney


btcli s register --netuid 168 [wallet_name] --wallet.hotkey [wallet.hotkey] test


You can launch your validator with

First, make sure to update validator.env with your wallet, hotkey, and miner port. This file was created for you during setup, and is not tracked by git.

IMAGE_DETECTOR=CAMO                            # Options: CAMO, UCF, NPR, None
IMAGE_DETECTOR_CONFIG=camo.yaml                # Configs live in base_miner/deepfake_detectors/configs
                                               # Supply a filename or relative path

VIDEO_DETECTOR=TALL                            # Options: TALL, None
VIDEO_DETECTOR_CONFIG=tall.yaml                # Configs live in base_miner/deepfake_detectors/configs
                                               # Supply a filename or relative path

IMAGE_DETECTOR_DEVICE=cpu                         # Options: cpu, cuda

# Subtensor Network Configuration:
NETUID=34                                      # Network User ID options: 34, 168
SUBTENSOR_NETWORK=finney                       # Networks: finney, test, local
                                               # Endpoints:
                                               # - wss://
                                               # - wss://

# Wallet Configuration:

# Miner Settings:
BLACKLIST_FORCE_VALIDATOR_PERMIT=True          # Default setting to force validator permit for blacklisting

Now you're ready to run your miner!

conda activate bitmind
pm2 start -- --miner 
  • Auto updates are enabled by default. To disable, run with --no-auto-updates.
  • Self-healing restarts are enabled by default (every 6 hours). To disable, run with --no-self-heal.

If you want to outperform the base model, you'll need to train on more data or try experiment with different hyperparameters and model architectures. See our training section below for more details.


To see performance improvements over the base models, you'll need to train on more data, modify hyperparameters, or try a different modeling strategy altogether. Happy experimenting!

We are working on a unified interface for training models, but for now, each model has its own training script and logging systems that are functionality independent.


cd base_miner/NPR/ && python

The model with the lowest validation accuracy will be saved to base_miner/NPR/checkpoints/<experiment_name>/model_epoch_best.pth.


cd base_miner/DFB/ && python --detector [UCF, TALL] --modality [image, video]

The model with the lowest validation accuracy will be saved to base_miner/UCF/logs/training/<experiment_name>/.

In this directory, you will find your model weights (ckpt_best.pth) and training configuration (config.yaml). Note that the training config, e.g. config.yaml, is different from the detector config, e.g. ucf.yaml.

Deploy Your Model

Whether you have trained your own model, designed your own DeepfakeDetector subclass, or want to deploy a base miner using provided detectors in base_miner/deepfake_detectors/, you can simply update the miner.env file to point to the desired detector class and config.

We recommend consulting the README in base_miner/ to learn about the extensibility and modular design of our base miner detectors.

  • The detector type (e.g. UCF) corresponds to the module name of the DeepfakeDetector subclass registered in base_miner/'s DETECTOR_REGISTRY.
  • The associated detector config file (e.g., ucf.yaml) lives in base_miner/deepfake_detectors/configs/.
    • For UCF only: You will need to set the train_config field in the detector configuration file (base_miner/deepfake_detectors/configs/ucf.yaml) to point to the training configuration file. This allows the instantiation of UCFDetector to use the settings from training time to reconstruct the correct model architecture. After training a model, the training config can be found in base_miner/UCF/logs/<your_training_run>/config.yaml. Feel free to move this to a different location, as long as the train_config field in configs/ucf.yaml reflects this.
  • The model weights file (e.g., ckpt_best.pth) should be placed in base_miner/<detector_type>/weights.
    • If the weights specified in the config file do not exist, the miner will attempt to automatically download them from Hugging Face as specified by the hf_repo field in the config file. Feel free to use your own Hugging Face repository for hosting your model weights, and update the config file accordingly.


Training metrics are logged with TensorboardX. You can view interactive graphs of these metrics by starting a tensorboard server with the following command, and navigating to localhost:6006.

tensorboard --logdir=./base_miner/checkpoints/<experiment_name>

If you're using remote compute for training, you can set up port forwarding by ssh'ing onto your machine with the following flags:

ssh -L 7007:localhost:6006 your_username@your_ip

with port forwarding enabled, you can start your tensorboard server on your remote machine with the following command, and view the tensorboard UI at localhost:7007 in your local browser.

tensorboard --logdir=./base_miner/checkpoints/<experiment_name> --host --port 6006