This document outlines what type of apps, hacks, and tools (for this document known as tools) BetaNYC will promote, feature, and/or host.
- All tools must be not perform illegal activity and must conform to BetaNYC's Anti-Harassment Policy. We suggest tools conform to BetaNYC's Code of Conduct.
- All promoted tools need to have an up-to-date civic.json file.
- All promoted tools need have a GitHub repo with an active issues page. This URL should be featured on the tools' about page. Note: you do not need to share your code, but you do need to use github.
- Projects should have an about page or github readme file that clearly names a project maintainer, the maintainer's email address, and that the project is supported by BetaNYC, with a link to BetaNYC's webpage.
- BetaNYC reserves the right to remove its support of any tool at any time.
- Tools that need Amazon, OpenShift, or Digital Ocean hosting, can apply for hosting by contacting the projects page's maintainers.
- All promoted tools need to have an up-to-date civic.json file.
- All promoted tools need have a GitHub repo with an active issues page. This URL should be featured on the tools' about page. Note: you do not need to share your code, but you do need to use github.
- All hosted projects need to have an about page or github readme file that clearly names a project maintainer, the maintainer's email address, and that the project is supported by BetaNYC, with a link to BetaNYC's webpage.
- Hosted projects should consider having a support forum on and have its data featured on
- BetaNYC reserves the right to remove its support of any tool at any time.
This document was updated on 6 Feb 2015 by Noel Hidalgo