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File metadata and controls

47 lines (38 loc) · 6.26 KB

DCSS Species Definitions

DCSS uses YAML files to define species, these files can be found in source/dat/species.

To create a new species, you put an appropriate YAML file in there, manually add the species enum name to util/species-gen/species-type-header.txt , and compile DCSS. For any custom species behaviour which the YAML file can't express (for example, Octopode's eight ring slots), you'll also need custom C++ code added elsewhere, typically in the form of new (or old) mutations.

Species Definition Format

You can view existing files to get a sense of the format, it's quite straightforward.

Supported Keys

key type required description
enum string Yes Set the species enum. Must match the pattern SP_[A-Z_]+, and be present in util/species-gen/species-type-header.txt .
monster string Yes Species' corresponding monster. Must match the pattern MONS_[A-Z_]+.
name string Yes Species name, like 'Deep Dwarf' or 'Felid'. Required. Must be unique.
short_name string No Two letter species code. Must be unique (excepting special cases like Draconian sub-species). Defaults to the first two letters of the name.
adjective string No Species adjective, like 'Dwarven' or 'Feline'. Defaults to $name.
genus string No Species genus, like 'Dwarf' or 'Cat'. Defaults to $name.
difficulty string Yes Which column the species is located in on the new game species select screen. Can be Simple, Intermediate, Advanced, or false (will not be shown on species select screen).
difficulty_priority int No The priority of the species in the new game species select screen. Higher priorities are displayed first. Defaults to 0.
species_flags array of strings No Set a few species flags. Defaults to none. The available flags are:
  • hairless - Species lacks hair (ensures they don't get hair-raising messages).
  • small_torso - Species' torso is a size smaller than their species size (eg Centaur, Naga). Allows for example large species to use medium armour.
  • elven, orcish, draconian - Marks the species as part of a particular racial family. Has various obscure effects.
aptitudes map Yes The available keys are:
  • xp: (int) xp aptitude for the species. Required.
  • hp: (int) hp aptitude for the species. Required.
  • mp_mod: (int) starting mp modifier for the species. Required.
  • mr: (int) Magic Resistance gained per XL. Required.
  • All other species aptitudes can be specified here. For example: fighting: 1. If not specified, the aptitude defaults to 0. For skills the species cannot train, use false.
can_swim boolean No If true, the monster can move in deep water. Defaults to false.
undead str No Undead type. Controls many things about how the species works, but most notably base resists and hunger. Defaults to US_ALIVE. The available settings are:
  • US_ALIVE - Not undead
  • US_UNDEAD - Ghouls, Mummies
  • US_SEMI_UNDEAD - Vampires
size str No Species size. The available sizes are: tiny, little, small, medium, large, big, giant. Defaults to medium.
str int Yes Starting strength. Note: starting stats are modified by the background player chooses.
int int Yes Starting intelligence.
dex int Yes Starting dexterity.
levelup_stat_frequency int Yes How frequently (in XLs) the species' periodic stat-up occurs. Set to 28 if the species doesn't gain species stat-ups on level gain. Note that all species gain a user-selectable stat every three levels independently of this value, unless hard-coded otherwise.
levelup_stats array of strings or str No Which stats the species' periodic stat-up can randomly select from, every levelup_stat_frequency levels. Defaults (on str default) to [str, dex, int]. Set to [] if the species doesn't gain species stat-ups on level gain.
mutations map {xl: {mut: amt}} No Innate mutations for the species, and the XL it gains them. The map is keyed by XL, then each XL is another map containing the mutation enum name keying the number of levels to change. Look at Deep Dwarf for a good example.
fake_mutations array of maps [{'long': str, 'short': str}, ...] No A list of fake mutations the species starts with. Fake mutations do nothing except show up in the mutations list, and are used to communicate species-specific special behaviour. Each fake mutation has a short and long description, for the % and A screens respectively. Look at Barachi for a good example. Note that for a particular fake mutation, either the long or short description can be omitted (see White Draconian).
recommended_jobs array of strings Sometimes Backgrounds the species is recommended for. Backgrounds must match the pattern JOB_[A-Z_]+. For species with difficulty set to false, this parameter is irrelevant and therefore optional; otherwise it is required.
recommended_weapons array of strings No Weapons, identified by skill, recommended for the species. Entries must match a known weapon skill (SK_LONG_BLADES, etc). Defaults to all weapons except short blades and unarmed combat.
walking_verb string No What "verb" should be used to describe the species' movement style? The "verb" will have "er" or "ing" appended when used. Examples: "Slid" (Naga), "Glid" (Tengu). Defaults to "Walk".
altar_action string No When praying at an altar, print You $altar_action the altar of foo. for the species. Defaults to "kneel at".

Advanced Keys

You probably don't need or want to use these.

key type required description
TAG_MAJOR_VERSION int No Wrap the species in #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION == [...] to deprecate it. See existing deprecated species for examples.
create_enum boolean No Set false if the species has a hardcoded enum in species-type.h. New species should use the default value. Defaults to false.