- The API server is deployed on Heroku at https://covalent-fitness-api.herokuapp.com
- GET /api/workout/:workout_id (Get a workout by workout_id)
- POST /api/workout (Create/Update a workout)
- DELETE /api/workout/:workout_id (Delete a workout by workout_id)
- GET /api/workouts (Get all the workouts)
- GET /api/workouts/:user_id (Get all the workouts by user_id)
- GET /api/move/:move_id (Get a move by move_id)
- POST /api/move (Create/Update a workout)
- DELETE /api/move/:move_id (Delete a move by move_id)
- GET /api/moves (Get all moves)
- GET /api/moves/:workout_id (Get all moves by workout_id)
- GET /api/user/:user_id (Get a user by user_id)
- GET /api/user//username/:username (Get a user by username)
- GET /api/users/ (Get all users)
- POST /api/follow (Create a follow)
- DELETE /api/follow/:user_id/:followee_id (Delete a follow where user_id is currently following followee_id)
- GET /api/follows/:user_id (Get all followed users of the passed in user_id)
- GET /auth/signout (Log out and kill session)
- POST /auth/signin (Sign in)
- POST /auth/signup (Create a new user)