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This repo provides detailed documentation of work performed by the Data and Visualization team at MTC. Projects are organized into folder, each containing detailed documentation for the steps and procedures implemented in support of each project.

Getting Started

To get started with a spatial analysis or mapping project follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Create a project folder under this folder, providing an appropriate project name using title case formatting separated by a hyphen '-'
  2. Review our how-to guide
  3. Copy and paste markdown text from how-to guide into a new file within your project folder or copy one of the following analysis markdown templates and rename it

Project Table of Contents

Be sure to update the Table of Contents in this when adding projects to the repository. Projects should be in alphabetical order. To update markdown text easily, use this Table Markdown Generator which converts from markdown to an easy-to-use table format. Add a row and description then select generate and replace the markdown code below with updated table.

Project Description
Adhoc Spatial Analysis This directory captures quick one-off projects that do not require detailed documentation.
Active Transportation Plan Standardization and conflation of bike network data collected from various jurisdictions to TM2 Network. Uses Arcpy, Pandas, Geopandas, and SharedStreets libraries.
Air District Language Access Plan Maps Maps in support of the Air District's Language Access Plan that highlight Limited-English Proficient populations through the Bay Area region.
Bay Trail Safe Routes To Transit Analysis to evaluate potential high-frequency transit connections for cyclists commuting on active sections of the Bay Trail.
Bay Trail Wilson Ave Vallejo DACs Analysis of Disadvantaged Communities within a half-mile and one-mile of a new Bay Trail facility in Vallejo.
BusAID Hotspot Analysis Geospatial analysis supporting the Bus Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery (BusAID) program. Provides summaries of tracts served by hotspot transit routes, hotspot transit routes serving PDAs, and demographic summaries based on Equity Priority Community (EPC) demographics by hotspot.
CASA Analysis to identify the geographic impacts of the CASA compact.
COC TPA Thresholds App Documentation for work requested by the CASA Geography Working Group which was formed to identify areas of concern or "sensitive communities" in the 9-County Bay Area.
Equity Priority Communities Analysis and mapping of Equity Priority Communities (EPCs)- the equity analysis framework for Plan Bay Area 2050.
COVID-19 Transit Mapping for Blue Ribbon Task Force Analysis and mapping of Transit Service impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Work will support work of a Blue Ribbon Task Force convened to guide the recovery of the Bay Area Transit System.
Data Requests Ad-hoc mapping or data requests.
Eligible PDAs Transit Rich Documentation for mapping of Eligible PDAs created for the purposes of Santa Clara County Outreach Meetings where Priority Development Areas were discussed.
Highway Express Bus Corridor Trip Mapping Summarize express bus trip by highway and interstate corridors leveraging pre-pandemic (January 2020) transit schedules.
Express Lanes Documentation for mapping of latest BAIFA Bay Area Express Lanes Online Map.
FastTrak Start Pilot Program Limited English Proficiency Population Analysis Using American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, map top Non-English Languages spoken in Low-Income Census Tracts in the I-880 corridor. Additionally, provide tabular data including total tract population, and total low-income population. Provide total population of people that speak English 'Less than Very Well' and the share a given population by languages spoken at home for every tract within the I-880 corridor.
Hazard Overlay Documentation for mapping of geological hazards and development of mapping application allowing users to search for an address to determine whether or not the location is impacted by geological hazards.
North Bay Wildfire Mapping Analysis of areas affected by 2017 North Bay Wildfires.
OBAG 2.0 Project Mapping Documentation for mapping of One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2.0 projects prepared and developed for public dissemination.
Parcels (2019) Documentation related to the creation of San Francisco Bay Region Parcels which are the base unit of analysis for much of the analysis work performed by MTC's Regional Planning Program.
Plan Bay Area 2050 Growth Framework Analysis and mapping of Priority Development Areas, Priority Production Areas, and Priority Conservation Areas. PDAs, PPAs, and PCAs comprise Plan Bay Area 2050's Regional Growth Framework.
Plan Bay Area 2050 Transit Data Analysis and mapping of existing and planned transit stops as well as mapping of transit stops served by routes meeting certain headway criteria.
Regional Goods Movement Documentation for mapping and analysis of bicycle and pedestrian facilities built since 2009 in the Bay Area.
Resource Opportunity Areas (2020) Documentation for the creation of CTCAC HCD Resource Opportunity Areas 2020.
RTIP 2018 Documentation for mapping of 2018 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) projects.
SB35 Affordable Housing Streamlining Analysis to develop a geographic feature overlay which represents geographies within the Bay Area which are excluded from recently passed SB-35 Affordable Housing Streamlining Bill.
SB9 Housing Development; Approvals (Atkins, 2021) Analysis to identify parcels subject to California Senate Bill 9 in the San Francisco Bay Area (Atkins, 2021).
Single Family Neighborhood Analysis Analysis of single-family neighborhoods within Priority Development Areas and Transit Priority Areas.
Small UZA Rural Area Section 5310 Projects Mapping and analysis of small UZA/Rural Area section 5310 projects.
TDS Conflation Documentation for the conflation of Travel Diary Survey trip data using the OpenStreetMap network.
TIP OBAG2 Investment Analysis Analysis of OBAG 2.0 projects within PDAs/TPAs and outside PDAs/TPAs.
TMC overlaps and flipped vertices Documentation of fixes for INRIX data used to support Vital Signs Congestion metrics.
Transit Oriented Communities Documentation of the process for identifying Transit Oriented Community (TOC) Policy eligibility areas and to assess baseline residential and commercial zoning within TOC eligible areas.
Vision Zero Analysis and mapping of SWITRS/TIMS 'high injury' network for the Bay Area.
Map of the Month Documentation and analysis in support of the Executive Director's Map of the Month.
Residential Zoning Capacity Analysis to determine residential housing unit capacity within half-mile of existing rail stations in the Bay Area.