- Scratchpad implementation located at src/mem/ (scratchpad.cc, scratchpad.hh, Sratchpad.py)
- Tcu implementation located at src/mem/tcu/
- Tester CPU located at /src/cpu/testers/tcutest
- Configuration script configs/example/tcutest.py
- Dependencies are listed here.
- The build system is described here.
- For now I simply use this target to build: scons build/ALPHA/gem5.debug
For testing I use this comand:
build/ALPHA/gem5.debug --debug-flags=TcuTest,Tcu,MemoryAccess,XBar configs/example/tcutest.py --num-pes=2 [--atomic]
The test script creates a simple system consisting of num_pes (--num-pes) processing elements. Each PE consists of a CPU, a Scratchpad-Memory, and a TCU. These units are connected via a simple crossbar. All the PEs are also connected via a crossbar.
For now the TCU simply forwards all requests from the CPU to the local Scratchpad. The Tester-CPU simply performs a view read and write accesses directly on the Scratchpad-Memory and indirectly via the TCU.