These modules
were written to ease development requirements for integrating the
API into your Node.js application
First of all... install the binarybeast package
npm install binarybeast
There is an example.js file in the repository with a full tutorial and sample application, but we'll cover the basics here, and list the available functions / parameters
var bb = require('binarybeast');
The module's index.js
returns a class, which must be instantiated, and the constructor accepts 1 argument: your api key
bb = new bb('your_api_key');
You can find your api_key from your user settings at
Another useful page to note is the API History page in your user settings. It lists your recent API requests, with anything posted, and exactly how it responded
When you make a service call, you have the option of providing a callback
function... your callback should accept one arguments, which will be a json decoded response from BinaryBeast
will always be included in the returned object, and you can look at the value to see if your service call was successful. Generally the result codes roughly resemble http status codes
For example... 200
means the call was successful, 403
means you're trying to something you're not allowed to do... 404
means your service name was invalid.. and there are others
In this example.. we'll load a list of tournaments associated with our account, and iterate through them
//We can provide JUST a callback, or an array of arguments and then a callback
//In our example, we're going to use options to make sure that bb doees NOT return any of our tournaments that we marked as private
//also in our example... we only want tournaments with the word 'LAN' in the title
filter: 'LAN',
private: false
}, function(response) {
if(response.result != 200) {
} else for(var x in response.list) {
//console.log(response.list) to see the entire object obviously, there is a lot of information available about each tournament
Examples assume you've called your instantiated main binarybeast class var bb; Let's list of the available functions
as the name signifies... create a new tournament
see result.tourney_id
Available options:
string `title`
string `description`
int `public`
string `game_code` (SC2, BW, QL examples, @see, you can also use our game service wrappers to search (,callback);)
int `type_id` (0 = elimination brackets, 1 = group rounds to elimination brackets, you can use constants for this (bb.BRACKET_CUP for example means round-robin)
int `elimination` (1 = single, 2 = double, again we have constants for this (bb.ELIMINATION_DOUBLE for example)
int `max_teams`
int `team_mode` (id est 1 = 1v1, 2 = 2v2)
int `group_count`
int `teams_from_group`
date `date_start`
string `location`
array `teams` You have the option to automatically add players/teams, just pass an array of player/team names
int `return_data` (0 = TourneyID and URL only, 1 = List of team id's inserted (from teams array),
2 = team id's and full tourney info dump)
Delete a tournament
See bb.tournament.create for a list of options
Change the format of a round within a tournament (best of, map, and date)
param tourney_id
param bracket which bracket the round effects - ie 0 = groups, 1 = winners (there are class constants for these values (ie bb.BRACKET_WINNERS, bb.BRACKET_BRONZE)
param round 0 = first round
param best_of
param map
param date Just a string, no strict format is required
Does the same thing as bb.tournament.roundUpdate, but update for for all reounds within a bracket with a single call
Just compile an array for best_ofs, maps, and dates.. indexed by round
The following says that in the bottom bracket... round 1+2 = BO1, round 3 = BO3, and Round 4 = BO5, Round 1 = Tal'Darim Altar, Round 2 = the shattered temple.. etc
var best_ofs = [1, 1, 3, 5];
var maps = ["Tal'Darim Altar", 'The Shattered Temple', "Xel'Naga Caverns", 'Metalapolis'];
var dates = ['2012-02-11 07:10', 'never', 'nevar!', '5th Sep 2012'];
bb.tournament.roundUpdateBatch(tourney_id, bb.BRACKET_LOSERS, best_ofs, maps, dates);
Start a tournament!
For seeding, you have the following options: bb.SEEDING_RANDOM ('random') - this will result in completely random starting matches
bb.SEEDING_SPORTS ('sports') - this must be used in addition to an array of teams, in order of rank.. it uses a traditional sports seeidng algorithm (in a 32 man.. 1v32, 2v21, 8v9 etc)
bb.SEEDING_BALANCED ('balanced') - BinaryBeast in-house algorithm that tries to keep a more balanced offset between matches (in a 32 man, 1v9, 2v10, 3v11 etc)
bb.SEEDING_MANUAL ('manua') - Your array of teams will directly refer to the order of teams in the brackets
Retrieves a list of matches that currently have 2 players that need to play
Load details obout a tournament
Load round format (BO, Maps, etc)
Examples assume you've called your instantiated main BinaryBeast class var bb
Here's a list of available functions in the team module
Add a player / team to your tournament
Available options:
string country_code
(ISO 3 character codes, you can use to find them too, or check wikipedia)
int status
(0 = unconfirmed, 1 = confirmed, -1 = banned)
string notes Notes on the team - this can also be used possibly to store a team's remote userid for your own website
array players
If the TeamMode is > 1, you can provide an array of players to add
string network_name
If the game you've chosen for the tournament has a network configured (like sc2 = bnet 2, sc2eu = bnet europe), you can provide their in-game name here
Update a team's settings
For a list of available options, please refer to
Confirm a team's status
Please note that while automatically confirms
unless you otherwise specify status:0
The reason tourney_id is optional, is that you can actually pass the string '*' for tourney_team_id, and it will confirm all players in your tournament, but in order for that to work you need to provide the tourney_id
Unconfirm a player's status
Delete a player/team
Set a team's status to -1, banning him - he will not be able to confirm, report, or rejoin
Report a match
tourney_team_id indicates the winner
You do not have to provide a o_tourney_team_id (loser), in fact it is even ignored for brackets stage
Its available as a parameter in order to allow you to report group round matches out of order
Available Options:
string score
The winner's score
string o_score
The loser's score
string replay
A URL to the replay_pack for this match
string map
The first map played (this will change later, as it doesn't currently support reporting a series of games from this service)
string notes
An optional description of the match
boolean force
You can pass in true for this parameter, to force advancing the team even if he has no opponent (it would have thrown an error otherwise)
Retrieve the current opponent of a team
Note: All this method will give you is the tourney_team_id of the opponent, if you need more information, use
Evaluating the returned o_tourney_team_id will tell you what status of the requested team:
o_tourney_team_id = -1
=> The team has already been eliminated (see the returned 'victor' object to see who eliminated him
o_tourney_team_id = 0
=> The team is currently waiting on an opponent
Simply returns information about the requested team
bb.match.saveDetails(tourney_match_id, array
winners, array
scores, array
o_scores, array
maps, callback
Save deatils of a match (individual game scores, maps, etc)
Note: the scores
array should indicate the score of each game for the overall match winner
for example, look at the following array:
var scores = [17, 3, 37, 1009];
This tells us that the player that won the entire match, got a 17 in the first game, a 3 in game 2, 37 in match 3, and so forth
Same goes for o_scores, but it applies to the overall loser of the match
Load details of a match
BinaryBeast keeps track of matches that you've been sent with this service, so you can theoretically
use it to stream match results, if you use in conjuction with say.. an interval (see examples/match_stream.js
List functions in the game.js module
Search through our list of games
This is an important function to note because when creating touranments, you need to know
our game_code
format if you want to specify a game
Returns a list of currently most popular games
List functions defined in the country.js module
For your convenience, we've opened our database of ISO country codes for you to search through
When inserting teams, you can refer to our list of country_code (ISO3) for defining the player / team's flag