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File metadata and controls

570 lines (376 loc) · 18 KB

The Terminal

The terminal in Linux is an interface in which you can type and execute text-based commands. It allows for efficient management of the operating system and software, providing a direct way to interact with the system's kernel and services. Unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the terminal provides a lightweight, more controlled, and scriptable way of interacting with the computer.

Accessing the Terminal

Graphical Method: On most Linux desktop environments, you can open the terminal from the applications menu. Look for "Terminal".

Keyboard Shortcut: Many distributions allow you to open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.

File Management Commands

Basic Commands


Prints the path of the current working directory.


Changes the working directory, abbreviation for 'change directory'.

  • cd <folder>: Go into a folder.
  • cd: Go to home directory.
  • cd ..: Go 1 directory up.
  • cd ../..: Go 2 directories up.
  • cd ../../etc: Go 2 directories up and go to the etc folder.
  • cd ~: Go to your home directory.


Creates a folder inside the working directory.

  • mkdir dir1: Create a folder named dir1 in the current directory.
  • mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3: Create multiple folders in the current directory.
  • mkdir ~/Desktop/dir1: Create a folder named dir1 on the existing desktop directory.
  • mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3: Create parented directories, creating intermediate folders if they don't exist.


Lists files in the working directory.

  • ls: List files and folders in the current directory.
  • ls -a: List all files, including hidden ones.
  • ls -l: Detailed list view with file information such as permissions and size.
  • ls -lh: List files in a human-readable format.
  • ls dir1: List the contents of the dir1 directory.


Creates a new empty file.

  • touch output.txt: Creates an empty file named output.txt.

> and >>

Writes output to files:

  • >: Writes the output of a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.
    • pwd > output.txt: Writes the path of the working directory to output.txt.
  • >>: Appends the output of a command to a file.
    • pwd >> output.txt: Appends the path of the working directory to output.txt.

Viewing and Manipulating File Content


Stands for Concatenate. Creates, views, and concatenates files:

  • cat output.txt: Displays the contents of output.txt.
  • cat file1.txt file2.txt > merged.txt: Concatenates two files into merged.txt.


Moves or renames files and directories:

  • mv output.txt dir1/: Moves output.txt to the dir1 directory.
  • mv dir1/* .: Moves everything from dir1 to the current directory.
  • mv oldname.txt newname.txt: Renames a file.


Copies files and directories:

  • cp output.txt output2.txt: Copies output.txt to output2.txt.
  • cp -r dir1 dir2: Recursively copies the dir1 directory to dir2.


markdown Copy code

File Management Commands

Basic Commands


Prints the path of the current working directory: pwd


Changes the working directory:

  • cd: Go to the home directory.
  • cd ..: Go one directory up.
  • cd ../..: Go two directories up.
  • cd ../../etc: Go two directories up and into the etc folder.
  • cd ~: Go to the user's home directory.
  • cd -: Switch back to the previous working directory.


Creates a folder inside the working directory:

  • mkdir dir1: Create a folder named dir1 in the current directory.
  • mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3: Create multiple folders in the current directory.
  • mkdir ~/Desktop/dir1: Create a folder named dir1 on the desktop.
  • mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3: Create parented directories, creating intermediate folders if they don't exist.


Lists files in the working directory:

  • ls: List files and folders in the current directory.
  • ls -a: List all files, including hidden ones.
  • ls -A: List all files, including hidden ones but without the current and parent directories (. and ..)
  • ls -l: Detailed list view with file information such as permissions and size.
  • ls -lh: List files in a human-readable format.
  • ls dir1: List the contents of the dir1 directory.


Creates a new empty file:

  • touch output.txt: Creates an empty file named output.txt.

> and >>

Writes output to files:

  • >: Writes the output of a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.
    • Example: pwd > output.txt: Writes the path of the working directory to output.txt.
  • >>: Appends the output of a command to a file.
    • Example: pwd >> output.txt: Appends the path of the working directory to output.txt.

Viewing and Manipulating File Content


Creates, views, and concatenates files:

  • cat output.txt: Displays the contents of output.txt.
  • cat file1.txt file2.txt > merged.txt: Concatenates two files into merged.txt.


Moves or renames files and directories:

  • mv output.txt dir1/: Moves output.txt to the dir1 directory.
  • mv dir1/* .: Moves everything from dir1 to the current directory.
  • mv oldname.txt newname.txt: Renames a file.


Copies files and directories:

  • cp output.txt output2.txt: Copies output.txt to output2.txt.
  • cp -r dir1 dir2: Recursively copies the dir1 directory to dir2.


Removes files and directories:

  • rm output.txt: Removes output.txt.
  • rm -rf dir1: Recursively removes dir1 and its contents.


Determines the file type of a given file:

  • file image.jpg: Displays the file type of image.jpg.


Displays detailed information about a file or file system:

  • stat filename.txt: Shows file details including inode, size, and permissions.


Creates links between files.

