- Removed the unused and deprecated
keyword from the metadata.rb - Updated the README to use 0.a.x instead of each version.
- Fixed another foodcritic issue. This may break actual installation?
- Updated the mirror URL to use github.com/wmkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/releases/downlaod
- Updated the install packages to include x11-dev, zlib1g-dev, libfreetype6-dev (for debian based, need fedora, rhel, centos testing)
- Added Ubuntu 16.04
- Updated Gems
- Updated Berksfile to source to reflect preferred method by Chef
- Updated Travis RVM to 2.4.2
- Updated Rubocop to exclude Vagrantfile and added FrozenStringLiterals
- Update the mirror URL to use downloads.wkhtmltopdf.org instead of gna.org
- Update the mirror URL to use gna.org instead of sourceforge
- Enhancement: #2: Changes to use chef package resource to install wkhtmltopdf
- Enhancement: Adds chef_wkhtmltopdf_cleanup recipe to remove wkhtmltopdf installed by previous chef-wkhtmltopdf cookbook
- Bugfix: Removed extraneous wkhtmltoimage/wkhtmltopdf attributes
- Enhancement: #2: Updated to wkhtmltopdf 0.12.0
- Enhancement: Consolidated _binary recipes into single binary recipe
- Enhancement: Set lib_dir to install wkhtmltox.so
- Enhancement: Move dependency package installation to dependency_packages attribute and default recipe
- Enhancement: Renamed arch attribute to platform (to better handle download URLs)
- Initial release