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Deploy Aqua Scanner using manifests


This repository shows the manifest yaml files required to deploy Aqua Scanner on the following Kubernetes platforms:

  • Kubernetes
  • OpenShift
  • Kubernetes engines: EKS, GKE, ICP, AKS, TKG, and TKGI

Before you follow the deployment steps explained below, Aqua strongly recommends you refer to the product documentation, Deploy Aqua Scanner for detailed information.

Specific OpenShift notes

The deployment commands shown below use the kubectl cli, you can also deploy using the oc cli commands, to work on all platforms including OpenShift.


  • Your Aqua credentials: username and password
  • Scanner role permissions to authenticate over the Aqua server
  • Update the following secrets in base64 encoding in the 002_scanner_secrets.yaml file:
  • Update the following data in 003_scanner_configmap.yaml file:
    • AQUA_SERVER (Aqua Server URL or IP followed by the HTTPS port number)

Deployment considerations

Consider the following options for deploying Aqua Scanner:

  • It is recommended to deploy scanners close to your registry to decrease the network latency and improve scanning performance.

  • Mutual Auth / Custom SSL certs:

    • To use a globally trusted public CA: You do not have to modify anything on the scanner side, since the scanner container has all the public CAs pre-installed within

    • To use private CA: Prepare the SSL cert for the domain you choose to configure for the Aqua Server. You should modify the manifest deployment files with the mounts to the SSL secrets files at /etc/ssl/certs

    • To use Aqua generated certs: Populate root CA to the scanner deployment. To get this cert, connect to aqua instance and copy it from /opt/aquasec/cert.pem

    • (Optional) mTLS communication between scanner and the offline CyberCenter: If you deploy additional scanners for the scanning operation, the offline CyberCenter communicates with these scanners. To configure mTLS (mutual TLS) communication between scanner and the offline CyberCenter, refer to the product documentation, Configure mTLS between the Offline CyberCenter and Scanner


You can skip any of the steps if you have already performed.

Step 1. Create a namespace (or an OpenShift project) by name aqua (if not already done).

kubectl create namespace aqua

Step 2. Create a docker-registry secret (if not already done).

kubectl create secret docker-registry aqua-registry \ \
--docker-username=<your-name> \
--docker-password=<your-pword> \
--docker-email=<your-email> \
-n aqua

Step 3. Create a service account (if not already done).

kubectl apply -f

Deploy Scanner using manifests

Step 1. Create secrets manually or download, edit, and apply the secrets.

kubectl apply -f

Step 2. Create Configmap manually or download, edit, and apply the configmap by adding AQUA_SERVER.

kubectl apply -f

Step 2. Deploy Aqua Scanner.

kubectl apply -f

(Optional) External storage for image scans data (PVC)

The scanner doesn't need any persistent storage to work since scanned data is automatically cleared after every scan, but in case you require to use an external volume to host data scans, you can uncomment these sections in the deployment file before running the kubectl commands:

  • PVC object
  • Volume block
  • VolumeMount block

Automate Scanner deployment using Aquactl

Aquactl is the command-line utility to automate the deployment steps mentioned in the section, Deploy Scanner using manifests. Command shown in this section creates (downloads) manifests (yaml) files quickly and prepares them for the Scanner deployment.

Command Syntax

aquactl download scanner [flags]


You should pass the following deployment options through flags, as required.

Aquactl operation

Flag and parameter type Values
-p or --platform, (string) (mandatory flag) Orchestration platform to deploy Aqua Enterprise on. you should pass one of the following as required: kubernetes, aks, eks, gke, icp, openshift, tkg, tkgi
* -v or --version
(string) (mandatory flag) Major version of Aqua Enterprise to deploy. For example: 6.5
-r or --registry (string) Docker registry containing the Aqua Enterprise product images, it defaults to
--pull-policy (string) The Docker image pull policy that should be used in deployment for the Aqua product images, it defaults to IfNotPresent
--service-account (string) Kubernetes service account name, it defaults to aqua-sa
-n, --namespace (string) Kubernetes namespace name, it defaults to aqua
--output-dir (string) Output directory for the manifests (YAML files), it defaults to aqua-deploy, the directory aquactl was launched in

Aqua Scanner configuration

Flag and type Values
--server-url (string) Aqua Server URL (IP, domain, or service name) followed by an HTTPS port. It defaults to aqua-web:443
--username (string) Username of an Aqua user with the Scanner role
--password (string) Password for the username with the Scanner role

After the manifests are created, follow the instructions that appear on the console to perform the actual deployment.

Usage example

aquactl download scanner --platform gke --version 6.5 \
--server-url --output-dir aqua-scan-files