A website to share and discover Youtube channels that translate content from Virtual Youtubers into English. The quality of the translations are rated by the community and categorized into different tiers.
Install a web server, composer and npm
Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/BenjaminBrandtner/TranslatorTierList.git
Change into the backend directory
Copy .env.example to .env
Fill in configuration data into the .env file. Refer to the next section for what data you need.
If you have a Laravel Nova license, copy the source code into nova_src, overwriting the dummy composer.json file. If
not, leave it be, it will run fine without Nova.
Run these commands. Installing the dependencies will take a while.
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fesh --seed
The last command will create the database structure and seed it with a few Translation Channels.
Change into the frontend directory
Copy .env.example to .env
Adjust VITE_TTL_BASE_URL if the backend won't be running on localhost
Run these commands:
npm install
npm run build
Change back into the backend directory
Run php artisan serve
The backend is now running and will serve the frontend files you just built and answer API calls on localhost.
If you want to work on the frontend, open another console in the frontend directory and start the development server
with npm run dev
Fill in the details of your local database server. Alternatively, you can use
a filesystem-driven (SQLite) database.
If you want to work on anything that calls the Youtube API you'll need
to get an API Key for the Youtube Data API. Fill in the
YOUTUBE_API_KEY. When you finished the steps for setting up local development, you can
run php artisan translationChannels:update
to update the channels in the database with the newest info from Youtube.