- This project was generated with JAVAFX, playing Connect-4 with "the computer" or "two players."
First home screen :
- The user chooses to play with
ortwo players
- The user chooses to play with
Second Game scene :
The user defines the number of
for the minimax algorithm max level for without pruning 8 and with pruning 10 -
Choose to play with
orwithout pruning
Third Game Scene :
of the computer and the player score are shown -
button -
the game and start with the same initial conditions -
button go back to home
- The
button view the tree of the evaluation of the minimax algorithm where the red arrow indicates the chosen column
With pruning the **X** means the this branche is cut off
our game the player continue playing until the board is full
The cpu is red player
Consider overlapping as points (if there is five piecies beside each othermeans 2 points)
Check every group of 4 in the whole board (horizontally, vertically, in the positive diagonal, int the negative diagonal) and certain combinations of the 4 group has a weight:
4 computer pieces (point) -> 100
3 computer pieces and an empty place (candidate point)-> 20
2 computer pieces and an empty place (candidate point)-> 6
4 opponent pieces (point) -> -150
3 opponent pieces and an empty place (candidate point)-> -60
2 opponent pieces and an empty place (candidate point) -> -6
middle column -> 2 for every piece
2 columns beside middle column left and right of it -> 1 for every piece (as the middle col increase the chance for the cpu to win more points)
Algorithm is defensive
The evaluation called at the
terminal nodes
. When the terminal state is reached, we call theevaluateScore
method from theEvaluation class
. This method evaluates the whole heuristic.