  • ln -s source.txt link.txt: Creates a symbolic link named link.txt pointing to source.txt.
  • ln source.txt link.txt: Creates a hard link named link.txt to source.txt.


Counts lines, words, and characters in a file:

  • wc filename.txt: Displays line, word, and character count for the file.
  • wc -l filename.txt: Displays the line count only.
  • ls -A | wc -l: Displays the file count in the current directory.


Stream editor used for filtering and transforming text:

  • sed 's/old/new/' file.txt: Replaces the first occurrence of "old" with "new" in each line.
  • sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.txt: Replaces all occurrences of "old" with "new" in the file.

Read more about sed here.


A powerful text processing tool:

  • awk '{print $1}' file.txt: Prints the first column of a file.
  • awk '/pattern/ {print $0}' file.txt: Prints lines matching a pattern.

Read more about awk here.


Cuts specific sections from a file:

  • cut -d',' -f2 file.csv: Extracts the second column from a CSV file using , as a delimiter.

Viewing Large Files and Differences


Displays large files one page at a time:

  • less largefile.txt: Opens largefile.txt for paginated viewing.


Displays the first few lines of a file:

  • head -n 5 file.txt: Displays the first five lines of the file.


Displays the last few lines of a file:

  • tail -n 5 file.txt: Displays the last five lines of the file.
  • tail -f logfile.txt: Continuously displays new lines added to a file in real time.


Compares the contents of two files line by line:

  • diff file1.txt file2.txt: Shows the differences line by line.


Sorts the lines in a file:

  • sort file.txt: Alphabetically sorts the file.
  • sort -n file.txt: Sorts the file numerically.
  • sort -r file.txt: Sorts the file in reverse order.
  • sort -k 2 file.txt: Sorts by the second column.

Editing and Compression


Opens and edits files:

  • nano output.txt: Opens output.txt for editing.

Read more about nano here.


Creates, extracts, or manipulates archive files:

  • tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2: Creates an archive containing file1 and file2.
  • tar -xvf archive.tar: Extracts the contents of archive.tar.
  • tar -czvf archive.tar.gz dir/: Creates a compressed archive of the dir directory.

zip and unzip

Compresses and extracts files:

  • zip file1 file2: Compresses file1 and file2 into
  • unzip Extracts the contents of

Organizing and Finding Files


Displays files in a tree structure:

  • tree: Displays the directory structure starting from the current directory.
  • tree -L 1: Displays the directory structure up to a depth of 1.


Searches for files and directories based on various criteria:

  • find . -name "*.py": Finds all .py files in the current directory and subdirectories.
  • find . -iname "*.py": Performs a case-insensitive search for .py files.
  • find /home/user/projects -type d -name build: Finds all directories named build in /home/user/projects.
  • find /home/user -mtime -7: Finds files modified in the last 7 days in /home/user.
  • find /var/log -size +100M: Finds files larger than 100MB in /var/log.
  • find /home/user/images -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} /home/user/backup \;: Finds all .jpg files in /home/user/images and moves them to /home/user/backup.
  • find /path/to/dir -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;: Finds all .tmp files and deletes them.


Stands for “global regular expression print”, a powerful command used for searching text using patterns.

  • apt list | grep firefox: Filters the list of packages for "firefox."
  • grep "word" filename.txt: Searches for a specific word in a file.
  • grep -r "word" /path/to/directory: Recursively searches for a word in all files in a directory.
  • grep -A 3 "pattern" filename.txt: Displays 3 lines after each pattern match.
  • grep -i "pattern" filename.txt: Performs a case-insensitive search.
  • grep -c "pattern" filename.txt: Counts the number of lines matching the pattern.

General Commands


Outputs the username of the current user.


Displays a string or text passed as an argument:

  • echo "Hello World": Displays "Hello World" in the terminal.


Clears the terminal screen, making it blank.


Shows the manual page for commands, providing detailed information about command usage and options.

  • man mkdir: Shows the manual for the mkdir command.


Provides a more detailed guide for commands:

  • info mkdir: Shows detailed information about mkdir.

Displays previously entered commands in the terminal:

  • history: Shows the full command history.
  • history | tail -n 20: Displays the last 20 commands.
  • history -c: Clears the command history.

System Management Commands

User Management


Changes file permissions:

  • chmod 755 file.txt: Grants read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read/execute for others.


Executes a command with superuser privileges:

  • sudo apt install gimp: Installs the GIMP software.


Changes file ownership:

  • chown user file.txt: Assigns ownership of file.txt to user.


Changes the group ownership of a file:

  • chgrp group file.txt: Changes the group of file.txt to group.


Sets default file permissions:

  • umask 022: Ensures new files are created with 644 permissions.


Switches to another user:

  • su user: Switches to the specified user.


Adds a new user:

  • adduser username: Creates a new user account named username.


Deletes a user:

  • deluser username: Removes the user username.


Displays information about logged-in users:

  • who: Lists all users currently logged in.


Shows the login history of users:

  • last: Displays a list of user logins.

