Homebrew JSONs compatible with 5etools. An editor will be created eventually.
Getting brew:
- browse for the file you want
- click "Raw" (top-right) and save it as .json
- load into 5etools via the Brew Manager
Getting help:
- Join the 5etools Discord Server and ask in the #homebrew channel.
Creating and Contributing:
- The easiest way to make your own, is to copy one of the existing 'brews as a template and/or parts of the main 5etools classes data.
- Contributions are welcome. For the Git-literate, make a pull request. For everyone else, create an Issue and post a link to your file (PasteBin is fine), and I (or other maintainers, in future) can add it for you.
Useful links:
- https://5etools.com/demo.html (a demo of the renderer and JSON format)
- https://jsonlint.com/ (error-check your JSON)
- https://www.sublimetext.com/ (top-notch text editor)