Processes Management


An interactive process viewer, offering a detailed overview of system processes and the ability to manage them directly.

  • htop: Opens a visual overview of system processes.


Terminates processes by PID or name:

  • kill 533494: Terminates the process with PID 533494.
  • killall firefox: Terminates all processes named firefox.

ps aux

Displays all running processes:

  • ps aux: Lists all running processes.
  • ps aux | grep firefox: Filters the list of processes for "firefox".

nohup COMMAND &

Executes a command that continues running in the background, immune to hangup signals.

  • nohup python &: Runs in the background, ensuring it continues even if the terminal closes.


Suspends a foreground process, moving it to the background in a stopped state. This allows the terminal to return to the prompt for other tasks while keeping the process's state intact.


Lists active or suspended jobs:

  • bg %1: Resumes job 1 in the background.
  • fg %1: Brings job 1 to the foreground.

System Resource and Information


Displays disk usage for files and directories:

  • du -h /path/to/directory: Displays human-readable sizes.
  • du -sh /path/to/directory: Displays the size of the directory.
  • du -a -h /path/to/directory: Displays sizes of all files and directories.
  • du -h --max-depth=1 /path/to/directory: Limits depth to show directory sizes.


Displays available disk space:

  • df -h: Shows disk space in a human-readable format.
  • df -m: Shows disk space in mega bytes.


Shows memory usage:

  • free -h: Displays memory usage in a human-readable format.


Displays real-time process activity.


Interactive tool to analyze disk usage.

Cleanup files

  • Clean up the APT cache:
    • List disk usage: sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt
    • Clean: sudo apt clean
  • Remove packages you no longer need: sudo apt autoremove
  • Cleanup journal logs:
    • List disk usage: journalctl --disk-usage
    • Remove logs from x-time: sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=7d
  • Clear thumbnail cache:
    • List disk usage: du -sh ~/.cache/thumbnails
    • Clear: rm -rf ~/.cache/thumbnails
  • Clear temporary files:
    • List disk usage: sudo du -sh /tmp
    • Clear: sudo rm -rf /tmp/*

System Health and Uptime


Shows system uptime and load averages:

  • uptime: Displays the current uptime.
  • uptime -s: Shows the last boot time.


Displays system information:

  • uname -a: Displays all system information.

Time and Date Management


Displays or sets the system date and time:

  • date: Shows the current date and time.


Manages system time, date, and time zones:

  • timedatectl: Displays current time settings.

System Control


Safely shuts down or reboots the system.

  • shutdown now (Shuts down the system immediately.)
  • shutdown -r +10 (Reboots the system after a 10-minute delay.)


Reboots the system immediately.


Controls the systemd system and service manager.

  • systemctl status: Shows the status of all active systemd units.
  • systemctl status NetworkManager: Shows the status of the NetworkManager service.
  • systemctl enable <service>: Enables a service to start automatically at boot.
  • systemctl disable <service>: Disables a service from starting at boot.
  • systemctl restart <service>: Restarts a service.


Displays environment variables in the current shell session:

  • env: Lists all environment variables.


Sets environment variables in the current shell session:

  • export VAR=value: Sets the value of VAR.


Unsets environment variables in the current shell session:

  • unset VAR: Removes VAR.


Prints the value of a specific environment variable:

  • printenv PATH: Displays the PATH variable.

Networking Commands


  • ifconfig is considered deprecated and replaced by the ip toolset.
  • netstat is considered deprecated and replaced by the ss toolset.

ip addr

List your IP addresses.


Ping to a device.

  • ping (Pings

ss -tulpn

Displays detailed information about network connections, listening ports, and the programs (processes) using those ports.


Transfers data using various protocols:

  • curl Fetches the content of
  • curl -o output.html Saves the content to output.html.
  • curl -O Saves the file with its original name (
  • curl -T uploadfile.txt Upload a file to a ftp server.
  • curl -u username:password Upload using authenication.
  • curl -X GET Send a HTTP GET.
  • curl -X POST -d "key1=value1" Send a HTTP POST.


Downloads files from the web:

  • wget Downloads
  • wget -O : Downloads
  • -b: Runs the download in the background.
  • --no-check-certificate: Skips SSL certificate validation.
  • --spider: Checks if a file or URL exists without downloading it.
  • --mirror: Mirrors a website, creating a local copy.


Copies files between systems:

  • scp file.txt user@remote:/path: Copies file.txt to a remote system.
  • scp user@remote:/path/to/file.txt ./: Copies file.txt from the remote system to the current directory.
  • scp -r localdir user@remote:/path/to/destination: Recursively copies localdir to the remote system.


Connects to a remote system securely:

  • ssh user@hostname: Logs into hostname as user.
  • ssh -A user@hostname: Logs into hostname as user with ssh agent forwarding.
  • ssh user@hostname "ls -l /path/to/directory": Runs the command on the remote system and displays the output locally.
  • ssh-copy-id user@hostname: Installs your public key on the remote system for passwordless login.